all about the menz are these guys 12 years old? citation needed entitled babies facepalm hundreds of upvotes irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed white men playing the victim racism reddit warren farrell

Men’s Rightsers honor Martin Luther King by talking about how women totally suck at being “warriors of peace.”

Mugshots of Freedom Riders. Click on image for more info, and more pictures.
Mugshots of Freedom Riders arrested for protesting segregation. The Freedom Riders were often attacked by white mobs, with the complicity of the police. Click on image for more info, and more pictures.

On Monday, Martin Luther King Day here in the United States, this was posted in the Men’s Rights subreddit, where, as you can see, it was quite popular with the assembled Men’s Rightsers:

(quote from Warren Farrell) "Men are likely to be not only the warriors of war but also the warriors of peace. Almost all those who risk their lives, are put in jail, or are killed for peace are men." Happy MLK Day!!

How wrong  is this? Let me count the ways.

1) It’s wrong because Men’s Rights “Activists” aren’t “warriors for peace,” or justice, or even for their own backwards notions of men’s rights. MRAs, like a lot of men insecure about their own worth, love to claim credit for the accomplishments of great men in the past (without accepting any responsibility for the terrible deeds of the terrible men who lived before them).

But even in terms of claiming credit where no credit is due this is especially ridiculous. Aside from a tiny handful of “fathers rights activists,” who’ve bizarrely chosen to try to advance their cause by vandalizing paintings and/or dressing up in superhero costumes and climbing up buildings, and one troubled man who killed himself in hopes that his death would spur other MRAs to acts of terrorism directed at courthouses and police stations, MRAs don’t risk anything with their “activism,” insofar as they engage in anything that can be called activism at all.

There’s nothing heroic, or risky, about posting anonymous rants online about how women are all a bunch of hypergamous bitches, or sending some vague threat to the feminist villain of the day.

Indeed, MRAs face so little risk that some are forced to invent stories of persecution — like John Hembling’s tall tale of being confronted by a mob of boxcutter-wielding feminists, thoroughly discredited by The Daily Beast — in order to cast themselves in the role of the persecuted victim-turned-hero.

2) It’s wrong because the person posting this message, and attempting to suggest some sort of link between the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King and the Men’s Rights movement today, is someone who also posts in the White Rights subreddit, a haven for the same sort of hateful white supremacists who hurled racial epithets — not to mention actual rocks and bottles — at King when he was alive.

When one Redditor pointed this out, and noted (correctly) that numerous white nationalists post in the Men’s Rights subreddit, they were quickly downvoted for their troubles.

The original poster explained that he only posted in White Rights about “real cases of white discrimination.”

Another poster offered an example of what he saw as one such case of “real” anti-white discrimination:
MrArtless 3 points 4 hours ago (5|2)  How about after George Zimmerman, many Black people physically assaulted White people and cited the verdict as their reasoning? Those Caucasians were discriminated against because of their skin color.
Yeah, that was totally a real thing.

3) It’s wrong because it’s wrong. As in, factually incorrect. Warren Farrell is talking out of his ass, again. Here’s a slightly longer version of his quote, which you can find on his web page. (It’s originally from The Myth of Male Power.)

Men are likely to be not only the warriors of war but also the warriors of peace. Almost all those who risk their lives, are put in jail, or are killed for peace are men. While some of the peace warriors—Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Dag Hammarskjold—are remembered, most are forgotten. Remember Norm Morrison?

Well, no, Warren, I don’t remember Norm Morrison. But I think you’re forgetting a few people too. Like half of the human race.

Women have been involved in peace and social justice movements as long as women have been active in the public sphere. Ever hear of Women Strike for Peace? Code Pink? At every large demonstration I’ve been at that has involved civil disobedience, I’ve seen both men and women arrested, with some of the women old enough to be grandmothers or great-grandmothers. The idea that women don’t put themselves on the line for peace or social justice is patently false.

This is really kind of  basic stuff. But with MRAs, alas, you always need to go back to the basics.

But the post in the Men’s Rights subreddit was all about co-opting the civil rights movement, so today I thought I would remind anyone who might have forgotten — or who never knew — that it wasn’t just men who put themselves at risk in the struggle for civil rights.

You can click on the pictures for more information.

Protesters at a lunch counter sit-in at Woolworths in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1963, under assault from a white mob. The protesters were beaten, kicked, and burned with cigarettes. The assault lasted three hours, while police stood by.
Protesters at a lunch counter sit-in at Woolworths in Jackson, Mississippi, 1963, under assault from a white mob. The protesters were beaten, kicked, and burned with cigarettes. The assault lasted three hours, while police stood by.
Freedom Riders, after their bus was attacked and set aflame by a white supremacist mob near Anniston, Alabama, 1961
Freedom Riders, after their bus was attacked and set aflame by a white supremacist mob near Anniston, Alabama, 1961
Student civil rights protesters blasted with water hose by authorities, Birmingham, Alabama, 1963
Student civil rights protesters blasted with water hose by authorities, Birmingham, Alabama, 1963
Fire Hose 60s Civil Rights
Birmingham, 1963
Elizabeth Eckford, who volunteered to be one of the first black students to enter the formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, on the first day of school in 1957
Elizabeth Eckford, who volunteered to be one of the first black students to enter the formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, on the first day of school in 1957
Student arrested for trying to read a book in a "white only" library in Albany, Georgia, 1963.
Student arrested for trying to read a book in a “white only” library in Albany, Georgia, 1963.
Police arrest NAACP member Ruth Tinsley for protesting outside a Richmond, Virginia, department store, 1960
Police arrest NAACP member Ruth Tinsley for protesting outside a Richmond, Virginia, department store, 1960
Rosa Parks, being fingerprinted after refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man, Montgomery, Alabama, 1955. I assume even Warrenn Farrell has heard of her.
Rosa Parks, being fingerprinted after refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man, Montgomery, Alabama, 1955. I hope that Warren Farrell has at the very least heard of her.
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10 years ago

@auggziliary: Neither did anyone else, I think. Eventually, they won’t even need to get the uterus from a deceased patient; we are coming to the point where we can create new organs on their own (3D printers and stem cells are apparently very helpful here).

10 years ago

There seems to have been an uptick lately in articles claiming that feminists and suffragettes didn’t achieve anything – it was the men what gave us our rights. Nice of them.

Me too . I thought it was really sweet of them .

Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

Non sequitur after non sequitur after non sequitur.

Kitt33 how fucking dare you even think you can be logical or reasonable when just about everything you fucking post is a fucking non sequitur?

If the topic was “Elephants have big ears” your brain dead ass would probably post: “More women have tooth decay than MRA,s”

I am frankly getting very sick of it. You are annoying

10 years ago

In the thread prior to this one, I also pointed out the brocialists of the Occupy Movement who wanted women to keep quiet about sexual assault inside the Occupy camps because going to the cops would undermine the anarchist message.

I remember that. Hell, I was catcalled at Occupy Boston and was told I should politely ask him to stop and that would fix it. There was a great rant by a woman from Occupy Boston about the marginalizing of women’s voices in that camp, I’ll see if I can dig it up.

10 years ago

On the uterus transplant thing ? I thought I read an article about a year ago they had finally had a successful transplant and the first baby had been born .

10 years ago

@auggziliary: The article doesn’t say, unfortunately.

10 years ago

@dallasapple: Well, this is the first I heard of something like this happening, myself. But then, I don’t really keep up with medical stories…

R. A. Stark
10 years ago
Reply to  fromafar2013


10 years ago

Here it is . She was pregnant but unfortunately lost the baby later at 8 weeks. This must be what I had read .

10 years ago

@dallasapple: That appears to be the same story I linked… Oh well. Sad that she lost the child, though. 🙁

10 years ago

I think the confusion for me on the transplant story is that its from I think back in April of 2013. Its the same story I read .

10 years ago

@dallasapple: That appears to be the same story I linked… Oh well. Sad that she lost the child, though. 🙁

Yeah it is sad . The most recent news I found on it was that the heartbeat stopped at 8 weeks. But its still a miracle they got that far .

10 years ago

Here’s another photo from the civil rights era. From the Poor People’s Campaign which also included Resurrection City, a 3000 person tent town on the DC mall. Sort of the first “Occupy.”

10 years ago

You know, I easily believe that more feminists than MRA:s have committed acts of violence. The reason is that feminists probably outnumber MRA:s, at least if you take into account how long each movement (or “movement”) have been around, like a thousand to one or so.

@Dvarghundspossen – yeah I was thinking the same thing. Feminists have existed for much longer than the MRM (in its current form anyway). And even so, I would bet if you folded every threat ever made online by an MRA together with their verbal and physical threats? These guys have still made more of them than all the feminists in the last couple of centuries combined.

10 years ago

I’m really glad MLK Day gave our friends a holiday from complaining about female activists, so they could complain there are no female activists.

10 years ago

Women don’t fight for peace? They are very ignorant, aren’t they?

Here are some more women who have fought for peace and justice:

The Madres de Plaza de Mayo, aka the Mothers of the Disappeared:

The Mirabal sisters of the Dominican Republic, known as las Mariposas:

10 years ago

What’s really funny ?(in an absurd funny way) I just look at those pictures like the one Mayimoktoo just posted and imagine if the people in that march were all white guys (MRA’s) and what their signs would say . What ? Stop the madness of child support ? Or maybe “we demand reproductive choices! ” how about ” no more involuntary celibacy!”

10 years ago

Oh my glob. I am speechless (only figuratively, cause hold on I got a pile of words comin’ at ya here).

I have a few names for the MRAs to chew on and for the rest of us to celebrate. Women who were not and continue to not be recognized for their work as activists, pacifists, and leaders. Maybe, juuuuuuust maaaaaaybeeee it’s because we live in a world that consistently devalues women’s contributions? These women have been doing it just as long, they’ve worked just as hard, they’ve risked just as much, and most of them have NEVER received the accolades that their male counterparts did. But each and every one of them is so goddamn badass that she did it anyway and DIDN’T GIVE A HOOT.

Bertha von Suttner, Jane Addams, Emma Goldman, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, Benazir Bhutto, Rosa Parks, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Mother Teresa, Corazon Aquino, Molly Brown, Carmen Rupe, Henrietta Dugdale, Susan B. Anthony, Gabriela Silang, Sarah Bagley, Rose Schneiderman, bell hooks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Mary McLeod Bethune, Irena Sendler, Nancy Wake, Sylvia Rivera, Eileen Nearne, Krystyna Skarbek, Noor-un-nisa Inayat Khan, Violette Szabo, Shirin Ebadi, Audre Lorde, and finally MALALA YOUSAFZAI.

This list is not comprehensive by any means, it only consists of the awesome female activists that I could name OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD (or at least with very minimal googling). There are literally thousands more.

Sorry for the wall of text, but this kind of willful and all-too-common ignorance of female heroes is one of my biggest pet peeves. In fact, I have just delurked after ~2 years to dump this list of names on you 🙂

10 years ago

I think I’m just gonna re-read the last half-dozen strips in one of my regular webcomics, in which one of the core group of characters shuts down a PUA asshat with flair, poise and style.

(Starts here: )

For those who haven’t read it, I should note that the strip is one of those ones where gender-swapping happens almost as a matter of course (though not in the ones I’m highlighting here), and I’ve gotten the impression that some trans* folk really enjoy such comics, and others find them offensive for both minimizing their real-life plight and for the degree of fetishization that can be seen in the portrayal. So some of our trans* members, depending on how you personally feel about such things, may wish to opt out of following that link at all.

10 years ago

There are a lot more documented cases of violence and threats of violence by feminists than by MRAs.

I’d like to see documented case of violence by feminists that are against MRAs. (Anything involving box cutters or murdered dogs are disqualified for being bullshit.) That is unless you are discussing acts of violence by women fighting for their rights throughout history, in which case that’s a weak ass false analogy considering the rich history of those movements compared to MRAs faux-movement antics.

Just thought I’d drop that little fact on your dumb circle jerk and give you some much needed perspective

Truth bomb! Suck it fascist assholes!

10 years ago

The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp – 30,000 women joined hands around the base. And that was just the start.

10 years ago

Format Fail!

Just thought I’d drop that little fact on your dumb circle jerk and give you some much needed perspective

Truth bomb! Suck it fascist assholes!
*drops mike, exits stage, tumbles into orchestra pit*

10 years ago

Format Fail!

Just thought I’d drop that little fact on your dumb circle jerk and give you some much needed perspective

Truth bomb! Suck it fascist assholes! *drops mike, exits stage, tumbles into orchestra pit*

10 years ago

*Screw you phone.

10 years ago

as the redditor who pointed out the hypocrisy (via an alt because my main is banned on /r/mensrights) and caused the dramawave and the MRAcists to ooze out of the woodwork, i feel like bonbons are in order