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MRAs agree: Female humans deadlier, cuter than males

Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!
Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!

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Some important information about females straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Merari01 2 points 3 days ago (6|4)  As with any species, the female is more vicious, ruthless and agressive than the male.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]oneiorosgrip 7 points 3 days ago (9|2)  Yes, and female humans have the added advantage of both a physical appearance and a social structure that facilitate female aggression by eclipsing it with the appearance or presumption of harmlessness.

I can vouch for this first-hand. I live with two females, and trust me, they can get away with anything just by giving me a look with those big round eyes of theirs — from scratching up the furniture to pooping outside the box to …

Oh, wait. We’re not talking about kitties?

Oh, female humans.

Anyway, one of the saddest things about this little exchange is that oneiorosgrip is herself a female human. Indeed, she’s actually Hannah Wallen, aka Della Burton, one of A Voice for Men’s so-called Honey Badgers. Yet she’s apparently so alienated from her own gender (and possibly her species) that she refers to her fellow women as “female humans” rather than, you know, women.

Note: Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for finding this lovely and enlightening exchange.

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11 years ago

“Limit the scope to just the United States if you must.”

Because no one lives anywhere that isn’t the US of A, and anyone who does isn’t important enough to bother with, amiright?

11 years ago

Do you concede that, in the US, men are punished more harshly than women for the same crimes on average.

My answer is technically no, because you have it the wrong way around. It isn’t men being punished more harshly; it’s women being punished less harshly at times due to outdated paternalism. Maybe this seems like splitting hairs to you, but in saying men are being punished more harshly you’re trying to hint that the reason for this difference is that society hates men for being men when it’s really quite the opposite. Note also that the all-out persecution of black men by the justice system tends to unbalance the question and intertangle questions of racial bias as well.

Ally S
11 years ago

And don’t try evade it by hiding behind claims of irrelevancy or demands to know why it’s asked. Neither relevancy nor an understanding of its purpose, are needed for you to be able to answer it.

But not many people here want to answer a question for no reason, especially when it’s been asked more times than we can count. Is this how you talk to people offline?

11 years ago

@ Shayla.

At least one attempt to answer, but unfortunately you contradict yourself in that answer. First you say no, men are not punished more harshly. And then you say women are punished less harshly which necessarily implies that men are punished more harshly. There is no way you can punish women less harshly than men without men being punished more harshly than women.

So which is it? Yes or no?

11 years ago

I’ll make a step towards you. Limit the scope to just the Standard Model if you must.

So one more time:
Do you concede that, in the Standard Model, the Higgs boson is insufficient to explain the transformation of particles of energy into particles that have mass.

And don’t try evade it by hiding behind claims of irrelevancy or demands to know why it’s asked. Neither relevancy nor an understanding of quantum physics, are needed for you to be able to answer it.

Ally S
11 years ago

>a href=””>Obligatory stock photo.

11 years ago

@ fromafar2013

The reason your question might not be anwered is because most people are unable due to lack of understanding of the subject matter. Are you saying that’s the reason you’re not answering my question? That you don’t understand the material enough for it?
If so, I’d respect that response but I’m not sure if that’s what you want to say. Is it?

11 years ago

At least one attempt to answer, but unfortunately you contradict yourself in that answer. First you say no, men are not punished more harshly. And then you say women are punished less harshly which necessarily implies that men are punished more harshly. There is no way you can punish women less harshly than men without men being punished more harshly than women.

Swingsalot, it looks like you didn’t try to understand my post. Please try again. I disagreed with the specific wording of your question because it subtly assumes something to be true that I do not agree is true (the justice system is out to punish men). An impartial question would be: “Is there a gender disparity in federal sentencing?” My answer to that question is yes.

Ally S
11 years ago


Do you concede that, in the US, chocolate ice cream is a better than strawberry question? YES OR NO

Ally S
11 years ago

Wow, I’m fucking up my comments a lot today. That should be strawberry ice cream, not strawberry question. Omg. X_X

11 years ago

Actually, I’m trying to illustrate that you don’t have any understanding of the topic because you are trying to distill a complex and intersectional issue into a simple yes or no question. There are so many ways in which our justice system is broken, and often it involves prejudice of all sorts. Against people of color, against LGBT people, against the lower and middle classes, against women, and against men, against people of different cultures, different ethnic backgrounds, etc. It is not a yes or no questions, just like how quantum physics isn’t a yes or no question. Do you get the joke now?

11 years ago

@ Shayla

An impartial question would be: “Is there a gender disparity in federal sentencing?” My answer to that question is yes.

Unfortunately that is incomplete given that my question wasn’t only for hte existence of a disparity but also for the direction of that disparity. So, to use your wording “gender disparity”, the question could be rephrased to:

Is there a gender disparity in sentencing that is slanted towards women?

I’d be willing to use that phrasing instead. Can you answer that with a “yes” too?

11 years ago


Stop JAQing off for a second and listen to the answers you’re getting. The reason nobody wants to answer the way your script demands is because the question and its answer are misleading. You’re treating racism as if it were sexism, and treating leniency towards women as harshness towards men. Respond to people, and stop getting stuck up your own ass trying to get people to answer what your puny mind thinks is some grand “Gotcha!”

11 years ago

Note also that the all-out persecution of black men by the justice system tends to unbalance the question and intertangle questions of racial bias as well.

Right, it’s impossible to make accurate generalizations about sentencing on just one axis because race and class have huge impacts as well. A middle-class white man is going to face a much milder sentence than a poor black woman would for the same crime, for example. The gender disparity is also exacerbated by the high number of black men in our prison system and the ridiculously harsh sentences they get. There’s actually not that big of a gender disparity if you’re comparing white men and women with the same general socioeconomic status.

11 years ago

Yes. Ok, now what?

11 years ago

@ Shayla

It is not a yes or no questions

What exactly disqualifies it from being a yes or no question?

11 years ago

“What exactly disqualifies it from being a yes or no question?”

You don’t interview well do you? YES OR NO!?

11 years ago

“Do you concede that, in the US, men are punished more harshly than women for the same crimes on average.”

Try comparing white men with black women. Then white women and black men. Think about the result.

11 years ago

@ AK

There’s actually not that big of a gender disparity if you’re comparing white men and women with the same general socioeconomic status.

So you do indeed believe there is a disparity. Shall I take that as a yes, or do you want to claim the disparity favors men?

11 years ago


What exactly disqualifies it from being a yes or no question?

Because neither “yes” nor “no” are satisfactory answers to the question? Kinda definitional right there.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

A gender disparity in sentencing doesn’t change the gender disparity in the number of crimes commited, violent crimes in particular and that’s what this topic is about.

11 years ago

@ Shayla

“What exactly disqualifies it from being a yes or no question?”

You don’t interview well do you? YES OR NO!?

One more time: What is disqualifying my question from being a yes or no question? What you wrote there doesn’t even attempt to answer.

11 years ago


So you do indeed believe there is a disparity. Shall I take that as a yes, or do you want to claim the disparity favors men?

*sigh* Take it however you want. You’re obviously not interested in an actual answer, just in finding some way to dig a “yes” out of us so you can run along home, confident your pet theory (whatever it is) is true.

11 years ago

@ auggziliary

Is America a good country? Yes or no?

That is a subjective question. My question is not. It’s down to comparing two numbers: Is x greater than y?