a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? boner rage douchebaggery drama drama kings evil sexy ladies excusing abuse I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land kitties lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids

The “Tell Her Her Soul Is Dog Sh*t” dude declares that I’m a “misogyny pimp.”

If Jason Gregory were this adorable, it would be hard to stay mad at him
If Jason Gregory were this adorable kitty, it would be hard to stay mad at him

Hey, everybody!

So you remember that post a couple of days ago, that one in which I quoted Jason Gregory’s most peculiar dating advice for angry men? You know, the one in which he suggested that men rebuff women who are interested in them with a long and rather nasty assortment of misogynistic insults? You know, like these:

Tell her that she isn’t interesting, that her soul is dog-shit and that she has nothing to offer other than boobs and booty, that she is a piece of shit and a total failure as a human being, that you don’t find her attractive and that she isn’t even good enough to be a cum-bucket.

And he went on like that for several more sentences. You can read the whole quote in my original piece, or in his original post on A Voice for Men.

Well, it turns out I totally misinterpreted Jason Gregory’s post, according to an unbiased and neutral outside observer named Jason Gregory, no relation to the original Jason Gregory, who’s written a post about it on his blog.

Hold on, I’m being told that this second Jason Gregory is in fact also the first Jason Gregory.

Anyway, according to Jason Gregory, even though Jason Gregory did explicitly tell men to “tell her … that her soul is dog-shit” he didn’t really mean to tell men to “tell her … that her soul is dog-shit.”

No, he only hypothetically meant this. He was just trying to suggest was how mean the ladies are when they turn down men.

What he was really trying to express, he now says, was that

men need to learn self-respect and to value their selves in totality—including the importance of valuing their sexuality.

Pretty weird how that came out in the original post as

Tell her that she isn’t interesting, that her soul is dog-shit and that she has nothing to offer other than boobs and booty, that she is a piece of shit and a total failure as a human being, that you don’t find her attractive and that she isn’t even good enough to be a cum-bucket.

But, he insists, his aim was really quite noble. As he explains now, he wasn’t just trying to stand up for the dignity of men — he was trying to protect women from having their inboxes filled with dick-pics.

I wrote that men should stop giving away cock like it’s worthless. Perhaps if men valued their sexuality, they’d be less inclined to inundate women with emails, messages, and pick-up lines. Perhaps if men actually valued their sexuality, the ladies at Jezebel wouldn’t be so inclined to complain about all the free-cock oppression. Perhaps if men actually valued their sexuality, men wouldn’t degrade themselves by harassing, begging, and inundating women with dick pics and pleas for their attention and affection.

Indeed, he went on to argue, it was not he who was the real misogynist, but me. J’Accuse!

This might seem a hard case to make, what with the whole “tell her … her soul is dog-shit” bit and numerous other remarks in his original post, like, for example, his description of women who actually enjoy sex:

You may be able to find a few coked-up girls who really get into it—the kind of girls who end up with sweaty hair, mascara, and cum dripping down their cheeks, but those girls usually have emotional disorders and are simply trying to bury their emotional problems in various sorts of drug induced escapes.

And who can forget his suggestion that men make their dates “pay for a juicy sirloin to replace all the jizzed-out protein” they cause to be jizzed out?

But apparently I am the true misogynist because I ran my post making fun of him during my pledge drive. Which makes me a “misogyny pimp.”

This is where the mocking of misogyny becomes misogyny. He doesn’t care about the women who bother to read his blog. Though he may have a few days in which he invites women and other commenters to share and cry about their troubles, any good pimp knows the importance of faking like he cares. Any good pimp knows how to manipulate the emotions of “his bitches.” …

[H]e doesn’t care about why men are sending dick pics and bombarding women with emails and messages through online dating services. He’s not looking for solutions to these problems. He’s not saying that men who do such things may lack self-respect because the value of male sexuality is often viewed as less-than-worthless in our culture.

Wait, what? I don’t care enough about men who harass women so I’m a misogynist?

Exploiting women is a form of misogyny … In this way, Boobz has more in common with an abusive pimp than he has with any heroic slayer of misogyny. Boobz is the misogyny that he mocks. Boobz is a misogyny-pimp.

QED, I guess. Apparently quoting misogynists, mocking misogynists, discussing misogyny, taking notice of misogyny in any way … makes one a misogynist. At least according to a guy who apparently thinks that the only women who really “get into” sex are “coked-up girls” with “emotional disorders” and “cum dripping down their cheeks.”

You’ll notice that last line in Jason’s quote links to a video; that link is from him. It’s a clip from the film Bad Santa. As Jason makes a point of mentioning several times, that’s where he got the “your soul is dog shit” line.

But if you watch the clip you’ll notice one thing about that line, in its original context in the film — it’s not surrounded by a paragraph full of vile misogynistic abuse. Nope, that stuff is all Jason Gregory.

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11 years ago

Oh hey!! I have cat pictures!! yay!

I got my kitty a cat tree! She likes it.

11 years ago

OMG! deniseeliza, I think I have the exact same cat tree. Did your cats manage to rip the mousie off it within fifteen minutes? I think that’s how long mine lasted. (Oh well. Pan loves to carry it around my apartment in his mouth and then throw it up in the air, so it worked out.)

11 years ago

Oh, nevermind… I see the mousie toy is still attached. I’m amazed.

11 years ago

Why do these guys always think they invented being awful to women? Most of us have encountered assholes before. It’s not an exciting new experience.

11 years ago

No, the mouse is still intact! She attacked the hell out of it when the tree was still in pieces, but since it has been assembled I haven’t seen her play with it. Maybe it’s the positioning of the tree… I put it by a window so she mostly just uses it to look outside.

Here she is being skeptical of the top platform. Kitty afraid of heights? Maybe!

11 years ago

Neither of mine seem to like the top platform much. I suspect it is less the height and more that they like the rounded support of the lower one.

11 years ago

Yeah that makes sense. She was very much like “hmm, this doesn’t seem very safe…” when she was checking that one out. She’s also a bit of a scaredy. I think in another thread some people were talking about cats being afraid of sneezes. She’s like that, too.

Anyway its bedtime, goodnight 🙂

11 years ago

BTW wordsp1nner your kitties are beautiful 🙂

11 years ago

My cats don’t like the sound of trashbags being opened, which is weird, because ordinarily they are very brave. They explored every inch of my apartment the first hour after I brought them home–after Pan decided to flop on his back on my lap 🙂

They also immediately greeted my catsitter, both when I brought her in to show her around and when she came over to feed them, etc. I think they assume that anyone walking in the door is going to give them food… in their defense, I usually feed them after I get home from work.

11 years ago

Two things: 1: Did Tom Martin see this?

Year of the Whores

And NWO needs to see this:

Dogs don’t devour sirloin

11 years ago

I went on Tom Martin’s twitter feed, because, and his latest tweet:

Super hot Japanese woman discovers cheap, quick and easy way to create master stemcells

Yes, because we all need to know how hot she was.

(In all honesty, this is a really cool development. For a few years biologists have been able to reprogram adult cells into stem cells, but it involved genetic engineering and had really low success rates. This new involves stress, not genetic manipulation, and has a much higher success rate.)

11 years ago

But how does Tom plan to make money for himself off of that?

11 years ago

One of the problems with the genetic engineering approach is that when you artificially increase the production of some genes (usually by inserting extra copies) to make stem cells, you need to be able to turn that off when the cells mature. Also, some of the genes/proteins that are used promote cancer when over expressed, so… yeah. Stress likely leads to a more plastic transformation, and can be done in more labs. (One of the options is acid. Any lab that can’t make acidic media… I don’t know what to say to you.)

11 years ago

I was going to rhetorically ask if the guy thinks before he write but…we already know the answer to that (it’s “no”). Anyway, in reply to what David wrote:

Apparently quoting misogynists, mocking misogynists, discussing misogyny, taking notice of misogyny in any way … makes one a misogynist. At least according to a guy who apparently thinks that the only women who really “get into” sex are “coked-up girls” with “emotional disorders” and “cum dripping down their cheeks.”

Reminds me of how right-wing pundits claim that the “real” racists are those who…point out instances of racism. Worse still, they still make bigot remarks while telling themselves they are “color-blind” (as if that’s actually something to be proud of).

I remember the Andrew Breitbart often doing that and when coming up with a reason as to why he wasn’t, in one interview – he used the anecdote of his masturbating to a Latina. As if that disproves anything…

It’s a whole “I am rubber and you are glue” thing – but for people who never learned to grow up past that.

You’ll notice that last line in Jason’s quote links to a video; that link is from him. It’s a clip from the film Bad Santa. As Jason makes a point of mentioning several times, that’s where he got the “your soul is dog shit” line.

But if you watch the clip you’ll notice one thing about that line, in its original context in the film — it’s not surrounded by a paragraph full of vile misogynistic abuse. Nope, that stuff is all Jason Gregory.

Of course he doesn’t consider the context of the line used – he probably also thought Rorschach in Watchmen was meant to be admired than repulsed and pitied.

Given there are bronies amongst the MRA (not sure how that works), I can’t help but think they always misinterpret fictional works to conform with their worldview, than consider it might be in complete opposition with theirs and (perhaps) still appreciate it for Art’s sake. I mean, they flip the fuck out over an obvious joke about sperm-jacking but will come up with a million and one excuses as to why rape jokes aren’t offensive (even though they totally, totally are).

11 years ago

Honestly, I’m fairly new to cell culture, so I end up accidentally stressing my cells all the time. I wonder if I accidentally made any stem cells 🙂

We actually try to keep our cell lines in a differentiated state, though, so that’s no good from my perspective.

11 years ago

I say let him cried it out like we do with bratty kids when having a fit.

I’m having a wonderful image of Jason sitting in a scaled-up playpen and crying his little eyes out in a full-on tantrum.

Why do they always presume telling us “no” upsets so . . . Jason is more than welcome to tell me “no.” l’d like to save my money and not get his sweat all over me.

He’s probably upset because he doesn’t get the opportunity to say no. Who’d ask him, after all?

Whoo! Kitties!

I like Jade’s unfinished hairdo, lol.

Mads has the same thing for lying on her back. She tends to appear from nowhere, feet up in the air and showing off the white belleh. She seems mildly peeved when she doesn’t get a chorus of Awwwwwwwwwlookitthecutecat responses.

11 years ago

He doesn’t care about why men are sending dick pics and bombarding women with emails and messages through online dating services. He’s not looking for solutions to these problems.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa you’re not looking for solutions to those two (three?) problems listed above? I’m afraid I’m going have to demand you return my recent donation Mr Futrelle, because I thought you were totally on that.

11 years ago

*fack me! Facking Grammar!, *I’m going to have to demand.*. Facking fack! (Frustrated and feeling Southie.)

11 years ago

Though he may have a few days in which he invites women and other commenters to share and cry about their troubles, any good pimp knows the importance of faking like he cares.

Fun fact: If you replace “he” with “Paul Elam” and then replace “women and other commenters” with “men and other commenters”, this statement becomes kind of really true.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Speaking of conservatives claiming anti-racists are the real racists, some BS from my FB feed earlier today was claiming that liberals aren’t “pro-woman” (quotes in original) because of how we treat conservative women. I don’t even…

11 years ago

Speaking of conservatives claiming anti-racists are the real racists, some BS from my FB feed earlier today was claiming that liberals aren’t “pro-woman” (quotes in original) because of how we treat conservative women. I don’t even…

They’re doing it wrong! They’re supposed to say that liberals aren’t pro-woman because they don’t expect women to take responsibility for themselves, like conservatives do!

11 years ago

Hey shayla, did you see how you got featured on r/mr?

Ha I can only imagine since I’ve been having opinions while female lately — I haven’t seen it and I’m not interested in knowing the details but I can guess it ain’t positive. There’s nothing so flattering as being hated by scum.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Katz — my only guess is that they’ve decided “women shouldn’t have to…” as “women shouldn’t…” — women shouldn’t have to be stay at home moms => women shouldn’t ever be SAHMs. Women shouldn’t have to be subservient to their husbands => women mustn’t be subservient to their husbands. Etc.

Of course, I’m assuming they mean women of a conservative nature, not big names like Palin since if they mean that all I’ve got is shit like how she isn’t a feminist. HOW DARE WE SAY THAT!?!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*decided … means …


*decided to take … as …

Not that combo of both.

11 years ago

Shayla, I suspect people like this really despise themselves.

But it’s not our job to fix that.

Very true, on both accounts.