off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: January 2014 Pretty Cats Make Hats Edition

Pretty Cats Make Hats
Pretty Cats Make Hats

As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.

No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

Right sorry. “Vektor doesn’t play by anybodies rules, and the result is like something from an absurd, dark flash gordon serial”.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’ve never once had issues with fish, even been told/asked how much harm could they cause? (Uh, ok, this was when I just had a 10g, but having been given a free pass…a 55g and 29g? Well, what do you think 100~ gallons of water can do to a floor?)

Cats…either no go, or monthly fee. And the later place was lax, the neighbor had a cute little dog that at least the maintance guy must’ve seen, but didn’t care (he was cool like that though — here to check the pipes, not to mention that you clearly put the bong away to let him in)

Luck of the draw I guess. I’ve never had issue, but my pets have always been in tanks (I’ve had the fish, of course, but a frog at one point [miss that little one…], a newt [she turned me into a newt!] and hermit crabs [who can totally escape! and the newt did…never found it :'( ])

11 years ago

[she turned me into a newt!]

But you got better.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, cute story! I had a solo hermit crab here at one point (it was my first, once I knew they needed friends I got more), well, it kept getting out, usually to be found crawling along the table the tank was on, but this one time it was just NOWHERE to be found. I mean, we scoured the table, under it, the couches nearby, under them, worked out wards to the point of “no way it got up the stairs, or into the basement since last seen, I think it may really be gone”…I was like 12, and started looking near the tank again, hoping it’d come back for food, when I see a nearby plant moving. Damn crab had buried itself in the potting soil! (Probably to molt, I also didn’t yet know that they bury themselves to do that)

Moral of the story — if you have an escapee hermit crab, be sure to check the plants!

11 years ago

@Ally S I’ve played Ao Oni and I loved it. 😀 Pixely 2D horror games are my favorites (especially because I can actually work the controls, oops).

@BreakfastMan Ooooh. :O I might have to wait a bit to check those out, as I still need to find a job on campus and my savings are running a bit low, but I am definitely interested…

11 years ago


In Hawaii, it can be super tough to find a pet friendly rental. Largely due to the fact that many military renters will abandon cats when they return to the mainland. Lots of strays here. And wild chickens, for what it’s worth.


Good to formally meet ya! For now, I will stick to AIT here. The gender neutral pronouns can be tough to remember sometimes, but I will try if I refer to you. I generally stick to they/them, which works well enough in the singular too. I am active duty now, so I can provide at least one more military viewpoint. I will preface that, unless I say so, anything I say is most likely my opinion, not that of my branch of service.


Awesome! I will have to look at that more later, a story about folks in the Red Army sounds real interesting. A formal situation, they would likely include first names.

Also, I immediately thought Red Ribbon Army when I first read that. Too much DBZ abridged.

11 years ago

My family seems to have been adopted by a cat. He showed up about a month ago and hasn’t left. I’ve been calling him Garage Cat because that’s where he’s been living since he won’t actually come into the house but I think his name has been firmly established now as Buddy. He’s a big male Maine Coon and he’s slowly starting to trust us enough to tolerate a few ear scratches but that’s it.

11 years ago

Yay for Maine Coons. They are the most fluffiest.

11 years ago

Hope he settles in, Noadi!

I’d love to have a Maine Coon, but it wouldn’t be doing them any favours living in this heat. 🙁

11 years ago

He’s incredibly fluffy. If he was another breed I’d be a little more worried about him staying in the unheated garage but he’s quite comfy out there, especially with the blanket lined box we set up for him. Hopefully he’ll be friendly enough soon that we can get him into the carrier for a trip to the vet, he needs to get checked out and neutered.

11 years ago

Right sorry. “Vektor doesn’t play by anybodies rules, and the result is like something from an absurd, dark flash gordon serial”.

That is such a better description. 🙂

11 years ago

The tales of American landlords make me super glad that renting through real-estate agents is the common thing here, not dealing with a landlord directly. Living in the same building as your landlord… i can’t even… real estate agents are too busy and/or slack to get up in your business most of the time.

Also… gender neutral alternative to landlord?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Noadi — my aunt and uncle in upstate New York have a garage cat, a barn cat that wandered over and decided to stay, not a maine coon, and the garage may be heated (he used it as a workshop for yeeaaaars) but kitty is fine with this arrangement, never bothers the other cats but never tries to come in either. Not real fond of people, though I’ve managed a few ear scratches. Point here is that a maine coon in a blanketed box should be fine.

If you’re really worried about the temp, any decent pet store that carries reptile stuff will have plug in heaters, though idk if they’re save to use on anything besides glass (stick it inside an upside baking pan?) they’re cheap, I think the one on the 2.5g was like $5 or something.

AIT — they/them for you, or what you usually use for folks when you don’t know their gender? And if you don’t mind me asking, what sort of military? Both my grandfathers were in WWII, and I have a cousin who was stationed in Germany when the wall fell (and may or may not have bought pieces back), and am ever the curious sort. Feel free not to answer of course, I don’t mean to pry.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kim — lessor, and the renter is the lessee

11 years ago

Kim – it’s such pot luck with landlords and agents. In our last place we rented direct from complete DIY idiots, and the only good things about that were cheap rent (for the area) and them not caring how many cats we had. Where we are now, we go through an agent, and they’re pains. Six monthly inspections where they say things like “that windowsill’s dusty” and don’t actually pass on any of the mantenance issues to our landlords – who are lovely people who want us there ‘cos they know we’re very good tenants. We’ve decided to talk to each other direct ‘cos the agents are ninnies.

Ally S
11 years ago

Hey, what to folks think about this message I’m planning to post on Facebook when I come out? I’ve already received some feedback on it, but I’d like hearing what you folks have to say. It helps to hear a variety of opinions.

11 years ago

@Kim: Yeah, it is. I really need to remember not to use “garbage words” to describe things. It really forces one to think about what to say and just write better in general. XD

11 years ago

Breakfastman: And suddenly I’m interested in listening to Vektor!

Robert Ramirez
11 years ago

Ally, it is really hard to like give any form of criticism to your message but if anything I really do believe that you should just pour your heart out and explain and describe who you are and what you have been through in life, really try to make people understand.

But maybe that isn’t you and you just want to be succinct and get it over with. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you and I wish you the best.

11 years ago

Ally: I think that sounds good. It’s very honest and simple. Can’t wait until you come down so you can post it!

11 years ago


Oh, for me, he/his is fine, cys male. I meant more I stick to they when referrimg to others. I am Air Force, and also had a grandfather who served in WWII. He earned himself a Silver Star flying on one of the bombers, actually. It‘s my second favorite story about him, second to him losing rank to keep his subordinates out of harm’s way.


I agree with katz, I would only think that you really have no need to apologize for them not being able to handle it, if they cannot. Either way, I am sure you will have no shortage of support here. I truly hope all goes well, you deserve to openly be who you are.

Random tidbit, my tablet wants to finish katz as Katzenberg.

11 years ago

Ally, I think it’s really good. ::hugs::

11 years ago


In fairness, he had no choice about sending that email.


11 years ago

Went to oncologist on Monday. Markers all clear, scans are good too. That’s 3.5 years from diagnosis. I’m not out of the woods yet but the trees are getting further apart. Now I just need to work on getting fit.

11 years ago

Ally, the message is great, but I’m gonna repeat the Feministe comments: you have no reason to apologise.


If you reject me for who I am and abhor this news, that is up to you and I apologize.

Why are you apologising for their (possible) feelings? You’ve done them no wrong. You’re telling them the truth about yourself. It’s not an attack on them in any way.

I really, seriously think you should drop the apology – or like was said on Feministe, give a notpology (“I’m sorry you feel that way” is more than enough)! Any apology immediately puts you in the wrong here, as if there is something you should be sorry for doing. There isn’t.

Please, don’t give ammunition to anyone who wants to guilt-trip you or air their prejudices or whatever.

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