attention seeking douchebaggery evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil short-haired women gender policing homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism rape reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh the c-word

Return of Kings: Beware the insidious danger of the short-haired girl!

Hideous short-haired monster JEan Seberg poses with adorable mouse.
Hideous short-haired monster Jean Seberg poses with adorable mouse.

Having previously taken on such dire threats to Western Civilization as “fat girls,” “manginas,” and “rape tourettes,” the pickup-artists-cum-worldly-philosophers over at Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog have decided to take on an even more insidious danger: Women — sorry, girls — with short hair.

In an alarming expose, guest blogger Tuthmosis reveals the shocking tuth, er, truth:

No woman in all of human history has ever looked better with short hair than she would with a head full of healthy locks.

So why are so many women choosing to cut off the long hair that men so universally admire (allegedly)? Tuthmosis has a few theories. One is that other women are convincing them to do it so that they can have all the short-hair-hating men to themselves. Yep. It’s hair sabatoge!

Women are quick to encourage other women to cut their hair by telling them how “cute” it is. While I’m no scientist, I’m convinced this is some deep, genetic programming at work, one that forces women—who compete with one another on a physical level on a daily basis—to encourage any behavior that might eliminate competitors in the dating pool.

And straight men contribute to this sorry state of affairs, too. Well, “cowardly and deluded men” anyway, according to Tuthy — though why exactly being “cowardly and deluded” would cause men to encourage women to cut their hair is never quite explained.

Tuthy also blames gay men, who apparently have the power to sway the minds of women en masse.

The plaudits a Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, or Anne Hathaway receive when they cut their hair off—from people who have no business commenting on the attractiveness of women, like gay men—creates a copycat cycle that increases the trend geometrically.

So what exactly is the problem with short hair? Don’t get Tuthy started on that!

Seriously, don’t get him started, because what he says makes no fucking sense.

The truth of the matter is that long hair’s almost universally attractive to men, when they’re actually speaking honestly (without trying to appease women in the room). Furthermore, it’s a symbol of youth, femininity, and health. Why can’t old women grow long hair? Because it’s an ephemeral trait of your fertile years.


Women instinctively know this, which is why every American girl who cuts, and keeps, her hair short often does it for ulterior reasons. Short hair is a political statement.

A political statement of what? A political statement that she won’t put up with assholes like you?

And, invariably, a girl who has gone through with a short cut—and is pleased with the changes in her reception—is damaged in some significant way. Short hair is a near-guarantee that a girl will be more abrasive, more masculine, and more deranged.

Ah, ok. So it does mean that she won’t put up with assholes like you.

I’d developed that belief on years of platonic interactions alone. The bitchiest work colleagues, the most difficult cashier, the most confrontational, aggressive cunts in bars have all shared one trait—short-ass hair.

Yep, it definitely means that.

Tuthy then relates the horrors he faced during his own brief experiences dating women with short hair.

One had rape fantasies and used four-letter words! (These are your complaints? The guy who runs the blog you’re posting on is an actual admitted rapist, and you yourself just used the word “cunt.”)

Another used racial slurs and later got an unflattering “soccer mom” haircut! (Racial slurs? I mean, that’s a dealbreaker for me, but you’re writing for a blog that’s crawling with out-and-proud racists. Aren’t racial slurs right up your alley?)

Yet another jerked him off while texting! (You’re not going to at least give her credit for her manual dexterity?)

He concludes with this:

Not only is short-hair unattractive, it’s one of the biggest signals a man can get that a woman is damaged beyond repair.

In other words, short hair on women appears to repel a certain kind of asshole. Make use of that information as you wish.

EDITED TO ADD: Oh dear. Apparently Tuthy’s dumb post was so dumb and offensive it managed to “go viral”” and generate a ton of hate-traffic for Return of Kings. Roosh, naturally, has decided to try to fan the flames with a “publisher’s note” reiterating Tuthy’s, er, “argument” and helpfully revealing to his new readers what a shithead he is.

Here are some quotes, along with some photos to remind us just who it is who is lecturing women about their hairstyles.


Sadly, the women who are blasting us right now with vulgar speech and masculine manner are treading the line of self-mutilation with their pixie cuts. If you know a girl who has voluntarily chopped off such a reliable indicator of female beauty and fertility, nothing short of an intervention with all family and friends is necessary to force the victim to grow her hair back out.




I part now with a message of hope. Women: unless you have a smushed pig face, your attractiveness increases at least 6% for every inch your hair passes your shoulders. Don’t listen to people who are trying to sabotage your beauty by encouraging you to adopt a lesbian haircut.




We are the only ones who will be brutally honest with you. We are not shy to state where objective female beauty comes from, unlike the saboteurs in your life who are just trying to make it harder for you to find a good husband.




And for those of you especially sick women who think that you are going to punish us by cutting your hair, you’re only punishing yourself. Being lonely and having to settle for a brood of cats is not a good life for a woman, but that’s what will happen if you keep your hair short.





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D.E. Cantor
11 years ago

The Flying Monkeys do not look like Monkees. They look like a Young Republican Club . . .
and like monkeys . . . with wings.
Also, I owe a great deal of thanks to those who told me how the counter on my page could be offensive. People interpreted it differently than I did. I removed it.
Does anyone know how to do a counter that says how many left-wingers have been captured by Koch’s Flying Monkeys?

11 years ago

Look, DE, I want to be fair here, and maybe you do absolutely believe everything you say. But you sure as hell sound like a conservative, or maybe an alien, who has studied liberal-speak and is now trying to imitate it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Dear gods there are a lot of comments!

Ophelia, snorting cocaine coke out your nose wouldn’t hurt, it’d numb. In the US, in the drug class schedule, it’s actually schedule B, whereas pot is A, because it’s used in certain surgeries where it’s the safest numbing agent (also, feels a bit tingly when applied to your gums, I recommend it if you ever happen to have some coke residue laying around)

Still not caught up, cuz daaaammn.

D.E. Cantor
11 years ago

I just saw the BEST COMMENT EVER, posted by BINA, way better than anything I posted or anything someone else posted about me! His love doll has short hair! RAOTFLMAO! Maybe Roosh is in the closet about liking women w/ short hair and watching Miley Cyrus videos with his pants down while “returning the king!” Of course, because he feels shame that he yearns for women with short hair, he has to act like he hates them, you know, the homophobic paradigm. Then again, maybe his love doll has short hair so he can more easily pretend it’s a guy because deep-down, it’s not even a woman he wants.
Could everyone reading this please spread the euphemism “returning the king” to mean “pulling the pud” or “punchin’ the munchkin?”
Thank you.

11 years ago

You are creeping me right the hell out D.E.

D.E. Cantor
11 years ago

Katz, I agree that sounds fair.
I am for gay marriage, a liberal tax system, gun control, gay adoption, that medical help and medicine cost too much and the gov’t should help w/ that, stronger environmental regulations and helping poor people directly, not just through “trickle down,” and that we should not allow school prayer. My favorite politician is RFK.
I am not a conservative. An alien, maybe.

11 years ago

I wasn’t allowed to grow my hair long when I was a kid. My parents were rather puritain in some ways (and extremely liberal in others) so long hair, dye and makeup were off limits as my parents felt they encouraged vanity. I dyed my hair when I was at first year university, though. My best friend from highschool had gone to university in Adelaide and I really missed her. We’d been friends for years and I felt a bit lost without her and would find myself looking for her bright red hair in crowds and at lectures. Eventually I figured the only place I was going to see it was in the mirror, so I got the closest dye I could to her natural colour and dyed my own. My parents were furious when they saw it, then they asked me why I did it and of course, I told them. Then it was hugs all ’round. They eased up after that, I grew my hair and have dyed it ever since, but until I had chemotherapy recently I’d never worn makeup. Now I wear it whenever I leave the house. I kind of feel that it protects me both physically (my skin is very fragile) and psychologically (it a enables me to “pass” as a healthy person)

D.E. Cantor
11 years ago

I almost forgot to mention, I am against the death penalty, which I think would completely DQ me from being a conservative.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well, I see we’ll be siding with Islamophoba when flying monkeys come after us. Which, in keeping with my last comment about drugs, means DE should lay off the acid, I’ll be happy to purchase any he has left, so long as the talk about flying monkeys ceases.

As for music, Emilie Autumn of course, but if you’re looking for something more hardcore, give Angelspit a try.

On topic, does this 6% thing apply to people other than women? If so, pecunium’s been getting steadily more attractive since getting out of the army, seeing how he decided to grow it once he could. Now, idk about 6%, but I’m a sucker for long red hair. And should get around to dying mine again, my reddish dye is fading out to something sorta the color of wheat, which just looks weird at the end of my sorta auburnish hair (my brother and I both got the red gene, his beard is rather red and my head has a red tint that I dye more red…also, I started getting greys as a teen and I’m not old enough for that yet)

Hair related — my brother laughed at the idea that calling a man bald is the worst insult EVAR (and had some choice words for Tom baldy Martin) — and he’s 25 and half way to bald.

Also, the newest babies have gotten big enough to spot. No clue how many baby fish I have, besides that four from the first batch have been moved in with their parents, but the third batch did hatch and does have at least a few little ones, time will tell how many. Batch #2 has at least a dozen survivors btw.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Randomly, y’all need to come up with either a drink or sex act to name the salty alpaca (I complained the other day about salting the walks while wearing my alpaca gloves — “but I don’t want salty alpaca!”, my brother decides this is probably some weird sex act, but urban dictionary had nothing, and I think it sounds more like some sort of salty drink)

11 years ago

@ thebewilderness

It really is Creepy and Confusing day here at Manboobz. Want to join the rest of the non-trolls for a drink?

11 years ago

I am not going to live my life in fear of flying monkeys…not even if those monkeys look like Davie Jones or Mike Nesmith

My sister’ll get you for that. She was totally in love with those guys. 😛

Ophelia if it makes you feel better, I just spat tea reading your Dead Flying Monkey sketch.

Oh and I bought that tunic online. Couldn’t find their blasted factory outlet shop. I think Google Maps was lying.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

“Pwned?” How? From posting a picture of Roosh? I mean, he does tend to nauseate, but still?

No, sparky, you silly. In that photo Roosh was posing with a woman! Which means that at some unspecified time, he has actually had a girlfriend/female friend/paid companion willing to pose for a picture with him. And she was totes real and not made of plastic.


Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

I am proud to be an atheist. I don’t think atheists are inherently smarter than religious people. I DO think “faith based” thinking is problematic in all sorts of ways, and that it would be a good thing if human beings outgrew it.

Oh, and anybody who claims “agnostics” are fence-sitters is misinformed. “Atheist” and “agnostic” are answers to two different questions (“do you believe?” vs. “do you think we can really know for sure?”) It’s possible to be both. It’s also possible to be a theist agnostic.

Ruby Dynamite (@rubydynamite)

Fly high… lesbian haircut…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah that photo proves one thing (besides that Roosh is standing next to a long haired woman) — Roosh likes long haired women, but, if we’re reading this thread, we already knew that.

11 years ago

You have to wonder how devoid of human contact Roosh’s fanboys are that they would think that a photo showing a man standing next to a woman is proof that the man in question must be right about everything he says about women and sex.

11 years ago

I love my long hair, but my friend has short hair (longer in front and very short in the back) and looks positively adorable.
Hair is hair. Its fun to play with and honestly no dude gets to tell me what to do with my hair. I’ll do what I want to it because it is MINE.

(Hi, I’ve been busy lately. I’m gonna try to comment more often, but generally I just read the post and not the comments)

House Mouse Queen
11 years ago

I love the image you chose David. What a lovely mouse she’s got!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

If the Wicked Witch of the West had had billions of dollars and Citizens United, she wouldn’t have bothered with flying monkeys. She would have sent flying superpacs instead, plus a couple of Chamber of Commerce attack ads implying Dorothy was a windsurfing, French-speaking Islamowiccan.

All these (airquote) “Markers Of Fertility”, such as long hair, thinness, refraining from four letter words, etc. are really just traits that signal to a PUA how submissive/ornamental/man-pleasing/self-denying they think a woman is. They overvalue any physical characteristic that requires the average woman to put in a lot of time and sacrifice to attain. To them, it’s humiliating to be seen with someone who might have priorities beyond her appearance, and therefore might not be completely under their control.

Under their stupid market value system, you’d think they’d score more points for being with the loud, difficult, opinionated cashier with the short hair. Kind of like how, in bull riding, more points are awarded for feisty bulls.

And now I’m going to stop thinking in the PUA mindset because it’s beginning to leave a nasty taste in my mouth.

11 years ago

I’m also a Plague Rat. *raises paw*

I’m sorry you’re being forced to go through that. It’s awful. I hope he goes away soon.

11 years ago

@argenti I think Fisto was a practioner of the salty alpaca. Or maybe the salty llama … of drama.

11 years ago


I think Heavens to Betsy were a riot grrrl band? No idea if they were any good, I’m afraid.

War on Women are a feminist hardcore band who sometimes remind me of what little riot grrrl I’ve heard.

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