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Heartiste channels Stormfront with a racist song parody about a “beta male” cuckolded by a “mandingo.”

Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this.
Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this.

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Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:
So our old friend Heartiste, the reactionay PUA douchecanoe, is one of those racists who’s not only open about his racism, but actually proud of it; he thinks it’s backed up with SCIENCE. He’s become more obvious in his pandering to the so called “alt-right” racist crowd recently, but he’s sort of outdone himself in a recent post, playing to some rather primal racist fears of black male sexual potency.

In “The Wreck Of The Beta Male Cuckold,” Heartiste offers up a rather strained “parody” of Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald.” Instead of chronicling a real-life shipwreck, he offers up the tale of a fat, emasculated beta brony who sadly watches his wife have sex with a black man — sorry, a “darkie” — before retreating to the basement to commit suicide.

At least I think that’s what happens. It’s all so ineptly written it’s nearly incomprehensible in parts.

Here’s the beginning of the poem, which will perhaps give you some flavor of the rest:

The legend lives on from the Left Coast on down
of the beta they called “Cuckold Freddie.”
The cuck, it is said, sits alone near the bed
when the thighs of his wife spread to darkies.

Yep. He really went with “darkies.” Elsewhere in the lyrics, Heartiste refers to the cuckolder as “mandingo,” and his penis as a “black mamba.”

Actually, let me quote that last bit, as it shows just how hard Heartiste has to strain to hit all the standard Manosphere talking points — and work in all his favorite manosphere catchphrases — in telling his tale of beta woe. Oh, by the way, the cuckolder refers to himself as “Bear.”

Cuckold suffering tolls, Hypergamy sings
in the rooms of Freddie’s Mountain Dew mansion.
Bear’s black mamba creams in his wife’s wet vajeen;
Her asshole and mouth are for Bear’s fun.
And farther below, Freddie’s marital ho
takes in what Bear’s privilege can send her,
And Freddie will know as all swinging alphas know
it’s two women-one man not the inverse.

The whole thing is like that.

Heartiste, I’m sure, thinks of his little song parody as a devastating put down of  (white) beta males, which he’s made even more humiliating by having the cuckolder in the story be a … black man!

But you don’t have to be a psychologist or a cultural historian to see the fear here.

White male panic over black male sexuality is hardly a new thing. Indeed, the Ku Klux Klan and its supporters regularly used trumped-up fears of “black brutes” raping white women as convenient excuses for campaigns of terror against blacks; they also indicated a deep uneasiness within white men about their own cultural and sexual potency.

Similar fears of a sexualized “Black Peril” arose amongst colonialist whites in the 19th and early 20th century, most notably in South Africa and what was then called Southern Rhodesia; these, too, provided a convenient excuse for government policies designed to control blacks and benefit white men. (Never mind that white men were far more likely to sexually abuse black women than black men were to abuse white women.)

In other words, there’s very little difference these days between a certain segment of the Manosphere and the Klan.

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Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

So there is a random MRA phrase generator, just like the random Shakespeare quote generator?

11 years ago

Just think how long it took him to write that drivel.

11 years ago

I remember reading a news paper (yes an actual one) article about the growing popularity of this underground scene where white men would pay young black men to come to a house in the (often wealthier) suburbs and have sex with their wives while they watched.

And the reason why this is so taboo and therefore exciting is – say it with me now – racism!

The provider of these men (a pimp I guess you could call him) said he scouted amongst black college students and recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. These young men need money to get them through school or to establish themselves in their new country.

Yes, sex work is often exploitative like that.

Old Reader
Old Reader
11 years ago

“And the reason why this is so taboo and therefore exciting is – say it with me now – racism!”

Well, yes, racism would be the reason for the taboo part at least. Not necessarily the “exciting” part. 😉

11 years ago

Eh, some people DO find the taboos exciting. Ask me about the creepy Nazi fetishists I used to know… *shudder*

11 years ago

Normally I’m fine with whatever weird thing turns you on, as long as it’s all consensual and I don’t have to look at it if I don’t want to, but Nazis? NO! Just no. Seriously, get some help!

@ Old Reader:

Or maybe a terrible song on youtube is just a terrible song on youtube.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

🙂 sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And sometimes it’s a clove cigarette labelled a cigar to get around shit laws about flavored cigarettes!

11 years ago

And sometimes it’s made of dried fern fronds to give Sigmund a terrible fright.

Old Reader
Old Reader
11 years ago

“And sometimes it’s a clove cigarette labelled a cigar to get around shit laws about flavored cigarettes!”

There’s “laws” around flavored cigarettes? You can’t be serious.

taco limey
taco limey
10 years ago

@Jaminic – “Don’t make it look bad just because you’re scared of it.”

I agree.

“if anything it seems more men are into it than women but I can’t know for sure”

In my experience I’ve met more cuckqueens (female equivalent of a cuckhold) than cuckholds..

@emilygoddess – “All this talk about “keeping” a woman and fretting over who she’s fucking is, at root, the fear that women are individual human beings with wills and desires of their own”

The same happens in cuckqueen fantasies where the other female mocks the partner for not being able to keep a “real” man.

“Not to mention that the way these “alphas” mock men who are being cuckolded”

You’ll never come across a dominant, muscular male that wants to see his partner fucked by another man. The men that are usually into this are very demure, and easily trampled over. It isn’t that uncommon to come across cuckholds that will want to lick the cum off of the bull (the one doing the fucking).

The reason they are being mocked is because they are bitches. It is more a reflection on them than it is on the woman. So, I don’t know why you’re trying to spin this into a tale of misogyny when it really isn’t. Women are free to choose who they want, and if the man is a bitch, she’ll probably look elsewhere for sexual gratification, like a bull.

No man can respect another man that cannot keep his partner satisfied, as that often leads to the partner looking elsewhere. Men who cuckhold for that reason are considered bitches, because they are.

You said it yourself, “not everyone shares it”. The vast majority of people want monogamous relationships. So when men from such categories look at these bitch boys who need other men to please their partners, we mock them. Hell, we have cuckholds that openly admit they are the bull’s bitches. Can anyone respect someone who feels about themselves and their partner like that? I certainly can’t.

I don’t care that people have that fetish, but I cannot respect a man who is into that sort of thing. It reflects poorly on him, because he wants another man to please his wife because he cannot please her himself.

10 years ago

Oh, how wonderfully stupid! Telling us something isn’t a “tale of misogyny” and liberally using a sexualized slur for a woman to denigrate men! Because being compared to a woman in any way is the worst possible thing, amirite?

Oh, and taco limey? No one really cares who you do or do not respect.

10 years ago

You’ll never come across a dominant, muscular male that wants to see his partner fucked by another man.

I’m guessing you know the sexual preferences of every single man on the planet?

10 years ago

Bulls fucking bitches? That sounds inadvisable. I mean, think of the size difference, especially if the bitch is a Maltese terrier.

BTW, this isn’t the creepy insecure dudes overshare about their sexual fantasies forum, just so you know.

10 years ago

You’ll never come across a dominant, muscular male that wants to see his partner fucked by another man.

Yanno, I don’t really believe you. I may have come across dozens already. However, because I’m not so rude as to quiz people I’m not fucking about their sexual preferences, we’ll never know.

10 years ago

CN: sexual harassment

I’m not a guy, but people have asked extremely explicit questions about my sexual preferences. I don’t know why I’ve run into so many people who ask the most invasive questions ever about everything from masturbation habits to racist shit like “Would you prefer to fuck a Latina or an Arab?” As if I’m some racist white cis het dudebro who totes thinks that some races are more attractive than others. I really hope it doesn’t happen again soon. The last time it happened to me was when I met my sister’s boyfriend again, who actually told me to have sex “as a guy” before transitioning. Fucking people these days… X_X

So um, I can’t imagine a huge number of people being receptive to such questions. MRAs live in another dimension, as usual.

10 years ago

There’s something hilarious about dudebro banging on about how he just can’t respect other people’s fetishes while TMI-ing away about his own fetish. I mean really, “bulls”? Your kink is not my kink, sweetie. Livestock just doesn’t do it for me, you know?

10 years ago

I vote that if he comes back we call him Bestiality Taco.

10 years ago

Taco Limey has surveyed every muscular man in the world about his sexual turn-ons apparently.

10 years ago

You’ll never come across a dominant, muscular male that wants to see his partner fucked by another man. The men that are usually into this are very demure, and easily trampled over. It isn’t that uncommon to come across cuckholds that will want to lick the cum off of the bull (the one doing the fucking).

The reason they are being mocked is because they are bitches. It is more a reflection on them than it is on the woman. So, I don’t know why you’re trying to spin this into a tale of misogyny when it really isn’t. Women are free to choose who they want, and if the man is a bitch, she’ll probably look elsewhere for sexual gratification, like a bull.

No man can respect another man that cannot keep his partner satisfied, as that often leads to the partner looking elsewhere. Men who cuckhold for that reason are considered bitches, because they are.

You said it yourself, “not everyone shares it”. The vast majority of people want monogamous relationships. So when men from such categories look at these bitch boys who need other men to please their partners, we mock them. Hell, we have cuckholds that openly admit they are the bull’s bitches. Can anyone respect someone who feels about themselves and their partner like that? I certainly can’t.

I don’t care that people have that fetish, but I cannot respect a man who is into that sort of thing. It reflects poorly on him, because he wants another man to please his wife because he cannot please her himself.

You want to know something odd about people who are way into ideals of behavior, taco limey? It starts to kind of poison their general ability to apply analogies to situations.

What I mean is this: You see “Dominant, muscular man” and you think “Can never do XX”, because “XX is not dominant”. It’s a kind of logic, and it kind of makes sense, but it’s also wrong. But it’s the sort of thing that happens all the time. The assumption of a physical basis for perceived personality “flaws” or traits.

That’s why anyone who disagrees with Heartiste is a “leftoid”, or a fat something something, or a slobbering something something. That’s why your example of a cuckhold is a frail, demure person. It’s a mental block in your head that replaces personality with physicality, and uses the latter for a proxy of the former.

So no man can respect another man who cannot satisfy his woman, because that other man must be weak and demure and frail and not dominant, and so he must be incapable of satisfying a woman, who can only be satisfied by big, hulky, hunky men with massive thews. So obviously these weak, lower men are the underlings and slaves of that big, strong man with his dominant muscles.

I don’t wanna be an asshole, but is it fun to have a metal view of the world like an oversize caricature cartoon? Is it satisfying to walk around looking at the world through that perspective? I just can’t imagine that it would be. You’d make so many fundamental attribution errors, for one thing. Whenever someone in the gym moved up on their bench press, you’d have to re-organize an entire social hierarchy because that guy is now the buffer man. If someone’s sick for a week and loses 10 pounds, they end up lower on the scale. If you wear glasses, you must be a smart nerd.

It just can’t be a lot of fun.

10 years ago

I dream of the day I get to blow an air horn in the next creepy dudebro’s face when he asks me an invasive, creepy question about my sexuality. That would be glorious.

10 years ago

Buy an air horn. Use it.

use it

10 years ago

Tired of creepy guys asking invasive questions about your sex life? Do you wish that they would just shut up immediately and become completely discouraged from ever interacting with you frequently? Then perhaps the Misandry Horn is the solution you’re looking for. It’s a state-of-the-art air horn used to make creepy guys shut up instantly due to shock. Here is an example of a woman attempting to ward off a PUA:

“Hey babe have you ever fucked a guy bef-”

*blaring sound*

“Babe what’s your favorite pos-”

*blaring sound that goes on for a minute*

Only $19.95! Free shipping and handling.

10 years ago

I love you all!

Misandry Horns just made me laugh, very, much! I kind of want to buy a dozen, and distribute them willy-nilly about campus…

10 years ago

Where oh where has Bestiality Taco gone? Has he forsaken us? Is it because we didn’t offer him any bulls?