Welcome to the First Quarter Man Boobz Pledge Drive 2014: Fluffy Cat Rolling In Money Edition!
To repeat my simple pitch from my previous pledge drives: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the โdonateโ button below and send a few bucks my way. Or, if youโd prefer, a lot of bucks. You donโt need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and there are other options as well. If you’re outside the US, PayPal should be able to handle your weird foreign money.
I appreciate any and all contributions. Of course, if you’re broke and canโt swing a contribution now, I understand. Really.
Your donations — and other forms of support –keep this blog going, by keeping me going. (Yes, the money goes to me. And my cats.)
Enormous thanls to everyone who donated during the last pledge drive. (I know I didn’t get back to everyone personally, and I apologize.) Thanks as well to those who’ve donated since the last pledge drive, and extra special thanks to those who’ve made a point of donating on a regular basis.
Man Boobz has now received more than 13 million page views since its inception on Blogger in 2010. Even more impressive: you all have posted close to 400,000 comments. The community that’s grown up around this blog is, as always, amazing to me. I couldn’t do it without you.
You mean when the gender of the victim isn’t mentioned because the journalist knows the reader will assume they are male, because, for example, they are prisoners of war or combatants, and most people in those categories are male?
Also, why is it my job to do things for MRAs, when MRAs aren’t even bothering to do them. Set up your own blog and write about “media erasure of male victims” all you like.
I just love how MRA’s think it is everybody’s job to do their work for them while they do absolutely nothing but whine and moan on the internet how bad things are for them.
“When are you going to start calling out how male victims get erased in the media?”
I’m very curious to see your examples of this happening. Please share.
@Robert, I know, it’s like they picked a “whine and moan” skill tree and put no points into the “being a nice human being” skill tree.
Advanced “whine and moan” gives +5 for irritating, but they get -20 initiative. So really not worth it.
Feminism is about abolishing the oppression of women and all other non-men. It doesn’t focus on men, even though some feminist discourse is about the ways men are disadvantaged by patriarchal power relations.
This blog is for mocking misogynists, not writing about social issues. And even if it were about social issues, MRAs should be the ones focusing on the erasure of male victims in the media.
How about civilians?
And as if journalists work that way. You know they don’t . They create stories that can be sold as drama. It’s much more horrific to the public when women are slaughtered. That’s why they mention it whenever they can.
Not MRAs. MEN you fucktard. And it became your Job as soon as you called yourself a feminist and proclaimed feminism is for both men and women.
How about this: http://www.feministcritics.org/blog/2014/01/23/report-reveals-massive-gendercide-against-men-news-media-barely-notice-noh/
Then it can’t be about equality. Because, as long as you only focus on one side, you can’t know how much worse the other might have it.
And the fact that some people here are just making fun of issues raised, just goes to show what Kind of people you are.
I accidentally kicked Pan because I didn’t realize he was sleeping by my feet. Is he an invisible male victim? Or not, because he’s the tabby boy in my avatar?
I’m so jealous of everyone that has cats ๐
cupisnique: I feel you. I have my first “real” job and my own apartment, but when I was college, that was four years where I only saw my (parents’) pets on breaks–and sometimes not even then. I missed them ๐
Boring troll is boring. Interesting random capitalisation of single words, and random capitalisation of initial letters of words. Boring troll missed their true calling of type-setting advertisements for potions in the 19th century.
“The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor…”
You can look up the rest of the quote yourself. It should explain why Feminism is not now, nor ever has been, about equality, but rather liberation and justice.
@cupisnique, I will pet our cats extra times and tell them that those pets are from you. ๐
aww thanks Kiwi!
O/T (but maybe this will scare away the trolls) but I finally managed to get off my duff and track down a health care center. (I’ll say this for HMOs: they make it easy to find the phone number to call to get an appointment). #1 on my list is getting back on birth control–preferably not the pill, since I’m terrible at taking it on time. The three versions I’m considering are a hormonal IUD, the implant, or the shots. Does anyone here have experience with these?
I was on the shot when I was a teenager, wasn’t a big fan because it really messed up my period but it’s different for everyone. Also I got off of it because it apparently made it harder to absorb calcium.
And THAT, assholes, is the reason why you don’t deserve to have your comments read. Any actual attempt to reason with you about a very serious problem results in ignorance and shaming of the kind demonstrated above.
You just don’t have anything to say that has any value. You just wank with your keyboards. That’s all. And here on this thread, is the evidence for it (thanks btw. I’ll use it for future reference)
Have a great day ๐
Criminy Trolly McTrollerson, do you even know what blog you are on? Read what it says at the top of the screen before you expire of all that umbrage you are taking.
Feminism is very similar to other social justice movements: it focuses on the side that is oppressed because it is that side which has the disadvantages. Likewise, anti-racists focus on people of color because only people of color are oppressed by racism. The same can be said for queer rights advocacy, which focuses on queer people because non-queer people are not oppressed because of their heterosexuality.
If you think that feminism’s assumption about the status of women in society is wrong, that’s another issue. In any case, the assumption is necessarily egalitarian. The same can be said for a men’s rights movement based on the assumption that women are privileged and men are oppressed.
@David, thank you for Man Boobz, we appreciate how difficult it must be to sift through all that MRA hate. You are fabulous. We will send you a donation on pay day (it’ll be bigger that way.)
A video for the dark lord:
Look at the massive kitty!
Some people’s definition of “actual attempt to reason” seem very odd to me.
Is it that other troll that was obsessed with wanking? Because, word. And like I care about being quoted out of context, that’s all MRAs do.
New definitions:
ignorance: not paying attention to sentences spewed by trolls.
shaming: pointing out the obvious.
MRA trolls can’t be shamed, if they could, they wouldn’t write and think what they do. QED.