are these guys 12 years old? boner rage evil women facepalm I am making a joke men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men

Search Term Extravaganza Part 2: All Your Questions Answered!

The Searchers: Scanning the horizon for signs of "airport lesbians."
The Searchers: Scanning the horizon for signs of “airport lesbians.”

Looking through the search terms people have used to get to my blog, I can’t help but feel a little sad, even a tiny bit guilty.

Clearly the searchers who came to Man Boobz looking for information about “airport lesbians” or “sexual spanking in animal kingdom” or even “all metaphors of bread” were likely to be a bit disappointed when they got here and discovered what the blog was really about. I’ve written about this once before.

But today, as a sort of public service, I’d like to see if I can help out some of the hapless searchers who’ve come to Man Boobz by providing answers to, or at least some sort of opinions about, their more puzzling queries. Just so you know, these are all real. I’ve left out the most perverse ones.

why women spoil easier than men

Fewer preservatives?

why do girls like animals

Because animals are awesome? (Except bedbugs. And lice. Not fond of bugs in general.)

famous pople wirh cats

Obviously that second word is a typo. Here you go.

Famous Pope With Cat
Famous Pope With Cat

kittens in war

Kitten in war
Kitten in war

stefan molyneux is an idiot

Yes he is.

want does a slut want

Pretty much what we all want, I’m guessing: Good friends, a decent job, a nice place to live, a bowl of snacks, a subscription to Netflix, and regular consensual sex with cool people.

do women love sperm

You’re going to have to determine this on a case by case basis.

do military guys hate eating pussy

You’re going to have to determine this on a case by case basis too.

women are just holes

I am going to have to disagree with you on this one, bud. I think you have women confused with sponges.

Here’s are some women. (I’m not quite sure what they find so funny.)


Here’s a sponge.


Sorry, here’s a sponge.


Happy to help!

no sympathy for lonely women

Huh. That seems a little dickish, dude.

i detest women

Yeah, we get it.

i hate women so much

We get it. WE GET IT.

i’m a straight man who hates women

Yeah, seriously. WE GOT IT.

i hate women and i don’t respect them

What the fuck, man.

why do i hate women

I don’t know, dude. But at least you’re asking the question.

how to halve your vagina-age

Maybe have it wear a jaunty hat?

what happens to women butt as they age

Women’s butts build cocoons, and transform into beautiful butt butterflies!

what do men think about periods

Speaking for myself, I find them useful to end sentences with. Semicolons are much more interesting; trust me on this one!

the west is a cunt controlled matriarchy

I’m going to say no to that one.

show mewhere tofindyoung females tohavesexwith


breeding european women

I think you might be looking for Stormfront, not Man Boobz.

when do guys pour their sperms?

I … don’t know? Is sperm pouring even a thing? Is this what the cool kids are into today? I feel so old.

how make a tide penis

No. First you need to ask yourself “why make a tide penis?” Actually, before you ask that, maybe you could explain to me what a “tide penis” is in the first place. Actually, scratch that. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.

ugly girls eating cream

Can’t help you there, but here are some sad women eating ice cream. There seem to be as many stock photos of this old trope as there are of Women Laughing Alone With Salad.


why men should not have cats

Wait, what? What are you talking about? GET THE HELL OFF MY BLOG.

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Ally S
11 years ago

do military guys hate eating pussy

LOL wtf XD

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

If any of the really perverse ones were funny then I bet we’d enjoy those too.

Sounds like a lot of searchers get a rude awakening on arriving here.

11 years ago

Clearly a Tide penis is made of laundry detergent. It’s part of the evil gynocentric plan to take over the world by not just getting men to do their own laundry, but getting them to de-penis themselves in the process.

And unfortunate side effect of this plan is that men can no longer take showers unless they’re OK with their cocks dissolving.

Men pour their sperms into a beaker, in biology class. So that women can take the beaker and use it as part of the scented candle making process.

11 years ago

Well, I think we should oblige with some “metaphors or bread.”

1. A slice of bread is like a pillow for sliced cheese and lunch meat.

2. My heart was squished like a loaf of bread thrown carelessly at the bottom of the grocery bag, buried beneath the canned goods and the bag of onions.

3. The books were lined up neatly on the shelves like slices of bread.

And I can only think of similes today, not metaphors, apparently.

11 years ago

Your search terms are better than mine! Here’s a sample:

slave to a manhater
udders under skirt
hurding cats limerick
feminism in importance of being earnest
this is not my point
rodney james alcala november 2012
nuns and kittens
mixed metaphor with deer
broken heart emo robot boy
war capybara
canadian travel advisory
connections between kittens and feminists
cat spaghetti
cheetos are hunting
pube terror
life stories and writings about prison life
lesson about judas
remarks about nasals victory
see boobz

11 years ago

IMO, bugs are awesome too.

11 years ago

What can beat war capybara?

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@cassandra has ruined scented candles for me. I am now trying *not* to think about what scent they have. 🙁

11 years ago

Bread metaphors:

Traditionally, men were the bread-winners.

Hypergamic women know which side their bread is buttered.

Metaphors are my bread and butter.

11 years ago

You do know that sad women eating ice cream is a giant conspiracy? We do this to deceive men so that they will think ice cream makes you sad. It’s part of our secret diabolical plot for ice cream domination.

11 years ago

Okay, Paul Elam as a sponge made me laugh.

11 years ago

I dream of punching Elam in the bread basket. (not really)

11 years ago

A tide penis inflates and deflates depending on moon cycles.

11 years ago

@ cloudiah

Does a war capybara wear armor? For some reason I’m charmed by this mental image.

Ally S
11 years ago

A tide penis inflates and deflates depending on moon cycles.

“Sorry, honey, I can’t – the moon isn’t full yet.”

11 years ago


D’awww. That kitty armor is adorable :3

11 years ago

Unleash the capybaras of war! I really want to know WTF the person who entered that search term was actually trying to find.

11 years ago

Nthing the Elam = Sponge gag.

do military guys hate eating pussy

I know! Let’s check the specs at the Military Guy Factory. Here’s some earplugs: The ginormous WHUMP that the press makes four times a minute can be pretty overwhelming.

The Military Gal Factory, by comparison, turns them out on lathes, so the noise isn’t an assault so much as an atmosphere.

broken heart emo robot boy

The movie’s called A.I., buddy.




Mine, all mine.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

why men should not have cats

Wait, what? What are you talking about? GET THE HELL OFF MY BLOG.

The best, and only possible answer to this question.

11 years ago


They’d be the AT-AT walkers of the rodent combat world.

11 years ago

I cackled like a man-hating feminist witch at the “sponge” bit. And the last response is gold, too.


Your search terms look like someone’s been Googlewhacking. Also, slave to a manhater makes me think some of the MRM’s doom and gloom diatribes about Teh Matriarchy are just elaborate fantasies…

11 years ago

Titanblue: While I must concur that leather cat barding is awesome, it should be noted that it represents cat warfare from a technologically unsophisticated age. Nowadays, one would best be prepared for (and if at all possible, target for recruitment) Tank Cats:

11 years ago

Of course, in the future, the Furrinati will roll out their ultimate weapons–the Catmechs:

(Broke this post up to evade the spam filter.)

11 years ago

Oh my god, I love the cardboard Mad Cat.

Are we sure it’s not a Timber Wolf?

I’ve always kinda wanted to try BattleMech but the closest I’ve ever come is Mechwarrior 2 and a couple of the novels.

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