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Omegle perv: Send me BEWBZ or I might just have to kill myself

So I’ve been poking around the CreepyPM’s subreddit again — it’s a place where people, mostly women, post screenshots of the creepy private messages they’ve gotten from anonymous weirdos — and I ran across this doozy from Omegle, an online chat program that links up random strangers.

This bit of passive-aggressive, cut-and-paste pervery was one anonymous fellow’s opening conversational salvo. (Click on the pic to see a larger, more readable version.)

Hey - ASKING FOR BOOBZ DOES NOT MAKE ME A FUCKING PERV! Im just having a really crap week (my grandma died) and I want a girl to be adventurous and sweet enough to show me her boobz. I DON'T want a slut, and I'm NOT horny, I just want a girl who is cool enough to try that and make me feel happier - its the effort thats important. Plus girls say I'm cute and I have abs. So DON'T add me if you won't send it! And im feeling really suicidal, so being a bitch will only make things worse :( - Im 18 Male from London, and here's my kik:

Now, I’m no psychiatrist, but as someone who’s suffered from depression, I’m pretty sure that guilt-tripping random women on the internet into sending you pictures of their BOOBZ isn’t going to actually help to cure this depression.

But the fact is, this guy isn’t actually suicidal. He’s just made that bit up in order to con women — and evidently some underage girls — into showing him their tits.

How do I know? Because. as a couple of the regulars in the CreepyPMs subreddit have pointed out, he’s done this before, apparently many times, with the same sob story about “having a really crap week (my grandma died).” So either he’s lost several dozen grandmothers in the past couple of years or he’s lying. I’m going to go with the latter explanation. Occam’s razor and all.

So congratulations, dude, you’ve managed to define a new low in shitty online pervery. From now on, people will forever measured by your yardstick. As in, “well, that’s guy’s pretty pervy, but he’s not quit as pervy as the guy who pretended to be suicidal on Omegle to get girls to show him their tits.”

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11 years ago

RE: Argenti

I wish it WAS a paperwork thing, that I could deal with. But no, worse: it’s getting an appointment.

The short version is, I got a letter on the evening of the 29th, saying “we will call you at 10 AM on the 30th. DO NOT MISS THIS. If you don’t take the call, you have to come in person.”

Then they never called. I spent all day waiting for the phone to ring, obsessively checking it. But no call. And I’ve called them twice trying to figure out what the fuck the deal is, is there a new phone appointment, do I come in person, but nobody’s calling me back and I just leave message after message. If I don’t get this all sorted out by the 23rd, bye bye disability.

That’s the federal. The state just takes an ungodly long time. I filled out my health insurance app, but it takes a MONTH before I even get an appointment. Not the insurance, just the INTERVIEW. And of course, it all has to be done in person over the course of multiple trips.


11 years ago

Health care is a poor sad mess. I spent a little less than an hour in the hospital getting checked over after an accident and got a strange little menagerie of bills adding up to a few thousand. My $130/mo insurance refused to cover anything at all until I wrote them a long letter quoting sections from my own policy paperwork, and eventually got them to cover a few hundred. All this while dealing with foggy thinking caused by the bad concussion I had gotten. Thank you Blue Cross!

Ally S
11 years ago

I live in the US, and health care has been so difficult for the family to obtain that I haven’t gone to the doctor in a decade. And the last time I saw a dentist was 2006, when I was 12. Technically UCSC has student health care which is very low-cost and covers even trans health care, but unfortunately I have to take a break from university for a while.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Here in NZ, because I have registered a medical centre as my primary healthcare provider, I think it’s $45 to go to the doctor, and prescription charges are around $2-$5 for antibiotics. But if I need to go to an after-hours doctor, the cost goes to about $90 for the visit, but the prescription charge is unchanged. Hospital EDs (and where I live, the ambulance service) are free. I have medical insurance so I can have elective surgery fast if I need it. There’s also free doctors visits for children under 6, but the issue there is that poor parents have problems paying for even $4 worth of prescription part-charges.

I was on a work visit to Australia and came down with tonsilitis again (sigh). I said to work they could pay for the doctor visit and I would pay for the prescription. When I filled the script at the chemist, they asked if I wanted generic or brand antibiotics, and I said generic (knowing it would be cheaper). Five days’ worth of bloody generic antibiotics was more than $30 Australian. Ouch. But at least swallowing my saliva on day 2 of the antibiotics wasn’t feeling like swallowing razor blades (I was waking up in hideous throat pain during the night with it, even though it was taking me hours to get to sleep).

So I really appreciate Pharmac over here, who negotiate hard to keep prescription charges down, and also the fact that the government substantively funds so many drugs. Yay socialism.

11 years ago

Yeah, I’m pretty sure BOOBZ isn’t going to cure your “depression”. Seriously, it’s gross enough to ask underaged girls to do this, but he’s managed to get me super mad by including mental illness in this. Depression my ass.

11 years ago

When I was a kid, my understanding of health insurance was someone you paid to help you, and then did everything they could to avoid doing it. Seriously, at this point I think I’d rather make a deal with the Devil; he probably offers better deals.

One of the reasons I plan to be in the poverty bracket is because shit, man, with my health, I can’t AFFORD to be off Medicaid. It’s the only thing I can trust to actually cover half the shit I need. (And no, even though I’m disabled, I can’t be on Medicare for two years. I guess to make sure I’m really truly long-term disabled.)

11 years ago

For-profit health insurance is evil. My dental and orthotics are through my work insurance. I broke a tooth in October, and have so far received 3 letters from the insurance company demanding more information before they’ll pay for a crown. I’m only on the 1st letter about the orthotics, but I’m not holding my breath.

11 years ago

Why do people keep saying that this dude is trying to get underage girls??? Where does he say that? He doesn’t. Is it because he says he doesn’t want a slut? Why be so paranoid about a dude trying to see boobs? Geesh! what’s the big deal?

11 years ago

I’ve never had any crap from my health insurer; it’s all automated, really. When I use the card the provider (my podiatrist or optician) just swipe the card and whatever amount of cover there is comes off their fee. Pretty good for the glasses, I must say: it went from $650 full price (titanium wings will do that) to $460 after the cover, and they knocked another $100 off that because I’m a long-term customer and I’ve bought LOTS of glasses from them. The eye test was bulk billed, too, which is good.

11 years ago

Susan, follow the link David provided. This creeper does specifically mention a 14 year old.

Also, “Susan,” it’s not about “a dude wanting to see breasts”. It’s about a liar trying to emotionally blackmail women into showing him their breasts, and wanting to see underage girls.

Why are you so 1) incapable of comprehending the post and 2) so desperately keen to defend his behaviour?

11 years ago

Hi Susan! Maybe you should try clicking the link up there that says “evidently some underage girls” because maybe it has some information relating to this guy looking for underage girls. Maybe!

11 years ago

Insurance is weird. Before she died, my mother was in the hospital for more than a month. Her bill for that came to about $12. But she also was sent for a MRI, and she couldn’t use the extra-super-powerful one in the hospital because of some metal implants, so they sent her across the street to a facility with a less powerful MRI machine. For that, the insurance company is billing her $1000 for the ambulance ride. I’m arguing with them now about that.

Omegle dude is terrible. Don’t know why Susan can’t see it.

11 years ago

I am hearing this more often lately from young girls. Threats of self harm or suicide if they do not submit to abuse from their boyfriend and sometimes people they barely know on social media. They know not to blow off suicide threats, but they do not know what to do, so they end up submitting to abuse to prevent a suicide that was a manipulative abuser technique..

Ally S
11 years ago

Ok let me see if I get this. So the many men who have looked at your boobs aren’t creepy perverts, but the man who DOESN’T want to look at your boobs IS a creepy pervert. Ok got it

Being a creepy pervert and not wanting to look at some people nude are not mutually exclusive. You didn’t get it.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

They know not to blow off suicide threats, but they do not know what to do, so they end up submitting to abuse to prevent a suicide that was a manipulative abuser technique..

Is part of solving this, teaching girls that it’s *not* “blowing off” a suicide threat to tell a trusted adult what has happened, instead of submitting to the abuse? And that, perhaps by definition, any suicide “threat” which includes an abuse element (e.g. requesting a picture of naked breasts) to the “prevention” is not generally a credible suicide threat?

11 years ago

Is there a name for that particular rhetorical willful ignorance ploy? The put words in your mouth and then say I get it dealio. I see it frequently and it just seems silly and obvious to me but peeps keep doing it so they must be getting something out of it.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago



11 years ago

… What man are we discussing who doesn’t want to look at the boobs of Manboobzers? All I remember was the Omegle creep, who doesn’t want to look at “sluts'” boobs but does want to look at teenage girls’. Which is creepy as fuck.

And unless you define “slut” as “feminist”, I assure you that not all of us would qualify. I am a virgin. I also have great boobs. Omegle creep will never see them, though.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Thinking about this some more, what I have seen is that where the girl has gone through with the abusive pictures, *she* is the one that becomes actually suicidal. So the whole “do this or else” is even worse, morally, than “simply” manipulating a female into providing pornographic/semi-pornographic pictures.

On this, has anyone got an example where a male has attempted suicide after sending dick pics? I’m trying to work out whether this has occurred for males as all the examples I can think of are female.

Ally S
11 years ago

Why be so paranoid about a dude trying to see boobs?

Pictures of women’s breasts exposed are all over the internet. Even if it were okay to emotionally manipulate women and girls into showing him their naked breasts, he wouldn’t have any reason to do that instead of just browsing a porn site. We’re “paranoid” about the fact that this dude is being sexually coercive, not the fact that he wants to see boobs.

Ally S
11 years ago

Seriously, MRAs and their ilk always try to defend these guys by saying “He was only acting out of sexual frustration!” If those guys had an ounce of decency in them, they would just do a Google search for the stuff they’re looking for instead of making an excuse to sexually harass people online. But they don’t have decency; they’re just assholes who want someone else to suffer for their own gratification.

11 years ago

I’d have asked him to live videoblog his suicide. Don’t worry, I already know I lack empathy.. for assholes

re: “bewbz” vs dickpics… Don’t cross the streams!

11 years ago

I remember actually asking a dude who was trying to get boob pics, why he can’t just look at the million boobs already posted, and he said it was just more special when it was done for him. So it’s not really about seeing a boob, it’s the rush of getting someone to sexually expose themselves, a power thing.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Negative behaviour caused by not seeing naked breasts IRL is not a recognised disorder. I don’t understand this MRA idea of “sexual frustration”, because I am not sure what exactly is meant by this term because they *never define it precisely*.

Ally S
11 years ago

It’s interesting that I’m commenting on this thread while listening to Pretty Babies by Dishwalla. Quite a coincidence. (Fantastic band, BTW.)

I remember actually asking a dude who was trying to get boob pics, why he can’t just look at the million boobs already posted, and he said it was just more special when it was done for him. So it’s not really about seeing a boob, it’s the rush of getting someone to sexually expose themselves, a power thing.

I can see how wanting to see someone expose their breasts for you (general you) can be non-coercive and not tied to power. But I’m not eager to give the benefit of doubt to jerks who have shown that they think emotional manipulation is an acceptable means of sexual gratification.