awesome hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny YouTube

So-called Men Going Their Own Way need to really GO. This video shows them how.

So I get periodic visits here from hostile and uninformed visitors demanding to know just what I have against those Men’s Rights activist-adjacent fellows who have declared themselves to be Men Going Their Own Way. Surely, they sniff, I can’t be really opposed to men living the lives they choose to live, independent of women? Don’t feminists encourage women to be similarly independent? You go, girls, and all that?

As a fellow calling himself Praetorian wrote:

Why are women so bitter towards men going their own way, without them

“John,” meanwhile, thought he detected some hypocrisy:

So, if a woman says she does not need a man in her life, she is seen as a strong independent woman. If a man says he does not need a woman in his life, he is seen as someone who has a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of women.

How convenient and how logical…………….

Happpily, the commenters here always put these misguided souls straight: we don’t object , in principle, to men “going their own way,” if that’s what they want to do.

But in practice, the men who classify themselves as Men Going Their Own Way don’t go anywhere; they stick around and stink the place up with their raging misogyny.

If you go to MGTOWforums or any other popular MGTOW hangout, you’ll discover that the regulars there don’t spend much time talking about the fabulous lives they’re leading on their own — the things they’re learning, the hobbies they’re pursuing, the experiences they’re having.

Nope. They spend virtually all their time and energy taking about women, and how awful they are. The typical MGTOWer spends more time thinking about women on any given day than the president of Planned Parenthood does. And what they think about women is awful. Just go through my MGTOW posts here for example after example.

You want to see some men who are really going their own way? Watch the video at the top of this post. These are guys enjoying themselves and not giving a shit what anyone thinks. They are AWESOME.

That’s what Men Going Their Own Way should look like. And I’m not even joking.

NOTE: I think I’ve posted this video before. I don’t care. Some people might not have seen it. EVERYONE MUST SEE IT.

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11 years ago

I guess someone who likes to argue with himself will never be lonely. If that means he eventually stops talking to other people then hey, bonus for the rest of us.

11 years ago

There’s a manboobz group? I think I shall join 🙂

11 years ago


Yay! (the hivemind has expanded!!!) Do you need a link?

11 years ago


11 years ago
11 years ago

Ugh really? I didn’t know that about Bly. So there’s been no men’s movement that doesn’t make women out to be the villain? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

On the surface, the Iron John thing didn’t seem harmful. I mean, I knew some pagan/Wiccan men who would have an all men camping retreat where yeah, they’d go off in the woods to commune with what they saw as the masculine part of nature. I know some of them read Iron John too. But from what I understood at the time, they didn’t rage against women.

11 years ago

Muhahahaha! The hivemind shall expand indeed.

Old Reader
Old Reader
11 years ago

Reading here again after a long time. Ran across this comment on your blog about the “man going his own way” who calls his blog Omega Virgin Revolt/The Black Pill….

King Kong | June 4, 2013 at 4:10 pm

NOTE: Omega Virgin Revolt does not in any way reflect the views of the manoshpere or the dark enlightenment. He is an embarrassment and should be treated as such. He is a liberal, an egalitarian of the schizophernic variety. It pains me that you give a voice to this troll, putting him in the blog roll alongside great voices of the dark enlightenment.


What the hell is “the dark enlightenment”?!

Has Futrelle done a take down of it?

11 years ago

Muahaha, xen is unable to resist the power of our DA group!

11 years ago


Thank Ceiling Cat for men who can make daggy knitwear look sexy.

I should have known when you said that you’d link to mr K XD

I am nothing if not predictable! 😀

What the hell is “the dark enlightenment”?!

Idiots with their heads up their arses, at a guess.

11 years ago

Huh…that song is in Spanish. Wonder where they’re from. Also the song is awesome.

11 years ago

What the hell is “the dark enlightenment”?!

Idiots with their heads up their arses, at a guess.

Pretty much. This FAQ sheet gives it a bit more credit than it deserves, in my opinion, but it does at least give a flavour of what it’s about: an ‘anti-democratic, racially charged, anti-modern, authoritarian political movement’ that nevertheless somehow claims to be ‘anti-fascist’.

11 years ago

If you go to Firefox’s addon manager and go to the formatting toolbar options, you can turn on the “Use systematic HTML” checkbox. This will make it so the strikethrough button works here.

Like so

11 years ago

Ugh I need a shower after reading that article. So pretty much the Dark Enlightenment is people awakening to the idea that they don’t like “political correctness”, that racial inequality is explained by “well DNA and such”, and that humanism is like, totally a bummer. That ain’t new, ya losers! And nice MTG cards, definitely doesn’t make you look drunk on your own ego at all. My single quibble with the article writer is that he calls the members of this movement “smart” — they’re the same old type of people who think intelligence is solely made up of using weirdly stiff formal language online, bragging about their STEM field job, and declaring themselves Rational and Logical when they couldn’t logic their way out of a paper bag. If they were smart, they wouldn’t actually believe any of that garbage.

11 years ago

So in other words, MGTOW behave like feminists.

11 years ago

MGTOWs try to dismantle the social gender roles that harm all genders and advocate for rape victims, abuse victims, and oppressed groups? Cool! They sound like great people.

11 years ago

From the Mencius Moldbug card:

True reaction is long extinct in the wild, but it lives in Carlyle–whose writings are now and forever available, although they may be illegal in most states and the EU.

Thomas Carlyle? Ooh no, how many international statues and state laws have I violated by running around with a copy of one of his e-books on my hard drive for the last decade?

I always worry so much when people describe any writer such terms as above, but it makes a lot of sense that someone who is into Carlyle would talk that way.

11 years ago

Shayla: My “favorite” is when they say things like “HBD, broadly conceived, is simply a fact.”

Human genetic diversity is a fact. That fact has to then jump through several flaming hoops of wrong (racial differences are larger than intergroup differences, culture/developmental plasticity is insignificant compared to genetics, one race is therefore superior, and so political equality is terrible) to get to the conclusion they want people to accept as “simply a fact”.

It reminds me of Biblical literalists who declare the word of the bible true and off limits to further inquiry.

11 years ago

@leftwingfox, Yeah exactly, they’re going with “Z is true because A is true,” asking everyone to just accept B through Y are all true and a logical progression too. It’s like when some people huff in frustration, “why can’t you just accept men and women are different!” when what they’re actually wanting you to accept is that the differences are significant, we should base strict roles and prejudices off them, and that women “just happen” to be worse in most aspects.

11 years ago

My single quibble with the article writer is that he calls the members of this movement “smart” — they’re the same old type of people who think intelligence is solely made up of using weirdly stiff formal language online, bragging about their STEM field job, and declaring themselves Rational and Logical when they couldn’t logic their way out of a paper bag. If they were smart, they wouldn’t actually believe any of that garbage.

Yeah, that was what I saw as the main problem with it, too. Generally, I think the writer takes DEers more seriously than they deserve (although – are the MtG cards supposed to be cheerleading for the DE or satirising it? One of them draws attention to the incoherence of the term ‘anarchofacist’, for example). I mean, it treats it as this sinister, lurking menace when, as far as I can tell, it doesn’t really exist much beyond the grubbier corners of the internet. Even the MRM can chase up a handful of ‘activists’ for meatspace demonstrations. Sometimes.

Also, I don’t think that the word ‘pretentious’ is featured in the article even once, and if I had to describe the DE in one word, that’d be it. I didn’t notice before, but that diagram in the article identifies some of the more preening, self-regarding members of the Manosphere (Roosh, Roissy, Fidelwhatsisface) as being DE-aligned. Figures.

11 years ago

For some reason, Dark Enlightenment makes me think of pseudointellectual Juggalos.

11 years ago

Oh god, those Dark Enlightenment guys … they’re like malevolent spirits in some morality play, pointing at the US’s foundational sin and going, not remember! but yes please could we have some more.


11 years ago

For some reason, Dark Enlightenment makes me think of pseudointellectual Juggalos.

Basic human decency, how does it work

11 years ago

” So pretty much the Dark Enlightenment is people awakening to the idea that they don’t like “political correctness”, that racial inequality is explained by “well DNA and such”, and that humanism is like, totally a bummer. ”

So, they’re exactly like garden variety douchebags.

11 years ago

I think mgtow is all a bunch of hype. I think the so called “mgtow movement” is an internet fad. The mgtow thing may just a handful of guys on the internet wishing they could be free of women. Smaller yet would be men who actually do go their own way. It is absolutely ridiculous and vile the amount f misogyny on some of these websites. So what some of these guys might of been hurt by woman in a relationship. I mean who hasn’t been hurt or rejected (male or female) at some point in their lives? The main thing is you learn to forgive and heal and if you need some therapy that’s all the more better. I agree with the several of the commenters here, if most of these guys were going their own way, they would not be spending time commenting hate for women on the internet.

@Ladiezombie who longs for the days when men were in the woods banging their drums, I just saw this the other day. It is a documentary where a filmmaker (a woman) was allowed to film a mens group. It may interest you.

@ manboobz I have been a lurker here for a while and felt like commenting on this silly mgtow fad. I request a welcome packet .lol You guys rock.