a woman is always to blame antifeminism armageddon dozens of upvotes drama kings evil women grandiosity matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit the spearhead transphobia western women suck your time will come

The Apocalypse of the Other Jim: How Lorde and Lena Dunham are destroying Western Civilization, allegedly

Lorde: Harbinger of doom?
Lorde: Harbinger of doom?

So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing pop star and self-professed feminist Lorde — no, really — and, well, I have some bad news for you all. Apparently we’re about to be taken over by Barbarian tribes. No, really — again. Blame Lorde, Lena Dunham, Lady Gaga, and of course Sex & the City. Among others.

According to a comment-cum-manifesto from The Other Jim, which won itself a couple of dozen upvotes from The Spearhead’s highly civilized readers, Lorde’s feminism

is merely symptomatic of the fact that we live in what can only be called, ‘The Fem-Centric Reality” … Where the culture of the West caters to female desires. Thus, it’s why we see movies, tv, books, music, etc. targeting women(with the govt. legally and economically empowering women eg Title IX, Lilly Ledbetter, etc.), but more importantly appealing to their innermost desires.

It’s why we’ve seen the popularity of such things like ‘Sex & the City’, ’50 Shades of Grey’, ‘Rom-Com’ movies and shows, ‘Girls’, ‘Dancing With the Stars’, ‘The Bachelor/ette’, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, ‘Grrll-Power’ Heroines like Jennifer Lawrence in the ‘Hunger Games’, ABC News, the ‘War on Women’, etc. All of it catering to the fleeting whims and desires of women. Thus, we all live in ‘Chick-World’. *

So, the ‘Fem-Centric Reality’ is the dominant cultural force in the West right now. Of course, it won’t last, nothing ever does, but the price it will exact from Western Civilization will likely help in usher in a cultural, if not civilizational collapse as the Barbarian tribes surrounding the West see the weakness the Fem-Centric Reality engenders and are patiently waiting to take over a weaker civilization.

So there’s that.

Jim ends with this, well, intriguing theory about trans women:

* It’s also why we’re seeing more MTF transsexuals in the public eye, IMO due to a form of Stockholm Syndrome whereby some men aren’t merely sympathizing with the hostage takers(women & the FemCentric Reality), they’re trying to become the hostage takers(women) and be at the center of the FemCentric Reality where the benefits are quite generous.

Fellas: just make sure to get your transition in before the barbarians take over, if you want to enjoy the lady benefits while you still can!

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11 years ago

Thanks, jefrir! I use Firefox, I’ll try it out.

11 years ago

50 Shades of Grey? In what world is 50 Shades of Grey pro-woman?

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago


They built us the aqueduct.

11 years ago

50 Shades of Grey? In what world is 50 Shades of Grey pro-woman?

A woman wrote it, other women read it…therefore it must be a feminist classic, according to MRA Logic™. The fact that the “hero” is a mind-fuckingly awful sexist swinebag doesn’t even register.

11 years ago

All right… all right… but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order… what have the Romans done for us?

Brought peace!

What!? Oh… Peace, yes… shut up!

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

I was a feminist man when I discovered this site, but the more I read, the more I’m realizing that MRA has some good points about the destruction of civilization. Especially the more traditionalist parts as opposed to the PUA nonsense. I also see how judgmental you all are toward women who disagree with feminism or show some sort of other bigotry. It seems that feminists want to curtail the self-expression of dissident women; therefore, feminism may actually be causing women to lose rights in some sense. I am not a fan of Katie Perry or Fifty Shades, but if feminists criticize them, perhaps MRA traditionalists should make a short-term alliance with them?

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

Also why was there no Troll of the Year competition a couple weeks ago? Were you all afraid that a traditionalist would defeat the PUA asses in the competition?

11 years ago

I was a feminist man when I discovered this site

Sure you were, sweetie.

11 years ago

why was there no Troll of the Year competition a couple weeks ago?

Throwing your hat into the ring for 2014, are you?

11 years ago

Aww, look, Dunce Scrotus is back!

I also see how judgmental you all are toward women who disagree with feminism or show some sort of other bigotry.

So you think bigotry shouldn’t be judged, hmm?

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

Likely that tradition is over. Feminists always enjoy destroying valuable traditions, even those of their own creation. It was a joyful truce opportunity for all sides of the Gender War, much like the Christmas truce of WWI

11 years ago

Likely that tradition is over. Feminists always enjoy destroying valuable traditions, even those of their own creation. It was a joyful truce opportunity for all sides of the Gender War, much like the Christmas truce of WWI

Yep, sounding more and more like a feminist man there, laddie. /sarcasm

Ally S
11 years ago

I also see how judgmental you all are toward women who disagree with feminism or show some sort of other bigotry. It seems that feminists want to curtail the self-expression of dissident women; therefore, feminism may actually be causing women to lose rights in some sense.

Calling out people for being bigoted or unreasonable is an infringement upon the right to dissent. Ok.

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

Bigotry of some sort is inevitable. Women are just as bigoted as men, and therefore, women should have the right to it. The fact that feminists place higher value on coalitions with political partners (homosexuals and trans etc), as opposed to the concerns of mainstream women, is rather interesting.

11 years ago

@augz I think Dunce Scrotus is bitter he didn’t win Trol of the Year 2013.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Why was there no troll of the year? I’m gonna guess cuz no dunderhead managed to stick around long enough, and be interesting enough, to qualify. We don’t get the likes to NWO anymore.

And sure you were a feminist…who’s pissy that we don’t tolerate bigotry. Pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

I’m not a feminist man anymore. Peoplec hange.

11 years ago

Women are just as bigoted as men, and therefore, women should have the right to it.

So you think that men have the right to be bigoted without being judged? Have you read any of this site?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh woe is me, feminism no longer panders to white middle class cis women, whatever shall we do?!

11 years ago

Nobody has the right to be bigoted. Would you say racists have the right to be racist? We’ve all seen what that leads to.

What are these “concerns of mainstream women” you’re so well informed about? Things like getting equal pay for equal work, an education, equal opportunity, decent childcare, that sort of thing? Funny, I seem to recall those are very much feminist issues.

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

I speak these opinions as a non-racist person who is respected by all women I know personally. I am providing a venue for thought experiments and postmodern idea/content generation.

11 years ago

If you’re allegedly “no longer feminist” then you never were, sonny. What sort of dipshit suddenly stops caring about human rights?

Ally S
11 years ago

Bigotry of some sort is inevitable. Women are just as bigoted as men, and therefore, women should have the right to it.

And so long as bigotry exists, we will continue to try to minimize it. Just because it’s inevitable doesn’t mean it should be accepted.

The fact that feminists place higher value on coalitions with political partners (homosexuals and trans etc), as opposed to the concerns of mainstream women, is rather interesting.

Feminism’s history has been one of focusing on the experiences of white able-bodied neurotypical straight middle-class cis women. Only recently has it begun to focus on “coalitions with political partners” (which is a grossly inaccurate description). But that focus has not led to a lack of focus on the concerns of mainstream women. Far from it. You sound like you haven’t even read any history of feminism.

Duns Scotus
11 years ago

I see though how Christina Hoff is attacked for her dissident work. What would happen to her if we moved toward a more feminist society?

11 years ago

I’d say I’m more or less mainstream (as in white, middle class and without any significant disabilities) and I sure don’t sit around going WAAHHHH FEMINISM DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ME.

But then I’m not a member of the scrotosphere. Waaaahing is their specialty.