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Become a total Alpha Male sex god by spitting in women’s mouths

Always practics safe saliva sex
Always practice safe saliva sex

Hey ladies! Better not read today’s post, as it’s only for ALPHA DUDES and would-be ALPHA DUDES. For while I was out looking for Man Boobz material I happened to run across some excellent and not-at-all ridiculous advice from a dude called FISTO on how ALPHA DUDES can use sex to totally control the ladies.

This advice is so totally ALPHA I feel I can only dispense it in small doses, so here are a few tips. Only after you have totally mastered these tips to totally master the ladies should you even consider reading the rest of the post I got them from.  (Also, to be serious for a moment, it’s also fucked up and possibly triggery, so you may not even want to read my post.)

First of all, you need to know that

Women fall in love with you when you Make them feel special + Make them feel feminine …

When they love you, you have the power. …

You will become the man she desperately needs and is terrified of losing.

Ok, so how do you do this? Easy as pie!

Women release the hormone OXYTOCIN during sex, the more intimate and powerful the pleasure for her, the more you will own her ass.

And that means ORGASMS, baby!

The most common orgasm a woman has is the Clitoral Orgasm.  Most people know you can stimulate her to climax with your hands or tongue or when fucking you can angle your body so it gets rubbed by your rock hard abs.

Wait, what?

you can angle your body so it gets rubbed by your rock hard abs.

You can angle your body to rub her clit with your abs.

Ok, I am just going to have to take his word for this. Granted, I don’t actually have rock-hard-abs, but I’m pretty sure that unless you are literally this dude


no part of your abs — not even your lower abs, down there between the six pack and the you-know-what — are going to be rocking her clit.

Anyhoo, if you want to make her feel especially feminine and special, you need to

do what a Lion does when it hears a wounded animal and go in for the kill.

And what that means is spitting. Lots of spitting. Possibly NONCONSENSUAL spitting.

Ladies love spitting!

Making her open her mouth and spitting in it, spitting on her face, baby smacking her face, her tits, really throwing down on her ass leaving big red handprints, making her tell you that’s your pussy, and on and on. That’s what bonds her to you, that’s the Greater Alpha Male Long Game.

Ok, you say, I’m totally down with this ALPHA stuff but do the ladies really like all of this spitting?

Well, that’s exactly what some dude asked in the comments to FISTO’s totally ALPHA post, and FISTO laid down some TRUTH on him:

You gotta amp up the intensity of the encounter, you have to escalate by kissing her and making her swallow big drips of saliva, then when you start fucking her tell her to open her mouth, she may say no. Tell her “DO IT”. She will whimper and then do it, and let it drip right in there. Then when you get going hard and the smacking ensues let her rip. It’s not for everyone, but you’ll likely be THE ONLY ONE that does it to her. And that’s leaving a mark.

Pressuring women into doing humiliating things after they say no … what could be more ALPHA than that?

… and I don’t really have any more jokes for today.

I can only hope that all of Fisto’s alleged sexual experience is made up, not just some of it.

I found Fisto and his Red Pill advice through the excellent Blue Pill subreddit. It was also posted in r/sex, where it was, thankfully, downvoted and ridiculed.

NOTE: Added a trigger warning of sorts.

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10 years ago

What’s with trolls necroing threads recently? I swear it’s happening more often :/

10 years ago

@Marie if the hordes of necrotrolls keep coming we can always try this:

10 years ago

Oh, hi Fisto- er, I mean, Emma.

And ewwwww.

10 years ago

Well I honestly wasn’t expecting all this attention. I’m not trolling I just thought I should say something since everybody was like eewww no woman ever would like that and I do, so that’s why I said I what I said. I got to this post because I recently discovered that I liked the spitting and since it’s new to me I literally googled “spitting in the mouth” and here I am. Anyway I guess I shouldn’t have said the thing about my pussy but you know I’m really into this guy and I started thinking about sex with him, and that happens when you are a woman you know! I don’t really understand why does everybody has to be so closed minded, you guys make out and share saliva so what’s the deal with the spitting? It’s sexy if you are reaaaally into the person and while having intense-outofthisplanet sex it’s gonna be arousing if you give it a try

10 years ago

and what’s fisto anyway ?

10 years ago

I think you missed the point of the post Emma. This guy was declaring that all women like some very specific sex acts that shouldn’t be done without obtaining prior consent. The fact that some women might like it isn’t relevant.

10 years ago

I can accept that Emma got here randomly and didn’t really get what’s going on.

In case you missed the title: this is a site for mocking misogyny.

Misogyny like saying guys should spit on/dominate all women, no previous asking whatsoever, because that’s what women are for.

I too enjoy being dominated, and have been spit on my mouth (I think I actually commented on this same article about it). But this is not what the “advice” is about.

It’s about doing it to any woman, to assert their manliness, without the least regard for what the woman likes, or not.

10 years ago

Well you know I know it’s a little bit ridiculously written but I honestly don’t find it that bad, I mean what the guy says. I’m very passive and I enjoy to be dominated, so TO ME it doesn’t sound that bad the part when he says “do it” even if you said no before, like he is not making you do something teeerrible, I enjoy the “been forced to do something/not really I actually want you to force me” kind of things

10 years ago

RE: Emma

I enjoy being dominated. I don’t give a shit your liking for saliva; I give a shit that you apparently are completely missing the point of the post.

10 years ago

Sorry guys didn’t catch that. Thanks for the explaining. Didn’t mean to offend anyone.

10 years ago

English is not my first language so now I’m a little embarrassed

10 years ago

I was confused for a sec cuz when I checked in the comments feed I didn’t realize it was the Other Emma commenting 😛

10 years ago

RE: Emma

I enjoy the “been forced to do something/not really I actually want you to force me” kind of things

Uh, dude. Surely there’s something you DON’T LIKE. Doesn’t it bother you that your partner is apparently totally okay with raping you? Or do you just magically like everything you get forced to do?

10 years ago

Still missing the point. Not everyone enjoys being dominated. Some women like it, but only some of the time or only with partners they really trust. If a man is interested in having kinky sex, he has to get consent first instead of springing it on his partner mid-sex.

I sometimes like sex a little rough, but I never want my mouth spit in. I don’t even like sloppy kisses.

10 years ago

I’m not buying it.
You know damn well that calling nonconsensual degradation and forced sex acts “good advice” is disgusting. That’s not kink, that’s sexual assault. I don;t believe that you don;t know that. Fuck off, scum.

10 years ago

Isn’t it interesting how we were just fucking talking about people assuming their sexual preferences = the world in the other thread?

I swear to god, why do some people have so much trouble differentiating fantasy from reality?

10 years ago

It’s not forced sex nor nonconsensual, my partner is not raping me is just like a role play I guess. Obviously if I don’t want to do something in particular I can simply say no firmly and he won’t stick his dick in my mouth for example (there’s something I don’t like: forced oral sex). Oh and fuck you hypocrite closed minded Lea “being normal is boring”

10 years ago

…TO ME it doesn’t sound that bad the part when he says “do it” even if you said no before

When a person does something sexual to another person even after the second person has said no, that is rape. Unless, of course, it’s part of a kink scenario that both parties have worked out and consented to.

It’s terrible advice to give men to “just do it” no matter what their partners say. That’s advising rape.

What your personal preferences are, Emma, has absolutely nothing to with it.

10 years ago

I’m sooo confused by New Emma.

10 years ago

*near fatal eyeroll*
I understand the difference between consensual kinky play and rape. You clearly do not. I’m far from anti-kink. I am anti-rape. You are suggesting that raping women is “good advice”. That’s fucking vile.
Also, stop with the TMI. We really do not need to know what exact sex acts you’re in to.

Step off, dipshit. Rape apology will get you banned.

Ally S
10 years ago


“being normal is boring”

If you aren’t into “normal” stuff, that’s your business. But please don’t shame others for not having the same preferences as you. That’s pretty hypocritical.

Ally S
10 years ago

(“preferences”, of course, do not include anything non-consensual, bigoted, etc.)

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m becoming more and more inclined to believe Emma is Fisto, especially after she asked “what’s a fisto?” when the post she commented on is literally about Fisto.

10 years ago

@Ally S she literally said “fuck off scum” I think I can response to that.

10 years ago

It’s sexy if you are reaaaally into the person and while having intense-outofthisplanet sex it’s gonna be arousing if you give it a try

Boundaries, Emma! The TMI was pretty bad, but this is much worse. Hmm, how to explain this to someone who seems to have lost all their clues? So, people are individuals, yes? Which means they don’t all like the same thing? My bestie loves guacamole, and I hate it. I like men with piercings, which she does not. It’s almost like women aren’t a coagulated mass of similar wishes and feelings! Also, pushing people to try stuff they’ve already told you doesn’t appeal? Pretty creepy. You should feel shame. Go sit in the shame box, like in Slapshot.