okcupid PUA

Dating by the Numbers: Why “hacking” OkCupid is a waste of everyone’s time

This data point is an outlier.
This data point is an outlier.

Is there no problem out there that can’t be solved by SCIENCE? Apparently not. Indeed, it has recently come to my attention that one heroic nerdy dude actually used MATH to get a girlfriend. No really, an actual girlfriend. As in, a living human female that he’s seen naked. (We can only presume.)

Wired magazine found the story so astonishing that they devoted an entire 3000 word feature to it.

The piece tells the tale of Chris McKinlay, then a grad student in mathematics at UCLA, who went searching for love on OKCupid, a dating site that uses daters’ answers to various questions, ranging from silly to profound, in order to calculate a “match score” that supposedly measures your compatibility with a potential date. But McKinlay wasn’t getting as many dates as he wanted.

So he decided to “reverse-engineer” OkCupid. As McKinlay — ever the romantic — explains on his own blog, he used his mathematical skillz to analyze the “high-dimensional user metadata in [the] putatively bipartite social graph structure [of] OkCupid,” and adjust his own profile accordingly.

Basically, he crunched a lot of numbers to figure out how the kinds of women he was most interested in — in particular one data “cluster dominated by women in their mid-twenties who looked like indie types, musicians and artists” — tended to answer questions. And then he fiddled with his own answers — and his choice of which questions to answer — so he would score higher match percentages with them. Ta da! Suddenly he had more matches.

He claims not to have answered any questions dishonestly, but as Wired notes “he  let his computer figure out how much importance to assign each question, using a machine-learning algorithm called adaptive boosting to derive the best weightings.”

It doesn’t take a math degree to figure out that fudging your answers so they’re more like those of the women you’re targeting will make it look like you’re more like them. You can pull this same trick in real life by pretending to agree with everything a person says.

But you don’t have to be a psychologist to see that doing this kind of defeats the purpose of OKCupid’s match algorithms in the first place. You’re creating the illusion of chemistry where there may be none. Essentially, you’re cheating, but in a really self-defeating way.

And by focusing so intently on statistically crunchable data, he also ignored a lot of the more intangible “data” that the profiles provide if you actually sit down to read them. The numbers don’t reveal anything about a person’s verbal charm, or their sense of humor. They don’t tell you about the interesting little details of the person’s life.

As Katie Heaney notes in a Buzzfeed piece on McKinlay’s strange quest:

[M]uch of the language used in the story reflects a weird mathematician-pickup artist-hybrid view of women as mere data points … often quite literally: McKinlay refers to identity markers like ethnicity and religious beliefs as “all that crap”; his “survey data” is organized into a “single, solid gob”; unforeseen traits like tattoos and dog ownership are called “latent variables.” By viewing himself as a developer, and the women on OkCupid as subjects to be organized and “mined,” McKinlay places himself in a perceived greater place of power. Women are accessories he’s entitled to. Pickup artists do this too, calling women “targets” and places where they live and hang out “marketplaces.” It’s a spectrum, to be sure, but McKinlay’s worldview and the PUA worldview are two stops along it. Both seem to regard women as abstract prizes for clever wordplay or, as it may be, skilled coding. Neither seems particularly aware of, or concerned with, what happens after simply getting a woman to say yes.

And that’s where McKinlay’s system seems to have fallen down entirely. Though Wired is eager to present his “hacking” as a great success, it took McKinlay more than 90 dates  — 87 of them first dates with no followup — before he found his current girlfriend.

In other words, his wondrous system produced a metric shit-ton of “false matches” and wasted a lot of people’s time, including his own.

And in the end it wasn’t his data crunching that brought his girlfriend to his door; as Wired notes, she found him on OKCupid after doing a “search for 6-foot guys with blue eyes near UCLA.” Happily for him, McKinlay already matched her preferences in these areas. In addition to appreciating his height and eye color and location in physical space, she apparently was also charmed by his cynical approach to OkCupid dating, so maybe they are a match made in heaven, if not in his data crunching techniques.

While McKinlay was going on first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date, people I know have found wonderfully compatible matches — and long-term relationships — through OkCupid without having to date dozens of duds along the way.

How? Partly because OkCupid’s match algorithms led them to some interesting candidates. But mainly because they read profiles carefully and looked for compatibility in the words, not the numbers.

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11 years ago

You know, if these people actually wanted to “succeed” at OkCupid, they’d be better off reading the stuff that OkCupid has compiled for them. Go to and you’ll find plenty of research into peoples profiles, preferences and behaviour. Like, you are more likely to get a response to your first message if it is correctly spelt and punctuated, and shows that you have read the person’s profile and are interested in them as a person. Shocking, eh?

11 years ago

Between age discrepancies, attractiveness, homosexuality, and stuff, at different ages men and women will have different levels of success dating.

“Stuff” meaning “being a dull jackass who thinks he’s smarter than he is.” That will slow you down when dating.

11 years ago

marinaliteyears – seconding all cassandrakitty’s said in her last few comments.

Re: the random caps – it annoys me, too, and yes, there is an add-on in Firefox for html buttons. (Ignore this bit if you don’t use Firefox, obviously.)

Go to the add-ons page on their site and search for “text formatting toolbar”. Once you’ve downloaded it, set it to html. I haven’t been eaten by the blockquote monster once since I started using it. 🙂

11 years ago

Wait, Diogenes The Cynic is back? I thought he left ages ago. I’m so surprised.

Hey, Diogenes, were you the dude who said ‘oral is impossible on a woman who doesn’t trim’?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I picked up the capitalizing WHOLE WORDS thing waaaay back in the days of AOL being an ISP. And still do it when I’m feeling lazy (what, italics requires lots of buttons on the iPad!)

And shit, all this time I’ve been calling you kitteh when it should be kittehs. I’ll retrain my brain to add the s!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hey Diogenes, you see that your beloved manuscript may be *gasp* plants? Just not European ones.

11 years ago

Kitteh or kittehs is fine, Argenti. Kitteh makes more sense when you think about it – kitteh serf.

I like the all cap words thing for emphasis when italics or bold don’t really cut it, and capitalised first letters for particular things (usually snarky), but not random caps that make it look like someone thinks nouns take capitals in English. It just looks like the sort of poor writing skills one sees in MRAs so often.

11 years ago

I’m fine with all caps as long as it’s not overused, it’s when the first letter only is capitalized that it gets annoying because I keep wanting to read it as the beginning of a new sentence, which doesn’t work.

11 years ago

RE: buttboy69

No, I’m just not really interested in having a discussion in this sort of atmosphere.

Then just LEAVE. Nobody is stopping you. The door is a click away! Discussion ended! You have the power, buttboy! I BELIEVE IN YOU.

RE: Diogenes

Between age discrepancies, attractiveness, homosexuality, and stuff, at different ages men and women will have different levels of success dating.

It’s true! *maniacal laughter* Me and my homosexual brethren are taking up all the good men, and soon, the women of the world will have to stop hypergamy and devolve to lesbianism! Mwahahahaha! *thunderstrike*

You’re right, as long as you ignore age cohorts.

…you realize how gross that sounds, right?

RE: CassandraSays

Oh, cool. I was all, why are you suddenly a random green squiggle?

Kittehs stole my icon! *shakes cane at Kittehs*

11 years ago


It’s true! *maniacal laughter* Me and my homosexual brethren are taking up all the good men, and soon, the women of the world will have to stop hypergamy and devolve to lesbianism! Mwahahahaha! *thunderstrike*

It’s how people become gay. Truefacts.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — okay, I just know how annoying it can be to have ones nym shortened in a way one doesn’t like *is still not AA*

11 years ago

RE: Marie

Really? I joined up for the free toaster and dental.

11 years ago


Ooh, toasters, shiny.

(dentists are still evil.)

11 years ago

RE: auggziliary

Kittehs’ old name was “The Kittehs Unpaid Help,” which I guess she decided was too long one day, and ‘unpaid help’ could be easily shortened to ‘serf.’ Ergo: Kittehserf!

RE: Marie

It’s true! The Homosexuality Recruitment Office gives them out by the truckload! I’m saddened that the Lesbian Recruitment Office doesn’t!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Regarding Diogenes’s claim that men HAVE TO date outside their age range…no, they WANT TO. Have a graph —

Up the right side is what percent of people would date someone of that age, organized by gender. The bottom is the age of the person in question. So, as is readily apparently, there isn’t that much of an age gap. And a good bit of it is because of this…

Ages men are willing to date —
Age women are willing to date —

So if men can’t find women their own age, the problem just might be that they aren’t looking! Or, hey, maybe men tend to like slightly younger women and women tend to like slightly older men, so those couples are more common. Has to be some external force though, no way that’s just how personal interests pan out.

11 years ago


It’s true! The Homosexuality Recruitment Office gives them out by the truckload! I’m saddened that the Lesbian Recruitment Office doesn’t!

::cue eternal tears of lesbian sadness::


I am so skeeved out that 18 starts at ‘above average’ desirability for women :/

11 years ago

Ew, the graph for the guys. Not that I didn’t know that a substantial number are actively looking for women young enough to be their daughters, but seeing it in graph form is not a happy-making thing.

11 years ago


11 years ago

It’s true! *maniacal laughter* Me and my homosexual brethren are taking up all the good men, and soon, the women of the world will have to stop hypergamy and devolve to lesbianism! Mwahahahaha! *thunderstrike*

::clings to Mr K:: YOU CAN’T HAVE HIM HE’S MINE!!!!eleventy!

Kittehs stole my icon! *shakes cane at Kittehs*

::shakes cane back::

Hey, we could have a virtual cane battle! That’d be almost as good as medieval foot wrestling. *

Actually mildlymagnificent gets the credit for “kittehserf” – she called me that one day back when I was The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help. I cacked myself laughing at it and yeah, it’s much less unwieldy. 🙂

* was really a thing

11 years ago

random caps that make it look like someone thinks nouns take capitals in English. It just looks like the sort of poor writing skills one sees in MRAs so often.

I worked out why MRAs do it… it was common in 17th and 18th century English, and that’s where they get a lot of their ideas from.

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

Nope, sorry, you have to return your king. I’m collecting dead noncorporeal bi guys, you know.


11 years ago

You’ve already got one, Rogan! Don’t be greedy!

… I could ask if stepson and stepson-in-law want to be in your collection. I warn you though, Mac and Philippe would probably disappear into Wardrobe Land* for a few centuries.

Heheh I’ve been thinking how cool it’d be to have a sword cane. Could make folding it up a bit tricky, though.

I’m seeing us having a cane battle like the fight scene in Up:

I worked out why MRAs do it… it was common in 17th and 18th century English, and that’s where they get a lot of their ideas from.

Ha, these guys are behind the times for then! 😛

*no I am not talking Narnia

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

*laughs* Yes, basically, it would probably go like that.

11 years ago

Count yourself lucky I don’t have dentures!

11 years ago

I have a retainer! That’s close enough.

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