off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: January 2014 Pretty Cats Make Hats Edition

Pretty Cats Make Hats
Pretty Cats Make Hats

As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.

No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

That sounds interesting and like it could be done in a calorically reasonable manner. Do you have any idea about amounts?

11 years ago

Augzz, that ought to freeze up to a nice Fudgsicle texture, I should think.

11 years ago

So sorry I haven’t read this whole thread, but to everybody who needs them and wants them lots of hugs.

I saw your post though @Auggziliary just wanted to say I have OCD and PTSD (with weird visual/auditory disturbances). If you want to talk I’m sure David won’t mind passing on my email.

My OCD isn’t the germphobe type either. I have mental obsessions and some physical compulsions, I do things in multiples of 15 amongst other stupid bloody things! The OCD gets pretty severe sometimes, think ‘The Aviator’ with the benefit of modern mental health knowledge, an obsessive fear of flying and no milk bottles! (Okay, nothing like ‘The Aviator’.)

Hope that helps. 🙂

Also, on the women and mental health project, have you read about Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochran)?

She wrote this book:

Very interesting lady, she also went around the world in 72 days.

11 years ago

Poo, forgot it would display the cover! Well, at least it’s a book by an awesome lady. 🙂

11 years ago

In the fridge it would be a puddingy texture. Firm it up with a little gelatin if you want it more cheesecakey.

11 years ago

Sorry, just testing new youtube app linkage.

11 years ago

I just read this really interesting article about sexism in marketing – specifically in geek culture.

The author does a really good explanation of how it got how it is, and has hope for the future.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Auggz — you should check, but I think kosher gelatin is animal free.

And I just got off the phone with my lawyer. SSI denied me. We’re probably appealing, she has the show my file to the head honcho and will let me know. Hasn’t really sunk in yet.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You have my email right? Email me a reminder to get you my grandmother’s veggie pasta, it’s microwaved, there is cream in it though, so idk if you could make it vegan.

11 years ago

Oh look at this fun stuff that just showed up in my facebook feed

Ally S
11 years ago


[Content note: sexual abuse]

The man who sexually abused me was someone I considered somewhat attractive and even charismatic. But I don’t ever recall saying “Sure he’s making me feel like less of a human being, but at least he’s good-looking!” Every time he was around I felt like my life was in danger.

11 years ago

What a load of BS. Women consider men who send them dickpics “free spirits” as long as they are good looking? No, “free spirit” is the last thing on my mind if *anyone* sends out-of-the-blue dickpics to women. And looking over the rest of that Mandatory site, I can tell they don’t judge women at all by their looks. Nope, no double standard there. None at all.

11 years ago

sorry! HTML bah!


11 years ago

Ugh. Also I’m pretty sure the measure of whether you’re being roofied is whether the drink contains, you know, a roofie.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Auggz — use the contact form at the Borg then, my nym links there.

11 years ago

@Argenti, hugs if you want them and a manta ray video (I loved petting them at the sea life centre.)

@Kim, that link, so much wrong.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ooooh, rays! Thanks Ophelia! (In dream land I want a huge stingray tank, freshwater, touch tank style, smack in the middle of the room, fuck a coffee table!)

11 years ago

Man Boobz comumilty, forgive me as this is definitely a drunk post but I need to put this out or I’m going to lose my mind.

Spouses uncle is dying. His family has been so welcoming compared to my family, no conditions, no judgement for my life up to this point and it’s hitting me hard.

Uncle was a pipe fitter in the navy and has cancer thanks to it. He did everything “right”, never smoked, barely dranked, lived a “clean” life but he’s still being ravaged by a cancer that hits people who live fast and die young. He is no longer receiving treatment to stop it, he is on hospice.

Got a phone call from him tonight that he is leaving everything to spouse and I as we have kids and can definitely use the money.

I don’t want/need the money but there is a part of me that can definitely see how the money will help our life. But I don’t want the money for pity. Does this make me a bad person for thinking ahead to what I could do with the money?

Uncle had no significant other to leave the money to. The selfish part of me wants to point out that so many have deserted him so maybe I should have something for my efforts. But am i an ass for even thinking that?

Honestly I’m torn between looking for the posts that are “you go girl” and the posts that well…aren’t.. I don’t do death, I’ve alway been more of a person who pats the back of someone then someone who sympathizes.

I’m faced with a family that well and truly cares about each other and I’ve never had that happen so I’m out of my league. Honestly I’m after people telling me that I’m not a terrible person for looking at the future.

But as I mentioned this is definitely a drunk post so I might go back to the regular snark tomorrow 🙂

11 years ago

Argenti, sorry about SSI. Hope the appeal works.

Sam-I-Was, I think you’re definitely not a terrible person, FWIW.

11 years ago

Sam-I-Was, you’re not a terrible person.

Argenti: sorry about SSI. They denied my mother three times so those people can piss up a rope as far as I’m concerned.

And in fun news, the mister and I are going to Seattle next weekend to watch the Super Bowl with our friends and witness the city freak out.

11 years ago

Sam-I-Was, I don’t know how anyone could be considered a terrible person for looking out for his family’s future. I’m sorry you are losing someone who means so much to you, but it sounds like he cares a lot about you and your family and would want to see you put his money to good use.

Also this is a 100% acceptable time (and location) to be drunk.

Ally S
11 years ago

Echoing everyone else here, Sam-I-Was. And really, being drunk’s no big deal. It’s not like you were obnoxious or disruptive (in fact, I wouldn’t have even known you were drunk if you didn’t say so). And besides, you’re definitely not the only person who posts while under the influence – I do that all the time here myself. =P

And sorry about SSI, Argenti. :{ No one deserves that bullshit.

11 years ago

Honestly, I’m taking advantage of the fact I don’t have to be up early tomorrow to be a little bit drunk myself.

Ally S
11 years ago

I wish I could get drunk, too, but I am horrible at acting sober while drunk, and I have no idea what to drink anyway.

Also, even though I got plenty of sleep last night, I’ve been feeling completely out of energy today. Everyone in this house has been dismissive and rude towards me for no apparent reason – even my older brother. Today he just blurted out “95% of your problems are completely self-inflicted and whiny.” It’s like he has no awareness of what I’m going through, and it hurts because he didn’t used to be like this.

11 years ago

Sam-I-Was, echoing the sympathy and comments here, especially katz’s. Your spouse’s uncle obviously cares for your family, it’s obvious you care for him, and it’s his choice who to leave his money to. Feeling conflicted or even guilty about that sort of thing is entirely normal.

Argenti, I’m so sorry Super Ass Psych & co. got your SSI denied. Here’s hoping the appeal works.

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