a woman is always to blame antifeminism armageddon dozens of upvotes drama kings evil women grandiosity matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit the spearhead transphobia western women suck your time will come

The Apocalypse of the Other Jim: How Lorde and Lena Dunham are destroying Western Civilization, allegedly

Lorde: Harbinger of doom?
Lorde: Harbinger of doom?

So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing pop star and self-professed feminist Lorde — no, really — and, well, I have some bad news for you all. Apparently we’re about to be taken over by Barbarian tribes. No, really — again. Blame Lorde, Lena Dunham, Lady Gaga, and of course Sex & the City. Among others.

According to a comment-cum-manifesto from The Other Jim, which won itself a couple of dozen upvotes from The Spearhead’s highly civilized readers, Lorde’s feminism

is merely symptomatic of the fact that we live in what can only be called, ‘The Fem-Centric Reality” … Where the culture of the West caters to female desires. Thus, it’s why we see movies, tv, books, music, etc. targeting women(with the govt. legally and economically empowering women eg Title IX, Lilly Ledbetter, etc.), but more importantly appealing to their innermost desires.

It’s why we’ve seen the popularity of such things like ‘Sex & the City’, ’50 Shades of Grey’, ‘Rom-Com’ movies and shows, ‘Girls’, ‘Dancing With the Stars’, ‘The Bachelor/ette’, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, ‘Grrll-Power’ Heroines like Jennifer Lawrence in the ‘Hunger Games’, ABC News, the ‘War on Women’, etc. All of it catering to the fleeting whims and desires of women. Thus, we all live in ‘Chick-World’. *

So, the ‘Fem-Centric Reality’ is the dominant cultural force in the West right now. Of course, it won’t last, nothing ever does, but the price it will exact from Western Civilization will likely help in usher in a cultural, if not civilizational collapse as the Barbarian tribes surrounding the West see the weakness the Fem-Centric Reality engenders and are patiently waiting to take over a weaker civilization.

So there’s that.

Jim ends with this, well, intriguing theory about trans women:

* It’s also why we’re seeing more MTF transsexuals in the public eye, IMO due to a form of Stockholm Syndrome whereby some men aren’t merely sympathizing with the hostage takers(women & the FemCentric Reality), they’re trying to become the hostage takers(women) and be at the center of the FemCentric Reality where the benefits are quite generous.

Fellas: just make sure to get your transition in before the barbarians take over, if you want to enjoy the lady benefits while you still can!

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11 years ago

Canada, obvs, because Canada is literally the worst place on earth to be a man.

Hey, it’s got me and my Germanic ancestresses, and our magic Valkyrian helmets of doom, so we must be doing something right!

11 years ago

The greatest proof of today’s male hatred is that there are some pieces of media not directly targeted at straight men. Truly misandry will rot our society until we rid ourselves of all these occasional lapses of judgement.

It reminds me of the huge freakout over Free last year, and how revealing that freakout was.

11 years ago

Canada, obvs, because Canada is literally the worst place on earth to be a man.

Yes, because those barbaric Canadians might come and be polite at you!

11 years ago

Semi-on-topic, a friend sent me this piece of misandry:


I suspect that this is what they’re really all afraid of.

11 years ago

I hadn’t heard of Lorde before, so thanks for that. I like her voice. She’s going to be amazing in a few years, I think.

And yes, we Canadian women are barbarians. Beware our fearsome box cutters and, um, posters and whatnot.

11 years ago

Yes, because those barbaric Canadians might come and be polite at you!


11 years ago

Love it.

Mind you I love all Hark, A Vagrant comics. 🙂

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Maine is riddled with Tim Horton’s and road signs in kilometers. The invasion has already begun. I am typing this quietly inside my closet, in case my story somehow makes it to the outside world.

11 years ago

We’ve already eaten Vermont, what with our single-payer medicine and all…Maine, you’re next! Muahahahahahah!

11 years ago

“I don’t think “the other jim” has any connection to “john the other.”

My bad. Sorry. I could say it’s all a feminist plot to oppress men whose names start with J, but the truth is is’s late nights and stupid fingers.

Ally S
11 years ago

I propose to you: humanism. The idea that we should care for and respect one another equally because we are all humans has been around for centuries, long before feminism burst onto the scene and chained itself to the scene’s railings while trying to set itself on fire. There’s nothing misleading about the term humanism in the same way that there is about feminism. It doesn’t just try to break down the barrier between genders, but more importantly, the barrier between races, sexualities, social classes, and religions, which in their own ways are also some of the reasons total gender equality has not yet been reached.


11 years ago

I used to read HP, but gave it up because it’s swarming with MRAs and NiceGuy(TM)s. And that was before I even knew the names for them.

11 years ago

Bina: Oh man does THAT bring up some awkward childhood memories.

11 years ago

I know it’s inappropriate, but the avatars for the journalist and “top commentator” bringing up Christina Hoff Summers summoned up the word “Backpfeifengesicht”

11 years ago

Speaking of The Spearhead, did what’s-his-name (the guy who runs it) ever come back from disappearing?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Maine may fall to the manly manly barbarians, but I’ve got One Direction pillowcases. I can hold out forever!

Oh look, a black windowless poutine truck just pulled up and some masked men got out. I wonder what they wan

11 years ago

Yup, feminism is just drawing in the barbarian hordes. They are attracted by the scent of women who exercise their right to vote and feed on the tears of men required to pay child support. Only the truest of Alphas can repel them with his mighty ability to write a misogynist screed on the internet.

11 years ago
Reply to  sparky

Well to be fair, Justin Beiber is a harbinger of doom.

11 years ago

The funny thing? My dad is someone most MRAs would think of as a stereotypically manly guy. He’s an auto mechanic, owns his own business, hunts and fishes, even over 60 still plays basketball with friends every week (except for right now because he broke two ribs), etc. The one black mark here is that he respects women and has been happily married for 32 years. He also is a huge Dancing with the Stars fan. It is the only show he never misses.

11 years ago

Not content to merely jump the shark the HuffPo has decided to capture several sharks, strap their writers to them and train them to perform underwater ballet. As we theater folks would say, a bold choice. Stupid and wrong, mind you, but bold.

Honestly, when you have AVfM’s managing editor showing up in the comments to applaud your take on feminism you might want to re-consider your life choices.

As for The Beiber heralding the downfall of ‘Western civilization’- oh, please. I have clothing older than he is. That list of the Pop Stars of the Apocalypse is just pathetic. What kind of self-respecting civilization is threatened by Katy Perry or Dancing With The Stars?

11 years ago

Buttercup made me LOL.

Unless … it’s REAL!!!!! (I know this is so old, but I’m working on the theory it is just old enough to have turned the corner into being retro and cool.)

11 years ago

My opinion on what the manosphere, or at least some of the men in it, believes is this. The world is made up of two groups, one that dominates and one that is dominated. Naturally, in the manosphere, it is men who dominate and women who are dominated. In their eyes having women have equal rights is unthinkable. In the zero-sum game of their way of thinking any attempt of women trying to have equality is a step towards women dominating men.

11 years ago

Good to see the MRAs are indulging in some racism again, driving them even further from public acceptance.

Also, media not aimed at or populated solely by white, straight men is apparently misandry now. Add that one to the ever-growing pile of things apparently destroying civilization forever.

11 years ago

The fact that two manospherians have taken the trouble the christen themselves “the other,” I have to wonder who the ur-John and ur-Jim were.

John and Jim Belushi?