off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: January 2014 Pretty Cats Make Hats Edition

Pretty Cats Make Hats
Pretty Cats Make Hats

As requested, an open thread. I’ll try to get these up more often in the future. This one will be overseen by Morrissey with a cat on his head.

No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

Can you get out today, Ally, if I’m not reading this too many hours after you wrote? Can katz come and get you while he’s at the library?

Ally S
11 years ago

Technically I can get out today (she’ll be close to the meeting place sometime this evening), but I’d rather not for various reasons. Besides, if my dad meets up with me, he will most likely ask me to come back with him in the car, which would be around like 5 PM. Fortunately I have a lot of time because I told I’m taking a 2-hour exam around 2 PM, and it’s 11 AM right now, but unfortunately a lot of things seem to be out of my control.

As for katz getting me while I’m at the library, that’s not possible. The time I will be asked to come to the library will be way before she’s close by. I might decide to leave the house later tonight, though, assuming that I come back from school.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hey Ally, my grandfather stole a damned waist high rhino horn this way, and if it can work for that…he put it by the backdoor and then went back to his table and acted all normal, went back a while later and put it outside the backdoor, took it home when he left. In your case I’m thinking you could, depending the house configuration and what’s in the bag, toss it out the window, if push comes to shove.

Auggz — if she uses gmail it’s quite easy to set up a folder and filter his emails directly to it while marking them as read. Log created, emails never even seen.

Eli — more like “I want breakfast but don’t want to go alone, I’ll just stay in if you won’t go with me”…so yeah, blackmail. We had a good laugh about it, I steeled my nerves for people (this was pre-anti-anxiety meds) and got my damned breakfast to go. Good too, I recommend the chicken pesto panini thing to anyone with an Einstein’s nearby. I miss that damned sandwich!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ally, your other option is to be a ninja once he goes to bed. Oh and I gave my mother the bare bones of your situation, she wishes you luck with getting out of there and thinks the planning you’ve put into this is very mature of you.

Ally S
11 years ago

In your case I’m thinking you could, depending the house configuration and what’s in the bag, toss it out the window, if push comes to shove.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I’m afraid my backpack has a delicate laptop in it. X_X So that’s a no-no for me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That would indeed be a problem! He home yet? Can you sneak it outside before he gets home?

Ally S
11 years ago

I’m on campus right now, sitting in a secret spot (to him, at least) that has Wi-Fi. My dad hasn’t told me when he’s coming, although apparently he will meet me after the “test” I said I’m taking today, which will be around 5 PM.

11 years ago

Ally, please keep us posted. I’m worried about you.

Auggziliary, thanks for updating us about your friend too.

Ally S
11 years ago

I’m okay right now. I’ve calmed down considerably. Apparently working on a Java program while listening to post-grunge is a remedy for severe anxiety. I’m weird like that.

Anyway, my dad has apparently sent me two texts asking me to get some books. I’ll come back home without the books and say that I must have missed his messages because [reasonable excuse]. He hasn’t called yet to tell me to meet him at the library, and so things are going smoothly so far.

Ally S
11 years ago

Shit, he just called me. X_X Not answering!

11 years ago

Thanks for the update Ally. I’ve been worried about you all afternoon. I’m glad to hear you’re okay.

Auggz, it’s good to hear your roommate’s parents are taking this seriously. That will make things a bit easier for her if her ex persists.

11 years ago

Arggh, Ally, fingers crossed for you.

Ally S
11 years ago

Should I just tell my dad I canceled my classes due to stress? That way the risk of him taking me to the library tomorrow will be reduced, even if he gets very upset at me.

11 years ago

When are you leaving? I wouldn’t tell him until you absolutely have to. I’d wait until the last second.

11 years ago

Oh Ally, I’ve been so worried about you. Should you risk upsetting him? Can you invent a professor you have to see during early office hours?

Why is he so obsessed with these books?

Ally S
11 years ago

I finally answered the phone and had a long talk with him. He was very upset at me (understandably, given that he knows nothing about my circumstances), but I told him that I’ll get it tomorrow for sure. That’s when I’ll tell him my courses have been dropped. If he decides to go with me to UCSC, then I’ll just tell him beforehand that I’ve dropped my courses.

Also, katz just arrived at the city she is going to meet me at, and we’re leaving tomorrow morning should things go smoothly.

11 years ago

Run, Ally, run! I’m rooting for you!

11 years ago

Yay for Katz being nearby! Are you planning to leave with Katz and then tell him by phone? I’m worried he might prevent you from leaving.

11 years ago

Things will go smoothly. I wish I had better advice. I’m just crossing my fingers and toes and wishing all the best for you.

11 years ago

Ally, can you get to where katz is today/tonight? Avoid that talk with your father altogether? I’m worried he’ll flip his shit so badly you won’t be able to get away.

11 years ago

*wants to send a care package to Ally ico katz, if that’s possible*

11 years ago

I’m so tense worrying about Ally, I needed a little brain bleach. Here’s two guys rescuing two abandoned doggies.

Ally S
11 years ago


Ally, can you get to where katz is today/tonight? Avoid that talk with your father altogether? I’m worried he’ll flip his shit so badly you won’t be able to get away.

I’m already at home, so I’m afraid I can’t go back, and even if I can it’s going to be even more difficult and troublesome. But even if he does flip his shit at me, I’ll always have some way to get out of here. Sure it’ll be much harder to leave if he knows that I’m not going to school, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be impossible to do so.


*wants to send a care package to Ally ico katz, if that’s possible*

Of course you have to ask katz to be sure, but I don’t think she would mind you sending something over to her place.


I understand why you’re worried, but one thing that might make you feel better is that I’m handling this situation with a lot more fortitude and calmness than I could ever imagine. I’m able to function and think through problems without panicking.

11 years ago

Do you like tea, Ally? We can send you some herbal stuff, plus maybe some zines or comics or something. Do you like one-inch buttons?

11 years ago

I understand why you’re worried, but one thing that might make you feel better is that I’m handling this situation with a lot more fortitude and calmness than I could ever imagine. I’m able to function and think through problems without panicking.

Bloody glad to hear that.

Is your brother home? Does he know you’re leaving?

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