Welcome to the First Quarter Man Boobz Pledge Drive 2014: Fluffy Cat Rolling In Money Edition!
To repeat my simple pitch from my previous pledge drives: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and send a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a lot of bucks. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and there are other options as well. If you’re outside the US, PayPal should be able to handle your weird foreign money.
I appreciate any and all contributions. Of course, if you’re broke and can’t swing a contribution now, I understand. Really.
Your donations — and other forms of support –keep this blog going, by keeping me going. (Yes, the money goes to me. And my cats.)
Enormous thanls to everyone who donated during the last pledge drive. (I know I didn’t get back to everyone personally, and I apologize.) Thanks as well to those who’ve donated since the last pledge drive, and extra special thanks to those who’ve made a point of donating on a regular basis.
Man Boobz has now received more than 13 million page views since its inception on Blogger in 2010. Even more impressive: you all have posted close to 400,000 comments. The community that’s grown up around this blog is, as always, amazing to me. I couldn’t do it without you.
I’ll give you a dollar for the cat.
I would love to donate, but I can no longer afford to drain my savings. I have so little that even a 15$ donation would put a huge dent in my savings. Sorry about that. I hope the pledge drive goes well.
No David, thanls you!
Thanls you so much.
Ally, don’t worry! Seriously. You contribute a ton to this blog with your comments!
That picture makes me want to throw dollar bills at every cat from now on.
Thank you David, I love what you do !
I’ll give five dollars for the cat!
Unless this isn’t a cat auction and that isn’t your cat, in which case I’ll make a donation instead.
I think that cat could buy me . I swear her ass is laying on a $100 bill LOL!!!
I’ll send you some money on Thursday when it’s payday. 🙂
That is a beautiful cat, although that phtase is an oxymoron.
You make me laugh, you make me cry, you have the best commentariat evar* so consider this donation MY thanks to YOU!
*and I haven’t even cracked the archives yet!
@Dallasapple, I think it’s a $20.
O.K well then …she can at least take me to dinner or something .(wink)
Nope, there’s definitely a benjamin near the intersection of the black lines on the carpet pattern.
Here’s where I write a beautiful parody of AVfMers calling David a hypocrite because he holds pledge drives, like he yelled at Saint Elam for holding
and then taking the moneys for himself, but I can barely think straight right now.I think I can send a few Sir Wilfred Lauriers your way tonight.
Ha! I was right ! I knew I could spot one of those ,even under a kitty cats behind!
My usual has been sent your way. Also, I give you a cat playing with a squirrel.
Thanks, everyone, for the donations, big and small!
Oh, and that’s not my cat. I’m thinking it might be a reincarnation of Orson Welles, though.
I think/hope you meant to say that that phrase is a redundancy–an oxymoron would mean you think that no cats are beautiful….
@freemage, yep, clearly not enough coffee this morning! Yes, you are right, and thanks for the correction. I need to step away from the keyboard….
Good to see that the site is doing well! You do damn fine work here David, I would hate to see the site disappear. Sad to say I am flat broke until I get my tax return or a job, so I have nothing to give. I hope my emotional support is enough. XD
Few bucks sent over DF.
Um, can I be a bit direct and ask that we get the 2013 MRA Yearly Round-Up??
It was sooo good last year
Oh man, yeah, we need the round-up!
Thanks for all the kind words and to everyone who donated since my last thank you!
And I will do that 2013 wrapup, really I will! And soon, I hope. I’ve done some work on it; I just need to set aside a good chunk of time so i can do it up right.
Well now that feminism is all about helping men and women and calling to attentino the erasing of victims.
When are you going to start calling out how male victims get erased in the media?