a voice for men are these guys 12 years old? boner rage cock blockade douchebaggery evil sexy ladies I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men

Tell Her That Her Soul Is Dog-Sh*t: Dating advice from A Voice for Men

Note: Method described in following post will not have this effect
Note: Method described in following post will not have this effect

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Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

So over on A Voice for Men, young Jason Gregory seems faintly jealous that young  women who put up dating profiles online tend to get flooded with messages — and the occasional dick pic — from horny guys.

F]ree cock is everywhere. Men give it away like it’s worthless. … I doubt that it is unusual at all for a woman to get 300 messages in her inbox from men who are desperate for female affection, approval, and sex. There is no doubt in my mind that men send “dick-pics” and clamor, bother, and sometimes harass women for their affections and attentions.

But Jason feels no sympathy for young women who put up profiles hoping to meet some nice young fellow who’s also into Sherlock and Neil Gaiman and Indian food and instead get messages from guys who introduce themselves by expressing a desire to ejaculate in their hair.

No, Jason is angry because he’s convinced all these offers of “free cock” only serve to make the women of the world into snooty-stuck stuck-up so-and-sos who think they’re all that and a folder full of dick pics.

All you men who give it away, all you do is reinforce the entitlement mentality of women who believe that their being present is plenty. You reinforce the idea that women don’t owe anything to the relationship—that they deserve a free-ride of cocks and that they don’t even have to break a sweat.

Jason, I should add, means this last bit literally. He’s resentful that when he allegedly engages in the act of coitus he has to do all the work while his alleged partners allegedly lie there like inflatable love-dolls.

Anyhoo,.Jason has a plan to take these stuck-up ladies down a peg or two: A cock strike.

Yep, he wants men to start saying “no” to women who are interested in them, just to see how they like it. But he doesn’t want them to just say no. He wants them to be giant dicks about it.

Try telling a girl no. Tell her, after she makes it clear that she wants your cock, that you’re not interested in giving it to her. Tell her that she isn’t interesting, that her soul is dog-shit and that she has nothing to offer other than boobs and booty, that she is a piece of shit and a total failure as a human being, that you don’t find her attractive and that she isn’t even good enough to be a cum-bucket. Tell her that she is never going to be any good at sucking cock and that she needs to stop pretending that she is doing any favors and learn to compensate for her inadequacies by becoming “kinky.” Tell her that her vapid life of shoes and pop-culture and materialism are soulless pursuits of dog-shit. Watch what happens. If you Jez-ladies wanna know what “hostile” means, see this rejected woman.

Emphasis mine.

A Voice for Men, you may recall, sees itself as leading the most important civil rights movement of the 21st century. I am sure Jason Gregory’s post here will be remembered alongside Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail as a classic in civil rights literature.

EDIT: I added a couple more “allegedlys” to a sentence I thought needed them.

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11 years ago

Bina: She does realize that according to Jason, SHE has dogshit for a soul too…right?

Of course not. She’s DIFFERENT! She understands the trials of being a man in the modern world. She sympathises with them over the misandry inherent in not being allowed to cat-call women with impunity, the horror of being treated preferentially by employers (who hire them first, fire them last and pay them more). She knows that on the Titanic there was an ad hoc decision to try and evacuate women and children first, and that (as with the Hunting of Mammoths) this indebts all women to all men for all time.

She knows, and testifies to the perfidy of women; who think that men being the primary cause of women’s murders isn’t really the fault of men, and that the fact of men being the primary rapists in the world doesn’t mean that women should be concerned that “This Man” might be a rapist (or a murderer) because most men are Nice Guys™, so she should play the odds.

Anyway, if she’s stupid enough to let a Rapist, or Abuser, or Killer (or some other Abberant Male; who differs from the Real, Loving and Caring, Men of the MRM), she was secretly looking for a Bad Boy, and just chose one who was worse than she expected, and so merely Got What She Had Coming, for not making sammiches for one of the the Real, Loving and Caring, Men of the MRM.

It’s not like she’s a FEMINIST! So it’s different, she’s. One of The Guys.

11 years ago

Sorry: She knows, and testifies to the perfidy of women; who think that men being the primary cause of women’s murders is really the fault of men, and she knows the fact of men being the primary rapists in the world doesn’t mean that women should be concerned that “This Man” might be a rapist (or a murderer) because most men are Nice Guys™, so women should play the odds, and assume all men are Good, and True.

11 years ago

Well, let’s hope that she makes good on her belief in the indebtedness of all women to all men, regardless of whether she WANTS to boink Random Dude X or not. If you’re gonna make noises like that, you should be prepared to put your money where your big ol’ mouth is. Even if the dickpic-sender with the strange and ugly ideas about your soul makes you want to retch. Eh, Krystal?

11 years ago

By Jason I meant the Jason in the OP. You know those guys always come lurk over here if they’re mentioned.

11 years ago

And if you don’t, you’re either a hypocrite or…gasp…A CLOSET FEMINIST!

11 years ago

Yet again, I must point out that a guy who recently experimented by putting up a female profile on a dating site was forced to take it down after a mere TWO HOURS due to the disgusting onslaught of harassment he received.

That account was almost certainly bullshit.

Still, it’s nice to know that jezebel’s standards now include anonymous reddit postings.

11 years ago

Breaking news – Jessica Coen confirmed to be yet another case of David in a cat costume.

11 years ago

Wow, I’m astonished that Kristal Garcia actually seems to exist. The people that show up in these threads . . .

11 years ago

Men who write stuff like this are the reason I’m afraid to try online dating. In an honest attempt to find a significant other, I’m afraid guys like this will eviscerate me for no other reason than they think it’s “justice.” My self-image is pretty bad already, it doesn’t need to be worse.

11 years ago

She also thinks feminists are responible for the rape of women (according to one of her vids) so.. logic isn’t her strongest trait I’m guessing.

Some anti-gay politician said that Obama was responsible for women being raped.

Bigots are fucking weird, is what I’m saying. (Sockpuppets also, fucking weird. Wasn’t buttboy banned, because we HATE FREE SPEECH or something?)

11 years ago

Online dating *can* be really fun. I’ve met good people that way. I’ve never had to deal with any ragemonkeys like these guys, so it’s not inevitable. But since there is always a risk, perhaps you have a friend who would like to help you out by filtering your messages for you, and only showing you the ones they think you’d like to see. It’s probably a big job for them to take on, but since friends often find it a lot of fun to help their friends date, it might not be that much of an ask.

11 years ago

Also, I think I like Ally’s GIF even more than pecunium’s. XD

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Scrolling from the top of the screen, this caught my eye more:

Tell her that she is never going to be any good at sucking cock

So once the cock-freeze is over, does this dude think he’s going to be receiving oral?

Or does oral not count as sex? I got really confused over the Clinton-Lewinsky saga and I’ve lost the ability to distinguish between what is counted as sex and what isn’t.

11 years ago

@pecunium: Actually, I think it should be on jezebel to provide a citation before reporting as fact a post from a throwaway reddit account.

Why do I think it’s bullshit? It’s too perfect- too perfectly in line with feminist ideology. Also, I’ve performed the experiment myself and did not have anything like the alleged experience described by the alleged male.

11 years ago

The “you’re no good at sucking cock” thing is so funny (to me at least). It’s like these guys honestly believe that if they scream loud enough they can get women to see ourselves the way they see us, ie. as sex vending machines who only deserve to exist if we’re sucking someone’s cock in a pleasing enough manner. They really, truly don’t seem to get the fact that we don’t see ourselves from that perspective and never will.*

Apart from a few unfortunate souls like TyphonBlue and friends.

11 years ago

Also, I’ve performed the experiment myself and did not have anything like the alleged experience described by the alleged male.

Anyone care to imagine buttboy’s (probably imaginary) ad? Because that would be some laughage, there.

11 years ago


(30 minutes later)

See, everyone else was wrong, nobody has sent me a single cock pick yet.

Angela Gibbons
11 years ago

[quote]Why do I think it’s bullshit? It’s too perfect- too perfectly in line with feminist ideology. Also, I’ve performed the experiment myself and did not have anything like the alleged experience described by the alleged male.[/quote]

Something “perfectly alining with feminist ideology” doesn’t refute evidence in any way shape or form. That’s like saying, “I think what you say is bullshit because it sounds exactly like the stuff you’ve been saying!”

And your lack of experience does nothing to counter someone else actual experience.

11 years ago

And I suck at quotes apparently…

11 years ago

You know that if you don’t select casual sex as an option you just get messages asking you why you’re not open to casual sex, right?

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