awesome hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny YouTube

So-called Men Going Their Own Way need to really GO. This video shows them how.

So I get periodic visits here from hostile and uninformed visitors demanding to know just what I have against those Men’s Rights activist-adjacent fellows who have declared themselves to be Men Going Their Own Way. Surely, they sniff, I can’t be really opposed to men living the lives they choose to live, independent of women? Don’t feminists encourage women to be similarly independent? You go, girls, and all that?

As a fellow calling himself Praetorian wrote:

Why are women so bitter towards men going their own way, without them

“John,” meanwhile, thought he detected some hypocrisy:

So, if a woman says she does not need a man in her life, she is seen as a strong independent woman. If a man says he does not need a woman in his life, he is seen as someone who has a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of women.

How convenient and how logical…………….

Happpily, the commenters here always put these misguided souls straight: we don’t object , in principle, to men “going their own way,” if that’s what they want to do.

But in practice, the men who classify themselves as Men Going Their Own Way don’t go anywhere; they stick around and stink the place up with their raging misogyny.

If you go to MGTOWforums or any other popular MGTOW hangout, you’ll discover that the regulars there don’t spend much time talking about the fabulous lives they’re leading on their own — the things they’re learning, the hobbies they’re pursuing, the experiences they’re having.

Nope. They spend virtually all their time and energy taking about women, and how awful they are. The typical MGTOWer spends more time thinking about women on any given day than the president of Planned Parenthood does. And what they think about women is awful. Just go through my MGTOW posts here for example after example.

You want to see some men who are really going their own way? Watch the video at the top of this post. These are guys enjoying themselves and not giving a shit what anyone thinks. They are AWESOME.

That’s what Men Going Their Own Way should look like. And I’m not even joking.

NOTE: I think I’ve posted this video before. I don’t care. Some people might not have seen it. EVERYONE MUST SEE IT.

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11 years ago


11 years ago

Right, bedtime for me. Niters, all!

11 years ago

At this point it’s not just the “let’s offend other commenters!” part that’s annoying me, it’s the lack of basic common sense. It’s like walking up to a moderate and going WHY AREN’T YOU MORE FUNDAMENTALIST, YOUR BOOK TELLS YOU TO BE NASTIER TO WOMEN AND GAY PEOPLE, DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU NEED TO BE LESS TOLERANT? I mean, have people just not thought this through or what?

11 years ago

have people just not thought

That’s usually the problem.

11 years ago

Sorry if I sound pissy btw, I’m just getting frustrated because this is one of those topics that seems to come up over and over again. It’s like having to have the “no, Dworkin didn’t actually say all het sex was rape” conversation for the billionth time.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

Congratulations on missing the whole point. People can and do choose what they find acceptable in their beliefs and practices. Who are you to say what’s best for someone else’s faith? You’re this close to telling manboobzers what their faith should be (or that they shouldn’t have any). This isn’t an atheist board, you know. There’s all sorts of beliefs here and about all that’s not welcome is asshattery.

And I also have the right to point out the obvious, that most of the major religions are filled with misogyny as a core part of their philosophy and that to try to ignore this in them is equivalent to construct an entirely new faith.
I mentioned atheism not to tell people that this is best for them, but to point out that atheism as an idea does not content misogyny, while religious texts… they do and lots of it.

All religions that have gone, unknown to modern times…

Are relevant mostly for historians and for everybody who is curious about the past, but if they are out of practice they do not influence our current lives.

11 years ago

Sorry if I sound pissy btw, I’m just getting frustrated because this is one of those topics that seems to come up over and over again.

I know.
Have a puppy in a beret.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

I am so done with this damn topic, but will point out one thing. I am an atheist, but I’m not stupid enough to think that the majority of the world is going to go down that path any time soon. Given that the demise of religion doesn’t seem to be imminent, the fact that lots of religious people are taking a cafeteria, pick-your-own-options approach to the texts is a GOOD thing. Do we really want them taking a literalist approach and following all the most misogynistic parts of those books to the letter? If not, what purpose does it serve to harangue them about how they have to do that?

Or maybe people should actually read those religious texts in full so they will see what this whole thing is about. And then decide if this is for them or not. This selective reading and sugarcoating doesn’t make the bad parts go away from the books, they are still there.

steampunked (@steampunked)

I wasn’t a part of any of the last blowups, but I have seen a sort of regular response to moderates and left wingers of all religious stripes from people who have been harmed, or hurt – it’s damn hard to launch yourself at a fundamentalist (after all, they just don’t care), but these are soft targets.

After all, someone moderate in any religious or political belief system has already said they’re open to other people’s points of view, so you can really _get_ to them. You can hold them accountable for the worst excesses of their group – that they may well campaign actively against.

It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Except, you know, in the case of saying ‘QUIT!’ to religious people going ‘I agree this thing XYZ is problematic’ it’s useful how? It’s hardly targeting the actual problem.

In any case, a tiny list of prominent female philosophers (I could spam many more):

Diotima of Mantinea
Hypatia of Alexandria
Simone de Beauvoir
Elizabeth Anscombe (linked with Wittgenstein)
Mary Wollstonecraft
Dame Mary Warnock

And yes, Ayn Rand.

Philosophers are not necessarily great people.

I could give a vastly longer and much more creative list of female artists through the ages, though!(*)

(*) Also not necessarily great people, but generally everyone, male or female, is easier to get on with than Caravaggio.

11 years ago

As fascinating as your assumptions about what other people haven’t done and your demands as to what they should do are, Diana, I believe that I already told you that I’m done with this topic.

11 years ago

@ neuroticbeagle

(Bows to your image-searching skills)

Will show that to Mr C when he wakes up, since he’s a corgi fan.

11 years ago

Glad the people he’s contracting with are taking it seriously, though. Let’s just hope the police do (not that I’m holding my breath).

I don’t think the police will do anything because my bf isn’t pressing charges, but they got her statement where she admitted what she did. Telstra (the contracting comp) have a zero tolerance policy for this sort of thing and they’ll never send a tech inside her house again.

11 years ago

Also, are you sure that’s a corgi? It reminds me of another breed but I can’t put my finger on which… Maybe it’s just the hat throwing me off – making it look more french than welsh.

11 years ago

Hmm, is there another breed that looks a lot like a corgi? It’s the shape of the face plus the fur type that makes me think corgi.

11 years ago

Actually, looking again, could also be a really stocky Shiba.

steampunked (@steampunked)

(Grumpy old person) Also Ayn Rand is NOT the foremost female philosopher – to claim that would be like claiming Donatello was the foremost historical artist:

Hypatia is still the foremost female philosopher, in the same way we still discuss Plato and Aristotle. She headed the school of Platonic thought at Alexandria, and taught mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy. Some people theorize that her murder marked the end of the Classical period of antiquity, she was so important – not, for example, the death of the (now) better known Socrates.

She was so famous that people traveled vast distances to attend her courses, and was noted for her clarity of thought and argument, and her excellence as well in mathematics and astronomical sciences. She appeared to be commonly called before magistrates to offer her views on various articles of law.

Her murder caused a massive political uproar and the gradual death of the intellectuals of Alexandria.

I mean, pth.

What’s an entire block of history passing compared to the death of Ayn Rand, I guess…

But every twit can say ‘Socrates’.

11 years ago

Good call Cassandra, I was thinking of a shiba – it’s the shading from red to cream on the face that made me think it was that. But yeah, it would have to be a stocky one.

11 years ago

(Also grumpy old person) Not really on topic, but Sappho’s one of the most important writers of “Western Civilization” despite not being male. The fact that Sappho is most known for Lesbos and lesbians, rather than for being known for being one of the originators of lyric poetry bugs the shit out of me.
All mentions of Ancient Greece induces a Sappho shout out from me, it’s beyond my control.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — I am also SO FUCKING SICK of this discussion.

Diana Adams — look, we get it, the bible is laced with misogyny, that doesn’t mean anyone who’s some stripe of Christian accepts or actively promotes misogyny. And being about the eleventh billion person to try telling us it does makes us cranky.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Also, Hypatia! More than a philosopher, she should be regarded as some sort of hero, saving the books…

I’m gonna go mourn the library at Alexandria now.

11 years ago

Reading the thread I thought I’d suggest that Booberz who want a place to talk about progressive atheism check out Free Thought Blogs. They’ve got all of the atheism without the misogyny. I also recommend the Citizen Radio. podcast. Skepchick is great too. They’ve got a new parenting section that I really like.

11 years ago

That sand is awesome. It makes me want a microscope.

11 years ago

Respectfully, Diana, a large chunk of my life has been devoted to reading and debating over the relevant texts to my religion as well as others. I choose to reject many attitudes found in the writing of fellow believers who came before me as poisoned by social biases (and many at present day too). This is neither selective reading nor sugarcoating. Although he’s a Christian who wrote books too, I’m not forced to agree with Joel Osteen either! I refuse to accept that belief in a creator means I need to hate women, or that misogyny is somehow the more legitimate way to be religious, and I question why a performance of faith that seeks not to force itself on others and seeks no harm is anyone’s business to judge and scold over. Sorry everyone, I promise I’m done on the topic now.

11 years ago

Auggziliary: Those are gorgeous! I had to look and see if there were any magnifications of the red-sand beaches of Prince Edward Island, and found one:

Not as stunning as the millions of tiny seashell parts in Maui, but pretty cool in it’s own way.

11 years ago

“it’s damn hard to launch yourself at a fundamentalist (after all, they just don’t care)”

The vast majority of the Christian fundamentalists I’ve interacted with are indeed very close-minded about religious belief. I was initially taken aback by how by poorly some of them treated non-fundamentalist Christians. The older ones were often particularly nasty. :/

Certain doctrines of fundamentalist Christianity can be quite easy and enjoyable to attack, though.

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