So the Men’s Rights movement has faced some setbacks in the past. The Southern Poverty Law Center profiling them as a movement filled with hate (if not literally a hate group by the SPLC’s strict definition). Events that literally no one showed up to. Paul Elam.
But MRAs have never faced anything quite like this.
Wil Wheaton — yes, that Wil Wheaton, the one who was on Star Trek TNG — has stated publicly that he thinks they’re a bunch of idiots:
Naturally, this tweet has the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit feeling hurt and angry. Well, they always feel hurt and angry, so I guess I mean they feel even more hurt and angry than usual, with a lot of this hurt and anger directed in a Wil-Wheatony direction.
Here are some of their comments. I don’t really have any jokes to make about them because, I mean, just read them. I can’t top this sort of ridiculousness.
Click on the individual comments to see them in context on Reddit. Oh, and note that this comment at the top has MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED UPVOTES.
Wait. What is “hanglowstankin?” Oh, never mind.
Also, I would bet a mint-in-box Wesley Crusher action figure that Wheaton didn’t call you guys “idiots” because he wanted to pander to “pussy” but rather because you are the sorts of guys who routinely refer to women as “pussy.”
But Wil had one defender amongst the Men’s Rightsers:
EDIT: H/T to the AgainstMensRighters for pointing me to this.
Every time I hear an ancap MRA accuse feminism of being “pro-statist” I just want to break a pencil.
Ally: I don’t want to know what a “free baby market” is, do I?
Free baby market? I’m imagining a street vendor: “Babies! Come get your babies!”
I was told there were lots of crazies on the internet. I never knew just how crazy, till I stumbled across this site.
Your reluctance to ackowledge that other people face significant problems you don’t face is beyond childish.
Again, I think it’s offensive to place relatively transient, relatively minor “oppressions” like racism, homophobia, and misogyny/misandry on the same level as class, which again, determines your entire life.
Off topic, but has anybody made a misandry gif out of the Michelle Obama photobomb/dunk?
Yep, race, sex, and sexual orientation are transient. If you wait long enough they’re bound to change.
(Thank you for today’s entry into the “words mean things” file.)
I find it offensive that you keep telling the people who are experiencing the prejudice and oppression that their problems are “minor and transient.”
You are a walking, talking illustration of privilege blindness.
Haters gonna hate, wankers gonna wank, and manospherians gonna ‘splain the True Nature Of Oppression to us poor weak-minded imaginary victims. Because all these “oppressions” (note quotes) are all in our pretty little heads, y’know.
“They have profound social bonds and really complex social structure. Their brains are very emotionally developed. Nurturing is what they do.”
I lost track of the multiple conversations there for a moment and thought @marinerachel was talking about MRAs.
Sooooo confused.
I find it offensive that you keep telling the people who are experiencing the prejudice and oppression that their problems are “minor and transient.”
Yes, I’m sure you’d much prefer to be a poverty-stricken straight white male with no education and no hope for the future, than an upper-class black person, trust fund girl, or an A-gay.
Right. Keep telling yourself that.
How is racism transient, when race isn’t? It’s not like someone can fake being a different race, or change their race. Sexual orientation can be hidden, but at what cost to the person doing the hiding? I’ve had to pretend to be someone I wasn’t in the past. It awful.
Class, on the other hand, can be changed – my dad did it. He had to move from the UK to the US, but he did it. Class can also be faked – if you’re white. Also, wealth and class are not the same thing. And families with wealth often use it to control their dependent family members. But that’s a whole different subject.
It = it’s.
“Or did I just start lurking/eventually posting during a relatively troll-less period here?”
In a word, yes. (Or oui, French is taking over my brain)
Buttboy reminds me of Mr. Heart disease is worse than the holocaust because more people die of heart disease!!!111!!!!111!!!!! Also, trans people being murdered is less important than poor people being murdered, cuz there are more poor people. Best one from him? I come out of the trans closet and he starts going on about how he’s a “post genderist”…think the sort that believe that without social gender roles trans people wouldn’t exist…so I reject the gender binary and thus he’s SOOOO like me cuz he totally thinks gender is a sham, but male all the way…so long as we have gender roles that is.
That sort makes my head hurt. Guess what? He’s poor my white ass, parents paid for college and are putting him up while he saves up to uh, um…not buy a house or things like that, nope, I think he plans to “donate” it to Yudcultsky’s singularity fund. So middle class, white, cis (and obnoxious about it), straight white male.
Of course the risk he’ll end up poor and OMGS POOR PEOPLE GET MURDERED MORE THAN RICH PEOPLE is the most important issue. Ever so much more important than the RATE at which trans people get murdered, or queer people, or people of color, or or or…or that trans women of color get murdered at truly obscene rates, but there are less of them, so sheer numbers say poverty is more important!!
And if you’re going pure economics, maybe sheer numbers are more important, but last I checked social justice didn’t focus on what would save the most money.
In other things, orcas are awesome.
Oh please. You reduce everything to mere economic “class issues”, can’t see how social stuff like race, sex, gender, orientation, etc. plays in — and you call yourself a “realist”? You can’t get shit done because you’re constitutionally incapable of forming alliances with 99%ers who aren’t white, cis-het, and full of shit like you.
Well let’s see buttboy, only reason I’m not a homeless non-binary trans white bisexual person is I’m mostly not out to my parents and thus my mother put her foot down on my asshole father and let me move back in while I wait for the gov’n to decide if I’m officially disabled.
Would I rather be cis, and particularly male? Or not disabled? Or straight (though being functionally celibate that one’s kinda moot)? Uh, duh?
Would being a trust fund kid make me any less disabled? (No, I’m not the sort where throwing money at the problem would matter)
Oh and I have an ex, or maybe two, that we’re trust fund kids, one is probably back in jail, the other is living with his wife’s parents (and has been for years, they got married like last week or so). So no, money doesn’t magically solve everything.
*were, autocorrect hates me
Cute how he’s ignoring the driving-while-rich-but-still-black police harassment incident I witnessed.
@buttboy689 “I’d argue we’re the realists who get shit done. And by the way, we’re not some minority.”
Then please, oh great man with the *totally* grownup name, please do. Make that argument for us. Share some of the shit you and yours have done. Don’t just announce to the world you are the real deal. Show us.
And by “you and yours” I mean you personally,buttboy69 and people you know personally.
Step right up, step right up, get your black or white here, folks! Your choice, black or white, all or nothing, scalding hot or freezing cold! Your choice, step right up!
Yes, it was George Zimmerman’s vast fortune that enabled him to evade justice in the Treyvon Martin case.
Also see: Henry Louis Gates.
I’m sure you would love living as a bisexual mentally ill trans woman of color who is very close to being poverty-stricken and has a very weak educational background and next to zero work experience.
Because I saw “kitty leggings” that is all I read in this thread. I tracked down the retail site, and they’re out of stock /cries
buttboy69 said “class, which again, determines your entire life”
Do you actually think you can reduce everything that influences people down to a single concept?
Additionally, I have not once been negatively affected by racism, homophobia or misogyny, and I find your dismissal of them to be infuriating. Do you actually think it’s okay to tell people their struggles don’t matter?
How about you tell a lesbian whose life has been turned into a living hell because of lesbophobic violence that lesbophobia is just a minor, transient issue?
How about you tell a black teenage boy who has been bullied and physically assaulted because of his race and then branded as the “real criminal” when defending himself that racism is just a minor, transient issue?
And how about you tell a woman who has been raped by her husband and told that she wasn’t really raped because sex is her husband’s right that misogyny is just a minor, transient issue?
Also, note that no one is actually saying that class is unimportant or equal to other forms of oppression. We are just saying that those other forms of oppression are significant and not mere “secondary” issues.