So I’ve been reading Reddit’s CreepyPMs subreddit a lot lately, where the recipients of bizarre and, well, creepy personal messages share them with the world. As you might imagine, some of the creepiest come from complete strangers on dating sites, like the following message received by a young woman on MeetMe, who put up a profile stating that she was looking for friends only (she already has a boyfriend) and that she would talk to anyone.
Well, one young man didn’t quite believe her, and sent this message:
He doesn’t judge, huh? That’s the most judgy non-judgemental message I’ve ever seen.
If you haven’t already checked out CreepyPMs, go take a look. You can lose hours in there.
I don’t think contemptible even factors in, just women.
It’s an insult because women are seen as contemptible.
Yes, Kittehs, I know that.
It’s the associations that make those words insulting and demeaning. When you use the C word basically you are associating the vagina has something obnoxious and when you use the P word, you are usually associating that people with vaginas with weakness or even has something to used like a thing.
The vagina is not obnoxious and people who have them aren’t necessarily weak, they are not things, they are beings. So quit associating the vagina with weakness or obnoxiousness.
And would you use those words in front of Mother Teresa?
That makes more sense. A lot of MRAs hide behind the “but I’m just criticizing individual women!!!” bullshit excuse.
I couldn’t resist saying it, hellkell. 🙂
I just wonder why a supposed feminist feels the need to 1) make an old, gross sex joke about a picture of a cat; 2) show zir arse by using it about a Sphynx cat (as in, naturally hairless) and 3) double down and ‘splain, and ‘splain, and ‘splain, when simply asked not to use an offensive term.
My husband and I have had some knock down drag out fights over the course of our 25 year long marriage and 32 year long relationship . One time he called me the c word and I swear I was in shock . So I called him some different name . He called me that again another time . I finally said SO ARE you ..then in later fights I just called him a c** first .Gradually he never used that word again . He didn’t like it anymore than I did so that was the end of that.(smile) Way to conflict resolution !
For the record I didn’t like the shaved “p***ssy” joke .Something about that rubs me the wrong way .One thing that’s an innocent animal being used to make ….a tasteless statement about something to do with human sex. I don’t look at animals and think things like that .
Ya know I don’t care if someone shaves down there or not why should I ? But there seems to be this fixation with women and bald “p**** that is getting old .Besides guys shave it off down there too .You know you want to talk in private or start a discussion who does or doesn’t why and why not I’m not afraid of sex talk . Just the whole fixation on it is getting really old.
I mean do you look at a furry cat and say WOW talk about p***sy needing a shave!
Kittehs: 🙂
I will admit we made some truly juvenile jokes when our cat Meg got some bad mats we couldn’t brush out and needed a lion cut.
The lion cut has to be one of the most undignified things you can do to a cat.
I’m pretty sure the other cats were pointing and laughing. On the upside, she’s never gotten another mat in her fur.
Oh, that poor kitty. How did they get it to sit still for that?
Why would anyone look at their cat and decide to turn it into a piece of pasta cum topiary?
That’s cos you’re CRUEL and don’t care about a kitty’s dignity!
That cut looks like the kitty’s a toast rack. Yuck.
Why would someone do that to their pet? On purpose?
I take offense to the word ‘fucking’. So could you not use it, especially when you’re betrating me?
There now, how does that sound?
This is what some of you people here don’t get: the difference between a word and berating someone. And that’s what started to happen in AMR reddit. I’m not using words to berate someone but I see some of you are starting to berate me and throwing the word ‘fucking’ in there. Well thanks a lot. Is it okay for me to get ‘p’ist off at this ‘p’oint?
Point is, some of you are just way too sensitive about words. Could you at least try to develop a sense of humor? But some people don’t listen to feminists or women, they listen to men. So I’m going to leave you with George Carlin explaining “context” before I say something I’ll regret (and notice that he never mentions the ‘p’ word. Did he forget?)
Stop betrating Felisha, everyone.
The point totally flew over Carlin’s head. Words never exist in a contextual vacuum, let alone any context that somehow nullifies the effects of the word usage that has “good” intent. Words have power because they perpetuate certain modes of discourse in society. “Bitch”, for example, reinforces the notion that women are terrible; its usage against men reflects an attempt to disempower and demean men and its usage against women is a direct attack against womanhood. This effect is not in any way mitigated by intention unless it’s be used in a reappropriative fashion.
Felisha: Fuck off.
Funny how the ones who dig and double down on their idiocy are always the first to claim we’re the ones who’re sensitive.
Also, even if my talk about the discursive role of misogynist slurs was complete nonsense, there is the fact that those slurs are still microaggressions against women.
That’s not going to fly, dipshit.
1. Misogynist slurs =/= swearing in general.
2. Who the fuck do you think we are, if not feminists, most of whom are women? You’re doing a fine example of the “people don’t listen to” and have from the moment you made your slimy little joke.
3. Trotting out the “You have no sense of humour!” line is an old standby of misogynists, racists and all the rest when their scumbag “jokes” aren’t appreciated. It’s right up there with “You’re too sensitive!” Nice company you keep.
4. No fucking wonder you made yourself unpopular on reddit so fast.
I think it’s through porn that men suddenly wanted women to shave down there cos hey! Porn is real and the women are real and the orgasms are real and the scenarios are real and the dialogue is real. That’s why men shave down there too because men in porn do. Porn has a lot to answer for. Some men can get really nasty if women are not shaved and will call them the most derogatory names imaginable. I know a few who would actually refuse to have sex with ‘bushy’ (for want of a better word!) women looking like that. Ha ha. Maybe that’s how to get rid of a creep coming onto you. I guess when men watch porn it’s monkey see. Monkey do. I think being shaved down there makes women look like little girls but that’s my own personal thought on the matter.