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Men’s Rights Redditors confused, angered by random woman’s obvious joke about spermjacking some dude

Dorothy Parker would like to remind you that women are also capable of making jokes.
Frustrated Dorothy Parker would like to remind you that women are also capable of making jokes.

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Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Yet more proof that Men’s Rights activists live in an imaginary misandrist dystopia of their own making: this post on Reddit, which has the Men’s Righsters there in a tizzy:

567  Heard this gem yesterday at a college. Stay safe, men! (self.MensRights)  submitted 1 day ago by LoudMatt  Thought MensRights would find this interesting.  I teach a class at a small community college and yesterday I was set up at a student activities fair. At the table next to me, one of the staff (not a student, mind you), a chubby, cute woman in her early to mid 20s was talking to two students in their late teens and said (this is verbatim, btw):  "If I don't have a baby by 28, I'm just going to go to some bar and get pregnant from some guy. It's easier and cheaper and I'll get a check too!"  A classy role model right there. Stay safe, boys.      145 comments

Yeah, fellas, assuming that this even happened, I’m pretty sure what we’re dealing with is what the rest of us human beings call a “joke.” A dumb joke, but a joke nonetheless. This young lady, I feel confident in saying, does not actually intend to spermjack some innocent lad so she can spend the next 18-plus years of her life raising a child herself while trying to squeeze child support out of someone who hates her.

But don’t tell that to the Men’s Rightsers, who assume the worst about this young woman — and then some.

springy 40 points 1 day ago (45|5)  And then when she is a month pregnant, and reality sets in, she will find some sucker that looks like he has good financial prospects, sleep with him and say "You are going to be a father - let's get married". He will do the honorable thing, and then two years later she will kick him out, and she will keep the child, his house, his car, and his savings. He lose everything, including his dignity. He will only get to keep two things: regrets, and child support bills.

Indeed, some of the regulars there are so angry about it they literally want to get the young woman fired or at the very least admonished for making such a terrible, terrible comment in front of young, impressionable students who, I guess, have never heard a joke before.

Another commenter wonders how it is possible for a chubby woman to also be cute. Because fat women are hambeasts AMIRITE FELLAS HIGH FIVE!!!1!

If you scroll down far enough in the comments you will find some Men’s Rights Redditors wondering if maybe, perhaps, possibly, the woman might be making a joke. But these aren’t the comments getting the upvotes. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, anti-woman hysteria trumps rational skepticism pretty much all day, every day.

Q: How many Men’s Rights Activists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


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10 years ago

Who was that woman in Harry Potter? Played by Imelda Staunton in the movies.

10 years ago

Sam-I-Was?, love your furkid!

neuroticbeagle, alas, I don’t think my sister’s a feminist – I don’t know if she even thinks about it.

Love the dog-and-vac pics. 😀

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
10 years ago

@Sam, so cute!

@Scott and @Unimaginative basically it is signalling he’s an arse, although it’s not meant that way. Besides being passive aggressive, it could mean:
– I’ve been horrid and I’m happy about it
– I’m not being serious with what I said (probably doesn’t mean this, in the context with kit)
– I’ve said my piece and don’t care what you think
– if you take what I’ve said to heart, you’re being too sensitive

But really, it could just be a complete inability to use smilies appropriately. 😉

10 years ago

Dolores Umbridge. Yeah, turns out that google things works pretty well…

10 years ago

@ kittehs
oh well. Here is the other corgi site I know:

I think I read somewhere* that Dolores Umbridge is more hated than Voldermort.

*Or I am pulling this out of my ass. Not sure which, so you probably shouldn’t quote me on this.

10 years ago

You seem to have a lot preconceived notions about people requesting a “break” from a relationship. I thought Catgirl meant she wanted some space to consider their relationship and her bf was unfairly characterizing that as an “unhealthy” desire to isolate herself. The bf is also trying to turn her request for space as something hurtful to him, by referencing a painful past breakup.

Like others, I’m uncomfortable with what seems like manipulative behavior by her bf and think that this is something she needs to hash out with her therapist and other confidants.

I’m quoting your statements about “taking breaks” because I disagree that it’s inherently dishonest or negative. I’ve known people in relationships who took a break, ones that included dating other people, and then got back together. It does happens, and so does people getting back together after breaking up. Relationship dynamics can change, especially when people are unable to focus 100% of their energy on the relationship for a variety of reasons. I think honest, mutually agreed upon “breaks” are possible.

1. Take time to figure out if you are ready to be in a relationship right now. If, and only if, you are, spend the time to figure out whether or not you want to be in a relationship with HIM. I have to admit, I don’t believe in “taking breaks” from relationships. I’m sure that this is not how you mean it, but to me, “taking a break” basically amounts to stringing a guy along. And even though you do not mean it in this way, I feel that this is the de facto reality of “taking breaks”. I think that you should either cleanly break up with a guy, or that you stay fully in the relationship. This way no-one is put through all of the pain of breaking up, but with none of the closure.
I don’t have a problem with her framing it as taking a break, I have a problem with her taking a break at all. I think, unless both parties are in 100% enthusiastic agreement that they wish to scale back the commitment/closeness of the relationship, that she should either commit 100% to continuing the relationship and working out the problems in it, or she should commit 100% to leaving him, ending it, do not pass go, never date again, so they both move on. It’s her choice as to which route to take. If she wants to leave him, then she should just leave him. If she wants to still date him, then she should stay with him, no break.

10 years ago


I think part of the explanation I saw for that was that Umbridge is the kind of petty evil most people have more experience with. Like more people have experience with people abusing their power than they do with the kind of evil voldemort is. Though YMMV, seeing as how, Snape for example still abuses his power a lot in ways (iirc/imo) are somewhat similar to Umbridge, so it’s probably also a sexism thing.

10 years ago

“I think I read somewhere* that Dolores Umbridge is more hated than Voldermort.”

I’m the sort of person who tends to root for the bad guys and THIS is true for me. I’ve read fanfiction about Voldermort that made me thin “awww, he’s not SO bad… sort of” But I can’t even get to that place with Umbridge, and I don’t know why. She reminds me of an aunt I don’t like maybe?

10 years ago

*think, not thin

K, why you run away!?

10 years ago

Umbridge is more hands-on with her evil, and she has no hidden depths to speak of. She’s just easier to hate. Now to think of it, the other prominent female villain, Bellatrix, also fits the same pattern…

10 years ago

I dunno, I kinda like Bellatrix 😉 Am I strange? -_-

10 years ago

I believe that. Umbridge has no story. She’s just completely flat and completely horrible. We have no idea why she’s like this, she just is.

Also unlike Voldemort, who is, pardon the expression, larger than life, I think a lot of people know an Umbridge, someone who thinks they are righteous and good and who is in reality a fascist and unbelievably cruel, who tries to disguise that awfulness with a veneer of the opposite. Umbridge’s evil isn’t that she’s into dark magic, it’s that she’s a tiny minded xenophobic supremacist follower.

10 years ago

Bellatrix is a sexy badass. Umbridge is just…CLOYING. Like a syrupy troll. Maybe that’s why she’s so despised.

10 years ago

I always assumed that Umbridge was a(n exaggerated) portrait of an actual person or people Rowling knew. Maybe a hated teacher. In fact, the reason I dislike her so much is that she reminds me viscerally of a handful of people I’ve had the misfortune of trying to work with.

tiny minded xenophobic supremacist follower

THIS. Exactly this.

10 years ago

“Bellatrix is a sexy badass.”


10 years ago


I dunno, I kinda like Bellatrix 😉 Am I strange? -_-

idk, but I liked Bellatrix, too, so you’re not alone. :3

10 years ago

I kinda like Bellatrix 😉 Am I strange?

Please tell me this was intentional!

Snape for example still abuses his power a lot in ways (iirc/imo) are somewhat similar to Umbridge, so it’s probably also a sexism thing.

And Snape is not only less hated than Voldemort, he’s beloved and his obsession with Lily is read as a tragic love story by large swathes of the fandom. So yeah, probably (internalized) sexism. Has anyone got any good theories as to why women fans tend to woobiefy this kind of character?

10 years ago

“Please tell me this was intentional!”



10 years ago

I didn’t follow the books or the films to the point of the Snape/Lily story emerging, but I liked Snape in the first couple of books and because, well, Alan Rickman.

10 years ago


I’m not sure, but I’ll speculate wildly, since (*cringe* embarrassing confession time) I used to be one of those fans.

It’s been a while since I read the books, so this is all from memory, but I think a lot of it’s got to do with nice guy tm stuff, and when I was younger I bought into a lot of that shit. And …dang I know I used to be a lot more sympathetic to Snape but I’m having a hard time remembering my logic. But short, easy answer is nice guy tm stuff.

10 years ago


Basically, IIRC, Snape and Lily used to be friends. Snape got bullied some by James, and at some point Snape ends up calling Lily a mudblood. (I think that was the word?) and generally being a dick about her not having witches/wizards as parents. James meanwhile learns to not be an ass, later he and Lily get married. Snape joins the Deatheaters, but his only actual objection is to that they’re going to end up killing Lily, so pretty much he’s just pissed that they’re planning on killing the person he had a crush on, and not any of the other things they did.

10 years ago

“Has anyone got any good theories as to why women fans tend to woobiefy this kind of character?”

Alas, I do not. And I’m guilty of it myself, though less with Snape and more with characters from Naruto, my drug *ahem*, I mean fandom, of choice.

10 years ago

Marie – I knew the broad outline, I hadn’t read the later books (quit after Order of the Phoenix) and I think I only saw the first two films, which I thought weren’t up to much (they RUINED the best joke in the second book, idiots). Hmm, so he was only not-keen-on-the-Deatheaters because of Lily? That’s a very different matter, isn’t it.

Interesting that Rickman was the only one in the films who seems to have sussed where Rowling was going with Snape.

10 years ago

And Snape is not only less hated than Voldemort, he’s beloved and his obsession with Lily is read as a tragic love story by large swathes of the fandom. So yeah, probably (internalized) sexism. Has anyone got any good theories as to why women fans tend to woobiefy this kind of character?

The whole “the love a good woman can save him/change him” thing, maybe? There’s this whole narrative going through our culture that a woman can (and should) save a misunderstood “bad boy” and turn him into a kind and loving man who sees the error of his ways. Particularly, it seems with characters like Snape, there’s a backstory to “explain” why they’re evil, or why they behave the way they do. It makes the character more sympathetic. And you have women raised to believe that they need to be loving and compassionate and that saving men like these is their job. And that whole dynamic is romanticized in our culture (think of all the love stories and rom-coms that have this plot).

And plus, obsession is romanticized, too. Snape’s obsession with Lily seems romantic, not creepy (as it really is!).

I hope some of that rambling made sense.

10 years ago


made sense to me :3

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