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Men’s Rights Redditors confused, angered by random woman’s obvious joke about spermjacking some dude

Dorothy Parker would like to remind you that women are also capable of making jokes.
Frustrated Dorothy Parker would like to remind you that women are also capable of making jokes.

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Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Yet more proof that Men’s Rights activists live in an imaginary misandrist dystopia of their own making: this post on Reddit, which has the Men’s Righsters there in a tizzy:

567  Heard this gem yesterday at a college. Stay safe, men! (self.MensRights)  submitted 1 day ago by LoudMatt  Thought MensRights would find this interesting.  I teach a class at a small community college and yesterday I was set up at a student activities fair. At the table next to me, one of the staff (not a student, mind you), a chubby, cute woman in her early to mid 20s was talking to two students in their late teens and said (this is verbatim, btw):  "If I don't have a baby by 28, I'm just going to go to some bar and get pregnant from some guy. It's easier and cheaper and I'll get a check too!"  A classy role model right there. Stay safe, boys.      145 comments

Yeah, fellas, assuming that this even happened, I’m pretty sure what we’re dealing with is what the rest of us human beings call a “joke.” A dumb joke, but a joke nonetheless. This young lady, I feel confident in saying, does not actually intend to spermjack some innocent lad so she can spend the next 18-plus years of her life raising a child herself while trying to squeeze child support out of someone who hates her.

But don’t tell that to the Men’s Rightsers, who assume the worst about this young woman — and then some.

springy 40 points 1 day ago (45|5)  And then when she is a month pregnant, and reality sets in, she will find some sucker that looks like he has good financial prospects, sleep with him and say "You are going to be a father - let's get married". He will do the honorable thing, and then two years later she will kick him out, and she will keep the child, his house, his car, and his savings. He lose everything, including his dignity. He will only get to keep two things: regrets, and child support bills.

Indeed, some of the regulars there are so angry about it they literally want to get the young woman fired or at the very least admonished for making such a terrible, terrible comment in front of young, impressionable students who, I guess, have never heard a joke before.

Another commenter wonders how it is possible for a chubby woman to also be cute. Because fat women are hambeasts AMIRITE FELLAS HIGH FIVE!!!1!

If you scroll down far enough in the comments you will find some Men’s Rights Redditors wondering if maybe, perhaps, possibly, the woman might be making a joke. But these aren’t the comments getting the upvotes. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, anti-woman hysteria trumps rational skepticism pretty much all day, every day.

Q: How many Men’s Rights Activists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


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Hyena Girl
11 years ago

A: Two, if they’re very small MRAs.

11 years ago

I like how in their hypothetical scenario (of a completely bullshit story), the man does the “honourable” thing, because it’s totally not common for men NOT to pay child support.

11 years ago

None. That lighbulb’s gonna take of an MRAs manly empire.

11 years ago

So, according to misters, rape jokes and woman-bashing jokes are just fine. But joking about “spermjacking” (I can’t believe I just typed that)? That’s too offensive.

11 years ago

^half of.

I love how wound up the misters get over nothing.

11 years ago

I mean, I have a very dark, sarcastic, offensive sense of humor. It takes a lot for me to become offended. So I’m not a very good judge on what is offensive and what’s not. But I don’t get how this is joke is horrible, and its teller should be punished, but yet I’ve heard so many misters complain when people are offended by rape jokes.
Then again, to the misters, this isn’t a joke. To them, this represents this particular woman’s life plans.

11 years ago

Why do MRAs keep insisting evil wimmenz can force them into fatherhood? Pro tip guys; if you do not wish to impregnate a woman here are three options.
1. Condoms
2. Celibacy
3. Vasectomy

Is that really so hard to figure out?

11 years ago

Speaking of, why aren’t they complaining about women forced into motherhood? You know, like women who are raped and become pregnant as a result, and live in places where safe abortions are extremely hard to get or outlawed?

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

I find it hilarious and sad how most of these dudes are convinced that women spend most of their time thinking on how to get them and their sperm. They need a serious reality check.

11 years ago

auggziliary | January 29, 2014 at 3:42 pm
4. Date men.

but…but…THAT’S HOMO!
Yeah, yeah, I know not ALL misters are homophobic, but I don’t give a shit. I always thought that, if they hate women so much, why bother dating them then? Why not just go after men? But they can’t do that, because eww eww homos.
Of course, I do like it that some of them decide to just go “their own way”. That way, nobody has to deal with their sexual advances!

11 years ago

I’ve seriously men on the internet arguing that men shouldn’t have to pay child support because women can just get an abortion.
First of all, abortion isn’t easy to obtain everywhere. Secondly, the courts care about the interest of the child, not the parents. It isn’t some cruel system the state devised to favor women and punish men. The courts do not care whether or not the child was planned or wanted.
I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but we’re bound to get a troll sooner or later.

11 years ago

I’ve never understood their idea on “financial abortion” either. How do they both say that “society mocks fatherhood” and say that “fathers should have the right to refuse to help raise and support their children”?

11 years ago

He will do the honorable thing, and then two years later she will kick him out, and she will keep the child, his house, his car, and his savings.

Don’t you hate it when a hypothetical wrong is exacerbated by a wholly imaginary one?

But seriously, divorce law doesn’t work like that today, if indeed it ever did. Joint custody is now the norm, as is 50/50 division of assets.

11 years ago

“his house, his car, and his savings…”

I find it funny that the woman in the story is clearly staff/faculty at a college, and yet she has none of her own assets and must steal some other dude’s stuff via marriage and divorce?

Pro Tip: Women work, make money, own homes, and buy cars… sometimes all by themselves!

Anecdote: If my bf and I ever got married then divorced and split the assets 50/50 I would get the short end of the deal. By quite a bit, actually.

11 years ago

Don’t forget #5: Invest in a Fleshlight.

11 years ago

Part of me wants to write a song called Spermjacker, to the tune of Goldfinger, but I really don’t feel creative today….

11 years ago

Yeah the abortion thing really bothers me. I get that it does suck to feel like you are not in control any more once your partner is pregnant, but it’s her body. Financial burden somehow doesn’t seem to compare against either a forced pregnancy or a forced abortion, or pressuring someone into an abortion by threatening to (legally) not pay child support.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

Of course, I do like it that some of them decide to just go “their own way”. That way, nobody has to deal with their sexual advances!

If only this was the case… A quick look at the forum of those supposedly going their own way men reveals that every single topic and every single comment there is about women. Sure it’s about hating women but still, those are perhaps the most women obsessed bunch of people out there.

11 years ago

then two years later she will kick him out, and she will keep the child, his house, his car, and his savings.

And two years after that she’ll have him drugged and carted off to a mysterious island where he will be hunted for sport. He will survive there for three years, but then she’ll make the trek there and shoot him five times, once in each limb and once in the scrotum. But he won’t die, no, that would be a kindness now. Instead she have him nursed back to health and then she’ll send him to Wyoming, where he will be disguised as a dog and forced to live out the rest of his days tethered to a tree.

11 years ago

LOL. ” How many Men’s Rights Activists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” Indeed. Once I ran into an MRA blog. One commenter was always complaining that nowadays women don’t stay at home and expect husband to help with cleaning and cooking while they also expect a husband to do all the traditional male jobs in the house so it becomes a double burden on the poor thing. What was the traditional male jobs in the house? He could name only two: 1) CHANGING A LIGHTBULB and 2) repairing a garage door! LOL I really start wonder how many MRAs we need to change a lightbulb and how often an average MRAs busts the garage door?

11 years ago

A quick look at the forum of those supposedly going their own way men reveals that every single topic and every single comment there is about women. Sure it’s about hating women but still, those are perhaps the most women obsessed bunch of people out there.

It really must suck to be them. Sucks to hate women, and sucks to want to have sex with or outright own one, with no impunity and no responsibilities whatsoever. I really do wish they’d go their own way…preferably in silence and darkness, straight into a subterranean cave or a desert island, never to be heard from again.

11 years ago

Ooo, ooo, I’ve got some good lightbulb jokes. 🙂

I thought other Boobzers would appreciate these, all jokes courtesy of Mums Net feminists:

How many MRAs does it take to change a lightbulb?:

– Don’t you realise that 1 in 10 MRA’s are tricked into changing lightbulbs that don’t even belong to them!

– Look, it’s obvious you hysterical people hate bulbs. I read a quote of a blog on another blog that proves this beyond a doubt. This discredits anything you might have to say, ever.

– Tyres get changed too you know!

– One – but he will be emasculated.

– None, because they don’t care about the light bulb, its light was throwing a glare on their computer screens and interfering with the lovely wank they were having over Star Trek Lego Part 6.

– None, they don’t want change and prefer to be in the dark.

– Well what are feminists doing to campaign against the dark and its disproportionate effect on men?

– How dare feminists assume that all men want to change light bulbs – although, if the lightbulb is blatantly growing dim and making it obvious, then what does it expect?

11 years ago

I’ve been reading posts in ‘movie announcer voice’ and it makes things funnier.

“But he won’t die, no, that would be a kindness now. Instead she have him nursed back to health and then she’ll send him to Wyoming, where he will be disguised as a dog and forced to live out the rest of his days tethered to a tree.”

“…in silence and darkness, straight into a subterranean cave or a desert island, never to be heard from again.”

It actually makes the response post from springy sound like a bad rom-com.

11 years ago

Funny thing is, cupisnique, there’s a potentially legitimate line of comparison the misters could shoot for, if they were being sincere, but because there’s no way to use it to punish the wimmenz, they never go for it.

To-wit: Right now, in many (most? all?) states, there are Safe Haven laws that basically say that a child (most now limit it to newborns/infants, maybe toddlers–there were a few cases awhile back where someone used the law to drop off a teenager they couldn’t control) can be dropped off at an approved location (typically, a hospital or police station) and left for adoption, with few/no questions asked, and no charges of abandonment against the one dropping the kid off. The purpose, of course, is to provide an option for cases where the child might otherwise be abandoned in dangerous conditions, or even killed.

Because in these cases the man is usually nowhere to be found, the vast majority of parents who use this option are women. Thus, there’s an option for a woman to abandon a child that a man theoretically doesn’t have.

Except, of course, that the man already DID, or the woman probably wouldn’t be doing the abandonment, either. Or they both doing the dropping off (or at least both agreed that this was the way they wanted to go). Hell, in a case where a man wound up with initial custody of the kid (maybe mom died in childbirth), the father could choose to exercise this option just as readily.

About the only thing I’m not clear on would be a case where one parent sneaks the child to a Safe Haven site without the knowledge of the other. Assuming the other parent ultimately learned the truth, it wouldn’t surprise me if there were a lot of legal complications arising, especially if there were any sort of time-lag (enough, say, that the kid had been adopted). Obviously, this sort of thing would be easier for women to do–again, because they’re the primary caregivers for the child in the first place. (It is even remotely possible for a woman to get pregnant and the father to be unaware of it, even if they remain in touch generally–the spouse of someone in the armed forces, for instance, could conceive during a leave, then end up going alone for an extended tour. The reverse situation couldn’t actually occur.)

11 years ago

I’m guessing MRAs actually believe that Misery was based on a true story.

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