The Man Boobz Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way.
Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:
So over on A Voice for Men, young Jason Gregory seems faintly jealous that young women who put up dating profiles online tend to get flooded with messages — and the occasional dick pic — from horny guys.
F]ree cock is everywhere. Men give it away like it’s worthless. … I doubt that it is unusual at all for a woman to get 300 messages in her inbox from men who are desperate for female affection, approval, and sex. There is no doubt in my mind that men send “dick-pics” and clamor, bother, and sometimes harass women for their affections and attentions.
But Jason feels no sympathy for young women who put up profiles hoping to meet some nice young fellow who’s also into Sherlock and Neil Gaiman and Indian food and instead get messages from guys who introduce themselves by expressing a desire to ejaculate in their hair.
No, Jason is angry because he’s convinced all these offers of “free cock” only serve to make the women of the world into snooty-stuck stuck-up so-and-sos who think they’re all that and a folder full of dick pics.
All you men who give it away, all you do is reinforce the entitlement mentality of women who believe that their being present is plenty. You reinforce the idea that women don’t owe anything to the relationship—that they deserve a free-ride of cocks and that they don’t even have to break a sweat.
Jason, I should add, means this last bit literally. He’s resentful that when he allegedly engages in the act of coitus he has to do all the work while his alleged partners allegedly lie there like inflatable love-dolls.
Anyhoo,.Jason has a plan to take these stuck-up ladies down a peg or two: A cock strike.
Yep, he wants men to start saying “no” to women who are interested in them, just to see how they like it. But he doesn’t want them to just say no. He wants them to be giant dicks about it.
Try telling a girl no. Tell her, after she makes it clear that she wants your cock, that you’re not interested in giving it to her. Tell her that she isn’t interesting, that her soul is dog-shit and that she has nothing to offer other than boobs and booty, that she is a piece of shit and a total failure as a human being, that you don’t find her attractive and that she isn’t even good enough to be a cum-bucket. Tell her that she is never going to be any good at sucking cock and that she needs to stop pretending that she is doing any favors and learn to compensate for her inadequacies by becoming “kinky.” Tell her that her vapid life of shoes and pop-culture and materialism are soulless pursuits of dog-shit. Watch what happens. If you Jez-ladies wanna know what “hostile” means, see this rejected woman.
Emphasis mine.
A Voice for Men, you may recall, sees itself as leading the most important civil rights movement of the 21st century. I am sure Jason Gregory’s post here will be remembered alongside Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail as a classic in civil rights literature.
EDIT: I added a couple more “allegedlys” to a sentence I thought needed them.
I don’t even think of long term and regulars as having to overlap. There are lots of people who haven’t been here long but are regulars I’d really miss if they stopped commenting. If they go quiet for a bit I’m always glad when they redelurk.
That wasn’t Ethel the Aardvark back from her quantity-surveying trip, was it, Kim? /obscure Python reference
Wow, really? In that case, I apologize for feeling left out. I mean, I knew it was my problem either way, but I didn’t realize it was also wrong. Um.
Look over there! It’s a mariachi band serenading a while!
That’s the sort of diversion tactic politicians should learn. 😀
Well, considering I have a border collie sample size of 1 too, mine could be the weird one.
I LOVE the whale video. He seems so into the music, which makes it adorable. 😀
I’ve been lurking long enough to know that few of the commentators here now were here long ago. There have been different eras of manboobz.
I think there’s some buddhist type aphorism, change is life, I’m looking for. Or something. Cool to see bostonian chime in again.
I lurk here and comment infrequently, and don’t get a cliquish vibe at all from the regulars (of whom, emilygoddess, I always thought you were one!) But I do get how commenting somewhere where ppl seem to all know each other can be intimidating.
And BELUGA. If I could communicate with and befriend any animal, it would be a beluga.
@emilygoddess, I can’t help you with the feeling left out, since I am not/do not feel like I am in the core to welcome you into it, but I hope you feel appreciated at least, because you are.
Though, I’ve been here for at least 2 pledge drives now and have donated to Dave for his hard work. I’m thinking I should get a badge or something. Someone should do some artistry that I can print out and stick on my monitor.
Count me as someone else who’s always considered you a regular. In fact, when the Boston bombings happened, after family & friends, you were one of the first people I worried about (along with kirby & Bostonian).
Re: community standards, unless there are a lot of commenters just dying to use “crazy” and “bitch” and being cowed into silence, I think it’s fair to assume that a majority of the people commenting are happy with the stance that abnormal/extreme /= mentally ill and that dangerous /= mentally ill either.
scott1139: What sorts of ideas and/or subjects should I avoid bringing up?
These days? I can’t think of anything. What I’d recommend avoiding is, “everyone who thinks ‘x’ is ‘y'”, which is the mode of thinking which was on display, and which a small coterie of people were actively defending (to the point of calling in people who were otherwise inactive to pile on to signs specific people).
re core: I understand the sense of it, but I don’t think there is one.
Self-regard/confession time. I don’t hold back. I am not prone to dipping my toes in the water when I comment someplace. I like to think I am pretty good at 1: finding the core of someone’s argument and 2: addressing it.
I am a crap typist, and I do my comments first draft. That means I sometimes get confusing (in part because I try to be complete, and concise/pithy). I may be, at this point, the “oldest” (in terms of site longevity) commenter presently active (the only person of similar “age” I can think of who is presently active is hellkell). This is because I value community, and enjoy this one, so I stayed.
I think part of what I enjoy here is what I enjoy in other places I frequent, those who are of good will, and who engage honestly, are well received. There is no special grace given to those of long standing presence, nor is the newcomer in need of “proving” themself. People are taken at face value.
That doesn’t mean people aren’t treated skeptically. There are tropes we see, and sometimes people fall into tropelike patterns my mistake/happenstance. I like hope (and like to think) we deal with them in a way which allows them to join the fellowship (talacaris, and MR. Al come to mind). We like people, and want to have more we can share things with.
We enjoy argument, and an honest debate is a splendid thing, but (as buttboy shows) those who are on the side of misogyny are rarely honest in debate, and sometimes we go off with full force on those who don’t deserve it (and no, I don’t think that happened to Jojo, this isn’t the first offense, nor did people pile on to the offense with no restraint).
And yes, it is intimidating. I recall some trepidation at the first comments I made here, because I didn’t know who was a member of, “the In-Crowd” and let go with both barrels.
I think we’re moderately clique-y here — it’s nearly unavoidable in a place where people hang around and get to know/care about each other. But to the extent it’s a clique, it’s a pretty easy clique to join.
cloudiah: I think clique isn’t quite right. I don’t see subgroups who are “teaming” up for some reason. I do see a sense of “us”, but as you say, “us” is pretty easy to join (and the underlying motif is that people who delurk are of ‘us’. if they want to be).
More a community than a clique, since as Cassandra (I think it was) noted — we can’t pretend we haven’t known each other awhile. But, otoh, I’ve never seen a new commenter get jumped on unless they were pulling buttboy type shit (ok, I have seen newbs attacked with kittens, I’ve done it even, but I’m pretty sure “a newb, attack!! With kittens!!” Isn’t all that cliquey)
As for what Pecunium meant about avoiding certain subjects, having been around at the time and having had the same problem after trying to defend him, it was specific people who are no longer present. Only topics I can think of to avoid aren’t so much “avoid” as “provide warning first” — suicide, self injury, abuse, rape, eating disorders, the like. And TMI warnings.
Oh and what the plural is of octopus. We hate that discussion. The plural is sea beasties.
And to the newer folks who feel intimidated, so did I when I started, just be yourself, take critism gracefully, and you’ll be fine (providing cats always helps though 🙂 )
Pecunium — you speak your mind? Why I never!
I mostly lurk these days but I’ve always loved coming here. The community here is fantastic.
Oddly enough, one of my dogs is an Aussie Shepherd – Beagle cross. He has charming spots and is fanatically loyal. I hope you will have many happy years with yours. XD
buttboy watch those “perfectly friendly” messages turn terrifyingly scary when you tell them you are interested.
I managed to dig up my login info and I’m back in now. I’ll try responding to a few of them.
I have upwards of a hundred messages in my inbox at this point. There are a few crude ones, like this one:
So I admit it happens. But you know, I can just ignore that minority.
Oh wow – so I know we’re not sure and even if we were dog genetics gets iffy, but I have to know: how big is your AussieBeagle, hippodameia? I’m afraid Dogzilla here shows no signs of slowing down on the food, which is having me a bit panic-y (well, not really; I love her anyway, and never had a want for a purse dog, but it’s good to be prepared) about the growth thing.
*we’re not sure about Chimi, I meant.
Oof. It’s getting late here and my brain is fluffle, but I’m snowed in again tomorrow, so it feels like a waste of a perfectly good free day not to loaf around online entirely too late…
He’s about 42 pounds, and only slightly too big to be a comfortable lap dog. He’s got a very nice chalking pace, if that helps.
Walking pace, drat it.
Yeah, I guess if part of the definition of “clique” is that it’s difficult to join, I invalidated that definition for us in my own comment. Words, they’re so hard! XD
buttboy — just go away. You’re boring and don’t seem to understand what is involved in making a cogent argument. You’re not a credible person.
Oh good. 60-70 is where we’re planning on kicking her out of bed, so if she’s liable to stop around 40 I’ll be very happy indeed. ^_^
@hippodameia, I was picturing you’re dog making epic chalk art — and very quickly.
I’m going to sleep.