dawgies kitties off topic open thread pledge drive

Giant Blinking Thanks! (Pledge Drive is Over)


I just wanted to offer a giant, ridiculous, blinking, kitty-filled THANK YOU to everyone who donated in the Man Boobz Pledge Drive this week, whether your donation was big or small. If you didn’t donate, but meant to, here’s another chance — and you can always donate through the button in the sidebar.

I truly appreciate your support; it makes a tremendous difference to me, both financially and psychically, and helps me to keep this blog going. And of course many of you support this blog in many other ways — from contributing to the comments section to emailing me tips on misogyny you’ve spotted in the wild — and I appreciate this dearly as well. You rock. Thanks again!

Here are some more kitties, because it’s Friday night and what the hell. And some dogs. Dogs are ok, too, I guess.


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11 years ago

I got paid today, so finally donated!

11 years ago

I’ve some big expenses now so couldn’t, but when I can, I will!

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

The only way that paint job on the vehicle in the last photo could be improved, is if it was of cats instead of dogs. 🙂

11 years ago

Good point! I was admiring their total devotion to their doggies. 😀

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That poodle pic is creepy. Mostly cuz dude needs longer shorts.

Though I pity poodles with that haircut. Otoh, the poodle puppy I fell for was wavy fur not curly, so idk how hard curly is to maintain.

11 years ago

OMG, those white doggies with their perma-smiles. My brain circuits just overloaded!

11 years ago

Argenti, I thought much the same about the poodles. Don’t like the fancy cuts on them. All the standard poodles I see around have a neat all-over clip with a bit of a top-knot. Looks much better imo.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Are the poodles wearing pink earrings, or that that their fur dyed and shaped? I don’t want to look at that picture anymore.

11 years ago

Love how that poodle is groping the guy’s thigh, and they’re both giving the camera such shifty looks

11 years ago

G’day maggiesausage! Been a while. 🙂

11 years ago

And the other poodle looks like it’s had a few too many! Awkward family photos indeed.

I thought the pink earring effect looked like some kind of wrap.

11 years ago

Pretty sure the pink is a wrap on the ears to keep them from getting dirty when they eat.

11 years ago

That makes sense. Mine usually gets the tips of his damp in the water bowl and theirs look even longer.

I’m also pretty mesmerized by the two kitties above the pampered poodle party.

11 years ago

I got paid on Wednesday, so I figured I’d send a tenner your way. Keep up the awesome snarky call-outs of the doucheiest of the douche!

11 years ago

I’m inclined to forgive the bottom one for not being cats, because I’m obsessed with Samoyeds right now. I tend to prefer the more cat-looking dog breeds, for some reason 😀

11 years ago

Dealing with a little unemployment right now, but will definitely send some money your way when I get an income stream again

11 years ago

Hey there kittehserf! Heh, eli, I would be driven to drink too if I had a haircut like that poor pup.