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Heartiste channels Stormfront with a racist song parody about a “beta male” cuckolded by a “mandingo.”

Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this.
Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this.

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So our old friend Heartiste, the reactionay PUA douchecanoe, is one of those racists who’s not only open about his racism, but actually proud of it; he thinks it’s backed up with SCIENCE. He’s become more obvious in his pandering to the so called “alt-right” racist crowd recently, but he’s sort of outdone himself in a recent post, playing to some rather primal racist fears of black male sexual potency.

In “The Wreck Of The Beta Male Cuckold,” Heartiste offers up a rather strained “parody” of Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald.” Instead of chronicling a real-life shipwreck, he offers up the tale of a fat, emasculated beta brony who sadly watches his wife have sex with a black man — sorry, a “darkie” — before retreating to the basement to commit suicide.

At least I think that’s what happens. It’s all so ineptly written it’s nearly incomprehensible in parts.

Here’s the beginning of the poem, which will perhaps give you some flavor of the rest:

The legend lives on from the Left Coast on down
of the beta they called “Cuckold Freddie.”
The cuck, it is said, sits alone near the bed
when the thighs of his wife spread to darkies.

Yep. He really went with “darkies.” Elsewhere in the lyrics, Heartiste refers to the cuckolder as “mandingo,” and his penis as a “black mamba.”

Actually, let me quote that last bit, as it shows just how hard Heartiste has to strain to hit all the standard Manosphere talking points — and work in all his favorite manosphere catchphrases — in telling his tale of beta woe. Oh, by the way, the cuckolder refers to himself as “Bear.”

Cuckold suffering tolls, Hypergamy sings
in the rooms of Freddie’s Mountain Dew mansion.
Bear’s black mamba creams in his wife’s wet vajeen;
Her asshole and mouth are for Bear’s fun.
And farther below, Freddie’s marital ho
takes in what Bear’s privilege can send her,
And Freddie will know as all swinging alphas know
it’s two women-one man not the inverse.

The whole thing is like that.

Heartiste, I’m sure, thinks of his little song parody as a devastating put down of  (white) beta males, which he’s made even more humiliating by having the cuckolder in the story be a … black man!

But you don’t have to be a psychologist or a cultural historian to see the fear here.

White male panic over black male sexuality is hardly a new thing. Indeed, the Ku Klux Klan and its supporters regularly used trumped-up fears of “black brutes” raping white women as convenient excuses for campaigns of terror against blacks; they also indicated a deep uneasiness within white men about their own cultural and sexual potency.

Similar fears of a sexualized “Black Peril” arose amongst colonialist whites in the 19th and early 20th century, most notably in South Africa and what was then called Southern Rhodesia; these, too, provided a convenient excuse for government policies designed to control blacks and benefit white men. (Never mind that white men were far more likely to sexually abuse black women than black men were to abuse white women.)

In other words, there’s very little difference these days between a certain segment of the Manosphere and the Klan.

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11 years ago

Zomidog, what a talentless wanker. I hope Gordon sues the sharts out of this racist piece of shit.

11 years ago

I don’t know who caused my eyes to reach escape velocity from rolling them, Fartiste or Just Saying.

If you see see some brown eyes under the couch, those are mine.

11 years ago

Bina: unfortunately parody is really hard to sue over, at least in the U.S.

11 years ago

In all seriousness, dudebro should never write lyrics again. Imagine trying to actually sing this shit.

11 years ago

I agree ….Totally Klan.

Blame “black mamba’s” blame vagina’s with teeth emasculating your manhood like a toothed manaconda swallowing you whole and severing you .

K …K….K… and “m…i…s…o…g…y…n..i…s…t….

11 years ago

It’s really telling when the women commenting on his site (even the ones not disagreeing with him!) get called this: (Trigger warning for rape)

Yeah, RD, you do sound inexperienced with the long sort of drawn-out tantric sex.

What’s the matter, sweetheart, were all the guys you were drawn to that had raped and abused you over the years before your current state of divorcee spinsterhood not interested in satisfying you for very long in bed too?

I wonder why. Every guy likes chain-smoking whiskey-drinking carousel-riding gun-toting old shemale harpies with A cups and nickel in their fallopian tubes.

11 years ago

I’m going to write a song.

11 years ago

Why doesn’t he just replace all his comments with “I hate women, especially if they fuck men who aren’t me”? It would be so much more efficient.

11 years ago

Bina: unfortunately parody is really hard to sue over, at least in the U.S.

Luckily, Gordon’s Canadian. And defamation of character could be invoked.

Just saying!
Just saying!
11 years ago

I’m actually not a troll but I apologise for going off on one like that. Sorry. I just lost it in the 2nd paragraph and will reign it in with future comments 🙁

11 years ago

It’s okay Just saying. I understand getting worked up over this shit, and thanks for apologizing for the abelist stuff. You live you learn, eh?

11 years ago

“Shemale”? “Nickel in their fallopian tubes”? WTF…that man’s brain is just a broth of frothing stupidity.

11 years ago

I think this is possibly the most unbelievably fucked up evolutionary explanation for something that’s not even a real thing:

I had a theory about this the last time we talked about it at The Chateau – that maybe Darwinian Nihilism could offer an explanation: What if the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser secretly [maybe even subconsciously] wants the Alpha seed dropped in his woman because he knows [if only subconsciously] that the Alpha seed will greatly improve the survival prospects of the children which the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser raises under his own family name?

Of course, there’s also the Lamarckian explanation, which is that if an Alpha wants the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser’s women enough to fornicate with her, then that “VALIDATES” the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser, by proving that even an Alpha is mildly interested in his woman.

11 years ago

Also, since he’s so obviously disgusted by women’s bodies, here’s a suggestion – Real Dolls, dude. They aren’t all that expensive, they’re incapable of pursuing sex with another man and thus becoming icky, and think the time you’d have if you weren’t obsessing about how gross women are are all day.

11 years ago

Why doesn’t he just replace all his comments with “I hate women, especially if they fuck men who aren’t me”? It would be so much more efficient.

I agree and he could write songs about it . (his OWN music and lyrics)

Like …

Women wont fuck me… oh whoa oh whoa…… is me !

That’s right ! women wont fuck me ..Why could that be!!!!?????

Whaaaat did I do wrong??….. lordy tell me whaatttt!!!!

Doesn’t matter if I kiss her butt ,no puttin out no matter what!!!!

I guess she must be a slut! !!!!!!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa is MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

11 years ago

I had a theory about this the last time we talked about it at The Chateau – that maybe Darwinian Nihilism could offer an explanation: What if the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser secretly [maybe even subconsciously] wants the Alpha seed dropped in his woman because he knows [if only subconsciously] that the Alpha seed will greatly improve the survival prospects of the children which the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser raises under his own family name?

Of course, there’s also the Lamarckian explanation, which is that if an Alpha wants the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser’s women enough to fornicate with her, then that “VALIDATES” the Beta/Gamma/Delta/Loser, by proving that even an Alpha is mildly interested in his woman.

My theory is better. It holds that all this Greek alphabet soup classification of human beings is a puddle of steaming horse piss.

11 years ago

chain-smoking whiskey-drinking carousel-riding gun-toting old [slur] harpies with A cups and nickel in their fallopian tubes.

Is this s’posed to sound bad, because this person sounds pretty fun to me.

11 years ago

More fun than Heartise, anyway. He comes across like someone gene-spliced Mystery and Pat Robertson.

11 years ago

Auggz: the nickel is a reference to Essure, which is a sterilization procedure that puts nickel plugs in the fallopian tubes. You’d think Heartiste would think that women who can’t get pregnant and rob him of his dollars would be a good thing.

11 years ago

Hellkell, you forget, a woman who expresses bodily autonomy my controlling whether or not she gets pregnant is MISANDRY.

11 years ago

My apologies Just Sayin’, I thought I had seen you posting before with comments that started off supportive and went down quickly from there.

11 years ago

And it’s Just Saying!, not Just Sayin’, again apologies

11 years ago

It doesn’t scan OR rhyme, and I can’t tell if it’s meant to be funny or a cautionary tale or both, it looks like he dashed it all off in one go without even trying to clean it up…and he thought it was good enough to share? Is there some relationship between lack of creative ability and susceptibility to tinhat thinking, or is it sheer coincidence?


But where’s the internal rhyme in the first line?

There isn’t always an internal rhyme (Lyrics for the videophobic), so on this one thing we can give him a pass. The rest – including the obvious attempts to rhyme things that don’t rhyme – is just inexcusable.

@Dallasapple, I’m sorry about your dad.

Lea Tapp
11 years ago

So, much awful, it makes my head hurt.
No talent, no idea how to be a decent person and not enough sense to be ashamed.

11 years ago

I heard it be said, by my grandpa who’s dead …

That a woman is worthless unless she’s in bed…….)ching chong wang wong)))

If she ain’t in bed with you .. then you know it is true …

She’s the cause of your balls being black and blue!!!

What a fucking whore I don’t want her no more !

I’ll be waiting outside just to even the score!