Looking through the search terms people have used to get to my blog, I can’t help but feel a little sad, even a tiny bit guilty.
Clearly the searchers who came to Man Boobz looking for information about “airport lesbians” or “sexual spanking in animal kingdom” or even “all metaphors of bread” were likely to be a bit disappointed when they got here and discovered what the blog was really about. I’ve written about this once before.
But today, as a sort of public service, I’d like to see if I can help out some of the hapless searchers who’ve come to Man Boobz by providing answers to, or at least some sort of opinions about, their more puzzling queries. Just so you know, these are all real. I’ve left out the most perverse ones.
why women spoil easier than men
Fewer preservatives?
why do girls like animals
Because animals are awesome? (Except bedbugs. And lice. Not fond of bugs in general.)
famous pople wirh cats
Obviously that second word is a typo. Here you go.

kittens in war

stefan molyneux is an idiot
Yes he is.
want does a slut want
Pretty much what we all want, I’m guessing: Good friends, a decent job, a nice place to live, a bowl of snacks, a subscription to Netflix, and regular consensual sex with cool people.
do women love sperm
You’re going to have to determine this on a case by case basis.
do military guys hate eating pussy
You’re going to have to determine this on a case by case basis too.
women are just holes
I am going to have to disagree with you on this one, bud. I think you have women confused with sponges.
Here’s are some women. (I’m not quite sure what they find so funny.)
Here’s a sponge.
Sorry, here’s a sponge.
Happy to help!
no sympathy for lonely women
Huh. That seems a little dickish, dude.
i detest women
Yeah, we get it.
i hate women so much
We get it. WE GET IT.
i’m a straight man who hates women
Yeah, seriously. WE GOT IT.
i hate women and i don’t respect them
What the fuck, man.
why do i hate women
I don’t know, dude. But at least you’re asking the question.
how to halve your vagina-age
Maybe have it wear a jaunty hat?
what happens to women butt as they age
Women’s butts build cocoons, and transform into beautiful butt butterflies!
what do men think about periods
Speaking for myself, I find them useful to end sentences with. Semicolons are much more interesting; trust me on this one!
the west is a cunt controlled matriarchy
I’m going to say no to that one.
show mewhere tofindyoung females tohavesexwith
breeding european women
I think you might be looking for Stormfront, not Man Boobz.
when do guys pour their sperms?
I … don’t know? Is sperm pouring even a thing? Is this what the cool kids are into today? I feel so old.
how make a tide penis
No. First you need to ask yourself “why make a tide penis?” Actually, before you ask that, maybe you could explain to me what a “tide penis” is in the first place. Actually, scratch that. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.
ugly girls eating cream
Can’t help you there, but here are some sad women eating ice cream. There seem to be as many stock photos of this old trope as there are of Women Laughing Alone With Salad.
why men should not have cats
Wait, what? What are you talking about? GET THE HELL OFF MY BLOG.
How about the Pig War? I guess we’d have to figure out if it was a sow or a boar…
Well, the Boer war was surely started by some woman asking her husband for nicer things // better living conditions. The US civil war was probably started by liberals in general, though we know they’re all manginas and white knights, so really, women started it.
Argenti, yeah, I know he has, and that’s what’s irritating me, because it’s irrelevant to the point about MRAs blaming women for war.
Don’t forget all those women abolitionists, Argenti.
Don’t forget the world war one was a feminist conspiracy to trick men into letting women vote and steal men’s jobs in factorys.
…I wouldn’t be suprised if that’s an actual MRA talking point.
OMG, this comment:
Because none of those things is true of children. Manlogic!
I love how they’re focusing all their disagreement on how terrible David is, when he didn’t even write the comment they’re so het up about. It’s almost a pleasant change from their usual “find a woman to blame” mode.
In that Reddit thread cloudiah linked to:
*spits out imaginary drink*
Royalty isn’t generic; its role varies hugely across cultures and ages. There have been divine monarchs with huge powers or none, and being royal doesn’t mean being a ruler; royal families can live physically privileged but entirely restricted lives, sometimes literally as prisoners. I suspect that when someone trots out the royalty trope they’re thinking of an absolute monarch – and that term’s misleading anyway, because their theoretical power (ie. unlimited by law) was far from absolute in reality.
Just another subject to add to the long list of “things these dickwads know nothing about”.
Going back to the search terms, what on earth is an “airport lesbian”? Other than lesbians using airports like humans of any other orientation, I just don’t get it. Is this a manosphere thing?
Maybe airport lesbians cruise for tricks in airports? Don’t look at me, I avoid airports like the PLAGUE.
“Airport lesbian” sounds like a search term for a kind of androcentric, objectifying lesbian porn whose setting is in an airport. It’s certainly bizarre, but I’m rarely surprised by things like that these days.
“manboobz is the worst advocate for misandry masquerading as feminism since Valerie Solanas.”
Airport lesbians are able to take off and soar into the air, and they live on rocket fuel.
Also they always, ALWAYS lose your bags.
Argenti, thank the FSM you do not understand it. MRA-speak is the Necronomicon of gender politics, except less well written.
I’d attempt an explanation, but I can’t afford another SAN roll right now.
RE: auggziliary
Huh. The human libido is an amazing thing.
I just hope I can unsee that.
How do you find such…weird …pictures?
I should have known. Last time I ended up searching rule 34 + word I got some pretty weird results, even with safe-search on 😛
That was odd, to say the least.
Enh, doesn’t shock me, but I’ve been mocking shit like Cockrub Warriors on Mars. I’d be impressed if something managed to surprise me.
I’d say I was surprised, rather than shocked; it was a mixture of “this weird fetish isn’t hurting anyone” and “who the fuck has to make planes into fuckable female things???”
I just want to know if the people who’re into that ever attempt to fuck actual planes, because it could make for the funniest arrest scenario ever. The cops that responded to that would be able to top even ER stories.
What on god’s green earth? X_X That is so…weird.
Rule 34 really is just as universal as death and taxes.