Having previously taken on such dire threats to Western Civilization as “fat girls,” “manginas,” and “rape tourettes,” the pickup-artists-cum-worldly-philosophers over at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog have decided to take on an even more insidious danger: Women — sorry, girls — with short hair.
In an alarming expose, guest blogger Tuthmosis reveals the shocking tuth, er, truth:
No woman in all of human history has ever looked better with short hair than she would with a head full of healthy locks.
So why are so many women choosing to cut off the long hair that men so universally admire (allegedly)? Tuthmosis has a few theories. One is that other women are convincing them to do it so that they can have all the short-hair-hating men to themselves. Yep. It’s hair sabatoge!
Women are quick to encourage other women to cut their hair by telling them how “cute” it is. While I’m no scientist, I’m convinced this is some deep, genetic programming at work, one that forces women—who compete with one another on a physical level on a daily basis—to encourage any behavior that might eliminate competitors in the dating pool.
And straight men contribute to this sorry state of affairs, too. Well, “cowardly and deluded men” anyway, according to Tuthy — though why exactly being “cowardly and deluded” would cause men to encourage women to cut their hair is never quite explained.
Tuthy also blames gay men, who apparently have the power to sway the minds of women en masse.
The plaudits a Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, or Anne Hathaway receive when they cut their hair off—from people who have no business commenting on the attractiveness of women, like gay men—creates a copycat cycle that increases the trend geometrically.
So what exactly is the problem with short hair? Don’t get Tuthy started on that!
Seriously, don’t get him started, because what he says makes no fucking sense.
The truth of the matter is that long hair’s almost universally attractive to men, when they’re actually speaking honestly (without trying to appease women in the room). Furthermore, it’s a symbol of youth, femininity, and health. Why can’t old women grow long hair? Because it’s an ephemeral trait of your fertile years.
Women instinctively know this, which is why every American girl who cuts, and keeps, her hair short often does it for ulterior reasons. Short hair is a political statement.
A political statement of what? A political statement that she won’t put up with assholes like you?
And, invariably, a girl who has gone through with a short cut—and is pleased with the changes in her reception—is damaged in some significant way. Short hair is a near-guarantee that a girl will be more abrasive, more masculine, and more deranged.
Ah, ok. So it does mean that she won’t put up with assholes like you.
I’d developed that belief on years of platonic interactions alone. The bitchiest work colleagues, the most difficult cashier, the most confrontational, aggressive cunts in bars have all shared one trait—short-ass hair.
Yep, it definitely means that.
Tuthy then relates the horrors he faced during his own brief experiences dating women with short hair.
One had rape fantasies and used four-letter words! (These are your complaints? The guy who runs the blog you’re posting on is an actual admitted rapist, and you yourself just used the word “cunt.”)
Another used racial slurs and later got an unflattering “soccer mom” haircut! (Racial slurs? I mean, that’s a dealbreaker for me, but you’re writing for a blog that’s crawling with out-and-proud racists. Aren’t racial slurs right up your alley?)
Yet another jerked him off while texting! (You’re not going to at least give her credit for her manual dexterity?)
He concludes with this:
Not only is short-hair unattractive, it’s one of the biggest signals a man can get that a woman is damaged beyond repair.
In other words, short hair on women appears to repel a certain kind of asshole. Make use of that information as you wish.
EDITED TO ADD: Oh dear. Apparently Tuthy’s dumb post was so dumb and offensive it managed to “go viral”” and generate a ton of hate-traffic for Return of Kings. Roosh, naturally, has decided to try to fan the flames with a “publisher’s note” reiterating Tuthy’s, er, “argument” and helpfully revealing to his new readers what a shithead he is.
Here are some quotes, along with some photos to remind us just who it is who is lecturing women about their hairstyles.
Sadly, the women who are blasting us right now with vulgar speech and masculine manner are treading the line of self-mutilation with their pixie cuts. If you know a girl who has voluntarily chopped off such a reliable indicator of female beauty and fertility, nothing short of an intervention with all family and friends is necessary to force the victim to grow her hair back out.
I part now with a message of hope. Women: unless you have a smushed pig face, your attractiveness increases at least 6% for every inch your hair passes your shoulders. Don’t listen to people who are trying to sabotage your beauty by encouraging you to adopt a lesbian haircut.
We are the only ones who will be brutally honest with you. We are not shy to state where objective female beauty comes from, unlike the saboteurs in your life who are just trying to make it harder for you to find a good husband.
And for those of you especially sick women who think that you are going to punish us by cutting your hair, you’re only punishing yourself. Being lonely and having to settle for a brood of cats is not a good life for a woman, but that’s what will happen if you keep your hair short.
Some riot grrrl adjacent bands: Seven Year Bitch and L7.
And there’s always Sleater-Kinney!
*makes rat claws at leatapp* you see the music video for FLAG? It is awesome, you should watch it.
Oh lordy, I hope not. I’m 46 and don’t particularly care to revisit THAT particular phase of my high school days…
Oh, and LBT…sorry to hear you have a harrassy neighbor. Hope that gets straightened out soon. If not, let me know, and I’ll lay an impotence whammy on him that will last until he gets the message.
Re Riot Grrl stuff: L7, Bikini Kill/Le Tigre, Sleater-Kinney, Hole, and Veruca Salt all come to mind. CSS is a bit younger, and comes from Brazil, but they’re clearly influenced by at least some of these.
This article popped up on my Pinterest feed the other day. Glad you decided to give your two cents worth here on Man Boobz. I showed the article to my husband and his response was “But I LOVE short haired women! Oh well, if these guys don’t like ’em, then more for me.” 😉 Incidentally, most of the “damaged” women I have known had long hair. These women had horrible, traumatic childhoods, abusive husbands, and all sorts of other horrors in their lives, yet they all (except one) had long hair. Roosh doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about(as usual) and is just trying to push his preferences off on everyone else. I wonder what traumatic event in Roosh’s life caused him to hate women so much? Maybe his mommy abused him?
For the record ? Angela I don’t think long ,medium,or short hair is any indicator if a person is damaged or not .
Since we’re talking about politically incorrect jokes, would everybody like to hear my favorite politically incorrect joke?
George Washington was never president of the United States!!
Heh, heh… hee…
But I digress.
I don’t think DE ever got the point. And I’m not sure if DE is actually going to listen to any kind of real explanation. But, you know, just in case, we’ll use it as a teachable moment, as the Grand High Poobah himself said.
A counter for people killed by Islamic terrorism? Where’s the counter for people killed by Christian terrorists? Where’s the counter for people in Islamic countries killed by Western terrorism? Both of those numbers are considerably higher.
It’s almost like you’re grabbing hold of a small factoid that’s part of a larger picture in a way that paints one side as the aggressor or bad guy without giving any indication of why they might be in that situation.
Weird how people get a little prickly about the xenophobic implications of such.
Whooof, that’s a lot of ‘splainy.
My second favorite politically incorrect joke: and Thomas Jefferson was never elected president either!!
I’m reasonably certain you were making a joke, but a horrible man can be a horrible man w/o his mom having any fault in the matter.
I’m SO not caught up on this thread, but Katz, I saw the doge you made me. Much thanks.
Seconding Skye, but I’d guessing the bit about “damaged” people was sarcasism? I hope?
Wait, Roosh was photographed with a woman? What happened, did he slip her a $20?
so what about men with long hair? Are they all secretly (and some not secretly) gay because they want to appear attractive to men, or
Speaking of “homophobic paradigm”…
Islamophobia is a “real social justice fight”, you ass. Why don’t you and buttboy69 go play Oppression Olympics somewhere else?
It’s also possible to be both religious and an atheist.
Note: the next part is a bit graphic/gross
Salty Alpaca: when you jizz or squirt or otherwise smear your salty sex fluids in Roosh’s hair?
emilygodess: The only problem with that definition is that I can’t imagine anyone, anywhere, doing that.
My vote would be for a salty apalca to be a pisco sour with salt on the rim and no (or at least, a lot less) sweetener. This stroke of Pure Genius was the result of googling “apalca” and having the first country of note be Peru, and then googling “Peruvian Liquor” and having pisco, and specifically, the pisco sour, come up as practically all the hits.
As a woman with short hair and pet rats, I love that image you picked for this article! (Although that’s a mouse on her shoulder, not a rat. Close though.)
For someone who hates short hair on women, he seems to have a lot of encounters with them to describe. If it’s so awful to him, why is he ever bothering to get involved with these short haired women long enough for them to text racial slurs while jerking him off or whatever?
@ally “I don’t go in for all this political correctness.” is on par with “I’m not a racist, but …”.
Yet hear these same jerks in the US get wished “Happy Holidays” and they seem to forget.
@opium, yes and often they also add that people who argue against “PC” (another term I loathe because it has negative and incorrect connotations) language don’t have a sense of humour/can’t take criticism of their beliefs. And say that words don’t have any emotional meaning (then why use the push-button term “PC”). Whenever I see phrases like the one you list, I am just pleased that the person has added they’re an idiot so early in the piece.
I’m drinking coke with spiced rum and Kahlua. I don’t remember what this drink is called, but I recommend it very much.
I always called Coke and Kahlua “Super Coke.” The more Kahlua, the more super.
Someone ought to tell him that ALL women prefer men with short hair, so if he ever wants to get laid again, he’ll get a haircut. (Though based on the nonsense he spews, apparently getting laid is low on his list of priorities.)
The Frisky had this video embedded, highly pertinent to the OT, in particular trends #4 (short hair), #2 which is basically how to look like Roosh, and #1 which is what we have all been saying. Enjoy!
And for a Drama Llama, just add a dash of Angostura bitters.
Zomidawg, that video is total misandry!
Also, when she does the beard thing, she suddenly looks like Roosh. Only with MUCH better hair.
The thing that really pisses me off about people who accuse others of being ‘PC’ is that it’s a very back-door way of accusing them of being liars: to-wit, the real meaning of it is, “You don’t really feel that way, you’re just saying that to be politically correct.” Fuck you, asshole. In particular, saying something that is likely to get scorned or pushed back by the privileged in society is precisely the fucking opposite of ‘politically correct’.
To tell the truth, I kinda think that the short haired Audrey Hepburn is hotter.