Having previously taken on such dire threats to Western Civilization as “fat girls,” “manginas,” and “rape tourettes,” the pickup-artists-cum-worldly-philosophers over at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog have decided to take on an even more insidious danger: Women — sorry, girls — with short hair.
In an alarming expose, guest blogger Tuthmosis reveals the shocking tuth, er, truth:
No woman in all of human history has ever looked better with short hair than she would with a head full of healthy locks.
So why are so many women choosing to cut off the long hair that men so universally admire (allegedly)? Tuthmosis has a few theories. One is that other women are convincing them to do it so that they can have all the short-hair-hating men to themselves. Yep. It’s hair sabatoge!
Women are quick to encourage other women to cut their hair by telling them how “cute” it is. While I’m no scientist, I’m convinced this is some deep, genetic programming at work, one that forces women—who compete with one another on a physical level on a daily basis—to encourage any behavior that might eliminate competitors in the dating pool.
And straight men contribute to this sorry state of affairs, too. Well, “cowardly and deluded men” anyway, according to Tuthy — though why exactly being “cowardly and deluded” would cause men to encourage women to cut their hair is never quite explained.
Tuthy also blames gay men, who apparently have the power to sway the minds of women en masse.
The plaudits a Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, or Anne Hathaway receive when they cut their hair off—from people who have no business commenting on the attractiveness of women, like gay men—creates a copycat cycle that increases the trend geometrically.
So what exactly is the problem with short hair? Don’t get Tuthy started on that!
Seriously, don’t get him started, because what he says makes no fucking sense.
The truth of the matter is that long hair’s almost universally attractive to men, when they’re actually speaking honestly (without trying to appease women in the room). Furthermore, it’s a symbol of youth, femininity, and health. Why can’t old women grow long hair? Because it’s an ephemeral trait of your fertile years.
Women instinctively know this, which is why every American girl who cuts, and keeps, her hair short often does it for ulterior reasons. Short hair is a political statement.
A political statement of what? A political statement that she won’t put up with assholes like you?
And, invariably, a girl who has gone through with a short cut—and is pleased with the changes in her reception—is damaged in some significant way. Short hair is a near-guarantee that a girl will be more abrasive, more masculine, and more deranged.
Ah, ok. So it does mean that she won’t put up with assholes like you.
I’d developed that belief on years of platonic interactions alone. The bitchiest work colleagues, the most difficult cashier, the most confrontational, aggressive cunts in bars have all shared one trait—short-ass hair.
Yep, it definitely means that.
Tuthy then relates the horrors he faced during his own brief experiences dating women with short hair.
One had rape fantasies and used four-letter words! (These are your complaints? The guy who runs the blog you’re posting on is an actual admitted rapist, and you yourself just used the word “cunt.”)
Another used racial slurs and later got an unflattering “soccer mom” haircut! (Racial slurs? I mean, that’s a dealbreaker for me, but you’re writing for a blog that’s crawling with out-and-proud racists. Aren’t racial slurs right up your alley?)
Yet another jerked him off while texting! (You’re not going to at least give her credit for her manual dexterity?)
He concludes with this:
Not only is short-hair unattractive, it’s one of the biggest signals a man can get that a woman is damaged beyond repair.
In other words, short hair on women appears to repel a certain kind of asshole. Make use of that information as you wish.
EDITED TO ADD: Oh dear. Apparently Tuthy’s dumb post was so dumb and offensive it managed to “go viral”” and generate a ton of hate-traffic for Return of Kings. Roosh, naturally, has decided to try to fan the flames with a “publisher’s note” reiterating Tuthy’s, er, “argument” and helpfully revealing to his new readers what a shithead he is.
Here are some quotes, along with some photos to remind us just who it is who is lecturing women about their hairstyles.
Sadly, the women who are blasting us right now with vulgar speech and masculine manner are treading the line of self-mutilation with their pixie cuts. If you know a girl who has voluntarily chopped off such a reliable indicator of female beauty and fertility, nothing short of an intervention with all family and friends is necessary to force the victim to grow her hair back out.
I part now with a message of hope. Women: unless you have a smushed pig face, your attractiveness increases at least 6% for every inch your hair passes your shoulders. Don’t listen to people who are trying to sabotage your beauty by encouraging you to adopt a lesbian haircut.
We are the only ones who will be brutally honest with you. We are not shy to state where objective female beauty comes from, unlike the saboteurs in your life who are just trying to make it harder for you to find a good husband.
And for those of you especially sick women who think that you are going to punish us by cutting your hair, you’re only punishing yourself. Being lonely and having to settle for a brood of cats is not a good life for a woman, but that’s what will happen if you keep your hair short.
And, of course, Cyd Charisse is absolutely not the classic ’50s femme fatale in Singin’ in the Rain. No sir. Not a bit of it.
That long cigarette holder was never, ever, shorthand for sexy, available, sexy, willing, sexy (except for the 5 decades when it was). The short hair means she was completely unappealing to every man in the world in 1952.
Of course, sexy in those days meant willing to go with the highest bidder. Which fits in quite neatly with these guys attitudes – but how come anyone was paying any attention to her at all?
I like to get salted limeade at Thai restaurants, especially in hot weather.
I remember the first time I saw a mullet, back in the 80s. I had no idea it was meant to be an actual style and thought “Make up your mind, cut it short, or better, stop being a coward and grow it properly!”
I can live with Mr K’s stubble, cos beard rash isn’t really a thing over There. Plus I love that one of his portraits (by Vouet) shows him with a seriously blue jaw. Medici ancestry for the win. 😛
There should be a law against those. The little chin-tuft or strip looks great WITH A MOUSTACHE. The Cavaliers knew how to do these things. Blokes who aren’t sure if they’re hipsters or beard-deprived Amish do not. Moustache without beard: fine, all sorts of styles look wonderful! Beard without moustache: aaaaaaaagh hurk no!
@mildlymagnificent – now isn”t Cyd Charisse in flapper mode the perfect image for Phryne Fisher? Physically, I mean, not character-wise.
Right now my mister is rocking some winter scruff. I think it makes him look like this:

He uses conditioner in his and it keeps him cuddly rather than bristly.
There is some truth to this although in a reverse way. In my experience the women who had the lowest self esteem always had long hair. Strong women, in my experience, almost always had short hair, not to mention that they were a lot more fun to be around.
Oh gawd, forgot to add two more major no-nos: Porn ‘staches and neckbeards. Both sure signs of a douchebag.
I have been staring at Roosh’s pictures trying to figure out what it is that’s creeping me out, and I think I’ve come to the point where I know – it’s not the blow-up doll, it’s not the creepy eyes, it’s not the unwashed hair….it’s the beard, especially in that first picture. It looks like he used spray “hair” and a stencil…unless they make some kind of “chia beard” thing that you slather on your face. There’s only one picture where it’s halfway decent.
I like bearded dudes, but it’s gotta be maintained a little, otherwise you look like the guy that drives a van that has “free candy” spray painted on the side of it.
Oh goodness. I’d better tell my gorgeous, caring fiance (who I met while sporting short hair, as I still do) that there’s no hope for me as I’m going to end up alone, and that he’d best cut his losses and lave now.
Uh-oh, my long hair is a symbol of youth and fertility, and I haven’t been fertile in years and I’m way over 40. So, is Roosh wrong…? Impossible!
Random facts —
Lemons have more sugar in them than mangos (which are Very Sweet) — that one comes from Pecunium, who said something about how much sugar they have in them and I went “but mangos!” and he says they’re sweeter, but the citrus hides it. So I can almost see adding some salt to lemonade not being gross.
Peanut butter gets gum out of hair.
Pecunium managed to justify the porn ‘stache — cold nose in Canadian winter.
Also, I got another orchid yesterday. Found a plant in a random grocery store aisle and went to return it where it might actually get watered and orchids were $7, so I spent the ride home hugging an orchid wrapped in my scarf (it was 2°F out, they aren’t supposed to ever be below 55°) — I succeeded, my digital thermometer put the roots at 58° when I got it inside.
Haven’t repotted it yet, cuz it’s in bloom, but the leaf pattern makes me think it’s growing a baby, guess I’ll find out in a month or so when it can be repotted.
Shockingly, I’m not averse to salty-sour drinks…I even carry a packet of rehydration salts with me when it’s hot out, because summertime trots are the worst.
I can’t stand neck-beards – worst I ever saw was one growing long from the guy’s throat; it looked like a giant armpit – but a porn ‘stache is just a 1970s mo to me, and I always liked those. I’m sure the real reason Mitchell Johnson demolished the English team during the latest Ashes was ‘cos he had a mo like the mighty Dennis Lilee at the time:
My dad had a mustache when I was a kid, so I just can’t find men with staches sexy at all.
Jeez, I’m glad my old man didn’t. I’d hate to have been put of ‘taches forever, that would be really unfortunate, considering.
I’m trying to remember the first stache-and-long-hair combinations I knew. Probably my handsome hippie cousin and various photos of 60s-70s vintage.
I must point out that my dad’s ‘stache didn’t look like the unkempt, greasy abomination shown above. It’s just that, although I love my dad, I don’t love him in, you know, the creepy way, so physical characteristics that I strongly associate with him*, when spotted in other men, are a turn-off.
*When I think about it there were several guys outside my family who I knew well growing up who had staches, all of whom are in that sort of pseudo-family category where I’ve always called them and their wives uncle and aunty and so again, feels like incest, no thanks.
Oh gods, I wouldn’t have thought either thing! D:
My dad has the Sam Elliot cowboy kind of ‘stache going on, he’s had it for years. When he does his cowboy shooting, he waxes it up.
Mr. HK has a fu manchu/goatee. When he’s just got the mustache or is clean shaven, he gets mistaken for Manny Pacquiao quite a bit.
Beards don’t trigger the same kind of “nope!” response with me, because I don’t associate them with family.
Roosh’s beard makes me wonder if he has birds nesting in it, though.
Beards and mustaches aren’t turn-offs for me, but when eyeglasses accompany them then nope. I’m too used to seeing my older brother and my dad look like that.
Bit of both I think. Miss Fisher is very much the femme fatale in her own immaculately groomed, upper class temptress manner.
No, no, no. You’re all wrong. There is no way not to find a monkey tail attractive.
This one looks more like a tabby tail. 😀
It was the going-for-diamonds that made me think, nope, that’s not Phryne. She’d have had the young bloke she fancied then got the diamonds on her own terms.
Back to music: Anyone know any other good instrumental neoclassical metal/cello metal bands like Apocalyptica?
Rasputina has cellos and some classical elements, but they’re not metal at all. I can’t think offhand of another band quite like Apocalyptica.