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MRAs agree: Female humans deadlier, cuter than males

Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!
Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!

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Some important information about females straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Merari01 2 points 3 days ago (6|4)  As with any species, the female is more vicious, ruthless and agressive than the male.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]oneiorosgrip 7 points 3 days ago (9|2)  Yes, and female humans have the added advantage of both a physical appearance and a social structure that facilitate female aggression by eclipsing it with the appearance or presumption of harmlessness.

I can vouch for this first-hand. I live with two females, and trust me, they can get away with anything just by giving me a look with those big round eyes of theirs — from scratching up the furniture to pooping outside the box to …

Oh, wait. We’re not talking about kitties?

Oh, female humans.

Anyway, one of the saddest things about this little exchange is that oneiorosgrip is herself a female human. Indeed, she’s actually Hannah Wallen, aka Della Burton, one of A Voice for Men’s so-called Honey Badgers. Yet she’s apparently so alienated from her own gender (and possibly her species) that she refers to her fellow women as “female humans” rather than, you know, women.

Note: Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for finding this lovely and enlightening exchange.

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11 years ago

Oh yeah and this woman ? Maybe she is the same gal I ran across on a Christian forum (I hope so ..that their would be two of them is scary ) ..that referred to the male and female as different OH wait sorry ..”races” . Sorry I got confused .The honey badger I remember said males and females were a different “race’ .At least we were the same species of animal.

11 years ago

If the female species is more aggressive then why don’t we pull the mans hair out and smack him around and call him names while ordering him to DO IT! Just because we are alpha species? Wouldn’t that be naturally what the man wants ?

11 years ago

I don’t have a link (which makes this pretty useless), but most of my professors have repeated the statistic that most murderers are men, and most murder victims are men.

But yeah, I’ve noticed this general idea of “women are SO much more aggressive than men, haha” in the real world, too. I feel like it has something to do with movies and TV shows’ tendencies to comedically highlight and exaggerate when a female character gets angry. It’s the whole “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” thing… like, “LOL, it’s funny because she’s a woman and she’s not being demure! Get it?”

11 years ago

Female humans are more vicious ,aggressive, and ruthless than the male human because uh…I KNOW! Because your HARD ON is NOT her friggen PROBLEM!

A “female human” is vicious ,aggressive,and ruthless if she minds her own fucking business and tells you to “go away ” and “leave her alone” when all you want to do is get laid!


11 years ago

Actually, with all the “weak”, “stupid”, and “naturally inferior, proven by SCIENCE!” comments the manosphere usually uses to describe women, this little piece of stupid was comparatively nice to hear.

11 years ago

I feel like it has something to do with movies and TV shows’ tendencies to comedically highlight and exaggerate when a female character gets angry.

I think that could be part of it .But there are plenty MORE aggressive ,ruthless,vicious males depicted on T.V than women .BY FAR …and in real life its a fact men are more violent .

I think its more of a play UP on those words from personal rejection that involves not aggression ,ruthlessness, or viciousness. Just a woman rejecting them .

A really good looking women (in their eyes ) who is friendly to them ..who then turns them down for a “date ” is then an “aggressive” “ruthless” and vicious women .

11 years ago

Actually, with all the “weak”, “stupid”, and “naturally inferior, proven by SCIENCE!” comments the manosphere usually uses to describe women, this little piece of stupid was comparatively nice to hear.

That’s the other thing ..PICK ONE! Are women helpless and owe “everything they have to the big mammoth hunters” are are they holding the poor men at their mercy with their ruthlessness and aggression ?

I wonder if this line of thinking is when you hear some of them say ” we men are afraid to approach you .”

The first thing that flies in my head is …well then DONT ..LOL!!

11 years ago

But but but…I thought only females play the victim.

11 years ago

I’m gonna leave this right here:

11 years ago

I’m aware that some of the lyrics are not okay. BTW

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

Female animals become aggressive and dangerous when you threaten their young, they arent just aggressive without a reason and because they like to pick up fights, there exists this thing called maternal aggression.

Women like human beings are definately capable of aggression and violence, but violent crimes and acts of serious violence are still predominately commited by men. Especially murders 90% of them are commited by men.

11 years ago

So instead of “Woman, go make me a samwich…”, back in the Stoned Age it was; “Woman, go hunt me a mammoth”?

More like “Woman, I killed this mammoth. Now skin it, cure the hide, harvest and cure the edible parts, clean the useful organs, preserve the sinews for later use, make a garment from the hide, clean up the mess so it doesn’t attract predators, and make me a sammich from the meat, while I go tell everyone about how hard I work so you don’t have to.”

11 years ago

Lol emilygoddess.
I’ve been reading some books on how women contributions were ignored throughout history. And that men would take credit for womens work too.

Diana Adams
Diana Adams
11 years ago

So instead of “Woman, go make me a samwich…”, back in the Stoned Age it was; “Woman, go hunt me a mammoth”?

Actually in those early societies women did participate in hunting too. There is nothing really preventing women from hunting, except in the minds of misogynists, projecting their own views on other people and societies. There exists today the Agta people in the Philippines or the Aka tribes in Africa where women are hunting and men take care of babies. Those early societies were predominately egalitarian and not what those misogynists imagine.

11 years ago

More like “Woman, I killed this mammoth. Now skin it, cure the hide, harvest and cure the edible parts, clean the useful organs, preserve the sinews for later use, make a garment from the hide, clean up the mess so it doesn’t attract predators, and make me a sammich from the meat, while I go tell everyone about how hard I work so you don’t have to.”

Followed by:

Woman: Do it yourself. One hunt in how many moons? While I’ve been getting food every fucking day, making all the clothes and things we need AND raising the children?


Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

I don’t think consistency is something that MRA’s value very much.

11 years ago

I doubt most of ’em could even spell it.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Yep, and most can’t spell “consistency” either. 😉

11 years ago

Smarty britches! 😀

11 years ago

feMRAs seem to be making the same mistake with “Mean Girls” that MRAs do with “Sex and the City.” It’s not a documentary.

11 years ago

A+, Kiwi Girl!

11 years ago

Fetch the smelling salts, Mum just said to Fribs “I have my own life to lead y’know.”

Insubordination! Insurrection!

Ally S
11 years ago

Completely OT but this is making me furious:

Countless Tumblr users, many of whom are anti-feminists and MRAs, are reblogging the shit out of a post doxxing a victim of child prostitution and other egregious forms of abuse because she posted a video in which she confessed to being forced to engage in human trafficking and sexually abuse other girls. Everything she did was under the threat of murder and abuse yet no one fucking cares about that ~small detail~. They want her personal information to be disseminated, which will result in her being in danger of being murdered by the abusers who are after her.

Abusers. Lobby.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

..a social structure that facilitate female aggression by eclipsing it with the appearance or presumption of harmlessness

Is this kind of like how MRA social structure facilitates stupid by eclipsing it with the appearance of science and pretentious words?

11 years ago

@Ally S: To paraphrase david: “The 21st centuries greatest human rights movement folks”. Seriously though, fuck all those shitheads. I hope they fall into a vomitorium.