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MRAs agree: Female humans deadlier, cuter than males

Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!
Females: They may LOOK innocent, but SCIENCE knows better!

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Some important information about females straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Merari01 2 points 3 days ago (6|4)  As with any species, the female is more vicious, ruthless and agressive than the male.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]oneiorosgrip 7 points 3 days ago (9|2)  Yes, and female humans have the added advantage of both a physical appearance and a social structure that facilitate female aggression by eclipsing it with the appearance or presumption of harmlessness.

I can vouch for this first-hand. I live with two females, and trust me, they can get away with anything just by giving me a look with those big round eyes of theirs — from scratching up the furniture to pooping outside the box to …

Oh, wait. We’re not talking about kitties?

Oh, female humans.

Anyway, one of the saddest things about this little exchange is that oneiorosgrip is herself a female human. Indeed, she’s actually Hannah Wallen, aka Della Burton, one of A Voice for Men’s so-called Honey Badgers. Yet she’s apparently so alienated from her own gender (and possibly her species) that she refers to her fellow women as “female humans” rather than, you know, women.

Note: Thanks to the AgainstMensRights subreddit for finding this lovely and enlightening exchange.

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11 years ago

What even brought that conversation up? With no context I can only imagine…

I bet a lot of that trope is based on equating sexuality with aggression. We have a lot of language that conflates sexual intimacy with predation, and a sexually confident woman is seen as deviating from the prey role, and therefore ‘violent’. Cougars, anyone? Heaven forbid they be able to differentiate between assertiveness and actual violence when expressed by women.

Never mind that almost no healthy sexual relationship (outside of kink, mind you) has any of that predator/prey mentality in it.

Andrea Harris (@SpinsterAndCat)

Don’t you understand?!? Men may perpetuate most of the murder and war on Earth, but women make men feel bad!!! *sobs*

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Protip: holding other species to the same moral standards as you (nominally) hold humans is a scientifically indefensible thing to do.

Other bits: citation needed.

If MRAs wish to stop being called stupid, then they should just stop making stupid statements.

Ally S
11 years ago

Wow, I actually argued with an AVFMer? No wonder she was so damn awful.

Also, that comic linked to in that thread is so fucking off the mark it’s absurd. I have seen plenty of guys engaging in gender policing. The family members who told my older sister to stop taking karate classes because they were making her “bold and confident” were my dad and my grandfather. And the person who told my sister to stop lifting weights because muscular women have poor marriage prospects was my dad.

And if I got a dime for every time I heard a guy fetishize women of color, I would have enough money to start transitioning.

11 years ago

@ Ally

You made me work up the courage to clicky the link and I was actually pleasantly surprised that most of the comments on the comic were calling them out on their BS. Yay!

11 years ago

I can vouch for this first-hand. I live with two females, and trust me, they can get away with anything just by giving me a look with those big round eyes of theirs — from scratching up the furniture to pooping outside the box to …

Oh, wait. We’re not talking about kitties?

All that and you’ve got to open the door for them too. Is there no end to the enormity…

11 years ago

Seriously? Can someone bring up some stats on the genders of murders and other violent criminals?

Why they’ll just claim gynocentric conspiracy

11 years ago

Oh yeah? Well, I just spent my afternoon viciously taking advantage of the fabric land sales. All of it under the guise of innocent fashion sewing. I felt like the idea woman who runs out of the building shouting ” start the car! “

11 years ago

@Ally Family members can really really suck sometimes. MRAs like to make everything about men vs women when feminists are quite clear that part of our enculturation is learning proper ways to act and then projecting this onto other people, everyone can be guilty of it. They just try to distract people from the problem by making it all about the poor menz.

11 years ago

But clearly men know better than we do what’s good for us. So you know, he’s being cruel to be kind.

11 years ago

@ auggz It’s so effed up that people literally think they are “being supportive” by warning them of the “dangers” of looking too manly! … Jebus, that guy needs a swift kick in the behind.

11 years ago

He needs to be told to exit the door quickly enough to avoid being hit on the ass.

11 years ago

@ cupisnique

Totally. Anyone remember the gender policing happening in grade school (and even younger)? I barely remember being a bit of a freak because I liked TMNT and Transformers, but I can’t think of any specific examples. Now I have a 4 year old niece though, and it is amazingly obvious what is going on but her parents are kind of oblivious (and so are the teachers for that matter). And interestingly, when it comes to peer influence, girls police girls and boys police boys most often from what I’ve see at her school(though not always).

The rules:

-Boy things are inherently better than and more interesting than girl things.
-Boys can only EVER play with or use boy things.
-Girls must play with some girl things to be accepted, but can play with some boy things sometimes when no one is looking.
-Boys will be punished with teasing and/or social shunning if caught playing with girl things.
-Girls will be punished with mild teasing if caught playing with boy things, because who can blame her, boy things are way cool.
-Therefore, boys and boy things are good, girls and girl things are bad (read: ‘girly’).

11 years ago

I am incredibly confused. I had thought that men were naturally more aggressive and violent, and that that was a good thing! Do you mean to tell me that MRAs are hypocritical and inconsistent, decrying double-standards while creating them? Say it ain’t so! D:

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Wait…I thought that MRA’s believe that women are to weak and that their non-aggressive nature is a detriment to hunting the mammoth and now they are saying that women are better suited to hunt the mammoth because of their innate vicious nature and ruthless aggressiveness.

I am confused. Which is it?

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

So instead of “Woman, go make me a samwich…”, back in the Stoned Age it was; “Woman, go hunt me a mammoth”?

11 years ago

@Ally S
“The family members who told my older sister to stop taking karate classes because they were making her “bold and confident” were my dad and my grandfather.”

Isn’t that the point?

“-Boy things are inherently better than and more interesting than girl things.
-Boys can only EVER play with or use boy things.
-Girls must play with some girl things to be accepted, but can play with some boy things sometimes when no one is looking.
-Boys will be punished with teasing and/or social shunning if caught playing with girl things.
-Girls will be punished with mild teasing if caught playing with boy things, because who can blame her, boy things are way cool.”

Corollary to all that: if you’re a boy and you happen to like a girl thing, you must do your damned best to dress it up as a boy thing. Case in point: MLP.

11 years ago

@Robert Ramirez

Woman = bad. Man = good. It doesn’t matter what either is doing.

11 years ago

The original poem by Kipling is a better read than anything these clotpolls have come up with. It even includes a reference to the dangers of childbirth (for the mother).

11 years ago

If that dude seriously believes the female of the species is nastier than the male, he’s obviously never smelled tomcat urine. They spray it to mark territory. And those screeching catfights you hear in the alley? Males again, duking it out over turf. And mating prospects.

And if that woman seriously believes women to be meaner and bitchier than men, she’s obviously never had one. Which I guess is very convenient for her.

11 years ago

Cougars, anyone? Heaven forbid they be able to differentiate between assertiveness and actual violence when expressed by women.

And the irony is, cougars are actually quite solitary and shy, as a general rule.

But then, when did misogyny ever take note of how any species actually behaves?

11 years ago

Hey, I’m confused here. The picture of the woman that you have up is of a woman with short hair. She looks glamorous. How can this be? According to the Manosphere, women with short hair are damaged and ugly. What am I missing?

11 years ago

Valyt: I have to say, I was really hopeful that the MLP show, because it was so popular, would finally help break down that sort of “femmephobia”.

Nope. Instead we get MRA Bronies.


11 years ago

Since when is the female of species the most ruthless ,aggressive ,and vicious ?

I thought we were hard wired to nuture and be soft and need the man for protection ?

11 years ago

You guys make me want to watch that Bronies documentary on Netflix now… morbid curiosity? Cause I love MLP, old and new, so WTH!?

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