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Sperm Banks: Prelude to male enslavement?

Not a real sperm bank
Not a real sperm bank

So manosphere dudes have a theory of sorts about young women that they frequently boil down to the handy catchphrase “alpha fucks, beta bucks.” The idea is that women — oh, you evil women! — have an insatiable desire to mate with and capture the sperm of hot but unreliable alpha males, and an equally innate tendency to try to con some hard-working beta schlub into paying the bills, with his beta bucks, for the resulting alpha spawn.

There are a few problems with this theory. First of all, this DOESN’T HAPPEN. Ands second,it makes no fucking sense. Why would the invisible hand of evolution want to reward the genes of Alpha men with no interest in caring for their kids and punish the betas who (at least in the manosphere version of the world) actually keep those kids alive?

But I digress. Because one clever Manospherian commenter — recently featured in a post on Rollo Tomassi’s Rational Male blog — has discovered yet more proof of the evil alpha fucks-beta bucks theory in action: Sperm banks.

Let’s let him explain, because I sure can’t:

Let’s look at this abstractly. Man and woman marry, find that she isn’t getting pregnant, determine from medical testing that his swimmers aren’t winning the race. So they pay for another man to impregnate her, although via a medical go-between. The original sperm banks screened donors and pretty much limited them to med students and other college men.

This is “Alpha Sperm, Beta Provisioning”, and nothing less. Putting a tech or a doctor in the middle wearing gloves and a lab coat, and injecting semen with a syringe rather than the usual method doesn’t change that.

Uh, aren’t sperm banks a way for couples who want babies and can’t have babies themselves to have babies? The guy in this scenario has no way to pass on his genes.  That’s not an option. He wants a baby, too.

Sperm banks are therefore a clinical version of AF-BB, and as such clearly serve the Female Imperative in the same manner as a married woman having an affair while she’s ovulating … .

Uh, BUT THE MAN WANTS THE BABY TOO. Men can love children who are not biologically theirs. Families adopt children. They love them too.

[T]he whole idea of a sperm bank is a clear, medicalized, fully legal example of the Female Imperative of AF-BB … today we all accept it because teh wimmenz deserve their own bay-bee if they want one (or more), no matter the cost to anyone else.


“Rollo Tomassi” adds some conspiracy theorizing to the mix:

On virtually any post I’ve made about feminism … one or more commenters invariably post the youtube video about how feminism was conceived to destabilize western society (by the Rockefellers?). …. the fact that sperm banks were an unheard of development prior to the sexual revolution does give me pause to think that they were a need anticipated to better facilitate and perpetuate a future feminine-primary society.

Yes, that’s right. Feminism + Sperm Banks x Rockefellers = MALE ENSLAVEMENT

Indeed, he points out, some of the women who go to sperm banks DON’T EVEN HAVE HUSBANDS.

Almost as if in anticipation for the unfettering of women’s hypergamy, the facility of insuring a woman’s best optimized hypergamy was institutionalized and normalized. This may sound like conjecture (since the socially proposed purpose was to facilitate pregnancy for an infertile man), but the utility of sperm banks quickly shifted to facilitating the pregnancy of women who wouldn’t be married or had no intention of marrying to start a family.

Unmarried women having sperm bank babies. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

This was the first institution, legalized and normalized that laid bare feminism latent purpose – strong independent women® could remove the man from the equation of effecting an optimal hypergamy, while at the same time effecting future legislation and social engineering to enlist men (either publicly or privately) in the provisioning of this new breed of motherhood. And with every guy dutifully jerking off into a petrie dish, they effectually contribute one more element to institutionalized Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks.

And so a dude getting paid to masturbate into a cup — they don’t use petri dishes, dude — becomes yet another brick to the wall of the manosphere’s imagined oppression of men.

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10 years ago

I see. They resent the tax deduction that the women receive for being head of household and having a dependent.

10 years ago


I, for one, welcome our vampire overlords XD

10 years ago

Bodycrimes, you’re dead on.

The original article bugs me, because it takes the tiniest kernal of biological truth, which is: in some species, (like many songbirds, actually) a female will sneak an extra-pair coupling with a secondary male, and then the original male will raise other males babies.

However, it ignores all other situations. For instance, birds aren’t always adulterous. Furthermore, extra-pair matings don’t always go to “alphas”. In chimps, females will sneak extra-pair matings with the ‘betas’ who don’t beat them. So, most offspring (70% ish) are from the nice-guy beta chumps, instead of the alpha ‘I’ll beat you if you misbehave” chimp.

Furthermore, it ignores one major fact: humans are a separate species. Just because one species of preying mantis eats the male alive and headfirst, doesn’t mean all of the other 2300 species do. Most don’t, actually.

So, yeah. Bodycrimes: Have a prize for actually understanding cost-benefit analysis when it comes to the evolutionary race to leave the most copies of your own genes!

Here’s the prize!

10 years ago

kiwi girl, it was…lol. still fighting a bad case of sinusitis, medication got drowsy.

10 years ago

He’s angry that women are doing things that make them happy. Whether it means a woman made a choice on her own or did it with her husband’s consent and support, it doesn’t matter. A woman is happy and by god he is gonna put an end to that sort of thing!

10 years ago

leaptapp, soon! Mwa ha haaa…

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

It’s way more interesting than that, though: “There is really no parallel to this degree of institutionalized sexual selection for men. While there are fertility clinics for couples who may purchase donor eggs, there are no commercial ‘egg banks’, nor are there commercially available volunteer women eager to gestate and birth children to exclusively facilitate men’s biological imperatives. That isn’t to discount surrogate mothers gestating the fetuses of a sponsor couple (another extension of fulfilling the feminine biological imperative), but a man uniquely looking for a donor egg to inseminate and/or a surrogate mother to birth the child for him is all but unheard of.”

BUT literally the second return on my google search (the first being for male gay couples):

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
10 years ago

@justabrowngirl, I hope you get better soon, sinusitis is horrid.

10 years ago

@me and not you, So an MRA has made unresearched assertions which are not supported by the facts. Colour me surprised!

10 years ago

It’s sad that my expectations are so low, but I was surprised to see he referred to women as women and not girls or females (except when he mentioned the Female Imperative which just showed his true colours)

10 years ago

Sure, just like blood banks are a sign of the upcoming human enslavement by our vampire overlords.

Reminds me of back in the 90s, a blood bank (in Denmark? Sweden? can’t remember) needing donations offered free tickets to Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

They had queues out the door, apparently. 🙂

10 years ago

thanks kiwi girl, I’m drinking lots of liquid and resting… medicine seems to be working…just to slowly for my taste.

10 years ago

You’re all wasting your time looking for logic in there. Whoever wrote this is just looking for the thrill of indignation. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense as long as they have SOMETHING to rail against.

steampunked (@steampunked)

Well, and then there’s the fact that DNA-donation by a male is vastly more easily accomplished than DNA-donation by a female due to how eggs in most species function.

I’m going to guess that if we were all seahorses this issue wouldn’t exist.

I would start up a Kickstarter to turn MRAs into seahorses if that would make them happier, or, well, silent.

10 years ago

Can you imagine the rage of the MSRAs* over having to carry the young? 😀

*Male Seahorses’ Rights Advocate

10 years ago

Bahahaha. Sorry, I cannot take this schmuck seriously.

Jimmy, I am glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that. Cannot unhear it now.

10 years ago

kittehserf, I’m having a hilarious mental picture big belly, hormones filled…half seahorse/man, lol.

10 years ago

Still waiting on an MRA issue that doesn’t boil down to “bitches aren’t fucking me and that shouldn’t be allowed”.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
10 years ago

@kitteh, I would prefer the acronym to have the sequence “Male Rights (for) Seahorses Advocate”, because I view them with the same love I hold for MRSA.

10 years ago

Almost as if in anticipation for the unfettering of women’s hypergamy, the facility of insuring a woman’s best optimized hypergamy was institutionalized and normalized. This may sound like conjecture (since the socially proposed purpose was to facilitate pregnancy for an infertile man), but the utility of sperm banks quickly shifted to facilitating the pregnancy of women who wouldn’t be married or had no intention of marrying to start a family.

Wait, wait, wait; isn’t “hypergamy” marrying up? Like, marrying someone higher in socio-economic standing? So, how are sperm banks “insuring a woman’s best optimized hypergamy” when sperm banks facilitate “the pregnancy of women who wouldn’t be married or had no intention of marrying?” I thought the whole reason for hypergamy was to use feminine wiles to trap some rich dude in marriage, spermjack him, then divorce him and sit back while those sweet, sweet child support checks start rolling in. How are spermbanks facilitating that?

10 years ago

kittehserf, I’m having a hilarious mental picture big belly, hormones filled…half seahorse/man, lol.

More like this than like this, I hope!

10 years ago

Or is there some type of “alpha male detector scanner” thing that activates when a man walks through the doors.

No, they just put the cup through the Alpha Man Spermatic 7000, which will detect the level of alphaness the sperm has. If it doesn’t have any, the conveyer dumps it into the bio-waste container. That way, donors can be spared the indignity of finding out that they’re actually betas if they didn’t already know.

I always internally hear that “alpha f*cks beta bucks” stupidass quote in Daffy Duck’s voice.

I didn’t before, but NOW I do!

10 years ago

Kiwi girl, LOL! Good idea.

10 years ago

Oooh, is there a portable Alpha Man Spermatic 7000 available? It would make things so much easier for women who can’t quite tell if a man’s a real alpha or just a beta doing a good impersonation. The Sperm does not lie!

10 years ago

For ultimate bar humiliation, women will now hand a man who’s talking to them a cup and instruct them to go provide a sample, then publicly run it through the Spermatic before giving them an answer. We’re totally going to do this, for real, because women are evil.