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Become a total Alpha Male sex god by spitting in women’s mouths

Always practics safe saliva sex
Always practice safe saliva sex

Hey ladies! Better not read today’s post, as it’s only for ALPHA DUDES and would-be ALPHA DUDES. For while I was out looking for Man Boobz material I happened to run across some excellent and not-at-all ridiculous advice from a dude called FISTO on how ALPHA DUDES can use sex to totally control the ladies.

This advice is so totally ALPHA I feel I can only dispense it in small doses, so here are a few tips. Only after you have totally mastered these tips to totally master the ladies should you even consider reading the rest of the post I got them from.  (Also, to be serious for a moment, it’s also fucked up and possibly triggery, so you may not even want to read my post.)

First of all, you need to know that

Women fall in love with you when you Make them feel special + Make them feel feminine …

When they love you, you have the power. …

You will become the man she desperately needs and is terrified of losing.

Ok, so how do you do this? Easy as pie!

Women release the hormone OXYTOCIN during sex, the more intimate and powerful the pleasure for her, the more you will own her ass.

And that means ORGASMS, baby!

The most common orgasm a woman has is the Clitoral Orgasm.  Most people know you can stimulate her to climax with your hands or tongue or when fucking you can angle your body so it gets rubbed by your rock hard abs.

Wait, what?

you can angle your body so it gets rubbed by your rock hard abs.

You can angle your body to rub her clit with your abs.

Ok, I am just going to have to take his word for this. Granted, I don’t actually have rock-hard-abs, but I’m pretty sure that unless you are literally this dude


no part of your abs — not even your lower abs, down there between the six pack and the you-know-what — are going to be rocking her clit.

Anyhoo, if you want to make her feel especially feminine and special, you need to

do what a Lion does when it hears a wounded animal and go in for the kill.

And what that means is spitting. Lots of spitting. Possibly NONCONSENSUAL spitting.

Ladies love spitting!

Making her open her mouth and spitting in it, spitting on her face, baby smacking her face, her tits, really throwing down on her ass leaving big red handprints, making her tell you that’s your pussy, and on and on. That’s what bonds her to you, that’s the Greater Alpha Male Long Game.

Ok, you say, I’m totally down with this ALPHA stuff but do the ladies really like all of this spitting?

Well, that’s exactly what some dude asked in the comments to FISTO’s totally ALPHA post, and FISTO laid down some TRUTH on him:

You gotta amp up the intensity of the encounter, you have to escalate by kissing her and making her swallow big drips of saliva, then when you start fucking her tell her to open her mouth, she may say no. Tell her “DO IT”. She will whimper and then do it, and let it drip right in there. Then when you get going hard and the smacking ensues let her rip. It’s not for everyone, but you’ll likely be THE ONLY ONE that does it to her. And that’s leaving a mark.

Pressuring women into doing humiliating things after they say no … what could be more ALPHA than that?

… and I don’t really have any more jokes for today.

I can only hope that all of Fisto’s alleged sexual experience is made up, not just some of it.

I found Fisto and his Red Pill advice through the excellent Blue Pill subreddit. It was also posted in r/sex, where it was, thankfully, downvoted and ridiculed.

NOTE: Added a trigger warning of sorts.

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11 years ago

No I don’t think anyone on this board was raped.

Especially the ones that claim it happened to them multiple times.

I don’t believe you or Carlos have had sex with 100’s of women who said no when they meant yes .

11 years ago

Have fun with the pair of chew toys. I need to do some homework.

Bye ! Happy studying !

11 years ago

If there is ANY kind of doubt, I freeze out and de-escalate completely. Turn on the lights, turn on the TV, ignore her.

That’s kind of weird all on its own. Who does that?

It’s a common tip on PUA sites. The idea is that if a woman doesn’t go along with whatever you’re trying to coerce her into doing, you get up and go pout in a corner (POUTING: SO ALPHA). This is supposed to make her feel guilty so she’ll agree to do stuff she doesn’t want to do. Bonus: if it doesn’t work (as I imagine it usually doesn’t) you can still brag to PUA sites about how you manipulated the dumb HB by “freezing her out” and “de-escalating” and pretend you didn’t get kicked to the curb.

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Why are you guys even entertaining these two fuckwits? I highly doubt we are debating some intellect here, I mean it is not like Fisto or Carlos are MENSA members.

11 years ago

Oh, Fisto, you poor kid. Just deal with it: you posted your grossest private fantasies about dominating and humiliating women, and realized only belatedly that on the Internet people can see the embarrassing stuff you wrote. In the future, think about what you share with the public. Take the lesson, shift your hips, and go.

11 years ago

RR – That’s the point. What we’re debating are pretty much archetypical representatives of PUA’s: boastful liars who get what sex they do get by either exploiting women who can’t say no or manipulating and bullying women who do, and justifying it all with a philosophy based on misogyny so pure that it describes almost no real women. We couldn’t have asked for better examples of PUA’s to tear apart for the edification of the lurkers if we’d called up central casting.

11 years ago

There is some confusion . There is a complete distinction in someone (ANYONE not just women consenting to sex) changing their mind later and not meaning what they said at the time they said it .

11 years ago

So to recap-

Fisto has switched to posting the “ha ha, I just wanted to get everyone worked up”

Carlos has switched to posting the “everyone should believe me and tell me how wonderful I am”

And the commenters are suffering extreme headaches from trying to wrap their head around the idea that anyone could willfully be that ignorant.

Am I up to speed?

11 years ago

It’s a common tip on PUA sites. The idea is that if a woman doesn’t go along with whatever you’re trying to coerce her into doing, you get up and go pout in a corner (POUTING: SO ALPHA). This is supposed to make her feel guilty so she’ll agree to do stuff she doesn’t want to do. Bonus: if it doesn’t work (as I imagine it usually doesn’t) you can still brag to PUA sites about how you manipulated the dumb HB by “freezing her out” and “de-escalating” and pretend you didn’t get kicked to the curb.

Yes it sounds very childish . Not to smear children or anything but at least we know they (children)have not fully developed brains yet, or developed mature ways to cope with rejection or disappointments.

Christian McQueen
Christian McQueen
11 years ago

The hilarious nature of this site is the creator himself. He criticizes Fisto who resembles a real life Thor (have met and partied with him before) and who has mad game and this writer who is bashing him resembles Peter Jackson (pre-weight loss) and probably has never had sex unless he paid for it.

Haters unite! Here’s the facts dykes, feminists and man-haters: men like myself and Fisto enjoy consensual sex with sexy in-shape girls. This is the way it is. Leaving hundreds of comments will never change this fact, so get used to it and bury your sorrows in that tub of Ben and Jerry’s you have saved in your freezer for a ‘special occasion’.

11 years ago

Carlos, how old are you? As an adult who plays tennis, I’m surprised you would assume that a tennis court is next to a cafeteria. Unless of course, you are still in high school, or maybe college, which makes your claims about knowing what all women want and having been with hundreds of women EVEN MORE believable.

11 years ago

Whelp, Even if Fisto had a shred of doubt, by now he has pushed it out, thanks to bouncing off this Carlos character. Some notes for you in particular Carlos.

For one thing, you say that the woman you encounter say no, but mean yes, And that in your experiance, this is the vast majority of women. However, I want to point out, that you might be misunderstanding. Just because a man/woman is horny does not make Them consenting. people can in fact be raped while giving off ‘signs’ of being aroused, because people can still dislike the actions being done to them, and cannot ‘shut off’ the arousal, just because they dislike it.. so all those ‘yes’ signs you have been assuming? Those are quite likely involuntary signs, that have little or nothing to do with what she really wants. ITs as simple as that.

And yes, There ARE woman. Who say no when they mean yes, but, Thats a faulty idea. Even if every woman you encountered who did this in your entire life were added up, it would still not be a significant percentage of woman. I mean, In *MY* experiences, it is mostly MEN who play the mind games, but does that mean that I assume most men do it? Of course not, but unless your saying my experiences. (that men play mind games more often.) are invalid but yours are automatically valid, then why should your personal experience be ‘the truth’ while mine are false? It could be that you live in areas with more ‘no means yes’ woman, or that you met a few manipulative woman, and you assume too much of the rest. (I know I can be biased sometimes, so those could apply to me as well. Unlike yourself, I accept this and assume that most men are NOT Like that, so I STILL seek a yes for every act I do.)

Also your excuse that ‘woman and men interact differently, so bisexual and lesbians would not see this behavior’ Is pretty goofy. why do you think men and woman interact differently under normal circumstances? Hint:because they can find each other attractive. (or unattractive, as it may be.) In people who are unconcerned about romance, They react pretty much Just like anyone else to anyone else.

For a refresher, the best thing to do before sex is to talk about your likes and dislikes for sex, or at the least, listen when your partner. (male of female.) says no or expresses discomfort. IT is not unsexy to say what you want, and it is not unsexy to wait for a yes. If it kills the mood to acknowledge each other’s desire, then I would be willing to say that those people are not ready to actually have sex. As for the safe word thing, since you seem to be pretty ignorant on consent talk, Is when Both parties find a partner saying ‘no’ or ‘stop’ to be sexy, and so both partners agree on a weird word to function as the ‘real’ stop word. Typically, safe words are things you would not normally say during sex. (Mashed potatoes, safe word, banana, soda can.. whatever words, so long as it is something that will not be said by either party, unless they want to stop/change directions.)

Another major problem here is how you describe what happens when you ‘stop’ sec because she DID say no. Why do you ignore her if she says she wants to stop? You do realize that ‘turning on the TV and ignoring her’ Is kind of a rude way to take a rejection. I mean, why are you having sex if you give her the cold shoulder as soon as she says no? (and believe me, that is what your doing.. the cold shoulder. your basically being one of those people who ignores you but doesn’t tell you what you did wrong.)

(trigger warning, theoretical rapey scenario below.)
Consider this scenario: you meet a real hot lady. like, ten out of ten, smoking hot. Not only that, but she is actually really compatible with you as far as you know.. she is into some of the same stuff as you, and does whatever it is you like your partners to do. You get to bed, and its really hot and awesome sex, right? then she pulls out the dildo, and starts trying to put it up your ass. You say “Stop that.” but she does it anyway, because SHE thinks that men LOVE sex, and your not a REAL man if you say no to sex. So you tell her to ‘stop’ again, probably in more stern way, so she suddenly rolls away from you, turns on the TV, and ignores you.
You see the problem here? Thats going to make you feel like shit, and hey, she IS hot, and you still probably wanna fuck her, but now she wont even look at you. maybe you wouldn’t ‘beg her to come back’ but I bet it would leave a sour taste in your mouth to stop cold right there. And yes, im implying she performed sexual assault there, by ignoring your consent back when you told her to stop, but its still a shitty thing of her to do when she completely ignores you.because you didn’t do it her way, right? flip the genders, and replace the dildo thing with whatever you do to make them say ‘stop’ or ‘no’ and you might understand how That is wrong.

All in all, I don’t expect you to understand any of what I typed above, and Im sure I made some mistakes, but hey, I tried to make you understand why people are saying your acting like a giant asshat.

11 years ago

We aren’t girls. We’re women. You know, those people whose agency scares you so badly that you deny it even exists.
There is no such thing as accidental rape, you odious road apple.

11 years ago

Sam-I-was, yep, you’re up to speed. Proffers popcorn.

11 years ago

Wow, a triple flounce with bonus “it was a social experiment all along”! That is impressive, really.

11 years ago

“Carlos”, you are trying to tell sexually active women what sexually active women are like and they are telling you that you are wrong. Other men are telling you that you are wrong. You know you are, too. You’re just a disingenuous shitspigot of a misogynist troll. Your claims are disregarded because they are patently false, ludicrous and totally self-serving for a rapist like yourself.

Fisto, Yes, we are all cats in a Dave suit. You’ve figured it out. Go pat yourself on the back with Carlos’s hand.

I knew the dog thing was bullshit. This guy couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it.

11 years ago

And along the way, you’ve littered your comments with little insults like “fat” and “broads” and “b–ches.”

I’ve figured out what he’s doing in Santo Domingo: He’s studying a broad!

Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week.

11 years ago

“It was all an experiment” is going next to “It was all a dream” and “Cuz magic” on my list of least liked, overused tropes.

11 years ago

“It was all an experiment” is going next to “It was all a dream” and “Cuz magic” on my list of least liked, overused tropes.

Where does “I’m actually a class of sociology students” go?

11 years ago

I’ll put that by “women always fall down when they try to run away”.

11 years ago

Well, this has been disgusting.

11 years ago

Santo Domingo?

This one thinks he’s oh so clever, doesn’t he?

11 years ago

Oh, come on, you can come up with a better sock than that, laddie. Could you be more obvious?

The hilarious nature of this site is the creator himself. He criticizes Fisto who resembles a real life Thor (have met and partied with him before) and who has mad game and this writer who is bashing him resembles Peter Jackson (pre-weight loss) and probably has never had sex unless he paid for it.

Haters unite! Here’s the facts dykes, feminists and man-haters: men like myself and Fisto enjoy consensual sex with sexy in-shape girls. This is the way it is. Leaving hundreds of comments will never change this fact, so get used to it and bury your sorrows in that tub of Ben and Jerry’s you have saved in your freezer for a ‘special occasion’.

Ally S
11 years ago

@Christian McQueen

The hilarious nature of this site is the creator himself. He criticizes Fisto who resembles a real life Thor (have met and partied with him before) and who has mad game and this writer who is bashing him resembles Peter Jackson (pre-weight loss) and probably has never had sex unless he paid for it.

Translation: But who cares? The author is ugly, fat and probably a virgin. He loses.

Haters unite! Here’s the facts dykes, feminists and man-haters: men like myself and Fisto enjoy consensual sex with sexy in-shape girls. This is the way it is. Leaving hundreds of comments will never change this fact, so get used to it and bury your sorrows in that tub of Ben and Jerry’s you have saved in your freezer for a ‘special occasion’.

Nice lesbophobia and fat-shaming there. Also, we really don’t care about your consensual sex life. Sorry.

(And don’t you dare talk shit about Ben & Jerry’s – that stuff is gold. Especially the Phish Food kind.)

11 years ago

That is the smelliest sock I’ve ever smelled.

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