okcupid PUA

Dating by the Numbers: Why “hacking” OkCupid is a waste of everyone’s time

This data point is an outlier.
This data point is an outlier.

Is there no problem out there that can’t be solved by SCIENCE? Apparently not. Indeed, it has recently come to my attention that one heroic nerdy dude actually used MATH to get a girlfriend. No really, an actual girlfriend. As in, a living human female that he’s seen naked. (We can only presume.)

Wired magazine found the story so astonishing that they devoted an entire 3000 word feature to it.

The piece tells the tale of Chris McKinlay, then a grad student in mathematics at UCLA, who went searching for love on OKCupid, a dating site that uses daters’ answers to various questions, ranging from silly to profound, in order to calculate a “match score” that supposedly measures your compatibility with a potential date. But McKinlay wasn’t getting as many dates as he wanted.

So he decided to “reverse-engineer” OkCupid. As McKinlay — ever the romantic — explains on his own blog, he used his mathematical skillz to analyze the “high-dimensional user metadata in [the] putatively bipartite social graph structure [of] OkCupid,” and adjust his own profile accordingly.

Basically, he crunched a lot of numbers to figure out how the kinds of women he was most interested in — in particular one data “cluster dominated by women in their mid-twenties who looked like indie types, musicians and artists” — tended to answer questions. And then he fiddled with his own answers — and his choice of which questions to answer — so he would score higher match percentages with them. Ta da! Suddenly he had more matches.

He claims not to have answered any questions dishonestly, but as Wired notes “he  let his computer figure out how much importance to assign each question, using a machine-learning algorithm called adaptive boosting to derive the best weightings.”

It doesn’t take a math degree to figure out that fudging your answers so they’re more like those of the women you’re targeting will make it look like you’re more like them. You can pull this same trick in real life by pretending to agree with everything a person says.

But you don’t have to be a psychologist to see that doing this kind of defeats the purpose of OKCupid’s match algorithms in the first place. You’re creating the illusion of chemistry where there may be none. Essentially, you’re cheating, but in a really self-defeating way.

And by focusing so intently on statistically crunchable data, he also ignored a lot of the more intangible “data” that the profiles provide if you actually sit down to read them. The numbers don’t reveal anything about a person’s verbal charm, or their sense of humor. They don’t tell you about the interesting little details of the person’s life.

As Katie Heaney notes in a Buzzfeed piece on McKinlay’s strange quest:

[M]uch of the language used in the story reflects a weird mathematician-pickup artist-hybrid view of women as mere data points … often quite literally: McKinlay refers to identity markers like ethnicity and religious beliefs as “all that crap”; his “survey data” is organized into a “single, solid gob”; unforeseen traits like tattoos and dog ownership are called “latent variables.” By viewing himself as a developer, and the women on OkCupid as subjects to be organized and “mined,” McKinlay places himself in a perceived greater place of power. Women are accessories he’s entitled to. Pickup artists do this too, calling women “targets” and places where they live and hang out “marketplaces.” It’s a spectrum, to be sure, but McKinlay’s worldview and the PUA worldview are two stops along it. Both seem to regard women as abstract prizes for clever wordplay or, as it may be, skilled coding. Neither seems particularly aware of, or concerned with, what happens after simply getting a woman to say yes.

And that’s where McKinlay’s system seems to have fallen down entirely. Though Wired is eager to present his “hacking” as a great success, it took McKinlay more than 90 dates  — 87 of them first dates with no followup — before he found his current girlfriend.

In other words, his wondrous system produced a metric shit-ton of “false matches” and wasted a lot of people’s time, including his own.

And in the end it wasn’t his data crunching that brought his girlfriend to his door; as Wired notes, she found him on OKCupid after doing a “search for 6-foot guys with blue eyes near UCLA.” Happily for him, McKinlay already matched her preferences in these areas. In addition to appreciating his height and eye color and location in physical space, she apparently was also charmed by his cynical approach to OkCupid dating, so maybe they are a match made in heaven, if not in his data crunching techniques.

While McKinlay was going on first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date, people I know have found wonderfully compatible matches — and long-term relationships — through OkCupid without having to date dozens of duds along the way.

How? Partly because OkCupid’s match algorithms led them to some interesting candidates. But mainly because they read profiles carefully and looked for compatibility in the words, not the numbers.

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11 years ago

Buttboy should have to own his words in this thread.

11 years ago

Not that surprising that someone would want a comment in which they stated that everyone lies and misrepresents themselves deleted, but I’m really not seeing any good reason why that request should be honored. Not my blog therefore not my call, but I hope he doesn’t get his wish to rewrite history granted.

11 years ago


No, I’m just not really interested in having a discussion in this sort of atmosphere.

You could always, you know, leave.

11 years ago

To be fair to buttboy, And assuming ignorance before malice, I say he is only parroting the general media portrayal of Romance, and Probably does feel legitimately that you guys are being abusive just because he doesn’t conform to the norm here.. I mean, think of how many romcoms seem to encourage ‘white lies’ to outright deception? (because its funny to deceive someone into loving you! -eyerolls-)

Now mind you, thats as far as the fair goes. He *DID* come here to accuse us woman-folk of not trying to understand, after all, and then outright refused to see it from our point of view aside from a token ‘sure sure, But what about other stuff??!!!!1!’
Its probable that he sees himself as between extremes, and doesn’t really ‘get’ How skeezy stuff like this is, and in fact, refuses to understand because he would rather be ‘neutral’.
But again, thats assuming ignorance before Malice, which is what I tend to do.

In fact, on the skeezy ‘hacker’ the article is about, Id say he perceives things the same way.. I mean, its a world of difference between shifting a “Im ok with woman who dated men who owned dogs before” to “I want woman who dated men who owned dogs before” to seem more compatible.. not saying that is what he did, because frankly, I don’t know HOW he changed his profile to try and get compatibility up. and even assuming utterly ‘minor white lies’ angle that people seem to be pushing, it still seems to have done him no good, which implies he was faking whatever changes he made, rather then just shifting the ‘weight’ around to ‘boost’ his compatibilities.

Because I tend to visualize everything in analogous, Another way to put it is that he probably thinks he is like someone who gets a nice suit, or tidies up a room, to try and give a better impression, And that he had to game the system to understand how to even do so, but again, the lack of success for 90 frikking dates implies its more like wearing a t-shirt for something you don’t like, to try and impress people who ARE into it. (and that is assuming he Is ‘benignly’ misunderstanding his actions, And didn’t know from the get go that its just falsifying things. If he DID do that, then obviously, its even worse.)

Even worse, it becomes down right creepy and worrying when he had to break the OKC TOS to skim data points he had no consent to gather, in order to (inefficiently.) try to game the system to benefit himself. There is no way to look at that in any other way, because it means he either purposefully ignored other’s agency and privacy, or he didn’t think of it, and *NEITHER* is ok, at all. In any way, even assuming the best case scenario.

(see? I can be impartial like buttboy likes to think he was.)

so the final verdict on ‘skeezy hacker’ is that at *BEST* he Cares far little for company TOS, little for his potental dates Right to not be spammed, and has ‘mainstream’ misogynistic views of romance.

Real keeper, eh?

Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong.

11 years ago

Ah thats what I get for posting while half awake.
Two corrections off the bat.
1.I’m not condoning, nor excusing buttboy’s behavior.. Just analyzing and thinking about. He is being willfully ignorant after all. (I would however, excuse him if he came around to *Actually* being relatively rational, but thats my personal decision and I dont expect others to do the same as easily, considering how trollish he has been.)

2.Analogies, not analogues.

11 years ago

marinaliteyears, this one has a history of being a misogynistic little creep of the mealy-mouthed variety, and I’m a bit sick of the “but be fair to him!” line being used about troll after troll in this place, especially when it carries a “be nice to him” subtext. We’ve seen what he’s had to say. We’ve seen lots like him before. You know what? Calling him a piece of shit is being fair to him.

11 years ago

Prolonged, deliberate, desperately clung to ignorance really isn’t all that morally superior to malice, imo.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

And should I be surprised that the questioning reporting performed by the *female* Buzzfeed journo got more negative comments than the breathless gush by the *male* Wired journo? The critical comments on the Wired article attack the “method” he used (rightly so). The critical comments on the Buzzfeed article attack the journo. The gender of both journos is clear from their names, and the Buzzfeed also has a photo of the journo. I don’t think I am mis-gendering “Kevin” by relying on his name.

11 years ago

Between age discrepancies, attractiveness, homosexuality, and stuff, at different ages men and women will have different levels of success dating.

I know you’re trying to sound like you’re saying something meaningful, but it still doesn’t get around the fact that for every date a woman goes on with a man, a man went on a date with a woman. So het women and het men as groups have the same success at dating.

11 years ago

Actually, many people argue that Ignorance, (especially the willful kind) to be much *worse* then Malice. So there is that to think about. besides, Like I said, Im not excusing nor condoning what he did. If anything, Im pretty well condemning his ignorance, and thats without knowing his history.. I just failed to make that clear.

@Kittehserf? (question mark because you seem to be lacking your avvi.)
Oh I’m not arguing against that. Nor am I wanting you to be nice to him. I never said ‘be nice’ or ‘be fair’ to him.. I *MYSELF* am just pointing out what *I* feel Is fair, within how *I* am treating him. I have no expectations on how *you* or anyone else treats him. (And besides, even if he is just a dipshit who doesn’t ‘get it’ don’t you think that is still worthy of condemnation? Because I sure do.)

And besides that, even if he is just a stupid fool, that doesn’t excuse him in any way shape or form, like I said. Specifically.

If you think that my Calling him, at best, Ignorant and foolish, (and that I would, *personally* forgive him if he had a change of heart, while having no expectation of *Anyone* else doing the same.) Is me saying to be nice to him, then I think you misunderstand me, and I suppose I misrepresent myself, which is fair enough. That happens sometimes.

11 years ago

Gotta say, I’m getting really tired of the Devil’s Advocate stuff.

11 years ago

Also, words like “ignorance” and “malice” do not need to be capitalized unless they’re at the beginning of a sentence.

11 years ago

eh.. I don’t think im’ playing devil’s advocate here. I’m just saying why they are wrong, even in a best case scenario, not taking their arguments and trying to pretend they are valid.

I mean, point out where Im not insulting buttboy for being either a giant idiot, or for being an even stupider troll, and I’ll gladly correct myself

11 years ago

Every time some douchebag is being a douchebag, and someone comes along doing either the (misunderstood) version of devil’s advocate, or trying to fathom said douchebag’s thinking, it comes across far. too. much. like a “you’re all being so meeeeean” comment. This is a mockery site and I’m really over the whole idea that there’s any need for this sort of stuff. There’s more than enough what about teh menz on the internet, we get enough of it from trolls – like the very one we’re talking about – and it’s very tiresome.

It could also be that I’ve had it up to the eyeballs with seeing the best in people who’ve demonstrated they don’t even see women as human. They’re only going to take advantage of anyone’s good nature, or women’s (in particular) socialisation to be the peacemakers, or, frankly, people’s naivete. I’m not into forgiveness or kindly feelings about them, not until they fucking get whacked with a clue-by-four and change their ways. Until then they can go fuck themselves with a cactus.

11 years ago

There is no way I’m going through that wall of randomly capitalized text that starts with “to be fair to buttboy”, as if nobody else had been doing so, and analyzing it for you.

11 years ago

@ kittehs

What happened to your icon? It’s vanished from your earlier comments too, which is odd.

11 years ago

I was just changing it around, and Gravatar was being stupid. It’s back now! 🙂

11 years ago

Oh, cool. I was all, why are you suddenly a random green squiggle?

11 years ago

I was wondering if the Gravatar aliens were getting all thing about Mr K showing his knees. 😛

11 years ago

I perfectly understand why this became a thing.. Between my stance of being *personally* (I cannot stress that point enough honestly.) forgiving, and insulting by pointing out problems even in best case scenarios vs your being sick of apologia and such, Its probably a liiiiiitle bit too close to to people finding excuses for creeps for your tastes.. I will try to Make myself more clear in the future, ok? I mean, Im still basically doing the same thing as you, Just in a more ‘even if, they are still bad’ sort of way.

If my trying to be more clear in the future still isnt enough, Im sure we can figure something out. I dont want to make anyone uncomfortable, you know? I know I got defensive when you guys started talking about this, but I really do care about how I make you feel. In fact, normally, I work to keep my insults more blunt, specifically to avoid stepping on toes, but Obviously I get a little side tracked in my own particular brand of insults.

11 years ago

Yeah, the capitalization thing is a bad habit of mine, some kind of strange way I try to add emphasis from my younger years on the net. I tend to lapse into doing it when tired or upset. but honestly, Im a bit disappointed. I figured if you would criticize me, you would at least read what I wrote. (namely, that ‘being fair’ to buttboy is basically calling him an idiot.)

Still, thanks for reading what you did, and saying how you feel. Its important to me that you say what you mean, you know? I don’t want people to pull punches because i’m new here.

(also, I already analyzed my own comment, and as I said to serf, I didn’t emphasize my insult well enough, obviously. I mostly meant ‘point out where i’m not insulting buttboy’ as a way of getting across the fact that nothing I said was meant to be flattering or kind to him.)

11 years ago

No, not uncomfortable, as far as I’m concerned. Uncomfortable implies more than this, and a measure of vulnerability, perhaps, to me. I’m just irritated in a “here we go again and I wish people would stop fucking mollycoddling these wankers” way.

11 years ago

No biggie, but shorten my nym to kittehs, not serf, thanks.

11 years ago

I get what you mean by saying the OP dude might not know what a misogynist he is because the kind of misogynist he is is so reinforced and excused by society/media. I can see him being the underdog hero in a remake of Revenge of the Nerds. (Though the story would have to be rewritten so his system actually worked). Hopefully, the feminist feedback he’s getting will help him realise what he’s been doing, though more likely he’ll burrow further into his rationalisations. Buttboy doesn’t have an excuse because he’s been hanging around here long enough to have learnt something if he wanted to.

He even said that what the OP guy did was wrong etc, it just wasn’t a big deal because REASONS.

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