The Man Boobz Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way.
Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Some important information about females straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit:
I can vouch for this first-hand. I live with two females, and trust me, they can get away with anything just by giving me a look with those big round eyes of theirs — from scratching up the furniture to pooping outside the box to …
Oh, wait. We’re not talking about kitties?
Oh, female humans.
Anyway, one of the saddest things about this little exchange is that oneiorosgrip is herself a female human. Indeed, she’s actually Hannah Wallen, aka Della Burton, one of A Voice for Men’s so-called Honey Badgers. Yet she’s apparently so alienated from her own gender (and possibly her species) that she refers to her fellow women as “female humans” rather than, you know, women.
Note: Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for finding this lovely and enlightening exchange.
Sorry but I am not fromafar13, I’m pretty sure but not absolutely certain. Let me check to make sure. Fromafar13, are you eating cake and procrastinating on your small business accounting right now? Yes or no?
Oh for fucks sake. Please go read this and then go away.
“If we compare the
sentences imposed on offenders convicted of the same crimes, with identical
prior criminal records, we will find that women are sentenced no differently
than men.”
@ Shayla
Ah yes. That was a response to fromafar13, not you. My mistake.
Oops, of course that should be fromafar2013. Lots of reading comprehension skills today.
@ shayla
No??? I am procrastinating though… so Yes??? Can I have some cake? YES OR NO?
(See, that last one WAS a yes or no question.)
For you, all the cake. (Nice PDF!)
I think he’s trying to set up a “ooh, if men get sentenced longer, then it is proof of bias in the courts for amount of crimes and so women are more violent than men, but get thrown in prison less, because misandry” kind of bullshit.
The irony is that he’s absolutely right… if you were to replace the word men for black people, add the word no before more, replaced women for white people, and racism for misandry. So my guess is that he’s hoping he can misuse one of the common disprovings of racist beliefs about black people being inherently violent because look at all the black people in prison that has been used against his fellow white supremacists because MRAs are too damn lazy to even invent their own bullshit these days and thus resort to stealing other people arguments and shifting the markers where they please.
Swingsalot doesnt understand what a loaded question is….typical MRA stupidity. I think we should just ignore him until he can figure out what a loaded question is. Which will probably take forever.
“What exactly disqualifies it from being a yes or no question?”
The answer being a lot more complex than just yes or no. The answer “yes”, while technically correct, is incomplete, and it does NOT imply anything about the CAUSE of such gender disparity. Of course, since you’re only after an easy “gotcha”, you’re just going to ASSUME whatever cause is more convenient for you.
I’ll throw your question right back at ya: what makes you assume that the gender disparity is caused by prejudice against men and not by, say, a cultural notion that women lack agency and therefore should be held less responsible for their acts?
Mistaking paternalistic coddling for privilege seems to be an easy mistake to make, but really. If we assume that being “protected” by denial of agency means power, then children are the most powerful people in our society.
I was reading something that was about gender rather than race in sentencing, but one of the things the author mentioned is that violent crimes typically have less flexibility in terms of what sentences can be passed. It’s mainly “lesser” crimes where sentencing disparities show up the most.
From the PDF:
“Allegations of lawlessness in sentencing reflect concerns about both disparity
and discrimination. Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they do not mean the same thing. Disparity is a difference in treatment or outcome that does not necessarily result from intentional bias or prejudice. For example, the fact that very few people over the age of 50 enroll at the typical college or university reflects a disparity but not discrimination.”
Is there disparity? Yes.
Is there discrimination? Sometimes, depending upon the situation, the area of the country, the judge doing the sentencing, any past criminal record, the severity of the crime, and a bazillion other factors.
Does it always favor women over men? No.
@ fromafar13
I took a look at your link and, in the summary on page 166, the piece closes with the final words:
I don’t know where you got your quote from (a reference would help) but this doesn’t seem to conclude what you suggest it concludes.
Ally’s question is irrelevant because VANILLA HEATH BAR CRUNCH is a thing that exists.
Now it’s time for Sir Swings-a-Lot to answer some of our questions:
* Why do you swing?
* How much is a lot?
That info seems really hard to find, there doesn’t seem to be much focus. A few studies from the UK say that Asians in the UK receive higher arrests and harsher punishment than whites so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same in the US.
Do you concede that, in the US, more women than men die during childbirth on average?
The source I was reading made an offhand comment that white people generally have “the mildest” sentencing, though again that wasn’t the focus of the paper.
swingsalot…and misses.
Am I making pea soup for dinner? YES OR NO?
Does hellkell’s pea soup contain a ham hock? YES OR NO?
Also, do you concede that, of the US murderers for whom gender is known, the vast majority are males?
But what disqualifies it from being a yes or no question? You’ve already said if it’s a yes or no question then one has to answer it or else one is just stupid and doesn’t know the answer, and you haven’t let anyone else bring up points like whether it is a good question or not.
Now, has someone already gotten into my cupcakes or not? It’s a simple matter of comparing two numbers: The number of cupcakes I made and the number I have now.
This person is just determined to view the world in black and white. Go ahead, it must be a really boring place. Many commenters have already pointed out why it’s not a simple yes/no question, but you refuse to either read or comprehend their arguments. You’re just going to pick out any “fact” you can find to support your position that women are sentenced less “harsh” and that this OBVIOUSLY means that men are punished in our society (not that women are viewed as weaker and less capable human beings). You obivously didn’t read the part about “disparity” vs “discrimination”. Clearly the only way to fix this disparity is to put more women in prison for longer prison sentences regardless of guilt. Your position completely breaks down when you throw in any other factors, anyway, but of course with MRAs it’s really only about white cis-men vs white cis-women.
cloudiah: no ham hock, but there is bacon.
Yes or no: Is five pieces of French toast at one sitting too many?
Because I feel a little gross now. Salad for dinner, I think.
@ auggz he totally did scroll to the last page.
Not all people in jail are there because of violent crimes, in fact the majority of the people in jail in the USA are non-violent offenders. Still the sentences themselves are irrelevant when counting the number of crimes commited, it doesnt matter if you get 1 month or a life sentence for a murder it still counts as 1 murder commited.