As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.
No trolls, no arguments.
As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.
No trolls, no arguments.
Ally — glad you’re safe, my mother was all “good for her!” when I told her you’d safely made it away from your father. And as for the cops, just remember that you’re an adult and they legally can’t tell him anything besides that you’re not in danger.
(Also, check your email, you have a care package offer from me)
Thank goodness for that!
I do hope the police make it clear they’re not going to try tracing you. Did your brother say they’re looking at this as a missing person case, or “Bad luck dad, your adult offspring has left, stop wasting our time.”
Pity your brother couldn’t slip a word in their ear about “Everyone in this family leaves because our father is an abuser … bye now.”
I hope my little sisters are doing okay. :{
Apparently this is what the police said (according to my brother):
::pumps fist in air::
Ally, so glad you’re safe and sound with Katz!
Today is the day I come out to the rest of my family (or at least my dad). I will also come out to various people I know on Facebook. I’m not ready to face the possibility of mass rejection, but I have to deal with it sooner or later.
I’m so scared, guys. I know I need to do it but I’m terrified by the thought of hearing my dad’s disdain over the phone when I say I’m trans.
Ally S, anyone who rejects you isn’t worth knowing. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
I’ll be thinking of you today, Ally. You’ve already taken the biggest step when you got out of there.
Ally, there’s a Dr. Suess quote for this — Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
In nicer news, Tawny is now sitting on my lap and hanging out here on Man Boobz with me. She says hi! :3
You don’t have to come out to a ton of people in one fell swoop, since your family is going to be such a huge step in itself. Maybe you could start with a few people you are most comfortable with?
I have to say I have a very huge amount of respect for you, you are ridiculously articulate and mature for your age and all around pretty amazing. I got think some, if not most, of your friends on Facebook see that too and will be supportive.
LOL she just sat on my laptop and watched the mouse go around on the screen. And then she tried to attack it.
Love that quote. Easier said than put into practice though, as so many things in this world are.
Best wishes Ally.
Very nice quote to hear. Thanks Argenti :>
leftwingfox — yeah I know, but when it’s a matter of pissing off someone you no longer have to deal with by telling them who you are? If they mind, they don’t matter.
Ally — yeah I love that one. I find it a good policy with regards to my mental illness(es) — if that’s a problem, I haven’t the time.
I’ve scheduled a Skype call with my dad around 3 PM my time…
Ugh, that’s creepy 🙁
Well, that’s good news.
Good luck, + hugs from me, if you want them.
Good luck (again).
Thinking of you, Ally!
Ally, just remember that he can’t get to you physically, so if he’s getting to you emotionally you have the room to call him an asshole if you feel so inclined. Or to scream at him (within limits imposed by Katz, don’t wanna deafen her!) He can’t stop you from speaking your mind anymore.
Also, if possible, I’d do the call in, say, the bathroom or somewhere else where it’d be easy not to show anything outside the apt. It was part of my stalker ex avoidance strategy — never post pics that could give away my location. We were both in Pittsburgh though, and your father doesn’t know what city you’re in (I think he doesn’t?) so it might be safe.
Also, remember that you can hang up. You don’t have to stay in the chat until he’s done, you can end it when you’re done (obvious, I know, but easy to forget when on the defensive)
Auggz — lay off the shrooms.
Ally — there are also kitties there, hug a kitty for me. (And for you, since kitties are comforting)
Fractals are always on topic as far as I’m concerned.
Ally, big hugs from me. I’ll be thinking of you at 3 today.
His opinion’s worth jack shit. Do you think less of other people because he disdains them? No. Fuck him. You know he’s going to use any excuse to be foul, because he’s an abuser. He’s an oxygen thief, and mere dogshit under your shoe.
Why speak to him at all? Why give him that privilege? Let the scumbag find out via Facebook.