are these guys 12 years old? boner rage evil women facepalm I am making a joke men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men

Search Term Extravaganza Part 2: All Your Questions Answered!

The Searchers: Scanning the horizon for signs of "airport lesbians."
The Searchers: Scanning the horizon for signs of “airport lesbians.”

Looking through the search terms people have used to get to my blog, I can’t help but feel a little sad, even a tiny bit guilty.

Clearly the searchers who came to Man Boobz looking for information about “airport lesbians” or “sexual spanking in animal kingdom” or even “all metaphors of bread” were likely to be a bit disappointed when they got here and discovered what the blog was really about. I’ve written about this once before.

But today, as a sort of public service, I’d like to see if I can help out some of the hapless searchers who’ve come to Man Boobz by providing answers to, or at least some sort of opinions about, their more puzzling queries. Just so you know, these are all real. I’ve left out the most perverse ones.

why women spoil easier than men

Fewer preservatives?

why do girls like animals

Because animals are awesome? (Except bedbugs. And lice. Not fond of bugs in general.)

famous pople wirh cats

Obviously that second word is a typo. Here you go.

Famous Pope With Cat
Famous Pope With Cat

kittens in war

Kitten in war
Kitten in war

stefan molyneux is an idiot

Yes he is.

want does a slut want

Pretty much what we all want, I’m guessing: Good friends, a decent job, a nice place to live, a bowl of snacks, a subscription to Netflix, and regular consensual sex with cool people.

do women love sperm

You’re going to have to determine this on a case by case basis.

do military guys hate eating pussy

You’re going to have to determine this on a case by case basis too.

women are just holes

I am going to have to disagree with you on this one, bud. I think you have women confused with sponges.

Here’s are some women. (I’m not quite sure what they find so funny.)


Here’s a sponge.


Sorry, here’s a sponge.


Happy to help!

no sympathy for lonely women

Huh. That seems a little dickish, dude.

i detest women

Yeah, we get it.

i hate women so much

We get it. WE GET IT.

i’m a straight man who hates women

Yeah, seriously. WE GOT IT.

i hate women and i don’t respect them

What the fuck, man.

why do i hate women

I don’t know, dude. But at least you’re asking the question.

how to halve your vagina-age

Maybe have it wear a jaunty hat?

what happens to women butt as they age

Women’s butts build cocoons, and transform into beautiful butt butterflies!

what do men think about periods

Speaking for myself, I find them useful to end sentences with. Semicolons are much more interesting; trust me on this one!

the west is a cunt controlled matriarchy

I’m going to say no to that one.

show mewhere tofindyoung females tohavesexwith


breeding european women

I think you might be looking for Stormfront, not Man Boobz.

when do guys pour their sperms?

I … don’t know? Is sperm pouring even a thing? Is this what the cool kids are into today? I feel so old.

how make a tide penis

No. First you need to ask yourself “why make a tide penis?” Actually, before you ask that, maybe you could explain to me what a “tide penis” is in the first place. Actually, scratch that. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.

ugly girls eating cream

Can’t help you there, but here are some sad women eating ice cream. There seem to be as many stock photos of this old trope as there are of Women Laughing Alone With Salad.


why men should not have cats

Wait, what? What are you talking about? GET THE HELL OFF MY BLOG.

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11 years ago

I’m not surprised about the Nachthexen, either. One thing that’s apparent, if YouTube videos are anything to go by, is that the Russians really, REALLY love their kittehs.

11 years ago

Crap, just had a strong visceral reaction to Pecunium’s link: the first set of photos is of Germans with kittens, and I wanted to take the kittens away.

But it’s not like the German military was a volunteer service.

11 years ago

“We share the same biology,
Regardless of ideology,
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their kittens too.”

11 years ago

Also, Elinor and her badass begoggled kitteh are fabulous!

11 years ago

Kittehs: That kitty looks…unamused.

Good evidence that, if one has a cat and a pair of goggles, the universal human instinct is to put the goggles on the cat.

11 years ago

Some (most) of those search terms make me really sad. I hope some of the angry people that accidently found their way here have been enlightened by this excellent site.

While we’re on the topic of kitties; RIP Colonel Meow 🙁

11 years ago

Crap, just had a strong visceral reaction to Pecunium’s link: the first set of photos is of Germans with kittens, and I wanted to take the kittens away.

But it’s not like the German military was a volunteer service.

You’re not kidding. My own grandpa was drafted into the SS. In 1944. While his family were forced to flee Yugoslavia.

And he loved kitties, too. (I probably got it from him.)

11 years ago

Oh, and on the ice cream subject. I usually have sad face while eating ice cream. It’s so delicious it’s guaranteed I will binge eat it if I have it. Therefore, I only allow myself to get it when I’m sick or having a colossally bad day.

11 years ago

Kittehs: That kitty looks…unamused.

Good evidence that, if one has a cat and a pair of goggles, the universal human instinct is to put the goggles on the cat.

LOL zie does. When I saw the pic at small size I thought kitteh was asleep, but blown up one sees THE EYE and yeah … distinctly unamused.

Falconer – my response to any pics of kitties in wartime is fear for what happened to them, especially like that tiny one in the Vietnam pic. Fear for kitties, even long-gone ones, is a much more visceral response for me than with other animals (ie. it’s sharper, not that I don’t feel for other animals).

weirwoodtreehugger, hugs! 🙁

11 years ago

You’re not kidding. My own grandpa was drafted into the SS. In 1944. While his family were forced to flee Yugoslavia.

Daaaaamn. Did he get through the war OK?

11 years ago

Tide penis comes in.
Tide penis goes out.
You can’t explain it!
(mocking Bill O’Reilly)

11 years ago

@ kittehs

“Fear for kitties, even long-gone ones, is a much more visceral response for me than with other animals (ie. it’s sharper, not that I don’t feel for other animals).”

Me too! I can’t rationalize it, but sure enough, any time I see something with cats being hurt, or a cat hit by a car, it bothers me to my core, ruins my day even. The assimilation by our Furinatti overlords is complete?

11 years ago

@Bina: I am sorry, the whole war was a nasty business and the common soldier had the brunt of it no matter which side he was on. I shouldn’t have said anything, and I hope I didn’t bust your nose too much.

I definitely had ancestors on both sides of the American Civil War, and probably I had slave holding ancestors. I really should know better than to blast at Just Folks.

Did your grandfather make it through the war okay?

11 years ago

Sometimes good things happen to kittens in war zones. Maybe all those kitties were orphaned strays that the soldiers took in.

11 years ago

Kittens in war zones? I’m reminded of a book called Blitzcat by Robert Westall.

Ally S
11 years ago

One of the few things I admire about my dad is that he was involved in a rescue operation during the Bosnian war in the 90s. He and his friends rescued colleagues, fellow Bosniak Muslims, and even a 9-year-old Bosniak Muslim girl who was gang-raped in one of the Serbian rape camps. He has often told me about how the girl was so traumatized by what happened to her that she felt numb and barely felt cold even though she was wearing a t-shirt in freezing temperatures.

None of that changes the fact that he’s an abusive asshole, but I appreciate the fact that he’s devoted himself to important causes like that.

11 years ago

I <3 the rescued kitties!

Me too! I can’t rationalize it, but sure enough, any time I see something with cats being hurt, or a cat hit by a car, it bothers me to my core, ruins my day even. The assimilation by our Furinatti overlords is complete?

Totally! 😀

My favourite kitty story from WWII: Oskar, aka Unsinkable Charlie, who was picked up after the sinking of the Bismarck, served on a couple of British ships up to the Ark Royal, was rescued when that sank (this is still the WWII ship, not the later one that was decommissioned) and then retired to the governor’s offices on Gibralta, iirc, then to a retired seamen’s home in the West Country. He had quite the adventures, and there’s a painting of him in the Naval Museum at Greenwich.

11 years ago

Daaaaamn. Did he get through the war OK?

He did! He was a prison camp guard, placed in charge of Hungarian POWs. (He was fluent in Hungarian and Serbo-Croatian as well as German. I suspect I inherited my multilingualism from him, too.) Never fired a shot, mercifully. He’d also done mandatory service in the Yugoslavian army in his early 20s, which may have been why they approached him. And he was over 6 feet tall, which no doubt “helped”.

Ironically, at war’s end, he and his fellow soldiers didn’t know where to go to be demobilized, so they turned themselves in to the occupying Brits. Who promptly sent HIM to prison camp…in Scotland. The work was hard and the food was crap, but he survived.

And now for a cute kitty story from that period…the first cat he saw when he got out was a Manx, which is a naturally tailless breed. It gave him a shock, because he’d heard rumors that the Scots cut their cats’ tails off to save them time running in and out of doors. (It was an urban legend, of course. The Isle of Man, where the breed originated, is right near Scotland. It doesn’t take much imagination to speculate that the cats travelled across the water on ferries or fishing boats.)

11 years ago

I did not hear that Colonel Meow had died. 🙁 RIP.

11 years ago

I am sorry, the whole war was a nasty business and the common soldier had the brunt of it no matter which side he was on. I shouldn’t have said anything, and I hope I didn’t bust your nose too much.

I definitely had ancestors on both sides of the American Civil War, and probably I had slave holding ancestors. I really should know better than to blast at Just Folks.

Please don’t feel bad, you didn’t upset me in the least. I know what kind of person he was. Not a political bone in his body, much less fascist. He was not exactly offered a choice in the matter, unless getting to watch his wife and kids be executed before him could be considered an alternative. All conscription is bullying, but the Nazis’ brand was among the worst. Threats, lies, intimidation…that’s how they got the ordinary Germans to go along, and how they corrupted the good ones. You just ducked your head and tried not to be conspicuous, and prayed it would all end soon, somehow.

And yes, he made it through…see my post above. I wish I’d asked him more about the war before he died, though…he didn’t talk about it much. I can well imagine why he hated to think of it, though. His youngest daughter died at 11 months of malnutrition and dysentery, and was buried under a swastika flag. He wasn’t allowed to see her before she died. Then he was “offered” the “choice” between a Lutheran pastor or the prison camp commandant to officiate at the funeral. Guess which one he “picked”.

Yeah, it was shitty. I blame Hitler. That’s the only animosity I care to harbor, when all’s said.

11 years ago

OT the boss was babysitting his daughter’s dog again today, and just took her home. Never seen anyone so reluctant to leave work – puppeh crawling along on her belly “But I want to stay! Everyone is making a fuss of me!” 🙂

Well, yeah. It’s not like SHE was doing any of the work.

11 years ago

I think the women in the middle picture is sad because she doesn’t know how to successfully eat ice cream. Lying completely flat on your back, staring into space and waving the spoon over your chest isn’t really the best approach. On the underhand, that’s probably more enjoyable than finding all the despair in the world in the bottom of a Haagan Daz container.

11 years ago

OT but wow has that Laci Green video on objectification got the MRAs all riled up. JtO did one that I couldn’t be arsed to watch, but apparently it’s just one huge strawman, and this dude who thinks the proper refutation to an argument is making excuses and calling her a c**t twice. Check out Elam’s comment there too.

Her entire video said nothing about it all being men’s fault and she even mentions a study that showed both men and women see women’s bodies as parts….wtf is the issue here? apparently just mentioning objectification and how women are portrayed is misandry

11 years ago

I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s with the scented candle references?

Back again to the subject of kitties, does anybody want to talk about their cat masters? I’m sure all you old timers have discussed this subject already but I’m still pretty new. It’s never a bad time to share about kitties is it?

I have two. The first one is Darrow. He’s named after Clarence Darrow who is one of my favorite historical figures. He’s 7 1/2 – 8 years old and I adopted him in ’07. He’s a big grey/black tabby with white on his paws, stomach and face including this adorable white triangle on his forehead. He always greets me at the door, even if I only leave for five minutes to go buy diet coke. He’s very even tempered and never growls or hisses. His worst flaw is that he likes to rip up paper and cardboard. Normally that’s fine, but a couple of books have fallen victim to him.

The newer addition is Dracarys. I got her a little over a year ago. She’s about three. She’s named for the word for dragon fire in Valyrian, the fictional language from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones. It’s the command Daenerys gives her dragons when she wants them to burn shit. She’s a calico, which is why I named her that. Orange = fire, black = smoke, white = ash. She also had a very fiery temper when I first adopted her. It turns out hissing, growling and taking swipes is a response she has when nervous. She’s since become more a proper smug and confidant house cat. She’s very petite so that might be why she needs to compensate with fierceness. She used to be a stray so she’s obsessed with food and will eat almost anything. Darrow is a grazer and Dracy will steal his food so I have to separate them at meal times.

Sorry for the wall of text. Since this is a kitty friendly place I thought I’d ramble about my cats, cause that’s how I do.

Ally S
11 years ago



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