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So our old friend Heartiste, the reactionay PUA douchecanoe, is one of those racists who’s not only open about his racism, but actually proud of it; he thinks it’s backed up with SCIENCE. He’s become more obvious in his pandering to the so called “alt-right” racist crowd recently, but he’s sort of outdone himself in a recent post, playing to some rather primal racist fears of black male sexual potency.
In “The Wreck Of The Beta Male Cuckold,” Heartiste offers up a rather strained “parody” of Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald.” Instead of chronicling a real-life shipwreck, he offers up the tale of a fat, emasculated beta brony who sadly watches his wife have sex with a black man — sorry, a “darkie” — before retreating to the basement to commit suicide.
At least I think that’s what happens. It’s all so ineptly written it’s nearly incomprehensible in parts.
Here’s the beginning of the poem, which will perhaps give you some flavor of the rest:
The legend lives on from the Left Coast on down
of the beta they called “Cuckold Freddie.”
The cuck, it is said, sits alone near the bed
when the thighs of his wife spread to darkies.
Yep. He really went with “darkies.” Elsewhere in the lyrics, Heartiste refers to the cuckolder as “mandingo,” and his penis as a “black mamba.”
Actually, let me quote that last bit, as it shows just how hard Heartiste has to strain to hit all the standard Manosphere talking points — and work in all his favorite manosphere catchphrases — in telling his tale of beta woe. Oh, by the way, the cuckolder refers to himself as “Bear.”
Cuckold suffering tolls, Hypergamy sings
in the rooms of Freddie’s Mountain Dew mansion.
Bear’s black mamba creams in his wife’s wet vajeen;
Her asshole and mouth are for Bear’s fun.
And farther below, Freddie’s marital ho
takes in what Bear’s privilege can send her,
And Freddie will know as all swinging alphas know
it’s two women-one man not the inverse.
The whole thing is like that.
Heartiste, I’m sure, thinks of his little song parody as a devastating put down of (white) beta males, which he’s made even more humiliating by having the cuckolder in the story be a … black man!
But you don’t have to be a psychologist or a cultural historian to see the fear here.
White male panic over black male sexuality is hardly a new thing. Indeed, the Ku Klux Klan and its supporters regularly used trumped-up fears of “black brutes” raping white women as convenient excuses for campaigns of terror against blacks; they also indicated a deep uneasiness within white men about their own cultural and sexual potency.
Similar fears of a sexualized “Black Peril” arose amongst colonialist whites in the 19th and early 20th century, most notably in South Africa and what was then called Southern Rhodesia; these, too, provided a convenient excuse for government policies designed to control blacks and benefit white men. (Never mind that white men were far more likely to sexually abuse black women than black men were to abuse white women.)
In other words, there’s very little difference these days between a certain segment of the Manosphere and the Klan.
If it came to a “who’s worst” between Pox Day, Fartiste and Douche V, the only way I could sort them out would be to ask if P & F wash their hair. ‘Cos Douche leads by a country mile in the Vomitous Lack of Personal Hygiene stakes.
I think they must take turns wanking. That’s all I can say about the Pig Three.
Pigs are way smarter and classier than those three …
Yah. And if she was carrying an extra coupla hundred long tons of water, and she was overtopped in a trough… she never comes out from under.
Arctic Ape:
I find “lol I troll you” types of misogynists fascinating (well… mildly interesting). They pretend to be these emotionally detached, maniacal genius puppetmasters, while getting cholicy at the slightest hints of criticism. They’re actually far more emotionally invested in the internet than many of their targets, and have much more fragile egos. All the while, they use “trolling” as some magical protective shield, as if “I’m just pretending to be an outrageously racist, sexist, and overall repugnant asshole,” is a valid excuse.
@freshlysqueezedcynic: Welcome to the community…..=)
Nicely put, farkus.
Reminds me of an old image passed around the internet.
If Heartiste was successfully sued by Gordon Lightfoot I wouldn’t feel sorry for him, but I would feel sorry for the non-terrible people who wanted to write parody songs and now had to worry about being sued for it. (I don’t see how it would be defamation; it’s not as though he’s trying to pretend that Gordon Lightfoot is responsible for this crap.)
OTOH, if he had to appear in court for making death and/or rape threats online (which, odds are, he probably has done) that would be pretty awesome.
This is my favorite Canadian boat song:
Mary Ellen Carter by Stan Rogers
If only Gordon Lightfoot could make a case by saying “I don’t care if someone parodies my songs. It’s the racist, sexist garbage and the appalling writing I’m suing him for.”
Judge: Agreed. The plaintiff is awarded CDN $10000000000000000000000000000.
Who broke your heart and made you write that song? Females! That is the true essence of the concept of the muse , she brings the stress, the pain, the woe to the artist.
*Effie Trinkett voice* That is misogyny!
Whatever he’s trying to do, he’s not very good at it.
I don’t see why they’re so upset about cuckolding. I’m a cuckold and I love it. So does my partner. ok it was a mutual agreement but still. Don’t make it look bad just because you’re scared of it.
emilygoddess – Hot cocoa, meet keyboard!
@jaminic, are you serious? YKIOK, but not everyone shares it.
Not to mention that the way these “alphas” mock men who are being cuckolded is rooted in misogynistic ideas about women’s roles in (hetero) relationships and their motives for choosing partners. All this talk about “keeping” a woman and fretting over who she’s fucking is, at root, the fear that women are individual human beings with wills and desires of their own. (Again, not talking about your kink here, but about Heartiste and his ilk)
Muses? I think this is the type Roissy needs. (SFW)
Or even better, this:
RE: jaminic
And I enjoy getting hit with a two-by-four. That doesn’t mean anyone else should have to.
Guys, I think the point was more like how I get cranky about calling the trolls who seem to enjoy being mocked masochists.
Well I can only speak for myself and that is I find people generally a lot more interesting when they’re free to do what they want (so long as it’s legal and non-harmful of course). As for men vs women in cuckolding, if anything it seems more men are into it than women but I can’t know for sure. It’s just my impression. A lot of guys just get really turned on by the idea that their wives/partners are getting banged by somebody else. Some even like to watch.
Rule of thumb: never try to categorize sexuality, unless you’re happy to have 7 billion categories.
I’ve got bad news, the song has been put to music
The sad part is the singer seems like a decent enough musician, shame he’s wasting himself on this crap, but I admire his ability to get past the “Put a gag in his moth so he won’t direct” line with a straight face.
I think one of the things that damaged Roissy’s psyche so badly was that he was previously friends with a Black PUA and blogger who acted as his “wing-man”. I forget his name but he used to frequent Roissy’s blog in the early days. This guy obviously “pulled more poon” than Roissy and he hasn’t slept well since. Seeing how women from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds chose to be with his black sidekick more than him has left an indelible mark on his heart, mind and soul.
Actually “Mandingo Parties” are a thing. And yes, that is what they are called!
I remember reading a news paper (yes an actual one) article about the growing popularity of this underground scene where white men would pay young black men to come to a house in the (often wealthier) suburbs and have sex with their wives while they watched. The provider of these men (a pimp I guess you could call him) said he scouted amongst black college students and recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. These young men need money to get them through school or to establish themselves in their new country.
I remember when one of Roissy’s previous female beta orbiters, a Canadian girl named “Sofia”, wrote on her blog how one of the ways “white men are oppressed in the West” is by having interracial cuckold porn “forced” on them.
When asked who it was that was writing, directing, filming, casting, producing and purchasing/downloading such porn, she immediately deleted the comment and had the commenter permanently banned, without answering the question.
::sings in Danny Kaye voice:: Wonderful, wonderful Schadenfreude
A response to the musical performance of “The Wreck of the Beta Male Cuckold”….
The collaboration above is an example of how we leaderlessly organize into an effective division of labor — lyricist and performer — guided by the right ethos. Nobody commissioned that anthem, disparate parts came together spontaneously in freedom and the loose confederacy of an ethos.
Though it is a small example, such small victories are how revolutions rise and unite.
Despair is misplaced over how powerful and entrenched the enemy is. Interconnectedness means redundancy and instantaneous lines of communication. The enemy is a blundering monolith, we are minutemen.
Now add a touch of smart leadership and organization — flexibility within efficiency — and imagine the force-multiplying effect.
It baffles me to see men intimidated into non-action (poolside) by the mere shadow of “The Cathedral.” A few well-placed strikes and the facade comes down, and when the facade comes down, men will rally to the truth. We are choosing to be frightened by women and eunuchs.
All this from a song? No. From the song’s remarkable production. It is a sign of how much easier it will be than we think to produce the tools and the armies and the anthems to bring down the paper tiger.
For a dashed off piece of work, the song is an outstanding achievement. I didn’t bother to read through the poem until it was sung to me, and when I heard it matched to music, it was thrilling to witness something new and powerful come to life before my very eyes.
Congratulations to its creators: it is just that creative collaboration that will rally men together.
And the illustrious masterpiece itself..