awesome hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny YouTube

So-called Men Going Their Own Way need to really GO. This video shows them how.

So I get periodic visits here from hostile and uninformed visitors demanding to know just what I have against those Men’s Rights activist-adjacent fellows who have declared themselves to be Men Going Their Own Way. Surely, they sniff, I canโ€™t be really opposed to men living the lives they choose to live, independent of women? Don’t feminists encourage women to be similarly independent? You go, girls, and all that?

As a fellow calling himself Praetorian wrote:

Why are women so bitter towards men going their own way, without them

“John,” meanwhile, thought he detected some hypocrisy:

So, if a woman says she does not need a man in her life, she is seen as a strong independent woman. If a man says he does not need a woman in his life, he is seen as someone who has a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of women.

How convenient and how logicalโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Happpily, the commenters here always put these misguided souls straight: we donโ€™t object , in principle, to men โ€œgoing their own way,โ€ if thatโ€™s what they want to do.

But in practice, the men who classify themselves as Men Going Their Own Way donโ€™t go anywhere; they stick around and stink the place up with their raging misogyny.

If you go to MGTOWforums or any other popular MGTOW hangout, youโ€™ll discover that the regulars there donโ€™t spend much time talking about the fabulous lives theyโ€™re leading on their own — the things theyโ€™re learning, the hobbies theyโ€™re pursuing, the experiences theyโ€™re having.

Nope. They spend virtually all their time and energy taking about women, and how awful they are. The typical MGTOWer spends more time thinking about women on any given day than the president of Planned Parenthood does. And what they think about women is awful. Just go through my MGTOW posts here for example after example.

You want to see some men who are really going their own way? Watch the video at the top of this post. These are guys enjoying themselves and not giving a shit what anyone thinks. They are AWESOME.

Thatโ€™s what Men Going Their Own Way should look like. And I’m not even joking.

NOTE: I think Iโ€™ve posted this video before. I donโ€™t care. Some people might not have seen it. EVERYONE MUST SEE IT.

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11 years ago

It’s an online version of the “Men’s Couch” in Berke Breathed’s “Outland”

Caroline Not-So-Sweet
Caroline Not-So-Sweet
11 years ago

David, you really hit the nail on the head with that post. Suffice it to say that I knew a couple of men in my own family who were authentic MGTOW and they were nothing like the men in the manosphere. They were kind, decent men who loved their families, friends (both male and female), football, baseball, had hobbies (old books, trains, fishing), traveled all over the country and lived well into their 80’s. They didn’t waste time hating and blaming their problems on others. They just decided when they were young that they didn’t want to marry or have kids and that was it. Just like some women.

11 years ago

markb, haha! Priceless.

11 years ago

Not gonna lie, I REALLY don’t look forward to trying to rejoin the “respectable” workforce. I can’t get away with just hiding my mental illness anymore, and between that and coming off as queer and having contradictory legal/apparent gender information… yeah, it’s going to be rough.

So far, I’m trying not to think too hard about that, just hammer out writeathons and art and odd jobs, but ugh, it’s going to hurt when I eventually have to give that up and be a normal human again.

11 years ago

shayla, It goes on all the time, it just in a very subtle way…not at all in the open, these people logic is ass backwards. Some will prefer to hire an ex con un skilled, than a qualify minority, base only on stereotype and skin color.

11 years ago

@justabrowngirl, Exactly… it’s so messed up. I hate that there are people who have put in the learning and the hard work but will be unfairly pushed away, and then blamed for it.

@LBT, It’s so not fair that anyone should have to understand job seeking as being stacked against them from the start, it’s already an intimidating enough experience… I don’t know where your skills and interests lie, but with freelance type internet work getting more plentiful, it’s possible you may never have to go back to the regular workforce at all. I hope I’m not coming across dismissive of your worries, just offering a silver lining.

11 years ago

RE: shayla

Honestly, I’m kind of hoping I CAN pull that off, but I’m trying to be pragmatic. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry wants to be a self-employed artist, but that doesn’t necessarily make it so. I don’t have formal training, don’t have a mentor, and am just pretty much throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

I hope I can pull this off, just because it’s one of the few things I CAN do anymore with my sickly brain, but… well. I’m also trying to be gentle with myself and tell myself that it’s okay if I end up on disability for… well. Ever.

11 years ago

Ooh, art, cool! Nothing wrong at all with pragmatism, having that means you’ll be able to progress further than someone who won’t bear to look at their flaws and improve… like you say a permanent career of it is not a guarantee but it’s definitely possible, so please keep that hope.

11 years ago

As it is, I think of MGTOWs as pretty much human dementors: they are so miserable that they try to suck the life out of everyone around them.

Or in Discworld terms, theyโ€™re like the Auditors of the Universe โ€“ wanting to wipe out any sign of life or individuality and reduce everything to tidily orbiting rocks. The moment they develop any personality, they cease to exist.

(Idiot wordpress, logging in my other account … )

11 years ago

I think of MGTOWs as pretty much human dementors: they are so miserable that they try to suck the life out of everyone around them.

And fortunately, they fail miserably. Look at Mikey…all he ended up doing here was providing some inadvertent hilarity.

Also, krumping Turkish dudes for the win. Especially the grandpa in the sideways hat.

11 years ago

I’m envious of those guys’ energy! I couldn’t keep dancing that long (we won’t even go into the breakdancing bit). ๐Ÿ˜€

11 years ago

I remembered an entry from last year about how MGTOWs absolutely do NOT care about women.

11 years ago

…Actually maybe “care” is the wrong word.

11 years ago

They sure don’t care in the sense of having someone’s welfare in mind, but they do in the sense of taking an interest in.

… Though in their case that’d be stretching the definition to include “obsessively hating”.

11 years ago

Kittehserf, what in my word did I said in my comment up there, lol. I meant to say wrap my head around their mentality… I know some of you notice it. I blame my word diarrhea on my droggy state from my sinus medicine (that my story and I’m sticking to it).

Ruby Dynamite (@rubydynamite)

A man who genuinely went his own way: Henry David Thoreau.

The MGTOWers: Whiny babies who threaten to ‘deprive’ us of their talents (solid gold semen, mammoth hunting, etc.), but never actually do it, because they still want pussy.

11 years ago

Ruby Dynamite (@rubydynamite) solid gold semen…are we talking about Austin Powers (Goldmember) lol.

11 years ago

LOL the gold semen’s from a post David had a while back about some dropkick calling himself LaidNYC – he was ranting on about how his seed is liquid gold. Or liquid fucking gold, I’m not sure.

Best bit was that the guy who does the sarumanangry videos did a reading of it. That garbage in Christopher Lee’s voice really is liquid gold! ๐Ÿ˜€

11 years ago


11 years ago

I long for the days when the Menโ€™s Movement was about men going out in the woods, drumming and chanting, and running around naked.

This is almost exactly the comment I was going to make. I’ll take those drumming, feelings-exploring “Iron Johns” over the current MRM any day.

11 years ago

Men’s Movement or no, a chap running around nekkid in the woods works for me anyways. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

4 year old Boy: I hate you mommy! I am running away from home!

Mother: Okay, Timmy. Here, let me help you pack your toys.

4 year old Boy: Bwaaahhhhh….Mommy doesn’t love me anymore…bwahhhhhh!

Sound familiar to anyone?

11 years ago

Robert Bly? Uh, nyet. I think he’s the founding father of a lot of this nonsense, to be quite frank.

Plus, the image of HIM running around naked in the woods banging on a drum is not one I want to go to sleep on.

11 years ago

I’m glad to say I don’t know what Bly looks like. I think I’ll stick to the image I have of man-in-woods-sans-clothes-and-sans-drums. (Never been a fan of drums.)

11 years ago

Yeah, Bly’s an asshole. IIRC, his whole thesis was that men are “soft” because evil single mothers, encouraged by feminism, have destroyed their son’s self-esteem with their man-hating. And men have to find the “wild man” or whatever within their psyches in order to break free of all that woman-caused destruction.

If it were jut men drumming in the woods, bonding and having fun, it would be cool. But Bly’s definitely misogynist.