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Heartiste channels Stormfront with a racist song parody about a “beta male” cuckolded by a “mandingo.”

Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this.
Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this.

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So our old friend Heartiste, the reactionay PUA douchecanoe, is one of those racists who’s not only open about his racism, but actually proud of it; he thinks it’s backed up with SCIENCE. He’s become more obvious in his pandering to the so called “alt-right” racist crowd recently, but he’s sort of outdone himself in a recent post, playing to some rather primal racist fears of black male sexual potency.

In “The Wreck Of The Beta Male Cuckold,” Heartiste offers up a rather strained “parody” of Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald.” Instead of chronicling a real-life shipwreck, he offers up the tale of a fat, emasculated beta brony who sadly watches his wife have sex with a black man — sorry, a “darkie” — before retreating to the basement to commit suicide.

At least I think that’s what happens. It’s all so ineptly written it’s nearly incomprehensible in parts.

Here’s the beginning of the poem, which will perhaps give you some flavor of the rest:

The legend lives on from the Left Coast on down
of the beta they called “Cuckold Freddie.”
The cuck, it is said, sits alone near the bed
when the thighs of his wife spread to darkies.

Yep. He really went with “darkies.” Elsewhere in the lyrics, Heartiste refers to the cuckolder as “mandingo,” and his penis as a “black mamba.”

Actually, let me quote that last bit, as it shows just how hard Heartiste has to strain to hit all the standard Manosphere talking points — and work in all his favorite manosphere catchphrases — in telling his tale of beta woe. Oh, by the way, the cuckolder refers to himself as “Bear.”

Cuckold suffering tolls, Hypergamy sings
in the rooms of Freddie’s Mountain Dew mansion.
Bear’s black mamba creams in his wife’s wet vajeen;
Her asshole and mouth are for Bear’s fun.
And farther below, Freddie’s marital ho
takes in what Bear’s privilege can send her,
And Freddie will know as all swinging alphas know
it’s two women-one man not the inverse.

The whole thing is like that.

Heartiste, I’m sure, thinks of his little song parody as a devastating put down of  (white) beta males, which he’s made even more humiliating by having the cuckolder in the story be a … black man!

But you don’t have to be a psychologist or a cultural historian to see the fear here.

White male panic over black male sexuality is hardly a new thing. Indeed, the Ku Klux Klan and its supporters regularly used trumped-up fears of “black brutes” raping white women as convenient excuses for campaigns of terror against blacks; they also indicated a deep uneasiness within white men about their own cultural and sexual potency.

Similar fears of a sexualized “Black Peril” arose amongst colonialist whites in the 19th and early 20th century, most notably in South Africa and what was then called Southern Rhodesia; these, too, provided a convenient excuse for government policies designed to control blacks and benefit white men. (Never mind that white men were far more likely to sexually abuse black women than black men were to abuse white women.)

In other words, there’s very little difference these days between a certain segment of the Manosphere and the Klan.

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11 years ago

I’m still trying to figure out what parts of that are supposed to rhyme. Is he really rhyming her with inverse? Is he rhyming mansion with fun or ho, because I’m damn sure it doesn’t actually rhyme with either of those words. This is painful to read on so many different levels.

11 years ago

@Runic, I think… there’s supposed to be an internal rhyme every other line (1st & 3rd) while the 2nd & 4th are supposed to rhyme, but wow, totally fail to.

Nevermind the crappy & pathetic subject matter, the lack of skill put into creating that poem is painful.

11 years ago

How funny. Completely worth it for “vajeen.

11 years ago

I’m imagining all the muck Freud would find poking around in Roissy’s alleged mind … though even creepy old Sigmund might be squicked out by it.

11 years ago

I’m just saying, some people are better than others at writing parodies of popular songs.

And now I have to stop avoiding my annoying relatives. (They’re not really that annoying; I’m just not in the mood to hang out with them today.)

11 years ago

Wow, just wow.
They still amaze me with their incredible writing skills….

On a side note, talking about MRA racist douchebags, another Brazilian hate site was finally shut down today. The site was highly misogynist and also racist, classicist, etc. The content was really appalling, even tough I have only read “light” excerpts. Activist found out his identity. He has a website very much like that a year ago. He was arrested and spend 6 months in jail, I believe. But has since being released. We can see that he has learned nothing. I am still out of the details now. However, I am happy people took action so quickly. The other horrible site lasted for about 6 years. It was just the most horrendous piece of… I don’t even know piece of what. That website was also linked to a school shooting in Rio that was, most likely, misogyny driven. The shooter was a regular at that site.

Another thing… it seems he or the other guy who was arrested with him was raped in jail. I just get sick to my stomach every time someone says “yeah, they deserve it”. It is so disgusting! I understand the rage, but rape is never cool or okay!

11 years ago

I’m surprised Heartiste didn’t debut his hilarious song on the 20th for extra rascist value.

Arthur B (@awakeasaurusrex)

Is this some sort of fetish thing masquerading as MRA whining? There’s a subculture of (mostly white) guys who get really overexcited about the idea of having a black man sleeping with their wife.

Just saying!
Just saying!
11 years ago

He should be ashamed of himself for writing that sexist, misogynistic, racist crap. Is there no end to what these dumb males will do to feel better about themselves? Decent, intelligent women everywhere will be breathing a huge sigh of relief they are going their own way. It’s the only direction they have left and quite frankly to feel this bitterness and hatred toward what seems like every woman ever born is not healthy or normal.

Do their mothers or any female relations of theirs even know how deranged their sons/brothers have become? The whole lot of them should be locked up as their message toward womankind is just insulting, offensive and totally uncalled for. This movement of theirs is more like a bowel movement with all the shit they spout. No wonder they are all so miserable when a mere woman can make them go into such a childish, immature meltdown. Haven’t they got a life? Can’t they ever live quite happily like normal people do instead of turning themselves into such twisted losers over what is essentially fuck all? I despair I really do. They need to pull themselves together and quickly as there is no need for this kind of r tarded behaviour. Sheesh! Grow up you embarrassing fools.

11 years ago

Disgusting rather than deranged, I think. Could you not use ableist stuff to describe these guys? Hatefulness has nothing to do with mental illness.

11 years ago

And, a’course, there’s the underlying homophobia & biphobia:

“And Freddie will know as all swinging alphas know
it’s two women-one man not the inverse.”

Particularly hilarious considering the protagonist’s name is “Bear”

11 years ago

Erm, Just saying!, you’re probably new here, as I’ve never seen you before. But just so you know, here at ManBoobz, the regulars here don’t like the use of language that can be considered racist, gendered slurs, or ableist language (such as the words “retarded.”) It’s best to use more neutral language that doesn’t include even commonly-used-and-thus-harmless-appearing words.

11 years ago

Uh oh, ninja’ed.

11 years ago

Word. What on earth did I just read?

On another note, some guy was bothering me today and I told him to stop. He said I liked it. I told him no, I really don’t, and he just waved a dismissive hand at me. The worst part is I come into contact with this guy fairly often. Kinda creeped out.

11 years ago

Yeesh…..sadly, though I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at Heartiste’s hardcore bigotry given how ass-backwards the so-called “Men’s Rights Movement” is in general.

Also, seconding Kitteh here as well.

11 years ago

Argenti, if you ever run out of room for the unicorns thanks to the ableist comments I’ve always wanted one! In the meantime have some more oats and carrots from me. 🙂

11 years ago

I’m still stuck on the question of why the dude that the wife is having an affair with is called “Bear”. Note to racist songwriters – there are currently no bears in Africa, and the only bears seen anywhere on the continent in the modern era were in the northern part, not the sub-Saharan part.

I would say “stick to your day job”, but I’m not sure that he has one. Is he another one like Roosh who’s trying to make a living by peddling this crap?

11 years ago

Vajeen will be the name of my new clothing line.

11 years ago

Oh & Just Sayin’, go troll somewhere else. You started off almost sounding like a decent human and went down from there. Just sayin’

11 years ago

Does Just Saying get paid by the adjective?

11 years ago

OMG! BRAIN BLEACH!! I have loved that song The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald since I was a young girl! I lived on a great lake too. Erie ..but the tragedy and loss of those men in that accident I related to my fathers untimely death in a plane crash !

Can not believe they would dirty that song up with their hateful filth and self pitying! VOMIT!

11 years ago

“And Freddie will know as all swinging alphas know
it’s two women-one man not the inverse.”

Clearly he’s very concerned with his own masculinity and sexuality if he can’t deal with the thought of a threesome involving two guys, but women are supposed to be totally okay with two women?

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