Hey ladies! Better not read today’s post, as it’s only for ALPHA DUDES and would-be ALPHA DUDES. For while I was out looking for Man Boobz material I happened to run across some excellent and not-at-all ridiculous advice from a dude called FISTO on how ALPHA DUDES can use sex to totally control the ladies.
This advice is so totally ALPHA I feel I can only dispense it in small doses, so here are a few tips. Only after you have totally mastered these tips to totally master the ladies should you even consider reading the rest of the post I got them from. (Also, to be serious for a moment, it’s also fucked up and possibly triggery, so you may not even want to read my post.)
First of all, you need to know that
Women fall in love with you when you Make them feel special + Make them feel feminine …
When they love you, you have the power. …
You will become the man she desperately needs and is terrified of losing.
Ok, so how do you do this? Easy as pie!
Women release the hormone OXYTOCIN during sex, the more intimate and powerful the pleasure for her, the more you will own her ass.
And that means ORGASMS, baby!
The most common orgasm a woman has is the Clitoral Orgasm. Most people know you can stimulate her to climax with your hands or tongue or when fucking you can angle your body so it gets rubbed by your rock hard abs.
Wait, what?
you can angle your body so it gets rubbed by your rock hard abs.
You can angle your body to rub her clit with your abs.
Ok, I am just going to have to take his word for this. Granted, I don’t actually have rock-hard-abs, but I’m pretty sure that unless you are literally this dude
no part of your abs — not even your lower abs, down there between the six pack and the you-know-what — are going to be rocking her clit.
Anyhoo, if you want to make her feel especially feminine and special, you need to
do what a Lion does when it hears a wounded animal and go in for the kill.
And what that means is spitting. Lots of spitting. Possibly NONCONSENSUAL spitting.
Ladies love spitting!
Making her open her mouth and spitting in it, spitting on her face, baby smacking her face, her tits, really throwing down on her ass leaving big red handprints, making her tell you that’s your pussy, and on and on. That’s what bonds her to you, that’s the Greater Alpha Male Long Game.
Ok, you say, I’m totally down with this ALPHA stuff but do the ladies really like all of this spitting?
Well, that’s exactly what some dude asked in the comments to FISTO’s totally ALPHA post, and FISTO laid down some TRUTH on him:
You gotta amp up the intensity of the encounter, you have to escalate by kissing her and making her swallow big drips of saliva, then when you start fucking her tell her to open her mouth, she may say no. Tell her “DO IT”. She will whimper and then do it, and let it drip right in there. Then when you get going hard and the smacking ensues let her rip. It’s not for everyone, but you’ll likely be THE ONLY ONE that does it to her. And that’s leaving a mark.
Pressuring women into doing humiliating things after they say no … what could be more ALPHA than that?
… and I don’t really have any more jokes for today.
I can only hope that all of Fisto’s alleged sexual experience is made up, not just some of it.
I found Fisto and his Red Pill advice through the excellent Blue Pill subreddit. It was also posted in r/sex, where it was, thankfully, downvoted and ridiculed.
NOTE: Added a trigger warning of sorts.
Almost forgot.
Aaaannnd we have another FAILED flounce!
auggziliary : I’m not making claims about any specific situation, that would be silly. Each situation is to be judge on it’s own.
Shayla: so even taking sex away is “manipulating” women. Now I’m making them chase me and that’s also wrong… you’re portraying women as completely helpless creatures that are continuously being manipulated and victims, I don’t think you give your gender enough credit, especially on a feminist blog
Really? Now we’re just resorting to calling people fat? Come on.
Your glaring error here is thinking the default meaning for no is ye, when you say ‘if the person is really conveying “no” ‘. It makes me think of the whole ‘legitimate rape’ think with Todd Akin.
Your positive message for men is to try to dominate women. That’s just toxic. If you’re a kinkster, and they are, and you both agree to those roles, go crazy. But your Greater Alpha doesn’t worry about that, he leaves a “path of destruction”. Contrary to your belief, women as a whole are not out to control men through sex. If anything, this whole concept that ‘You must be fucking as many women as possible to be an Alpha Male ™’ seems to be a bit counterproductive.
You have so much generalization in your article. The true nature of women? Bullshit. I know plenty of women, and have actually had sex with a few, who were not asking me to dominate them. When you put in your article that certain things must be taken as fact, don’t try to argue, I won’t listen, you’re setting yourself up for failure there. For one, you have no legitimate proof, other than your dogma. Two, that reads as “I’ve gotten that argument before, but I choose to ignore it”. And three, well, just saying over and over how women are inferior, or children, whatever, that definitely falls under misogyny. Plus you double down and say most men are just as inferior.
There is nothing positive about saying that most of the human race is inferior to your model of greatness.
Your arrogance is astounding, and congratulations, I’ve definitely taken the troll bait on this one.
“Why is this so hard for you to accept women behave like this Shayla? ”
Because I sleep with women too my friend, and I’ve never witnessed this behavior that is supposedly so common since I take women’s objections seriously and not as obstacles to sex. And in situations where someone was uncomfortable, sex happened 0% of the time compared to your 95%. I challenge you to match my high score.
Probably because poor Fisto is a bit dim. Trust fund frat boy can’t even tell the difference between buying overpriced drinks for a bar girl and paying for sex.
Face it Fisty, unless the women you deal with are at a considerable socioeconomic disadvantage, you really haven’t got any sort of game.
Yeah, I’m thinking Carlos and Fisto are 11km away from each other.
Lol! So you have no actual evidence and are just talking out your ass!
I mean, I knew it, but it’s just nice to have the confirmation.
Yeah, Fisto, tell us again how all those desperately impoverished Thai sex workers just loooooved you.
so even taking sex away is “manipulating” women. Now I’m making them chase me and that’s also wrong… you’re portraying women as completely helpless creatures that are continuously being manipulated and victims, I don’t think you give your gender enough credit, especially on a feminist blog
Your disingenuousness is leaving cartoon stink-lines.
jojo, let me hold your hand like a little girl and walk you across the street so you understand, this whole comments section is the laughing stock of RVF right now.
This has been fun.
No I don’t have a dog that was killed by a female driver.
No I don’t give one flying fuck what you clowns think is rape or not rape or good or bad or whatever.
Yes I do think most of these comments are Dave’s multiple accounts.
Yes this hamstering will be the subject of a future blog post.
No I don’t think anyone on this board was raped.
Especially the ones that claim it happened to them multiple times.
Carlos isn’t me. I wouldn’t go to the trouble.
That’s what I thought . And uh NO SIR. Your personal experience is not enough to come to the conclusion “most women” do this and state it as a fact. I mean really you’re embarrassing your self .
I knew the dog was a lie…
Blockquote monster is hungry. That first part is Carlos’s bullshit.
Speaking of socioeconomic status, this is interesting.
Especially this bit:
“Shayla: so even taking sex away is “manipulating” women.”
No Carlos, read closer instead of reading what you want to read. It’s not taking sex away. It’s freezing out, ignoring, playing the silent treatment until the other party comes back. Again, have an adult conversation. If the other party refuses to be an adult, split. Also notice that I’ve been staying gender-neutral except when quoting you, so my opinion applies to men being pressured by anyone as well as women being pressured by anyone. But good try.
So fuck off for good, Fisto.
Every single one of my little boys (3 of them)plus a grandson held my hand crossing streets and parking lots .Holding the hands for safety reasons is not something only little “girls need.”
Not that Jojo is a little child but still your sexism is showing .
Shayla I think we can agree that woman to woman interaction is different from a woman to man and hetero sexual interactions will not be the same as homo sexual interactions. If there were no differences between the sexes then there would not have been need for this conversation or this blog even (wait, the last one still holds) 😉
Yes, I have no game. Let’s discuss this over a cocktail.
Remember girls – if you’re attacked, your best bet is to wave your hips at the assailant like a wasp scaring off a mountain lion.
What a fucking bizarre world these misogynists live in.
Carlos/Fisto doesn’t think anyone here has been raped. That’s fine, no one here thinks you’ve had sex with hundreds of women (at least, definitely not counting abused sex slaves in third-world nations), no one here thinks you practice muay thai, no one here thinks you’ve been sliced, and no one here thinks you’re a man.
But I bet your fedora collection is the envy of your My Little Pony Porn club.
“I have oats and apples for Argenti’s unicorns.”
I have apples from Falconer already, but my herd of now eight unicorns and four horses appreciate the addition of oats. I’m also stocked on carrots from Shaun and hay and sugar cubes from Rahu.
Has anyone e-mailed David about banning these a-holes?
Question for Fisto and Carlos!!!
Would you rather accidentally rape someone or miss a chance to have sex?
As if anyone needs or cares if you believe them .
The principles of consent don’t change, dipshit. So no, we can’t agree.