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Wil Wheaton to MRAs: You’re idiots. MRAs: Yeah, well, you’re a mangina! And women actually like you! And your narration is bad!

Wil Wheaton is hiding somewhere in this picture. From
Wil Wheaton is hiding somewhere in this official portrait of Kim Jong Un and pals. From

So the Men’s Rights movement has faced some setbacks in the past. The Southern Poverty Law Center profiling them as a movement filled with hate (if not literally a hate group by the SPLC’s strict definition). Events that literally no one showed up to. Paul Elam.

But MRAs have never faced anything quite like this.

Wil Wheaton — yes, that Wil Wheaton, the one who was on Star Trek TNG — has stated publicly that he thinks they’re a bunch of idiots:

Naturally, this tweet has the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit feeling hurt and angry. Well, they always feel hurt and angry, so I guess I mean they feel even more hurt and angry than usual, with a lot of this hurt and anger directed in a Wil-Wheatony direction.

Here are some of their comments. I don’t really have any jokes to make about them because, I mean, just read them. I can’t top this sort of ridiculousness.

Click on the individual comments to see them in context on Reddit. Oh, and note that this comment at the top has MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED UPVOTES.

giegerwasright 119 points 7 hours ago (150|31)  Wil Wheaton has never had to live life as a regular man. He has never been treated by women as a regular man. He is a privileged white male. All those things that feminists say that white men have that we recognize are actually really only reserved for rich white men? Well. He's a rich white male. So. What do you expect? Perspective? LOL. He has media to sell and pussy to pander to for approval, hanglowstankin, and profit.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]cfornax 63 points 7 hours ago (82|17)  Ironic isn't it. He undermines men to elevate his privileged status in eyes of feminists who wish to undermine his privileged status.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]giegerwasright 39 points 7 hours ago (53|17)  And that, my dear lad, is how the wealthy mangina maintains his status. Key word being "wealthy", a distinction that the unfortunately unwealthy manginas don't recognize.  Always. Follow. The money.

Wait. What is “hanglowstankin?” Oh, never mind.

Also, I would bet a mint-in-box Wesley Crusher action figure that Wheaton didn’t call you guys “idiots” because he wanted to pander to “pussy” but rather because you are the sorts of guys who routinely refer to women as “pussy.”

ruboos [-2] 10 points 7 hours ago (16|6)  Wil Wheaton has always been a self hating misandrist. I've never liked him. And his narration is atrocious. Listen to "Ready Player One" if you don't believe me. The dude is a joke. Thank you for calling him out in public. He has no excuse.

AnotherDAM 14 points 7 hours ago (24|10)  Just because someone is famous in one context does not make him an expert in any, or every, other context. The man made a decent beer with Stone Brewing, he is incredibly practiced at talking with people so don't expect to win a war of words with him or out "cool" him. Just point out to him that he has had everything handed to him on a silver platter his entire adult life ~ he doesn't need to worry about money or getting girls or an invite to the uber-cool CES ~ does not actually mean his opinion matters to anyone but himself. He will eventually get it when all of his male friends start dying decades before his female admirers.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]VortexCortex [+1] 4 points 3 hours ago (5|1)  I would merely appeal to his sense of logic: "There's much evidence to the contrary, Wheaton; You have not tried try to refute the null hypothesis before holding your belief."  Not that it would actually work -- He's an actor who once played a young scientist -- but many of his viewers practice rationality.

DaveDodo007 1 point 46 minutes ago (1|0)  Actor benefits from hypergamy, 'I'm all right Jack so fuck you lot.'

Your_Bacon_Counselor 3 points 5 hours ago (6|3)  Mr. Wheaton works in an industry that provides the voice to the feminist agenda. If he has any mind what so ever, he knows he can't speak the truth even if he wanted to. Pity the poor servant.

AlphaWookieage of consent laws "criminalize human sexuality" 12 points 4 hours ago (19|7)  Will's tune will change when his adopted son goes through the ringer.

But Wil had one defender amongst the Men’s Rightsers:

chocoboat 6 points 5 hours ago (25|19)  Wil is still cool. He just got misinformed by some feminists, who in an effort to protect their privilege, smear the name of MRAs and fight against equality when it doesn't serve them.  He was taught that MRA = a whiny bitch who wants a return to 1950s gender roles and can't stand women having any power over anything. Of course he thinks that kind of person is an idiot.  Don't bash Wil, bash the people who misinformed him. I can virtually guarantee you that he would support the same pro-equality ideas that MRAs do, and that he's against the sexist situations that men sometimes run into (such as being arrested after calling police when your wife attacks you, or being made to change airline seats due to "every man is a pedophile" hysteria).      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Zetadood 17 points 4 hours ago (23|4)  Nah, no one gets a pass for misinformed ignorance. If he changes his views later on that's different, until then he's a tool.

EDIT: H/T to the AgainstMensRighters for pointing me to this.

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10 years ago

Sexism, racism and homophobia are behind a hell of a lot of murders, rapes, beatings, arrests, unfair dismissals, refusal of employment … and you call that minor?

Yes I do, relatively minor. Of course if you have access to the internet that in all likelihood puts you in the top 15-20% most “privileged” people in the world (at the very least). But that probably doesn’t line up with your own personal victim narrative and/or “straight white males have all the privilege” crap.

But forget it. I only showed up here to make my initial post anyway, because it showed up in my Feedly.

10 years ago

Eh, this chew toy is boring. Smug, selfish leftist dudes are nothing new. Where’s Michael when we need some entertainment?


(Okay I know it’s not the same but it might help.)

10 years ago

Says the privileged dude with internet access. OK, so maybe he’s a little entertaining.

10 years ago

You really are a smug, privileged little kid, aren’t you? Your argument boils down to the same dismissive Dear Muslima shit Dawkins pulled. “There are people worse off in the world, so if you are physically threatened or systemically disadvantaged in your society, it doesn’t count!”

Christ, if you studied hard enough you might learn to be an idiot.

10 years ago

Shadow: I know. I was attempting sarcasm 🙂

But really, it’s so wearisomely old.

And now he’s using the old “professional victims” line….

10 years ago

Also I’m calling that last comment of his as rape apologia. Dismissing it as relatively minor crosses the line as far as I’m concerned. Anyone else think it’s banhammer-worthy?

10 years ago

Also I’m calling that last comment of his as rape apologia. Dismissing it as relatively minor crosses the line as far as I’m concerned. Anyone else think it’s banhammer-worthy?

WOW. Don’t strain so hard, you might pull a muscle.

10 years ago

Hey, you’re the one dismissing rape and murder as “relatively minor” problems, fratboy.

10 years ago

I just think he’s a nuisance .Otherwise known as troll.

10 years ago

I think buttbaby69 just doesn’t grasp the concept of intersectionality. One oppression is not worse than the other- they are all interwoven in a giant knot.

In more interesting news, these pics reminded me of you all (excluding trolls):

10 years ago

Population is the community, pods are the neighbourhoods within the communities and matrilines are the households within the neighbourhoods.

There is no such thing as an orca dad. They play no role in the rearing of their offspring. They rendezvous, have sex with individuals within their populations, outside their pod, and then return to their moms. Because they live with their moms and sisters and possibly aunts though they will be surrounded by those females’ calves who they will partake in the rearing of. Seeing uncles and big brothers and adult male cousins (if their mom’s sister(s) belong to their matriline and not another) with calves “babysitting” while mature females within the matriline are off doing whatever is normal. They never partake in the rearing of their own offspring though.

10 years ago

Problem with the second one – my cat totally meows at other cats. She sits on the window ledge and yells at the neighbor’s cat all the time. He seems as confused by this as I am.

10 years ago

You really are a smug, privileged little kid, aren’t you? Your argument boils down to the same dismissive Dear Muslima shit Dawkins pulled. “There are people worse off in the world, so if you are physically threatened or systemically disadvantaged in your society, it doesn’t count!”

Also, no. What I said was that despite some legit issues in the so-called “social justice” movement, it’s all ultimately secondary to wealth and class, especially in a world in which the top 85 individuals control more money than the bottom 3.5 billion. And I just think everyone would do well to remember that, because it puts things in perspective.

10 years ago

You mean things like whatever you consider important enough that it led you to pay attention to r/mensrights?

10 years ago

How is it possible that even after all these years internet trolls have still never heard of library computers?

10 years ago

Yes I do, relatively minor. Of course if you have access to the internet that in all likelihood puts you in the top 15-20% most “privileged” people in the world (at the very least). But that probably doesn’t line up with your own personal victim narrative and/or “straight white males have all the privilege” crap.

No dude this site is making fun of the misogynist in the western world . Not the “world’ The misogynist in the rest of the world is a whole leg of feminist movement .You are just a tiny ridiculous cult here that we like to mock .Don’t you get that ?

10 years ago

Problem with the second one – my cat totally meows at other cats. She sits on the window ledge and yells at the neighbor’s cat all the time. He seems as confused by this as I am.

That’s because she’s a female cat and thus superior to the lowly male cat. Misandry- it’s not just for humans. 😉

10 years ago

I feel so bad for that cat. When I first got current kitty he kept coming up to the window and trying to make friends with her, but she just hissed and growled. I guess he’s a victim of kitty hypergamy.

10 years ago

Population is the community, pods are the neighbourhoods within the communities and matrilines are the households within the neighbourhoods.

There is no such thing as an orca dad. They play no role in the rearing of their offspring. They rendezvous, have sex with individuals within their populations, outside their pod, and then return to their moms. Because they live with their moms and sisters and possibly aunts though they will be surrounded by those females’ calves who they will partake in the rearing of. Seeing uncles and big brothers and adult male cousins (if their mom’s sister(s) belong to their matriline and not another) with calves “babysitting” while mature females within the matriline are off doing whatever is normal. They never partake in the rearing of their own offspring though.

So the males play a role in helping their sisters mothers aunts etc in raising the kids .Just never their own kids. Hmmm…They even help raise their younger brothers and male cousins and nephews and such?

That’s amazing . They sound nurturing.

10 years ago

Totally coveting those kitty leggings!

10 years ago

Poor kitty is not alpha enough for her. He needs to become a PUC (pick up cat). If he negs her then she’ll be interested.

10 years ago

Is it just me, or has there been an influx of trolls lately? Or did I just start lurking/eventually posting during a relatively troll-less period here?

10 years ago

You mean things like whatever you consider important enough that it led you to pay attention to r/mensrights?

Mostly I just got sick of the self-obsessed non-issue feminist crap that’s infected the internet/tumblr. And I do think that r/mr raises some legit issues.

10 years ago

Of course you do, sweetie.

10 years ago

They have profound social bonds and really complex social structure. Their brains are very emotionally developed. Nurturing is what they do.

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