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Men’s Rights Redditors confused, angered by random woman’s obvious joke about spermjacking some dude

Dorothy Parker would like to remind you that women are also capable of making jokes.
Frustrated Dorothy Parker would like to remind you that women are also capable of making jokes.

This is the final day of the Man Boobz Pledge Drive! If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way.

Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Yet more proof that Men’s Rights activists live in an imaginary misandrist dystopia of their own making: this post on Reddit, which has the Men’s Righsters there in a tizzy:

567  Heard this gem yesterday at a college. Stay safe, men! (self.MensRights)  submitted 1 day ago by LoudMatt  Thought MensRights would find this interesting.  I teach a class at a small community college and yesterday I was set up at a student activities fair. At the table next to me, one of the staff (not a student, mind you), a chubby, cute woman in her early to mid 20s was talking to two students in their late teens and said (this is verbatim, btw):  "If I don't have a baby by 28, I'm just going to go to some bar and get pregnant from some guy. It's easier and cheaper and I'll get a check too!"  A classy role model right there. Stay safe, boys.      145 comments

Yeah, fellas, assuming that this even happened, I’m pretty sure what we’re dealing with is what the rest of us human beings call a “joke.” A dumb joke, but a joke nonetheless. This young lady, I feel confident in saying, does not actually intend to spermjack some innocent lad so she can spend the next 18-plus years of her life raising a child herself while trying to squeeze child support out of someone who hates her.

But don’t tell that to the Men’s Rightsers, who assume the worst about this young woman — and then some.

springy 40 points 1 day ago (45|5)  And then when she is a month pregnant, and reality sets in, she will find some sucker that looks like he has good financial prospects, sleep with him and say "You are going to be a father - let's get married". He will do the honorable thing, and then two years later she will kick him out, and she will keep the child, his house, his car, and his savings. He lose everything, including his dignity. He will only get to keep two things: regrets, and child support bills.

Indeed, some of the regulars there are so angry about it they literally want to get the young woman fired or at the very least admonished for making such a terrible, terrible comment in front of young, impressionable students who, I guess, have never heard a joke before.

Another commenter wonders how it is possible for a chubby woman to also be cute. Because fat women are hambeasts AMIRITE FELLAS HIGH FIVE!!!1!

If you scroll down far enough in the comments you will find some Men’s Rights Redditors wondering if maybe, perhaps, possibly, the woman might be making a joke. But these aren’t the comments getting the upvotes. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, anti-woman hysteria trumps rational skepticism pretty much all day, every day.

Q: How many Men’s Rights Activists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


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11 years ago

What kind of goal is “salvageable” for a relationship anyway?

Not that it matters. Catgirl asked for advice, signed off with “I’m going to do X”, and then MEZ came in with “I don’t agree with people doing X”. Unless this is meant to be an illustration of “how not to be supportive 101”, it already went off the rails right there.

And still with the insistence that catgirl must be somehow responsible for his behavior and that even if she isn’t, she’s the one who should fix things anyway. This is classic sexism (women as the emotional caretakers of men), and therefore a lot of people here are going to continue to push back against it.

11 years ago

I’d never really tried one outside of a mango lassi and then I made some grilled chicken breasts with a mango salsa this summer, but had a heck of a time dealing with the thing.

Then I think Argenti asked about a mango corer? And I got lost on the internet and came home with a new mango the next time they were on sale at the grocery store. They were on sale yesterday, too, and they claimed ripe and ready, but I don’t buy it. I’m hoping for tomorrow, but it could also be next Wednesday.

11 years ago

The best part about eating them in private is sucking out the core.

And everything in the world goes good with vodka, come on!

11 years ago

When I want support, I ask for support. When I want to be challenged, I ask for advice.

Pay attention to the tone. Does catgirl really sound like she wants to be challenged? Is that what you’re reading from the way she’s expressing herself?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah I asked about a mango slicer, because that’s what Pecunium is getting as a wedding gift if he doesn’t tell me wtf he wants.

Pecunium — ah…seeing how I’m usually mixing vodka and mango juice when mangos are consumed, I wouldn’t know. I’m bad enough when just drunk! (It’d take about another daiquiri and a half, in quick succession, to get me actually drunk)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Eli…that may be true…at least for things you like in general. I’d say rum couldn’t manage it, but Pecunium managed a rum drink I didn’t hate, so I’ll leave open the idea he could pull it off. Licorice is an absolute no though, I cannot stand the stuff. At all. (Ouzo may’ve been the nastiest thing I’ve ever tasted)

11 years ago

Cocktail question! I’ve had kaffir lime martinis on a couple of occasions and loved them, but I’m not quite sure how to go about recreating them. Anyone know any good drinks blogs that might do cocktails like that?

(The place where I used to get them took them off the menu.)

11 years ago

Just the smell of ouzo makes me feel ill, but I’m not sure if that’s just because of an unfortunate teenage binge drinking incident.

11 years ago

Wait, I missed the proverb. Am I blind or is it lost on some other thread or from you folks hanging out in the real world.

I don’t really like fruit, but I’m digging the mangoes.

Why is MEZ so fixated on Catgirl and at such length?

11 years ago

Given some of the stuff said so far in this thread I’m going to vote for “poor sense of boundaries”.

11 years ago

Well I like ouzo, so no help there, but I don’t like licorice…hmmm am I thinking of the right stuff? that greek apertif?

Maybe I just like to drink alcohol.

11 years ago

Ah, ninja’d by pecunium , and catgirl.

@catgirl, glad that everything is OK. Thanks for the update! Good idea getting a second opinion from a family member. You’re doing great! 🙂


The implicit argument is that Mez isn’t being dramatic (or that zie is aware of the dramatic elements, and has ameliorated them). It’s a backhanded escalation of the charge of drama.

No, I meant exactly what I said; maybe I was making similar dramatic leaps in my conclusions when I assumed the best. As I said, dramatic is clearly not the correct word to use here. Look, I can barely get my opinions out coherently today, trust me when I say I’m not going to bother putting some deep dark second meaning nestled down into them, because then they would come out convoluted.

Although “Agree to disagree” could be code for “we’re never going to agree, so lets just cut our losses and move on, sing kumbya, have a beer/weed/whatever, and hold tentacles. Agree?

Catgirl is back!

11 years ago

Especially going on at such length after she’s already told us what’s going on and decisions she’s made about going forward.

11 years ago

Ouzo does taste a bit liquorish-like to me, so it’s interesting that you like one but not the other. I don’t like either.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

A bit? Maybe it’s that I was already high as fuck.

Oh that party…the aftermath! We ended up taking pics of the food stuffs left all over the place once the mess was contained. Fifty chicken wings are disgusting two days later.

MEZ — do you not see the irony in going on at some length about how people say what they think they mean and then insisting you said exactly what you meant?

11 years ago

Also, ouzo was responsible for my participation in folk dancing, of which my parents took pictures. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is for baby goth?

11 years ago

Maybe I haven’t tried licorice since I was a kid and maybe I like it now?

Do you folks like fennel? That’s something else I’ve heard tastes like licorice. The mice sure liked it in the spice drawer in my basement.

11 years ago

well, folk dancing explains it all.

11 years ago

Fennel to me tastes closer to anise? They’re all sort of related flavors, but for some reason I like anise but dislike licorice.

11 years ago


Pay attention to the tone. Does catgirl really sound like she wants to be challenged? Is that what you’re reading from the way she’s expressing herself?

Fair point.

And still with the insistence that catgirl must be somehow responsible for his behavior and that even if she isn’t, she’s the one who should fix things anyway. This is classic sexism (women as the emotional caretakers of men), and therefore a lot of people here are going to continue to push back against it.

Not a fair point. If she wants to salvage the relationship then she should be the one who “fixes” things as the person who is currently being the most reasonable, not as the woman. Classic sexism or not, let’s not cut off our nose to spite our face.

Given some of the stuff said so far in this thread I’m going to vote for “poor sense of boundaries”.

Try “is really annoyed when misinterpreted”.

We’re not still discussing this, are we? It’s grown pretty moot. Yes, I tell people that I think they are wrong. Then they tell me if they think I am wrong. I’m not “dismissing” them any more than they’re “dismissing” me. Afterwards we reach and agreement, or not. From now on, I will focus exclusively on being supportive. I love you guys!

But I fucking hate mangoes. Pecunium is a smart man. Let’s talk about mangoes.

11 years ago

The only person here who seems to be fixated on her salvaging the relationship is you, and honestly, it’s freaking me out.

11 years ago

But I would woobiefy Alan Rickman playing just about any character possible. I blame seeing “Truly Madly Deeply” (is that the right title, are there commas? too lazy to google right now) at an impressionable age.

Yes, it is, and I was always too scared to see that movie, despite ALAN RICKMAN WITH MOUSTACHE, ‘cos the theme was a bit close to the bone in years past.

Did you ever see him in Sense and Sensibility? Or the series where he made his name, The Barchester Chronicles? I’ve lost count of how often I’ve watched that.

11 years ago

He was great in Sense and Sensibility.

11 years ago

MEZ — do you not see the irony in going on at some length about how people say what they think they mean and then insisting you said exactly what you meant?

It is pretty hilarious isn’t it?

But in the first case, I was discussing people never being able to know what they mean when they are making decisions based on confused feelings. Add a hurt/combative/whatever boyfriend in, and now we’ve doubled the possibilities of misunderstandings. In the latter case, I was pointing out that I wasn’t consciously making some evil double-meaning. Any secret meanings hidden from my conscious, I guess will remain a secret!

I like anise, does anyone have any good suggestions for brands? I also have some Blackmaker Root Beer Liqueur. It’s been sitting in my cabinet, waiting for a special occasion. Maybe I should crack that open. “Manboobz liqueur review” seems like a special enough occasion, as everyone I know seems to hate root beer. 🙁 I think they’re sorely mistaken.

11 years ago

I prefer reading to watching, but I believe he was in Die Hard? was that the first one? I believe there was a safe involved.

Sorry it hits too close to home Kittehserf, but I am relying on old memory. I believe I saw it in the theater or when it first came out on video. I haven’t seen Sense and Sensibility. Read it. Was Kate Winslet in that one? I’ll have to see if the library has it. Maybe I’ll try to watch something. I just get impatient and go do something else.

Blockquote monster eats concerned person.

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