Welcome to the First Quarter Man Boobz Pledge Drive 2014: Fluffy Cat Rolling In Money Edition!
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Enormous thanls to everyone who donated during the last pledge drive. (I know I didn’t get back to everyone personally, and I apologize.) Thanks as well to those who’ve donated since the last pledge drive, and extra special thanks to those who’ve made a point of donating on a regular basis.
Man Boobz has now received more than 13 million page views since its inception on Blogger in 2010. Even more impressive: you all have posted close to 400,000 comments. The community that’s grown up around this blog is, as always, amazing to me. I couldn’t do it without you.
Seconding cupisnique on your writing, Ally–you come across as very knowledgeable and articulate (to me, at least). I’ve also noticed how kind you are in addressing even the trolls/MRAs. You seem like a very good person.
While I did have to read through it a few times, I found your comment on objections to biological determinism very informative.
@cloudiah That sucks. My mom died on Jan 3rd. It still hasn’t really settled in. What is up with this January and manboobzer’s mothers? //hugs//
Should make it clear that I was having fun putting on my evolutionary biologist hat up there. Always amazes me how these intrepid “scientists” never bother to come up with any explanation other than screaming “just so! just so!”.
Considering that women’s relative lack of size and strength is shared with all three of our most closely related species (bonobos and chimps sharing #1, gorillas at a distant #3), its existence is not proof that it is adaptive in humans–it could have been adapted in a distant ancestor, and just never lost. (I’m not saying that this is true, but I am saying that “a trait exists exists” != “the trait is adaptive”, and sharing it with common ancestors is not strong evidence for recent adaptation.)
In fact, considering that our two closest living relatives include one two that live in promiscuous groups with multiple members of both sexes, one of which is female-dominated and the other male-dominated, and both have similar sex-based size differences to us… I’m going to say that size is not an accurate indicator of social organization.
(I actually suspect that one reason female mammals are often smaller than male mammals involves trade-offs between growth and pregnancy that males don’t really face. In birds and reptiles it is often the other way around.)
Also like Mez (fellow biologist?) said, testosterone promotes growth of muscles and bones, while estrogen actually promotes the closing of growth plates (at least according to my physio class in college). This arrangement likely goes back a long, long way, and unless there is good evolutionary pressure to change it, the default would be that males are bigger–which fits the general trend for mammals, at least.
So using it to argue anything about humans is… not useful.
cloudiah I’m sorry that happen.
Sounds like its been a rough year for you
MEZ, I present you with one gold-plated internetz. With pugs. (The pugs are invisible, though, ‘cos they’ve been erased.)
Regarding GenderTraitor
Do women wank? I don’t mean masturbate, I mean the verb. Does it work with women?
He has at least sparked an interesting linguistic debate.
TMI warning:
Well, you can consider me a woman capable of “wanking,” given that I’m pre-op trans.
Sadly, in order to humor the troll I checked out the link, “Report Reveals Massive Gendercide Against Men – News Media Barely Notice (NoH)”
The article quotes Dr. Adam Jones’ paper “Effacing the Male”.
This ignores how men are generally the default setting and, unlike women, are individuals rarely categorized solely by their gender. Jones offers an example where men are referred to as “ethnic Albanians,” “bodies,” “victims,” and “people.”. Calling men “people” reinforces, rather than diminishes, male victims’ core humanity.
The report being discussed is about photos of thousands of executed Syrian rebel prisoners, which only included one body identified as female.
It would make the news if they were all women, because people would be quite shocked to learn about an all-female Islamist rebel force being held in a military prison.
It’s true that civilian victims may get more sympathetic coverage and women and children signify “civilian”, but don’t overestimate how much the west cares about dead Syrians, civilians or not. Western governments don’t base foreign policy doesn’t value women’s live over men’s.
Here’s an article showing how Syria isn’t a great example to refute feminism.
**Western governments don’t base foreign policy doesn’t value women’s live over men’s.
That monstrosity of sentence was meant to be more like the one below, but I’ve been drinking.
Feminist Critics is a terrible blog. Aside from its mediocre, pretentious articles, it’s full of regular commentators like Tamen and Toy Soldier. Nopety nope.
My Condolances, Cloudiah.
Someone thinking it’s male oppression that “male” is considered the default person makes my brainz hurt.
For just one of a billion examples of why being considered default isn’t oppression… crash test dummies being patterned after the average male body means cars are designed for male safety and women face higher danger in crashes.
Sending Internet hugs for Cloudiah and MEZ. Also a little spare sunshine from this and last week, since Autocorrect mentioned it’s cloudish.
I just want to call bullshit on the whole idea that there is such pronounced sexual dimorphism in humans. It’s not even close to comparison-wise that of apes. This is especially obvious if you look at historical photographs of men and women. In many cases the women are even larger than the men, but most of the time their size is about the same. Men have more capabilities for muscle because of more testosterone, and women have higher body fat because of the evolutionary advantages it lends to child bearing. Furthermore, in hunter gatherer societies both sexes would need to be equally strong because they carried all of their possessions. Women would have made up for their lack of muscle building testosterone by not only having to carry provisions but their children as well. Just look at some photos of current hunter gatherer societies to get an idea of what they may have looked like. Sexual dimorphism is almost entirely a contrived part of modern and comfortable living, not evolution.
That’s so true, and human sexual dimorphism is such a self-fulfilling prophecy in modern society. “Men are big and women are small” therefore girls are encouraged to diet and stunt their later growth, and as adults discouraged from having fat or muscle bulk while men are encouraged to be bulky, therefore…
Women are expected to differentiate themselves from men in so many ways, body mass, facial appearance through makeup, body hair removal, skin appearance through creams and treatments, clothing style, mannerisms, behavior, interests, profession, it goes on.
Cloudiah, don’t worry about me, take care of yourself! All the hugs!
And MEZ, so sorry to hear about your mom.
Thanks, again, everyone, for the kind words and the donations (and the impending donations). And the cat videos!
As for that other issue, GT is banned for being a sockpuppet. But even if he weren’t an obvious sock, he would deserve banning for marching into this thread, demanding that everyone talk about his pet topic, and throwing an angry, abusive tantrum when not everyone didn’t. That’s not rational discussion. That’s called being rude and hostile and disruptive and narcissistic.
Rarely has this cartoon been more appropriate:
I’m always a bit puzzled when MEN’s rights activists get mad at feminists for focusing mainly on women and demanding that they devote equal time to men. How much time do MRAs devote to helping women?
And not only that, but even if I were writing a blog focused mostly on men’s issues, “media erasure of male victims” wouldn’t be on my radar because, as people have pointed out elsewhere here, it’s a bullshit argument.
Oh, and the other thing I wanted to say is: I love what happened with this thread! You all managed to turn GT’s obnoxious disruption into a really interesting and nuanced discussion of gender. With kitties.
Cloudiah: I’m so sorry. You have my email, if you need anything let me know. Hugs.
Sorry about your mother, Cloudiah. My condolences.
My condolences to Cloudiah and MEZ! And web hugs as well.
Thank you for the discussion and insights, Ally, cupisnique and everybody else. It is very interesting and made me think about various things I hadn’t really thought about before.
I am a little lost as, once again, I am late and missed the introduction of this new troll. I should get updated.
As soon as I can finally find a steady job, one of the first things I want to do is donate to this site which does not only entertains me but also brings on various interesting discussion points.
@auggziliary: who doesn’t need them? *___*
That’s the problem most their so called issues are bullshit .
Were you in the staff den? If so, thank you for the awesome food.
And that guy…yeah. I’d been made uncomfortable by him in previous years, but nothing I could have gone to the con about. Assuming we’re talking about the same guy (I was in security, I heard a lot, but he was the most dramatic of the dramas).
@Cloudiah, sorry about your mom. *offers hugs*
I’m kind of obsessed with cardinals. We didn’t have many where I grew up (or I never noticed them or they stayed in the deeper woods), so when I first moved to an area that had them I had no idea what was making that lovely sound until I followed it one day and…there he was, shouting “my turf, my turf” to half of Burlington. When I moved to Brookline and had a pair nesting in the hedge on my front lawn, I nearly died of happiness. I know I’m hardly the only person to get into birding via a love of cardinals, but they are super cool. So much color, even in the bleak white and black of deep winter.
Also, they will pick up ants in their beaks and rub them all over their bodies. The theory is that the formaldehyde keeps parasites away.
People used to keep them as pets, and I get the appeal, but dude, they are LOUD. Not just the male’s territorial call – even their keep-track-of-each-other “cheep” carries over several yards.
…I just really like cardinals, OK?