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Omegle perv: Send me BEWBZ or I might just have to kill myself

So I’ve been poking around the CreepyPM’s subreddit again — it’s a place where people, mostly women, post screenshots of the creepy private messages they’ve gotten from anonymous weirdos — and I ran across this doozy from Omegle, an online chat program that links up random strangers.

This bit of passive-aggressive, cut-and-paste pervery was one anonymous fellow’s opening conversational salvo. (Click on the pic to see a larger, more readable version.)

Hey - ASKING FOR BOOBZ DOES NOT MAKE ME A FUCKING PERV! Im just having a really crap week (my grandma died) and I want a girl to be adventurous and sweet enough to show me her boobz. I DON'T want a slut, and I'm NOT horny, I just want a girl who is cool enough to try that and make me feel happier - its the effort thats important. Plus girls say I'm cute and I have abs. So DON'T add me if you won't send it! And im feeling really suicidal, so being a bitch will only make things worse :( - Im 18 Male from London, and here's my kik:

Now, I’m no psychiatrist, but as someone who’s suffered from depression, I’m pretty sure that guilt-tripping random women on the internet into sending you pictures of their BOOBZ isn’t going to actually help to cure this depression.

But the fact is, this guy isn’t actually suicidal. He’s just made that bit up in order to con women — and evidently some underage girls — into showing him their tits.

How do I know? Because. as a couple of the regulars in the CreepyPMs subreddit have pointed out, he’s done this before, apparently many times, with the same sob story about “having a really crap week (my grandma died).” So either he’s lost several dozen grandmothers in the past couple of years or he’s lying. I’m going to go with the latter explanation. Occam’s razor and all.

So congratulations, dude, you’ve managed to define a new low in shitty online pervery. From now on, people will forever measured by your yardstick. As in, “well, that’s guy’s pretty pervy, but he’s not quit as pervy as the guy who pretended to be suicidal on Omegle to get girls to show him their tits.”

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11 years ago

It is pretty obviously a dominance dance.

11 years ago

Yeah, it’s really gross. It’s not enough that they have all the free porn they could want on the Internet, no, they need someone to SPECIFICALLY cater to THEIR specific boner, out of the sheer generosity of their hearts. *eyeroll*

Susan, what the fuck is wrong with you? Oh wait, now I know: you’re a troll trying to shit-stir for the giggles. Run along, child, you aren’t even in Antz’s league, never mind Owly or Tom Martin.

11 years ago

I might be tempted to show a guy like this a breast picture — that one with the photoshopped lotus pod. Feel free NOT to look it up if you haven’t heard of it.

11 years ago

Is part of solving this, teaching girls that it’s *not* “blowing off” a suicide threat to tell a trusted adult what has happened, instead of submitting to the abuse? And that, perhaps by definition, any suicide “threat” which includes an abuse element (e.g. requesting a picture of naked breasts) to the “prevention” is not generally a credible suicide threat?

That was my first thought – which I wouldn’t expect a young girl to have – that this isn’t a real suicide threat at all.

Also I’d have some pretty nasty things to say to the abuser trying it on.

I’m really dubious about whether “Susan” is a woman or maybe just another skeevy little trollboy posting under an obvious female moniker.

11 years ago

Susan: Because someone using exactly that paragraph said they were happy to get photos of 14 year olds. Follow the links.

11 years ago

Is part of solving this, teaching girls that it’s *not* “blowing off” a suicide threat to tell a trusted adult what has happened, instead of submitting to the abuse?

I am hoping one of the Feminist Borg issues could focus on some common sense information like this that (mainly, but not solely) older women could offer to younger, less experienced women — not just recognizing this manipulative BS, but knowing how to respond to it. My dream is that it would be written by at least partly by CassandraSays and hellkell, but there might be other people who would also have great contributions to such a theme.

11 years ago

RE: maggiesausage

that one with the photoshopped lotus pod. Feel free NOT to look it up if you haven’t heard of it.

AAAAAH why would you remind me of this AAAAAAH

RE: cloudiah

I am hoping one of the Feminist Borg issues could focus on some common sense information like this that (mainly, but not solely) older women could offer to younger, less experienced women

Hell, I might be willing to chip in, after Shadowthon is over. So much pain in my life could’ve been avoided if I’d actually had someone to talk to about all the shit, and not just smiling Stepford people who go, “What’s the matter? He only does those things because he likes you…”

11 years ago

I remember actually asking a dude who was trying to get boob pics, why he can’t just look at the million boobs already posted, and he said it was just more special when it was done for him. So it’s not really about seeing a boob, it’s the rush of getting someone to sexually expose themselves, a power thing.

Yeah, exactly. Emotional blackmail (and like David pointed out, this creep’s done it lots of times already) and power play (especially since he wants to try it on children). Not just asking someone you know and are in that sort of relationship to do, but manipulating a stranger into something she doesn’t really want to do, so you can get your jollies.

Fair bet he’s no eighteen-year-old, either, since nothing else he’s said is true. “Innocent 14 year olds” sounds like the language of someone older to me.

There aren’t enough legos for this dude, let alone enough for him and for his defenders, “Susan”.

11 years ago

@ cloudiah

Funny you should say that, because my asshole ex actually pulled the “if you leave me I’ll kill myself!” on me towards the end. I said “OK”. He didn’t do it, which I already knew he wouldn’t, but I remember wondering how many guys pulled that crap on their girlfriends and had it work because girls are trained to be put other people’s needs ahead of their own and give men the benefit of the doubt and generally feel like they’re responsible for men’s shitty behavior towards them.

My mum isn’t around any more for me to thank, unfortunately. Maybe I’ll call my gran and than her instead.

(BTW, sorry to hear about your mother. Are you doing OK?)

11 years ago

Funny you should say that, because my asshole ex actually pulled the “if you leave me I’ll kill myself!” on me towards the end. I said “OK”.

Which is pretty much my feeling about any abusers threatening to kill themselves. “Fine, don’t let me stop you.”

11 years ago

At one point earlier he also claimed to have a super special heart condition that would kill him by the time he was 25. This was the first time he sensed that I was getting a bit sick of him. I knew it was bullshit, obviously, but felt bad for whatever was causing him to come up with such ridiculous crap. See? Girls are trained to be too nice for their own good.

11 years ago

am hoping one of the Feminist Borg issues could focus on some common sense information like this that (mainly, but not solely) older women could offer to younger, less experienced women — not just recognizing this manipulative BS, but knowing how to respond to it.

A regular feature maybe, like an advice column? People could submit examples of stuff they’d been told, asked, threatened with, and other people could suggest appropriate responses. Or maybe Captain Awkward already has that covered…

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

I knew a person who had this threat about “if you leave me, I’ll kill myself” given to her. I think she must have been in her 30s/40s at the time as her son was late teens (guy was not his father). She left him, and the guy actually did it.

So there is the occasional beyond-arsehole who will actually do this. But if they do it, it’s *not the fault of the person who leaves*. Because otherwise she would have been held to him permanently by emotional blackmail, and anything else she did that didn’t meet with his approval could have triggered the same outcome. It’s about the shittiest thing I can conceive of another person doing: killing themselves with the second objective of trying to make another person feel like its completely their fault.

11 years ago

It sure as hell wipes out any compassion I feel for someone who’d do that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Yeah, it’s the ultimate way of getting the last word. Of all the reasons for killing yourself, that one seems the most petty and juvenile. Every 8 year old has the “they’ll all be sorry when I’m dead” fantasy, but you’re supposed to grow out of it.

Regarding the OP: I would have sent him a bunch of clinical mammography images.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Or cow udders. He never specified what species he was looking for.

11 years ago


This is either the same guy as, or a guy copycatting, a man from a while ago who threatened to hurt his pet dog if the girls ended the chat or didn’t expose themselves, and he intentionally targeted interests known for having younger teens.

I…fucking wow. alksjdf. Can’t type properly atm, too much rage.


That fucking sucks 🙁 I hope you manage to keep your disability benefits. Hugs from me, if you want them.


that one with the photoshopped lotus pod. Feel free NOT to look it up if you haven’t heard of it.

And of course whenever someone says that all I read is “Look it up” because I suck XD

11 years ago

Sexy sexy udders! Maybe we could put together some appropriate response pics on the Borg as a public resource.

Ally S
11 years ago

I am hoping one of the Feminist Borg issues could focus on some common sense information like this that (mainly, but not solely) older women could offer to younger, less experienced women — not just recognizing this manipulative BS, but knowing how to respond to it. My dream is that it would be written by at least partly by CassandraSays and hellkell, but there might be other people who would also have great contributions to such a theme.

Adding to that, I hope that there are articles that focus on such common sense information for victims of family abuse as well, given that platonic/non-platonic relationships have dynamics different from those of family relationships.

11 years ago

Peeking through the fog of my NyQuil educed coma, my ex use the scare tactic with me (I will kill you and then kill myself) and then escalated to harming our children and that’s when realized this is one of the way he controlled me. So I waited patiently my time to make my move (we were already separated but he didn’t want to leave my home, and he was involve with some other woman), she had him arrested for domestic violence and I took the opportunity to have him remove from my lease and file a restraining order on his ass. I change locks and grabbed all his things put them in bags and place them outside for him, and a course he made a big show that he was going jump off some( bridge or overpass ) if I didn’t take him back, I don’t quite remember all of it . I just remember the feeling of relieved and just told him which one, allow me to help you to end it. He simply looked at me in shock and proceeded to pick his things up. All this years he has been in and out of prison for domestic assault, and I’m glad I escape and shield my children from that (to this day my daughter have no idea what went on), I not sure if that a good thing but maybe someday I will let her know.

Sorry for the rant…just this post brought out some buried memories but I’m in a better place now.

11 years ago

No need to apologise, justabrowngirl. What a horrible thing to go through.

I just remember the feeling of relieved and just told him which one, allow me to help you to end it. He simply looked at me in shock and proceeded to pick his things up.

Well said.

11 years ago

kittehserf, thank you…to this day he pretends that it was all in my head and that things didn’t happend that way. I refused to play his games, not only is he a deadbeat dad, he also suffer from selective memory. Good riddance best decision I have made in my life. It wasn’t easy and I was scare shitless but I made it through.

11 years ago

Ah, gaslighting, the abuser’s favorite psychological weapon. Pisses them off when you don’t let them get away with it.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@justabrowngirl, I’m pleased you’re in a much better state now. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

11 years ago

kiwi girl, I think back and ask myself why I took it for so long but realized I was so young and afraid…I didn’t quite see things too clearly.