This is the final day of the Man Boobz Pledge Drive! If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way.
Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Yet more proof that Men’s Rights activists live in an imaginary misandrist dystopia of their own making: this post on Reddit, which has the Men’s Righsters there in a tizzy:
Yeah, fellas, assuming that this even happened, I’m pretty sure what we’re dealing with is what the rest of us human beings call a “joke.” A dumb joke, but a joke nonetheless. This young lady, I feel confident in saying, does not actually intend to spermjack some innocent lad so she can spend the next 18-plus years of her life raising a child herself while trying to squeeze child support out of someone who hates her.
But don’t tell that to the Men’s Rightsers, who assume the worst about this young woman — and then some.
Indeed, some of the regulars there are so angry about it they literally want to get the young woman fired or at the very least admonished for making such a terrible, terrible comment in front of young, impressionable students who, I guess, have never heard a joke before.
Another commenter wonders how it is possible for a chubby woman to also be cute. Because fat women are hambeasts AMIRITE FELLAS HIGH FIVE!!!1!
If you scroll down far enough in the comments you will find some Men’s Rights Redditors wondering if maybe, perhaps, possibly, the woman might be making a joke. But these aren’t the comments getting the upvotes. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, anti-woman hysteria trumps rational skepticism pretty much all day, every day.
Q: How many Men’s Rights Activists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Bailey is neutral on the vacuum, but Tigger believes it is trying to kill him and so he runs and hides. Other deadly threats to Tigger include the screen door opening or closing, somebody standing up and sneezes. This list is by no means comprehensive.
There should be a comma between “standing up” and “sneezes” as they are two separate list items.
Drama llama added to my herd. It’s going around accusing my 8 unicorns, 5 horses and the teal deer of being overly dramatic (otoh, it likes the food stuffs y’all have provided). Thankfully Sam-I-Was is boarding my ninth unicorn, so at least one of them is safe from the accusations.
Seriously MEZ, Not. Okay. It does NOT take two to clearly state why something is hurtful and keep doing it anyways — okay, it does, but only the one being hurtful is in the wrong. And it really doesn’t take two to refuse to respect someone’s boundaries. How can you not see that demanding that cat girl not take a break isn’t some sort of problem to be worked out? Or that continuing to say hurtful things is a neon sign saying he has no intent to work on his behavior?
Yeah he has the right to say if she wants a break he’s ending the relationship, but he has no right WHAT SO FUCKING EVER to say she has to stay with him. How in the FUCK can you even try to defend that?!
@Marie, thanks, gratefully accepted.
@Viscaria: our cats *sprint* out of the room if one of us sneezes. If we’re doing the ah, ah… build up to a sneeze, they bolt at that part. What is up with that?
Mr Kiwi and I were going to tease the cats back and run away from them when they sneezed. But as our cats are ragdolls, we thought that might emotionally scar them for life, so we haven’t.
Both my kitties hate the vacuum and hide from it. Hazel is terrified of closed doors. She is convinced that terrible things lurk behind them. I’ve actually heard her growl at them.
What an adorable little weirdo she is.
“I’m not sure why, but this paragraph is striking me so the wrong way.”
Because it reeks of exactly what catgirl’s BF is doing? You’re wrong and I might be too but I know I’m not 😀
That second sentence is me interpreting MEZ, not directed at you Marie (good to see you back btw)
@argenti aertheri
Thanks for paraphrasing it. I just couldn’t put my finger on what was off about it. And it’s good to be back :3
I just want to say that I think Hazel is the best cat name ever. Sorry if I’ve already said this before.
*paraphrasing/ your take on it/ honest translation, whichever makes the most sense. I can’t word today.
:: waves at Marie, even though she sees her on Tumblr all the time ::
Hi 😀 And I’m gonna say hi here, since I ended up taking a break from tumblr. (it was cutting too much into time I’d rather be on manboobz. Yes, I am serious :p)
Tigger and Bailey have wisely learned that FUN lurks behind closed doors. Lucky for them, back when boyfriend adopted them he was afraid they would get stuck in a closed room during a fire or something, so he taught them to bat doors open.
The only time that doesn’t work is when the bedroom door is locked by the cruel stepmom and her cruel pet allergies. The only way for the kitties to access FUN in that case is to beat their paws endlessly against the door to communicate their displeasure.
Knitting brain bleach: cat socks for humans
Tigger obviously went to the same School of Terrible Threats as Fribbles. Sneezing and coughing are her particular threats. Also walking anywhere or patting her.
Standing up and sneezing at the same time would be just too much altogether!
Loving that mental image, also the horses and unicorns and teal deer going WTF?
Spooky cat socks, win!
I know this is all a little late, catgirl, but you might consider running all this by a family member or friend who has seen you and BF interact (we mean well, but we’re not seeing his tone or attitude or any of those real-world cues). This isn’t always helpful, because abusers can be very good at charming everyone else, but it’s also possible they’re seeing the same things you are.
Hazel the cat confuses me because I have a cousin called Hazel so whenever cloudiah mentions Hazel the cat I’m all, she did what?
@catgirl, I know this thread is probably overwhelming but I hope you are doing well. As someone who has posted way TMI this is a very supportive community. I hope you come back and let us know how you are doing. Whether or not you come back I am sending thoughts your way.
In the meantime I would like all of the community to know that the 9th unicorn is doing well romping with the furry friend and enjoying the house rodents combing its hair. Zie recently told me “snort, stomp, paw, snort” which I believe translates into a message to the drama llama of “take the drama back to your momma”
And in a total shout out to myself I would like to mention my new gravatar is a picture of my little girl aka furry friend. That’s her What no treat???” look. Gravatar down, trying to quote next. You kids and your technology **shakes fist**
Is she a feminist too? She might like this site:
“You’re wrong and I might be too but I know I’m not :D”
Ugh, that reminds me of how kitt33 used smiley’s–he’d write something he hoped would be upsetting or hurtful, and then put a smiley right after it. I did ask him why, but, as expected, I didn’t get an answer. Anyone have ideas on why certain people engage in this kind of behavior? I’m almost certain they don’t do it to provide evidence that people should ignore and avoid them.
Corgis, you say?
Lol! I’m glad the unicorn has settled in well 🙂
And blockquotes go like this —
Passive-aggressiveness. Bless their hearts.
@Sam I was
She’s adorable!
Dogs and vacuums:
It’s that “let me smirk at you with this annoying smiley while invalidating your experiences and undermining your decisions” thing that really grates.