a voice for men citation needed evil women female beep boop FemRAs I am making a joke misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit

MRAs agree: Female humans deadlier, cuter than males

Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!
Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!

The Man Boobz Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way.

Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Some important information about females straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Merari01 2 points 3 days ago (6|4)  As with any species, the female is more vicious, ruthless and agressive than the male.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]oneiorosgrip 7 points 3 days ago (9|2)  Yes, and female humans have the added advantage of both a physical appearance and a social structure that facilitate female aggression by eclipsing it with the appearance or presumption of harmlessness.

I can vouch for this first-hand. I live with two females, and trust me, they can get away with anything just by giving me a look with those big round eyes of theirs — from scratching up the furniture to pooping outside the box to …

Oh, wait. We’re not talking about kitties?

Oh, female humans.

Anyway, one of the saddest things about this little exchange is that oneiorosgrip is herself a female human. Indeed, she’s actually Hannah Wallen, aka Della Burton, one of A Voice for Men’s so-called Honey Badgers. Yet she’s apparently so alienated from her own gender (and possibly her species) that she refers to her fellow women as “female humans” rather than, you know, women.

Note: Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for finding this lovely and enlightening exchange.

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11 years ago

It doesn’t look like we’re going to get anywhere with this so I’ll leave it at that.
Thank you for trying anyway.

11 years ago

Oh, and by the way, misogynist: the US is not the world and not all commenters are USians by default, so fuck you for that, as well.

Yes it is(the world) . 320 million people is almost 7 billion . And its the haven of white man injustice oppression . Go look it up .

11 years ago

Men verses women ..hmmmmm…

Is a black man more likely to serve time in prison for illegal drug possession even though more white men use illegal drugs ???


11 years ago

lana – ::snrk:: how silly of me to forget I live in the 51st state.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Found it! It is here and registration is free.

But the important part is this table —

When race is factored in, black and Hispanic men are sentenced more harshly, there’s no statistically significant difference for white men and women. Can you say racism?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Speaking of racism, the answer to the question about drug sentencing is yes.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

How many orchids is too many? YES OR NO?!?

11 years ago

lana – ::snrk:: how silly of me to forget I live in the 51st state.

Right you need to not forget where it is you come from . The “world” in which white man oppression /injustice /facing daily violence against bitches U>S.A global .

WE are the WORLD ..WE are the PEOPLE!!!! CHILD SUPPORT is RAMPANT ! INVOLUNTARY WORLDWIDE celibacy and RAPE LAWS INFILTRATE daily world SUFFERING! MORE GIRLS are in COLLEGE and they wait until they are TWENTY NINE to get MARRIED!!!!!!!! For Christs sake stop your TUNNEL vision and look around the WORLD ! Are you sheltered or just selfish ??????????

11 years ago

How many orchids is too many? YES OR NO?!?


11 years ago


Swingsalot has a tantrum and leaves because he refused to listen to anyone trying to explain something so basic to him. Logic, research, and science are all misandry.

11 years ago

Can you say racism?

Is this a yes or no question ?

11 years ago

LOL, swingsalot thinks we’re his dancing monkeys. Wrong site, dude.

11 years ago

I’m waiting for the inevitable Reddit post from swingsalot about how he totally pwned us.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lana — I suppose that was a yes or no question!

Figures swingsalot flounced in the face of evidence.

11 years ago

Was that the best this troll could do?

What a piffling pile of poop.

11 years ago

Still no answers. Only more attempts to evade the question.
Just what are you so afraid of?

Which is weird, because I just read two pages of answers to swingsalot’s question.

Yes or no: Is being willfully obtuse really annoying?

11 years ago

I think he knew he’d lost, and was saving face the only way he could, which was to pretend that he hadn’t heard a thing except lady-screaming.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

I’ve been at work so skim read this thread quickly and pounced on this

step into a nerd or geek community with no attachment to the community, the subject that binds the community (gaming, programming, science, journalism

Since when did fucking journalism get included as a geek community? Or is that an American thing, as NZ schools don’t typically have their own newspapers? I don’t know that many NZers would view journos as “geeks” especially when they are typically so bad at writing pieces on technology, science….

11 years ago

Aw, I took the bait and gave the troll rope to hang themself, but it seems that swingsalot can only reach for low hanging fruit.

11 years ago

I think in this case dude is using “geek” as a synonym for “mostly male”.

11 years ago

I think in this case dude is using “geek” as a synonym for “mostly male”.

Professional football – the geekiest thing on the planet.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@cassandra, ah so it’s the usual boring complaint of wahhhhh women invading men’s spaces.

If it didn’t have such horrid real life consequences, I would find the whole thing sides-splittingly hilarious. The value (utility) of an activity isn’t measured by its exclusivity, it’s measured by the pleasure that people derive from undertaking that utility. If the person is deriving value from exclusivity, then they’re *not actually interested in the activity itself* because anything else they did which had similar exclusivity would provide them the same utility. Which makes *them* the fake geek.

Economics! The sometimes not-so-dismal science! 🙂

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

*derive from undertaking that activity

11 years ago

@Lana – you’re thinking of Colin Ferguson, who shot up a Long Island communter train in 1993, injuring 19 and killing 6 people.
One way people are attempting to combat socio-economic bias in sentencing is through bail reform.

When someone is arrested they can either post bail, go to jail to await trial or take a plea deal. Even for minor crimes bail can still be thousands of dollars, which is more than poor people with no savings or collateral can afford.

Mothers who are primary caregivers and poor are forced to take a plea deal in order to not lose their jobs and, even worse, their children. Prosecutors like plea deals because they are cost effective and a court win. Prosecutors are also quicker to offer plea deals to non-violent offenders, which most women are.

Sentences given via plea deals are often significantly less than those that result from guilty verdict. This may play a part in gender discrepancies in sentencing.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@Brooked: this is a anecdote, but here goes: trying to be staunch* a gang member up on a murder charge entered the court and gave the gang’s salute when he went in. He was found guilty of murder. The facts as I am aware of them were that he got into a fight with another guy outside a pub, he hit the other guy (not sure if it was a “king hit”, that term wasn’t around 20 years ago). The other guy fell, and hit his head on the side of the curb. The other guy died from that head injury. I asked why the gang member’s lawyer didn’t go for manslaughter**, because there appeared to be no intent to kill, but that’s the staunch thing again – you’re more staunch if you go up on/get convicted on a more serious charge. /sigh

* it’s a gang-culture thing here in NZ (Mongrel Mob, Black Power, Sein Fein, Satan’s Slaves, Nomads…) not sure if the word has the same cultural connotations in other countries.

** NZ only has murder and manslaughter, due to our more recent separation from the UK. Proving a murder charge requires proving mens rea (“guilty mind”, intent, etc). Killing someone you intend to kill, or you reasonably could have expected to die from what you did to them, that’s murder. Accidentally killing someone, e.g. you wanted to teach them a lesson by giving them a beating and in normal circumstances they shouldn’t have died, is manslaughter. We don’t have all those (first, second, ???) degree things, which I don’t really follow.