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When you assume: A “Nice Guy” launches a pre-emptive strike

Sexy buff party guys
Sexy buff party guys

So I’ve been reading Reddit’s CreepyPMs subreddit a lot lately, where the recipients of bizarre and, well, creepy personal messages share them with the world. As you might imagine, some of the creepiest come from complete strangers on dating sites, like the following message received by a young woman on MeetMe, who put up a profile stating that she was looking for friends only (she already has a boyfriend) and that she would talk to anyone.

Well, one young man didn’t quite believe her, and sent this message:


He doesn’t judge, huh? That’s the most judgy non-judgemental message I’ve ever seen.

If you haven’t already checked out CreepyPMs, go take a look. You can lose hours in there.


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11 years ago

wordsp1nner, I’m allergic to kitties but I admired them from far away. Very cute, silly kitty you have there.

11 years ago

Aww, what a cute kitty. My old cat used to do that. Just walk around with her tongue out. Silly dears.

11 years ago

That’s the one! I haven’t actually seen any of his movies, just remembered the face.

Can’t believe you’ve never seen any of his movies. I’ve liked almost everything he’s done, but the classic is Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels. It’s got a wonderfully convoluted plot that really works.

11 years ago

I’ll bet his Dale Carnegie certificate is framed and mounted.

11 years ago

Kim, my favorite is the transporter.

11 years ago

I love it when cats get so busy cleaning themselves that at the end, they can’t even pull in their tongues anymore. Silly puddies.

11 years ago

I love The Transporter series too. Favourite fight scene is the one with the fire hose. Most original fight scene I had seen in a long time.

11 years ago

“You consider me a shitty disgrace to this earth”

“You consider me a laughing matter”

Well, yes, dude, but not for the reasons you think.

11 years ago

Jade!!!eleventy1! She has all the power of cute.

11 years ago

“You consider me a shitty disgrace to this earth”

“You consider me a laughing matter”

Well, yes, dude, but not for the reasons you think.

Pre-emptive rejection…it’s the latest PUA neg. Think it’ll catch on?

11 years ago

Kim, I’m a action adventure type girl. My favorite scene was the car chase, when fleeting from the police after the bank robbery.

11 years ago

I think it might, Bina. Saves us the bother of rejecting them if they do it themselves. The self-rejecting PUA could be a worthwhile development, but it needs work. This one was too long-winded.

11 years ago

The only way I can see those two lines fitting in his message is if he’s doing a terrible job conveying he’s quoting her. If we throw quotes around the second and third paragraphs, then it reads a little more like it’s all one voice. That said, yes, he’s incredibly judgmental and creepy at best.


It may not last long, because it’ll probably not work the way they want.

11 years ago

Bina, they really belief in the whole reverse psychology thing (that might work with younger children’s) but, the problem is…thier high expectation that this approach will encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what they actually want…is at best ass backwards.

11 years ago

Whenever I think I’m incapable of getting a date and am generally a hopeless loser, I remember these Nice Guys and know that I’m really not that bad.

PS random cat related question, are the people here fans of hairless sphinx cats, or do you call them ugly because of furonormative standards of adorableness like everyone else I know.

11 years ago

Jeez, I meant to write (their).

11 years ago


this guy Is like.. trying to preemptively play mind games, without being any good at them. what the hell? Either that, or he has taken MRA attitudes to heart and is assuming her entire personality without even talking to her once.

I mean, he is trying to say “oh woe is me, I will assume your going to reject me, And now the ball is in your court, prove me wrong, and of COURSE this isn’t a dick move, because i’m calling YOU names, not me!”

11 years ago

I Think hairless sphinx cats are both kind of ugly and extremely adorable. At the same time. Its like, the kind of ugly enhances the adorable.. least for me.

11 years ago

The self-rejecting PUA could be a worthwhile development, but it needs work.

It’ll probably take longer to develop one of those than it did my self-cleaning oven. The self-rejecting PUA sounds more like something out of Jakov Smirnov’s “Soviet Russia” sketches. “In Nice Guy™ Russia, PUA reject YOU!”

11 years ago

Skybison, I actually would like to get one, their the only breed I’m able to be around without getting an allergic attack (my aunt has a black one, name Onyx )… and I think they are cute. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

11 years ago

I grew up with devon rexs, which are like curly-haired versions of sphinxes, and one of our has a bare belly (which is adorable), so I like them.

I also agree with marinaliteyears, the ugly enhances the adorable. Also, I love the fact that they always look kind of grumpy–so does one of my parent’s devon rexs, though she’s really a low-key, very friendly cat. (If she’s on the blanket, you can pick her up and put her on your lap. It’s the best.)

11 years ago

wordsp1nner, I call them grumpy old man face, (lol).

11 years ago

For reference, this cat is not my parents’ cat, but looks a hell of a lot like her:

11 years ago

Lovely Jade. 🙂

And lovely Sphynx! I have been wanting to get a Sphynx kitty for ages, occasionally I resort to spamming Mr M with Sphynx kitty pics, he says they’re scary. I use the freakiest pictures I can find and have told him they won’t stop until we get one. I call this ‘Sphamming’.

Re Jason Statham, just saw ‘Snatch’ (it’s on Lovefilm at the moment) sooo much better than I was expecting, really funny.

Also, Mr M always gets told he’s like him, that or Grant Mitchell (Eastenders).
Unfortunately that means everyone thinks he’s an ‘alpha’ macho man, when he’s really a fuzzy headed sweety.

Luvly fuzzy hubby.

11 years ago

wordsp1nner, Lol. He/she was…that will be enough of that. Haha!