antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage evil wives evil women hypergamy irony alert manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA one hundred upvotes oppressed men reddit twitter

Wil Wheaton to MRAs: You’re idiots. MRAs: Yeah, well, you’re a mangina! And women actually like you! And your narration is bad!

Wil Wheaton is hiding somewhere in this picture. From
Wil Wheaton is hiding somewhere in this official portrait of Kim Jong Un and pals. From

So the Men’s Rights movement has faced some setbacks in the past. The Southern Poverty Law Center profiling them as a movement filled with hate (if not literally a hate group by the SPLC’s strict definition). Events that literally no one showed up to. Paul Elam.

But MRAs have never faced anything quite like this.

Wil Wheaton — yes, that Wil Wheaton, the one who was on Star Trek TNG — has stated publicly that he thinks they’re a bunch of idiots:

Naturally, this tweet has the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit feeling hurt and angry. Well, they always feel hurt and angry, so I guess I mean they feel even more hurt and angry than usual, with a lot of this hurt and anger directed in a Wil-Wheatony direction.

Here are some of their comments. I don’t really have any jokes to make about them because, I mean, just read them. I can’t top this sort of ridiculousness.

Click on the individual comments to see them in context on Reddit. Oh, and note that this comment at the top has MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED UPVOTES.

giegerwasright 119 points 7 hours ago (150|31)  Wil Wheaton has never had to live life as a regular man. He has never been treated by women as a regular man. He is a privileged white male. All those things that feminists say that white men have that we recognize are actually really only reserved for rich white men? Well. He's a rich white male. So. What do you expect? Perspective? LOL. He has media to sell and pussy to pander to for approval, hanglowstankin, and profit.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]cfornax 63 points 7 hours ago (82|17)  Ironic isn't it. He undermines men to elevate his privileged status in eyes of feminists who wish to undermine his privileged status.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]giegerwasright 39 points 7 hours ago (53|17)  And that, my dear lad, is how the wealthy mangina maintains his status. Key word being "wealthy", a distinction that the unfortunately unwealthy manginas don't recognize.  Always. Follow. The money.

Wait. What is “hanglowstankin?” Oh, never mind.

Also, I would bet a mint-in-box Wesley Crusher action figure that Wheaton didn’t call you guys “idiots” because he wanted to pander to “pussy” but rather because you are the sorts of guys who routinely refer to women as “pussy.”

ruboos [-2] 10 points 7 hours ago (16|6)  Wil Wheaton has always been a self hating misandrist. I've never liked him. And his narration is atrocious. Listen to "Ready Player One" if you don't believe me. The dude is a joke. Thank you for calling him out in public. He has no excuse.

AnotherDAM 14 points 7 hours ago (24|10)  Just because someone is famous in one context does not make him an expert in any, or every, other context. The man made a decent beer with Stone Brewing, he is incredibly practiced at talking with people so don't expect to win a war of words with him or out "cool" him. Just point out to him that he has had everything handed to him on a silver platter his entire adult life ~ he doesn't need to worry about money or getting girls or an invite to the uber-cool CES ~ does not actually mean his opinion matters to anyone but himself. He will eventually get it when all of his male friends start dying decades before his female admirers.      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]VortexCortex [+1] 4 points 3 hours ago (5|1)  I would merely appeal to his sense of logic: "There's much evidence to the contrary, Wheaton; You have not tried try to refute the null hypothesis before holding your belief."  Not that it would actually work -- He's an actor who once played a young scientist -- but many of his viewers practice rationality.

DaveDodo007 1 point 46 minutes ago (1|0)  Actor benefits from hypergamy, 'I'm all right Jack so fuck you lot.'

Your_Bacon_Counselor 3 points 5 hours ago (6|3)  Mr. Wheaton works in an industry that provides the voice to the feminist agenda. If he has any mind what so ever, he knows he can't speak the truth even if he wanted to. Pity the poor servant.

AlphaWookieage of consent laws "criminalize human sexuality" 12 points 4 hours ago (19|7)  Will's tune will change when his adopted son goes through the ringer.

But Wil had one defender amongst the Men’s Rightsers:

chocoboat 6 points 5 hours ago (25|19)  Wil is still cool. He just got misinformed by some feminists, who in an effort to protect their privilege, smear the name of MRAs and fight against equality when it doesn't serve them.  He was taught that MRA = a whiny bitch who wants a return to 1950s gender roles and can't stand women having any power over anything. Of course he thinks that kind of person is an idiot.  Don't bash Wil, bash the people who misinformed him. I can virtually guarantee you that he would support the same pro-equality ideas that MRAs do, and that he's against the sexist situations that men sometimes run into (such as being arrested after calling police when your wife attacks you, or being made to change airline seats due to "every man is a pedophile" hysteria).      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Zetadood 17 points 4 hours ago (23|4)  Nah, no one gets a pass for misinformed ignorance. If he changes his views later on that's different, until then he's a tool.

EDIT: H/T to the AgainstMensRighters for pointing me to this.

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11 years ago

Eh, I’m going to leave this here. Mainly, I like the takedown by rob-anybody (if I’m reading the conversation correctly).

11 years ago

The whole Reddit thread is huge WTF-fest.

He will eventually get it when all of his male friends start dying decades before his female admirers.

TIL Due to a gynocentric medical system and male disposability, women on average outlive men by several decades.

Having gone a couple of rounds with him over the Trayvon Martin verdict, and been blocked by him on twitter, I’ve not found him to be one steered by intellectualism… Everything he says or does is simply the public Wil Wheaton doing what he has to do to stay in favored status with the geek-verse.

Because geeks-verse mostly focuses on racial justice.

The biggest WTF? The tweet is 7 months old. The MRAs staying on top of things as usual.

Breaking News: Wheaton creep-shames in this tweet, it’s clearly mano a Manosphere.

When you are still astonished, 12 hours later, that a dudebro tried to mansplain to you why he thinks it’s okay to be a creep.
2:32pm – 19 Jan 14

11 years ago

They’re doing “mangina can mean anything” thing again. If he’s rich and gets the girls, doesn’t that make him an awesome alpha? Shouldn’t they be holding up whatever he does as correct male behavior since it’s apparently working so well?

11 years ago

Now if we could just get Sean Connery to call them a bunch of fuckwits on Twitter then we could really see some hissy fits.

The granddaddy of all Alpha Males and a wife beater to boot? I can see it like: “Noooo! Our god has deserted us!”

11 years ago

from between your bulbous distended fat cheeks

Maybe you didn’t quite think this part through?

11 years ago

One of the things that annoy me the most about MRAs (well… it is hard, so many things about them annoy me) is this discourse about not being able to “get girls”. Seriously? I know so many guys who are not conventionally attractive, geeky, shy and what-not that have no problem having dates or girlfriends (and boyfriends). One of our geekiest and shiest friend just got married to a girl who is as geeky (but not as shy) as he is. They have been together for years. Another one always has a new date, many of them are very pretty girls and he has all those cliches for “unattractiveness”: considered overweight, wears glasses, etc. These cliches, by the way, are delusional in themselves. I am almost always attracted to nerdy looking guys, for instance.

Also, I am considered quite conventionally attractive and not all the guys I have been attracted to have corresponded my interest or feelings (some of them the nerdy looking dudes I told about above). You know what that is called? Life. That is life! It is complete bullshit that women can get any guy they want just by being women and it is bullshit that certain guys (“betas” or whatever terminology these guys use) never have a chance. It is like they are living in a high school themed 1980’s daytime American movie.

11 years ago

Don’t bash Wil, bash the people who misinformed him. I can virtually guarantee you that he would support the same pro-equality ideas that MRAs do, and that he’s against the sexist situations that men sometimes run into (such as being arrested after calling police when your wife attacks you, or being made to change airline seats due to “every man is a pedophile” hysteria).

Wheaton would totally stand up for the rights of domestic abusers and pedophiles if he hadn’t been brainwashed by feminists. Wha-?


MRAs, you don’t speak for me. And the more you speak, the more likely it is that people will assume I’m one of you when I talk about previous abusive relationships and being victim of sexual assaults.

In all seriousness, I don’t think that’s true. In the grand scene of things MRAs don’t matter and men’s actual problems do.

11 years ago

He will eventually get it when all of his male friends start dying decades before his female admirers.

TIL Due to a gynocentric medical system and male disposability, women on average outlive men by several decades.

Several…decades? As in, “ten year chunks of time?” Do they actually believe that? The average American woman lives until 81, the average American man lives until 76, which is a difference of 5 years. (Data from America, and of course “average lifespan,” different countries will have different data and doesn’t really tell much about how long any one individual person will live). This is not a huge gap and this is not difficult math.

11 years ago

And that would be a blockquote fail. The first paragraph under the blockquote is Brooked’s.

11 years ago

also… the transphobia in will wheaton’s post made me a sad… :/ I hope he notices how uncool that is.

11 years ago

I suspect, however, he’s mispelling Geiger. Hans Geiger was a German physicist, inventor of the Geiger counter. Geiger was a member of the “Uranium Club,” a group of scientists working to develop nuclear weapons for Nazi Germany:

Figures. And these radioactive waste fascists call US Nazis?

11 years ago

I wish I didn’t know what “hanglowstankin” was.

Yeah, I could have lived happily without that knowledge too.

11 years ago

I expect a lot of the longevity gap has to do with historically higher tobacco use by men vs women. I am sure that is women’s fault. Or manginas’…

Moving men on airplanes due to paranoia about child molestation is messed up and should stop, though. I have no idea how widespread the practice is but that really is nasty. Lenore Skenazy makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes ’cause she is juuuuuust this side of being a rape apologist sometimes but I think she makes good points about how kids 1) are way likelier to molested by people they know well, not strangers on the bus or at the park, and 2) even if that were not so, the issue, while very serious, is not an excuse to treat men-in-general like sexual predators.

(Plus I think it subtly trains people to define male sexuality as inherently predatory, which never helps anyone, really.)

11 years ago

I may not be in the same pussy-getting league as Wil Wheaton, but at least I haven’t had ZERO and looking forward to ZERO MORE EVER!

11 years ago

Several…decades? As in, “ten year chunks of time?” Do they actually believe that? The average American woman lives until 81, the average American man lives until 76, which is a difference of 5 years. (Data from America, and of course “average lifespan,” different countries will have different data and doesn’t really tell much about how long any one individual person will live). This is not a huge gap and this is not difficult math.

Because they have to grossly exaggerate in order to actually have a need for their “MRM”

Similar to this ridiculous gross GROSS exaggeration quoted in the Southern Poverty Law profile .Not to mention the chilling suggestion to kill your ex in “self defense” over the exaggerated violation of “men’s rights.”

Other movement adherents have forsworn sex altogether, or at least romantic relationships and marriage; the acronym they use for themselves is MGTOW, for “Men Going Their Own Way.” “If you are willing to marry a woman — any woman — in the West then you must also be willing to become the next murder-suicide story when she threatens to file for divorce, steal your kids out of your life and extort you for every current and future dollar you will ever earn,” wrote one commenter at The Spearhead. “If a man kidnapped your children, stole your home, your wallet and your bank account, you’d be more than willing to kill him in self defense. Why is it any different when ex-wives do it with the full force of the law behind them?”

Steal your kids” ? Extort you ? For every current and future dollar you will ever earn.?

Seriously can you scream FIRE in a crowded theatre any louder ?

And on the “decades” comment .That would be a minimum of two because the s at the end. 20 years ?The closest I could find to that (in the U.S) Is white women specifically outlive black men specifically by an average of 10 years . Black women outlive black men by close to 7 years.

11 years ago

I expect a lot of the longevity gap has to do with historically higher tobacco use by men vs women. I am sure that is women’s fault. Or manginas’…

There are many factors. But one is that men are more likely to engage in more risky behaviors. Not just smoking .Cutting their own lives short. And no not just because men are the ones in higher risks occupations .Take motorcycles for example .

And yeah its the evil fems and the mangina’s forcing them to do those things.

11 years ago

The other thing on the “women” outliving men ? Why aren’t they screaming in a tizzy fit that WHITE men outlive BLACK men by a farther gap than women ,black or white, outlive white men ?

In fact in that link I provided ? Black women only outlive white men by 1.2 years. But black men on average expire 5.3 years sooner than white men .A slightly wider gap than white women verses white men .Which is 4.7.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Jojo — I’ve been slowly working on a list of resources to link to from the Borg, maybe you can find something useful in here —

RAINN — online sexual assault helpline (international if in compliance with your local regulations) and US phone helpline
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women (US)
One in Three — resources of male victims of family violence, Australia based but has international resources and GLBT specific resources (all appear to be Australian)
Male Survivor — resources for male sexual assault survivors, mostly US but some international and an online forum
1 in 6, support for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse — online helpline, other helplines (including Canada and UK) and online resources

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I see or hear of Wheaton and just think “no Ace, just you” because that line, his delivery of it, perfect!

The transphobia ain’t cool though.

As for his female fans outliving his male friends by decades, well, yeah, but only becaus his friends are likely his age while movies like Stand By Me and his Star Trek role likely get new fans often. So he’ll be 70 and have teenagers fawning over teenage him, if that happens no shit his 70~ year old friends are gonna die first. Even when they’re right they manage to be wrong!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

That post by Wheaton was made early in 2013. I don’t pay much attention to him, so it’s possible he apologized for it or walked it back, but I saw it that one time and was rather disappointing, given the circles in which he seems to have become a sort of media darling.

Anyway, has anyone ever seen any MRA talk about banning or regulating the tobacco industry as a Men’s Rights Issue? I’ve seen stuff about how smoking contributes to the gender longevity gap, but somehow that makes zero impact on the MRA hivemind (probably because they can’t chalk it up to a feminist conspiracy).

11 years ago

My understanding is that among younger cohorts, male and female smoking rates are a lot more similar than they used to be. Plus the US has a raft of traffic safety and other “nanny state” laws that it didn’t used to have… I expect that might help save some young men, too.

so yeah, it is multifactoral but in my family nearly all the tobacco users are/were male, and it has been striking to see the older generation’s men die in their 60s, while the women truck on into their 90s! yikes

Personally I think the longevity gap will get a lot narrower.

11 years ago

In the UK, the male/female longevity gap is narrowing already and is getting very close.

I suspect that the US gaps between, for example, black men vs white men are primarily affluence related. I’m betting it’s down to access to healthcare, food availability, etc.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Anyway, has anyone ever seen any MRA talk about banning or regulating the tobacco industry as a Men’s Rights Issue? I’ve seen stuff about how smoking contributes to the gender longevity gap, but somehow that makes zero impact on the MRA hivemind (probably because they can’t chalk it up to a feminist conspiracy).

That’s why it is so glaringly obvious they do not actually care about men or men’s “rights”.Its about attacking women not helping men . They are silent on male prison rape (more men in the U.S.A are raped than women ,that is because of male on male prison rape ) instead they focus on trying to find the far less occurring instances of women raping men to highlight as the “injustice against men .” (she does it too) .So they really don’t care about men being raped .More men are likely to die or be the target of serious violence than women . The reason ?More male’s are targeted for violence by males .Where is their outrage ? NO its women are just as violent as men (female on male domestic violence) .

So yeah .If it has nothing to do with pointing at women ?It doesn’t matter how obscure such as the horrible and “real” threat that somehow men will be forced to pee sitting down .Then its not a men’s rights issue .

If its women “live longer.” Don’t bother to discuss the various factors when they involve men’s choices, FREE will choices .

11 years ago

OOPS quote monster ….1st paragraph is quote of Tulgey Logger.