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Pledge Drive: Fluffy Cat Rolling In Money Edition!

Making it rain

Welcome to the First Quarter Man Boobz Pledge Drive 2014: Fluffy Cat Rolling In Money Edition!

To repeat my simple pitch from my previous pledge drives: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the ā€œdonateā€ button below and send a few bucks my way. Or, if youā€™d prefer, a lot of bucks. You donā€™t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and there are other options as well. If you’re outside the US, PayPal should be able to handle your weird foreign money.

I appreciate any and all contributions. Of course, if you’re broke and canā€™t swing a contribution now, I understand. Really.

Your donations — and other forms of support –keep this blog going, by keeping me going. (Yes, the money goes to me. And my cats.)

Enormous thanls to everyone who donated during the last pledge drive. (I know I didn’t get back to everyone personally, and I apologize.) Thanks as well to those who’ve donated since the last pledge drive, and extra special thanks to those who’ve made a point of donating on a regular basis.

Man Boobz has now received more than 13 million page views since its inception on Blogger in 2010. Even more impressive: you all have posted close to 400,000 comments. The community that’s grown up around this blog is, as always, amazing to me. I couldn’t do it without you.

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11 years ago

Awww GT, you’re so angry, that must make you all sad inside. Poor baby, here, watch this lovely video, it’s full of snuggly, wuggly love to sooth that rotten soul:

There now, isn’t that better?

11 years ago

hormonal IUD can stop periods entirely, which is awesome. Obviously, how well it does that depends on the person, but I found it really great.

11 years ago

Here’s a refutation of your concept of male privilege (your favorite little theory right after rape culture of course). I’m SURE you’ll love it lol:

Now quickly, wank all over it in your usual fashion. Hurry. Don’t want any critical thoughts entering your little minds.

Morons. lol.

11 years ago

PS. I should note that I live in a place where having one inserted under general anesthetic is free, so that’s what I did. I can’t vouch for what it’s like without a general. I think it cost me $20 for the device too, so it was a huge saving over buying pills and/or tampons.

Ally S
11 years ago

And THAT, assholes, is the reason why you donā€™t deserve to have your comments read. Any actual attempt to reason with you about a very serious problem results in ignorance and shaming of the kind demonstrated above.

Not everyone cares about engaging with all trolls all the time, and you are a troll. And why would anyone here care if you think our comments are worth reading?

You just donā€™t have anything to say that has any value. You just wank with your keyboards. Thatā€™s all. And here on this thread, is the evidence for it (thanks btw. Iā€™ll use it for future reference)

Anyone who uses this thread as future reference to show how unreasonable we are is ignoring 1) the fact that people here don’t always care about engaging in reasoned arguments with trolls, which is nothing unusual for a blog like this and 2) the fact that you came in here with bad faith, used an ableist insult against the author of this blog.

Have a great day šŸ™‚

Translation: “I’m now going to be passive aggressive for no reason whatsoever.”

TMI warning:

Also, how the hell am I supposed to masturbate “with a keyboard?” And even if I could, I don’t think I’d be happy getting sexual fluids all over my laptop.

Speaking of masturbation, given your reference to that, I suspect you’re just another one of kitt33’s sockpuppets.

11 years ago

I used to think that trolls who complain that people are talking about what they want to talk about instead of what the troll wants them to talk about didn’t know they were the ninety thousand person to bring that same demand.
Now I realize that it is just another asshat fishing for someone to engage with them so they can do their dominance display.

Ally S
11 years ago

Now quickly, wank all over it in your usual fashion. Hurry. Donā€™t want any critical thoughts entering your little minds.

Morons. lol.

Hi there kitt33!

11 years ago

Funny that GT is completely ignoring Ally’s fine rebuttals.

We aren’t here to do your bidding. You come in to a thread and expect people to just pay attention to you. Well, fuck you. Some here might choose to engage you in a debate, not everyone is going to, because this isn’t a forum to discuss men’s issues. It’s a blog that mocks sexists on the internet, get over yourself.

Just because you think feminism = anti-male and therefore not equality doesn’t automatically make any feminist a sexist. So your whole “gotcha” tactic to point out how feminists are just like the people we mock here doesn’t hold any water.

11 years ago

I don’t know about the troll, opheliamonarch , but that video did me a world of good and I thank you for it.

11 years ago

thebewilderness, it was rather lovely, wasn’t it? šŸ™‚

11 years ago

I’m seconding thebewilderness! People who take the time to spread love through video taping their cats and sharing them with the rest of us are awesome and deserve cookies.

11 years ago

Also, everyone, please feel free to call me Ophelia. šŸ™‚

11 years ago

The three versions Iā€™m considering are a hormonal IUD, the implant, or the shots. Does anyone here have experience with these?

I’ve used all three! The shot was great as long as I got the next one on time, which I often didn’t, and then they insisted on pregnancy testing me and making me wait for the next one (which was only because I was sexually active with a man). I didn’t menstruate at all, and I’m pretty much inured to needles thanks to the frequent shots šŸ˜€

The implant was cool and I enjoyed not having to think about it, but I went from no periods to constant spotting, and eventually had it removed. It scarred, so if that’s a thing you worry about, keep it in mind. I now have a Mirena (hormonal IUD), and honestly, the insertion was excruciating. But I’m protected for five years, I’m back to no periods, and basically I can’t say enough good things about it.

@Gender Traitor

Have a great day šŸ™‚

JFC, Kitt33, why do you keep giving yourself away like this?

I’m ignoring the rest because fuck you, boundary-ignoring troll (who thinks YouTube videos count as evidence)

11 years ago

I can’t even watch that video Kitt put up, the voice alone is giving me a migraine and basic biology/evolution isn’t going to convince me of any of your points. Yeah men and women are biologically not identical, what’s your point? How about you stop using awful videos to try to explain yourself and use your own words. Those videos aren’t proof of anything, they’re just some other asshat with a video and tape recorder.

11 years ago

DAVID FUTRELL, now that feminism is all about equality and stuffs, I want to know about why you do not call out the erasure of pictures of pugs rolling in money! What do you not think that pugs have money? That they do not deserve money?2211 Only cats? DAVID FUTRELL, admit it, that in fact, you are against pugs! What no response! Let me link you this;, see no-one clicked on it, therefore no-one responds, therefore I win! You all horrible people! I win!


GenderTraitor, I’m willing to bet that I have actually donated more to men’s shelters and helping men than you ever have, so don’t count on making me feel bad. If you are actually interested in “reasoned” discussion, and not just trolling, then you are going to have to go through the work of forming an actual argument or at least copypastaing some content from your link.

11 years ago

Okay, yes I’ve been on youtube all night and I’ve posted far too many videos here, (and used too many smileys). But it’s Friday, and I’m feeling the hippy vibes, just one more happy vid and I’ll leave you all in peace.

Nighty, night Boobzers.

Ally S
11 years ago

Also, FFS, why can’t anti-feminist folks ever have a discussion of sex differences without throwing trans people completely out of the picture? Our biology is just as relevant as that of cis folks.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@MEZ, but I thought one can only copypasta if one has been touched by one of the FSM’s noodly appendages. Otherwise, surely that would be heresy?

11 years ago

Kitt/GT/MEZ, protip: You are very bad at deception, it really pissed you off getting banned huh?

You need to try and be a better person, you need to make friends and do positive things, you need to fuck off now.

I emailed David Boobzers, sleep tight. šŸ™‚

11 years ago

I love all the kitty videos that show up on here. I adopted my male cat in 2007. In 2012 I adopted a female and he got jealous. Am I misandrist for doing that to him?

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@weirwood, yes because anthropomorphism! šŸ˜‰

11 years ago


I Google image searched for “pug rolling in money” and got… nada. Well, I got lots of photos of pugs, but none rolling in money.

Besides me, my cats (male and female) are lazily swatting at each other. This right after my female cat licked/neck bit the male cat. They are both under 1 year old, so my assumption is that they’re playing.

It looks kind of like this:

11 years ago

@ Ally That’s an excellent point, one I sometimes forget about when someone mentions biological differences in sexes. I get too focused on the fact that even if there were significant differences it doesn’t actually prove anything. Biology doesn’t determine everything, it’s different for everyone. What these asshats fail to realize is that people experience things individually and there’s a lot of room for nuance. The world would be a really weird place if we simply acted on our basic “needs” or “instincts”. I think it’s safe to say that despite being animals we have a complex understanding of the self and our own individuality that goes way beyond biology.

The thing that bugs me about evolution used by MRAs is that they think every possible trait they think is universal (most of which are not) means that evolution thought it was a good thing so that’s why it exists and it means we must follow it. But, evolution doesn’t work that way it’s not perfect and it’s always changing. People, like animals, are continually evolving we just don’t typically see it at our time scale.

Ally S
11 years ago

ophelia, I’ve seen MEZ around here before being completely non-trollish and they seemed to be sarcastic in that comment. But kitt33 and GT need to go for sure.

11 years ago

Oh god! I’m so sorry MEZ! I know you’re not Kitt, I’d just read your comment and accidentally wrote your name. I am really sorry, that was not meant to be there.